
| | | |Maine Learning Results – Guiding Principles |

|Framework, Duties and Tasks |Standards for Mathematical Content; Standards for|Criteria for Demonstration of Proficiency |And |

| |Mathematical Practice (CCSS) |(possible but not required; must be determined at the |Career and Education Development (optional) |

| | |District level) | |

|1. Job Planning and Management | |

|Develop a process plan for a part requiring |A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple |Speeds & Feeds worksheets & quiz |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|milling, drilling, turning, or grinding. Fill out |equation as following from the equality of | |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|an operation sheet detailing the process plan and |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting |Fill out a process plan including blueprints |2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately in |

|required speeds and feeds. |from the assumption that the original equation | |communication |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to |Work sample summary |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

| |justify a solution method. | |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |including the use of technology to create and|

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |share the expressions) |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |F-LE.A.1B: Recognize situations in which one | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |quantity changes at a constant rate per unit | |informed decisions |

| |interval relative to another. | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |G-CO.D.12: Make formal geometric constructions | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |with a variety of tools and methods (compass and | |who: |

| |straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| |folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). | |define problems |

| |Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |

| |segment; bisecting an angle; constructing | |relationships that apply to solutions |

| |perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| |bisector of a line segment; and constructing a | |problems |

| |line parallel to a given line through a point not| |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |on the line. | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |MATH.MP. | |real-life situations with and without |

| |1. Make sense of problems and persevere in | |technology |

| |solving them. | |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| |2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| |3. Construct viable arguments and critique the | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| |reasoning of others | |each other and on outcomes |

| |4. Model with mathematics | | |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |CED |

| |6. Attend to precision | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| |7. Look for and make use of structure | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| |reasoning | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process Students use the |

| | | |planning process to make school-to-school and|

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

| | | |C3 Influences on Decision-Making Students |

| | | |examine sources of information that influence|

| | | |their career and education decision-making. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|2. Manual Operations: Benchwork | |

|Hand drill and hand tap holes, using aluminum. |None. |Teacher observations of the physical use of tools by |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|Use hand drills, hand taps, tap wrench, files, | |students. |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|scrapers, and coated abrasives to deburr parts. | | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

|Use arbor presses to perform press fits. Use bench | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

|vises and hand tools appropriately. | | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |6. Uses information and tech-nology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology. |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3: Interpersonal Skills Students |

| | | |demonstrate behaviors that reflect positive |

| | | |interpersonal skills and evaluate successful |

| | | |strategies that improve positive |

| | | |interpersonal skills in ways that lead to |

| | | |success in a variety of school, work, and |

| | | |community settings. |

|3. Manual Operations: Layout | |

|Layout the location of hole centers and surfaces |N-Q.A. Reason quantitatively and use units to |Students will follow the process to layout the location |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|within an accuracy of +/-.015. |solve problems |of the hole centers according the to print. Teacher will|A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

| |1. Use units as a way to understand problems and |inspect the part to the specifications according the |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

| |to guide the solution of multi-step problems, |specific part. |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

| |choose and interpret units consistently in | |including the use of technology to create and|

| |formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the | |share the expressions) |

| |origin in graphs and data displays. | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |2. Define appropriate quantities for the purpose | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |of descriptive modeling | |informed decisions |

| |3. Choose a level of accuracy appropriate to | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |limitations on measurement when reporting | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| |quantities. | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |G-CO.D.12: Make formal geometric constructions | |who: |

| |with a variety of tools and methods (compass and | |6. Uses information and tech-nology to solve |

| |straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper | |problems |

| |folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |segment; bisecting an angle; constructing | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular | |real-life situations with and without |

| |bisector of a line segment; and constructing a | |technology |

| |line parallel to a given line through a point not| |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| |on the line. | | |

| | | |CED |

| |MATH.MP. | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| |4. Model with mathematics | |behaviors to that reflect positive |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |interpersonal skills and evaluate successful |

| |6. Attend to precision | |strategies that improve positive |

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |interpersonal skills in ways that lead to |

| |reasoning | |success in a variety of school, work, and |

| | | |community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate strategies|

| | | |to improve skills that lead to lifelong |

| | | |learning and success in the class-room, and |

| | | |the achievement of schoolwork, work and |

| | | |career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|4. Turning Operations: Between Centers Turning | |

|Setup and carry out between centers turning |A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple | Speeds & Feeds worksheets & quiz |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|operations for straight turning. |equation as following from the equality of | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting |Teacher will inspect that the set up of the lathe is |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |from the assumption that the original equation |correct. As the part is being machined the teacher will |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to |ensure that the process continues to follow the part’s |quality |

| |justify a solution. |guidelines. |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |who: |

