Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 • Tel.: 0786 709 709

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709












Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709

Some of the products contain allergens. Before placing your order, please refer to the following list of SUBSTANCES OR PRODUCTS CAUSING ALLERGIES OR INTOLERANCES

1. Cereals containing gluten, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut or their hybridised strains, and products thereof, except:

(a) wheat based glucose syrups including dextrose (1); (b) wheat based maltodextrins (1); (c) glucose syrups based on barley; (d) cereals used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin; 2. Crustaceans and products thereof; 3. Eggs and products thereof; 4. Fish and products thereof, except: (a) fish gelatine used as carrier for vitamin or carotenoid preparations; (b) fish gelatine or Isinglass used as fining agent in beer and wine; 5. Peanuts and products thereof; 6. Soybeans and products thereof, except: (a) fully refined soybean oil and fat (1); (b) natural mixed tocopherols (E306), natural D-alpha tocopherol, natural D-alpha tocopherol

acetate, and natural D-alpha tocopherol succinate from soybean sources; (c) vegetable oils derived phytosterols and phytosterol esters from soybean sources; (d) plant stanol ester produced from vegetable oil sterols from soybean sources; 7. Milk and products thereof (including lactose), except: (a) whey used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin; (b) lactitol; 8. Nuts, namely: almonds (Amygdalus communis L.), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana), walnuts (Juglans regia), cashews (Anacardium occidentale), pecan nuts (Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch), Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa), pistachio nuts (Pistacia vera), macadamia or Queensland nuts (Macadamia ternifolia), and products thereof, except for nuts used for making alcoholic distillates including ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin; 9. Celery and products thereof; 10. Mustard and products thereof; 11. Sesame seeds and products thereof; 12. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites at concentrations of more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/litre in terms of the total SO2which are to be calculated for products as proposed ready for consumption or as reconstituted according to the instructions of the manufacturers; 13. Lupin and products thereof; 14. Molluscs and products thereof.

(1) And the products thereof, in so far as the process that they have undergone is not likely to increase the level of allergenicity assessed by the Authority for the relevant product from which they originated. REGULATION (EU) No 1169/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2011

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709



mozzarella ciliegine, cherry tomatoes, pesto, basil

Bruschetta pomodoro

ciabatta, tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, basil

Bruschetta with tuna

ciabatta, tuna, egg, red onion, capers

Bruschetta with avocado and cherry tomatoes

ciabatta, avocado, onion, cherry tomatoes, olive oil,

Bruschetta formaggi

ciabatta, gorgonzola, brie, parmesan, cream, chivas

Bruschetta with prosciutto crudo

ciabatta, prosciuto crudo, parmesan, cheese cream

Bruschetta mixed platter

2 ciabatta pomodoro, 2 ciabatta formaggi, 2 ciabatta avocado

Bruschetta with salmon gravlax

ciabatta, salmon, cheese cream, parsley, dill, basil, pollen, red beet

180 g 17,00 lei 180 g 13,00 lei 180 g 15,00 lei 180 g 15,00 lei 180 g 16,00 lei 180 g 17,00 lei 250 g 21,00 lei 180 g 17,00 lei

Boletus sote

Boletus, butter, spices

Panko prawns

prawns, sweet & sour sauce, panko

Italian platter

mix of Italian salami, prosciuto, arugula, cherry tomatoes, parmesan, mozzarella ciliegine olives

160 g 19,00 lei 200 g 38,00 lei 300 g 43,00 lei

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709


Creamy Mushroom soup

300 g 15,00 lei

mushrooms, liquid cream, spices, croutons

Creamy Tomato soup

300 g 15,00 lei

tomatoes, potato, pepper, parmesan, garlic, onion, spices, croutons

Creamy Gorgonzola soup with walnuts

300 g 17,00 lei

gorgonzola, potatoes, sour cream, walnuts, spices, croutons

Creamy Potato soup with truffle infusion

300 g 15,00 lei

potato, liquid cream, truffles, spices, croutons

Creamy Boletus soup

300 g 17,00 lei

Boletus, liquid cream, butter, parsley, olive oil, garlic,

onion, spices, croutons


Arugula Salad

200 g 19,00 lei

arugula, cherry tomatoes, parmesan, dressing

Caesar Salad

350 g 25,00 lei

mix lettuce, chicken breast, parmesan, croutons, dressing

Fruity Chicken Salad

350 g 25,00 lei

mix lettuce, chicken breast, apple, figs, orange, grapefruit, gorgonzola

Seafood Salad

350 g 39,00 lei

mix lettuce, seafood, capers, Kalamata olives, dressing

Greek Salad

350 g 25,00 lei

mix lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, olives, bell pepper, Feta cheese, dressing

