Letter of Recommendation Form

Applicant's Name (Last, First):

Current Undergraduate Institution:



The person named above is applying for the NSF REU Summer Research Program Integrating Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems at UCB. In the space provided at the end of this form, please enter your evaluation of the applicant's intellectual ability, aptitude to conduct research, capacity for analytical thinking, or professional skill. Please comment on the applicant's character, the quality of previous work, and the promise of productive scholarship. If applicable, include any known obstacles the applicant may have had to overcome to attain her or his educational goals.

Please return this form as an attachment by February 1, 2020 via e-mail to ucb.rec.letters@berkeley.edu . PLEASE INSERT THE NAME OF THE APPLICANT IN THE SUBJECT LINE OF YOUR EMAIL. Thank you for assisting us in the evaluation process.

How long have you known the applicant?

In what capacity?

Please indicate your overall endorsement of the applicant by marking a box below:

Highly Recommend___ Recommend___ Recommend with Reservation ___

Do not Recommend___ Inadequate Opportunity to Observe___

Please Provide your Contact Information:

Recommender’s Name:




Office Phone:

Please enter narrative evaluation here:


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