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |6. Uses information and tech-nology to solve |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |problems |

| |F-LE.A.1B: Recognize situations in which one | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |quantity changes at a constant rate per unit | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |interval relative to another. | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |MATH.MP. | |real-life situations with and without |

| |1. Make sense of problems and persevere in | |technology |

| |solving them. | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information from|

| |2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |multiple sources |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| |6. Attend to precision | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| |reasoning | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| | | |behaviors to that reflect positive |

| | | |interpersonal skills and evaluate successful |

| | | |strategies that improve positive |

| | | |interpersonal skills in ways that lead to |

| | | |success in a variety of school, work, and |

| | | |community settings. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|5. Turning Operations: Chucking | |

|Setup and carry out chucking operations for |A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple |Speeds & Feeds worksheets & quiz |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|turning. |equation as following from the equality of | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting |Teacher will inspect that the set up of the lathe is |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |from the assumption that the original equation |correct. As the part is being machined the teacher will |informed decisions |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to |ensure that the process continues to follow the part’s |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |justify a solution. |guidelines. |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |real-life situations with and without |

| |F-LE.A.1B: Recognize situations in which one | |technology |

| |quantity changes at a constant rate per unit | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information from|

| |interval relative to another. | |multiple sources |

| |MATH.MP. | |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| |1. Make sense of problems and persevere in | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| |solving them. | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| |2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |each other and on outcomes |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |6. Attend to precision | |who: |

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| |reasoning | |problems |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| | | |behaviors to that reflect positive |

| | | |interpersonal skills and evaluate successful |

| | | |strategies that improve positive |

| | | |interpersonal skills in ways that lead to |

| | | |success in a variety of school, work, and |

| | | |community settings. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|6. Milling: Square Up a Block | |

|Set up and perform squaring up the six surfaces of |A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple |Teacher will inspect the set up. After the part is |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|a block to within +/-.002 over 4.5” squareness. |equation as following from the equality of |machined the teacher will inspect the part to |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting |specifications according to the blueprint. |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |from the assumption that the original equation | |informed decisions |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |

| |justify a solution. | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |who: |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| |F-LE.A.1B: Recognize situations in which one | |problems |

| |quantity changes at a constant rate per unit | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |interval relative to another. | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |N-Q.A.3: Choose a level of accuracy appropriate | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |to limitations on measurement when reporting | |real-life situations with and without |

| |quantities. | |technology |

| |MATH.MP. | | |

| |1. Make sense of problems and persevere in | |CED |

| |solving them. | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| |2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |behaviors to that reflect positive |

| |4. Model with mathematics | |interpersonal skills and evaluate successful |

| |6. Attend to precision | |strategies that improve positive |

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |interpersonal skills in ways that lead to |

| |reasoning | |success in a variety of school, work, and |

| | | |community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate strategies|

| | | |to improve skills that lead to lifelong |

| | | |learning and success in the class-room, and |

| | | |the achievement of school work, work and |

| | | |career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

| | | |C3 Influences on Decision-Making Students |

| | | |examine sources of information that influence|

| | | |their career and education decision-making. |

|7. Vertical Milling | |

|Setup and operate vertical milling machines. |A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple |Teacher will inspect the set up. After the part is |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|Perform routine milling, and location of hole |equation as following from the equality of |machined the teacher will inspect the part to |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|centers within +/-.005". |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting |specifications according to the blueprint. |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |from the assumption that the original equation | |informed decisions |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |

| |justify a solution. | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |who: |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |6. Uses information and tech-nology to solve |

| |F-LE.A.1B: Recognize situations in which one | |problems |

| |quantity changes at a constant rate per unit | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |interval relative to another. | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |N-Q.A.3: Choose a level of accuracy appropriate | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |to limitations on measurement when reporting | |real-life situations with and without |

| |quantities. | |technology |

| |MATH.MP. | | |

| |1. Make sense of problems and persevere in | |CED |

| |solving them. | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| |2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| |4. Model with mathematics | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| |6. Attend to precision | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| |reasoning | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| | | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |class-room, and the achievement of |

