Internet Fact Finding

Can you find the answers to these questions?

1. What song is currently number one in the UK?

2. What is the world record for the oldest person to have ever lived?

3. What is the capital of Denmark?

4. How many members are there in Razorlight?

5. Who is the author of the Harry Potter Series?

6. Who is the richest person in the world?

7. Which artist painted the Mona Lisa?

8. What ingredients would you need to make Spaghetti Bolognese?

9. Who is the President of France?

10. What is the population of Hartlepool?

11. In which year was John Lennon assassinated?

12. What are the seven wonders of the world?

13. How many people in the UK are mobile phone owners?

14. How many letters are there in the Greek alphabet?

15. What was the first animated Walt Disney movie?

16. What country are Geishas associated with?

17. What disease has the kills the most people in the UK each year?

18. What is the name of the next James Bond film?

19. What is the fastest car in the world?

20. What is the name of the band members of McFly?


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