Duck salad with goat cheese

350 g 39,00 lei

mix lettuce, ham duck, goat cheese, walnuts, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, dressing

Salmon Salad with avocado

350 g 39,00 lei

mix lettuce, salmon, avocado, apple, croutons, dressing

Mixed salad with tomatoes and cucumbers

150 g 8,00 lei


150 g 8,00 lei

Cherry tomatoes Salad

150 g 12,00 lei

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709


Pizza Salami with truffles

600 g 27,00 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, spianata, prosciutto cotto, mushrooms, onion, truffles

Prosciutto crudo

600 g 28,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, parmesan, cherry tomatoes, arugula


tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil

480 g 21,90 lei


600 g 24,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, bacon, chorizo, prosciutto cotto, Ventricina salami

Petto di pollo

600 g 23,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, chicken breast, red pepper, Feta cheese, olives

BoRD13 (spicy)

620 g 25,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, Ventricina salami, Gorgonzola, carciofi (artichoke)


580 g 23,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, bacon, egg

Funghi e porcini

tomato sauce, mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, boletus

580 g 26,90 lei

Quatro stagioni

600 g 24,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, Ventricina salami, mushrooms, olives

Quatro formagi

560 g 25,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, Gorgonzola, Emmentaler, parmesan

Tonno e cipolla

tomato sauce, mozzarella, tuna, red onion

580 g 24,90 lei

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709



580 g 21,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, corn, mushrooms, red pepper, olives


580 g 23,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, mushrooms, olives


tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, pineapple

580 g 23,90 lei

Prosciutto e funghi

tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto, mushrooms

580 g 23,90 lei

Vezuvio picante

580 g 24,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, Ventricina salami, Gorgonzola, chilli pepper

Pizza Primavera

580 g 24,90 lei

tomato sauce, mozzarella, spianata, spicy salami, cherry tomatoes, arugula

Pizza Prosciutto

tomato sauce, mozzarella, prosciutto cotto

550 g 22,90 lei

Focaccia with olive oil / garlic Focaccia with parmesan Sweet sauce / Chilli sauce / Greek sauce

260 g 280 g

50 g

8,00 lei 10,00 lei

3,00 lei


Bacon Cabanos Mushrooms Prosciutto crudo Chicken breast Vetricina Salami Prosciutto cotto

3,00 lei 3,00 lei 3,00 lei 10,00 lei 3,00 lei 4,00 lei 4,00 lei

Gorgonzola Olives Tuna Mozzarella Parmesan (20 g) Corn Pineapple

50 g

5,00 lei 3,00 lei 4,00 lei 3,00 lei 5,00 lei 3,00 lei 3,00 lei

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709



fresh pasta, bolognese sauce, bechamel sauce, parmesan

380 g 29,00 lei

Aglio, olio e peperoncino

spaghetti, chilli pepper, olive oil, garlic

300 g 19,00 lei

Paste arrabiata

300 g 19,00 lei

penne, cherry tomatoes, tomato sauce, garlic, chili pepper, olive oil, parmesan


spaghetti, bacon, parmesan, egg, liquid cream, wine

380 g 27,00 lei

Carbonara with Salmon

380 g 35,00 lei

tagliatele, salmon, liquid cream, white wine, egg, parmesan, olive oil

Tagliatelle al Nero di Sepia (Black Squid Ink) & seafood 380 g 39,00 lei

fresh tagliatelle, seafood, red sauce, cherry tomatoes, parmesan, wine

Pasta Bolognese

spaghetti, bolognese sauce, parmesan, wine

380 g 27,00 lei

Pasta Quatro Formagi

penne, gorgonzola, camembert, ementaler, parmesan, cream

380 g 29,00 lei

Linguine con vongole

linguine, vongole, olive oil, parsley, white wine, butter, garlic

400 g 29,00 lei

Linguine scoglio

400 g 29,00 lei

linguine, scallops, white wine, tomato sauce, olive oil, parsley, garlic

Amatriciana bucatini

380 g 29,00 lei

bucatini, bacon, white wine, tomato sauce, garlic, olive oil, onion, Parmesan

Tagliatele con pollo e funghi

380 g 29,00 lei

tagliatele, chicken breast, liquid cream, white wine, butter, olive oil, mushrooms, parmesan

Pappardelle with foie gras and mix mushrooms

380 g 49,00 lei

fresh pasta pappardelle, foie gras, mushrooms, liquid cream, truffle oil

Pappardelle with boletus

380 g 35,00 lei

fresh pasta pappardelle, boletus, liquid cream, garlic, parsley, wine

Spaghetti ai gamberi

380 g 39,00 lei

spaghetti, shrimps, garlic, pumpkin, pepper, olive oil, butter, parsley

Deva, Piata Victoriei, nr. 8 ? Tel.: 0786 709 709


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