| | | |schoolwork, work and career, and personal |

| | | |life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

| | | |C3 Influences on Decision-Making Students |

| | | |examine sources of information that influence|

| | | |their career and education decision-making. |

|8. Surface Grinding, Grinding Wheel Safety | |

|Ring test grinding wheels, perform visual safety |None |The teacher will assess the student’s understanding of |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|inspection, mount and dress a grinding wheel in | |the grinding by giving them a ring test. This will allow|B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|preparation for surface grinding. | |the student to know if the grinding wheel is safe to use.|2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| | |After the wheel is determined to be safe, the student |informed decisions |

| | |will be observed mounting it to the grinder machine. The|4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| | |teacher will then observe the student dress the wheel |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | |safely. |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| | | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |classroom, and the achievement of schoolwork,|

| | | |work and career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|9. Surface Grinding, Horizontal Spindle, Reciprocating Table | |

|Setup and operate manual surface grinders with a 8"|A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple |The teacher will supervise the student grinding a part to|GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|and smaller diameter wheel. Perform routine surface|equation as following from the equality of |specification safely. |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|grinding, location of surfaces, and squaring of |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

|surfaces. Perform wheel dressing. |from the assumption that the original equation | |informed decisions |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |justify a solution. | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |quality |

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |who: |

| |N-Q.A.3: Choose a level of accuracy appropriate | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| |to limitations on measurement when reporting | |define problems |

| |quantities. | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| |G-CO.D.12: Make formal geometric constructions | |problems |

| |with a variety of tools and methods (compass and | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a | |real-life situations with and without |

| |segment; bisecting an angle; constructing | |technology |

| |perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular | | |

| |bisector of a line segment; and constructing a | |CED |

| |line parallel to a given line through a point not| |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| |on the line. | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| |MATH.MP. | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| |1. Make sense of problems and persevere in | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| |solving them. | |school, work, and community settings. |

| |2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| |3. Construct viable arguments and critique the | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| |reasoning of others | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| |4. Model with mathematics | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| |6. Attend to precision | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| |7. Look for and make use of structure | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| |reasoning | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |class-room, and the achievement of |

| | | |schoolwork, work and career, and personal |

| | | |life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|10. Drill Press | |

|Setup and operate drill presses. Perform routine |A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple |The teacher will observe the student safely set up and |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|drill press operations. |equation as following from the equality of |operate the drill press. In addition, the teacher will |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting |ensure that the student performs routine drilling |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |from the assumption that the original equation |operations. |informed decisions |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |justify a solution. | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |who: |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| |F-LE.A.1B: Recognize situations in which one | |define problems |

| |quantity changes at a constant rate per unit | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| |interval relative to another. | |problems |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |N-Q.A.1 | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |N-Q.A.3: Choose a level of accuracy appropriate | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |to limitations on measurement when reporting | |real-life situations with and without |

| |quantities. | |technology |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| |MATH.MP. | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| |6. Attend to precision | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| | | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |classroom, and the achievement of |

| | | |school-work, work and career, and personal |

| | | |life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|11. CNC Programming | |

|Using the principles of Cartesian coordinates |A-REI.A.1: Explain each step in solving a simple |Paper-based coordinate plane practice |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|develop a program for the manufacture of a simple |equation as following from the equality of | |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|part. |numbers asserted at the previous step, starting |The teacher will provide a step-by-step outline of how to|4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

| |from the assumption that the original equation |develop a program on the CNC machine. |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

| |has a solution. Construct a viable argument to | |including the use of technology to create and|

| |justify a solution. |Students will program a simple part according to the |share the expressions) |

| | |origin. |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |A-REI.B.3: Solve linear equations and | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |inequalities in one variable, including equations| |informed decisions |

| |with coefficients represented by letters. | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| |F-LE.A.1B: Recognize situations in which one | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| |quantity changes at a constant rate per unit | |quality |

| |interval relative to another. | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| |G-CO.D.12: Make formal geometric constructions | |who: |

| |with a variety of tools and methods (compass and | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| |straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper | |define problems |

| |folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |

| |Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a | |relationships that apply to solutions |

| |segment; bisecting an angle; constructing | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| |perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular | |problems |

| |bisector of a line segment; and constructing a | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| |line parallel to a given line through a point not| |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| |on the line. | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| |F-IF.B.4: For a function that models a | |real-life situations with and without |

| |relationship between two quantities, interpret | |technology |

| |key features of graphs and tables in terms of the| | |

| |quantities, and sketch graphs showing key | |CED |

| |features given a verbal description of the | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| |relationship. Key features include: intercepts; | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| |intervals where the function is increasing, | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| |decreasing, positive, or negative; relative | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| |maximum and minimums, symmetries, end behavior; | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| |and periodicity. | |school, work, and community settings. |

| |F-IF.B.5 (domain = tolerances?) Relate the domain| |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| |of a function to its graph and, where applicable,| |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| |to the quantitative relationship it describes. | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| |MATH.MP. | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| |1. Make sense of problems and persevere in | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| |solving them. | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| |2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| |3. Construct viable arguments and critique the | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| |reasoning of others | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| |4. Model with mathematics | |classroom, and the achievement of |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |school-work, work and career, and personal |

| |6. Attend to precision | |life goals. |

| |7. Look for and make use of structure | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| |8. Look for and express regularity in repeated | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| |reasoning | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|12. Part Inspection | |

|Develop an inspection plan and inspect simple parts|N-Q.A.1: Use units in a way to understand |Work sample summary |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|using precision tools and techniques. Prepare |problems and to guide the solution of multi-step | |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|reports on the compliance of the parts. |problems; choose and interpret units consistently|The teacher will provide sample parts to inspect manually|2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately in |

| |in formulas; choose and interpret the scale and |as practice. If the part does not meet specifications |communication |

| |the origin in graphs and data displays. |according to the blueprint, the student should document |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

| |N-Q.A.3: Choose a level of accuracy appropriate |the reading on the print and to the teacher. |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

| |to limitations on measurement when reporting | |including the use of technology to create and|

| |quantities. | |share the expressions) |

| |MATH.MP. | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |4. Model with mathematics | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |5. Use appropriate tools strategically | |informed decisions |

| |6. Attend to precision | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, builds a|

| | | |case for a best response and critically |

| | | |evaluates the effectiveness of the response |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| | | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |classroom, and the achievement of schoolwork,|

| | | |work and career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|13. Process Control | |

|Follow a sampling plan. Inspect the samples for the|S-IC.A.1: Understand statistics as a process for |Does not currently do at the schools present. |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|required data. Enter the data on appropriate |making inferences about population parameters | |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|charts. Graph the data. Respond to the warning |based on a random sample from that population. | |2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately in |

|conditions indicated by the process charts. |S-ID.A.1: Represent data with plots on the real | |communication |

| |number line (dot plots, histograms, and box | |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

| |plots). | |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

| |S-IC.B.6: Represent data on two quantitative | |including the use of technology to create and|

| |variables on a scatter plot, and describe how the| |share the expressions) |

| |variables are related. | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| |S-MD.B.7: (+) Analyze decisions and strategies | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| |using probability concepts (e.g., product | |informed decisions |

| |testing, medical testing, pulling a hockey goalie| |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| |at the end of a game). | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |2. Frames questions, makes predictions and |

| | | |designs data/information collection and |

| | | |analysis strategies |

| | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |

| | | |relationships that apply to solutions |

| | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, builds a|

| | | |case for a best response and critically |

| | | |evaluates the effectiveness of the response |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |7. Perseveres in challenging situations |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |

| | | |moral courage to sustain it |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information from|

| | | |multiple sources |

| | | |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| | | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |classroom, and the achievement of schoolwork,|

| | | |work and career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|14. Process Adjustment – Single Part Production | |

|Analyze the performance of a single-part production|MATH.MP. |The teacher will do formative assessments throughout the |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|process. Formulate process adjustments or |6. Attend to precision |part production to practice part inspection and ensure |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|improvements where appropriate. Where appropriate, | |the part is manufactured according to the specifications.|2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately in |

|notify super-vision of the proposed adjustment | | |communication |

|and/or improvement. Where authorized, carry out the| | |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

|strategies for process adjustment and/or | | |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

|improvement | | |including the use of technology to create and|

| | | |share the expressions) |

| | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| | | |informed decisions |

| | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |2. Frames questions, makes predictions and |

| | | |designs data/information collection and |

| | | |analysis strategies |

| | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |

| | | |relationships that apply to solutions |

| | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, builds a|

| | | |case for a best response and critically |

| | | |evaluates the effectiveness of the response |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |7. Perseveres in challenging situations |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |

| | | |moral courage to sustain it |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information from|

| | | |multiple sources |

| | | |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| | | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |class-room, and the achievement of |

| | | |schoolwork, work and career, and personal |

| | | |life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|15. Participation in Process Improvement | |

|Analyze as a member of a process team the |None. |At the high school level, the teacher will problem solve |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|performance of a production process. With the team | |with the student to determine a more efficient production|A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|formulate process adjustments or improvements where| |process and what went well and what could be improved. |2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately in |

|appropriate. Where appropriate, notify super-vision| | |communication |

|of the proposed adjustments and/or improvement. | | |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

|Where authorized, carry out the strategies for | | |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

|process adjustment and/or improvement. | | |including the use of technology to create and|

| | | |share the expressions) |

| | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| | | |informed decisions |

| | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| | | |7. Uses interpersonal skills to learn and |

| | | |work with individuals from diverse |

| | | |backgrounds |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |2. Frames questions, makes predictions and |

| | | |designs data/information collection and |

| | | |analysis strategies |

| | | |3. Identifies patterns, trends and |

| | | |relationships that apply to solutions |

| | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, builds a|

| | | |case for a best response and critically |

| | | |evaluates the effectiveness of the response |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |7. Perseveres in challenging situations |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |

| | | |moral courage to sustain it |

| | | |4. Understands and respects diversity |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information from|

| | | |multiple sources |

| | | |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills Students demonstrate |

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve skills that lead to |

| | | |lifelong learning and success in the |

| | | |classroom, and the achievement of schoolwork,|

| | | |work and career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|16. General Housekeeping and Maintenance | |

|Keep the duty station clean and safe for work. Keep|None. |The teacher will inspect each student’s station and |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|the tools, workbenches, and manual equipment clean,| |assign a grade based on their ability to maintain a clean|B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|maintained, and safe for work. | |and safe working environment. |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources and |

| | | |seeks results |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |

| | | |decisions and actions |

| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |

| | | |moral courage to sustain it |

| | | |6. Demonstrates awareness of personal and |

| | | |community health and wellness |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A1 Self-Knowledge and self-concept. Students|

| | | |reflect on and/or analyze interests, skills, |

| | | |habits of mind, and experiences to maintain a|

| | | |positive self-concept and to aid them in |

| | | |making career and life decisions. |

| | | |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to |

| | | |Success. Students demonstrate and evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve their personal traits, |

| | | |behaviors, and the belief that one can |

| | | |successfully complete tasks/goals required |

| | | |for success in career and school. |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills. Students demonstrate|

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process. Students use the |

| | | |planning process to make school-to-school and|

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|17. Preventive Maintenance, Machine Tools | |

|Inspect and assess the general condition of an |None. |The high school level students do not perform these |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|assigned machine tool. Make routine adjustments as | |tasks. However, the teacher begins to make the students |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|necessary and as authorized. Report problems to | |aware of maintenance issues. |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

|super-vision which are beyond the scope of | | |6. Demonstrates awareness of personal and |

|authority. Carry out daily, weekly, and/ or monthly| | |community health and wellness |

|routine upkeep chores cited on checklists for a | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

|given machine tool. | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources and |

| | | |seeks results |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |

| | | |decisions and actions |

| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |

| | | |moral courage to sustain it |

| | | |6. Demonstrates aware-ness of personal and |

| | | |community health and wellness |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies know-ledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A1 Self-Knowledge and self-concept. Students|

| | | |reflect on and/or analyze interests, skills, |

| | | |habits of mind, and experiences to maintain a|

| | | |positive self-concept and to aid them in |

| | | |making career and life decisions. |

| | | |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to |

| | | |Success. Students demonstrate and evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve their personal traits, |

| | | |behaviors, and the belief that one can |

| | | |successfully complete tasks/goals required |

| | | |for success in career and school. |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills. Students demonstrate|

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process. Students use the |

| | | |planning process to make school-to-school and|

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|18. Tooling Maintenance | |

|Inspect and assess the condition of tooling. |None. |Ongoing formative assessment by the teacher of the |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|Refurbish tooling where appropriate. Refer tooling | |student using the machines to notice when a cutting tool |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|for repair or regrind where appropriate. | |is becoming defective. |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| | | |informed decisions |

| | | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |

| | | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |1. Participates positively in the community |

| | | |and designs creative solutions to meet human |

| | | |needs and wants |

| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |

| | | |decisions and actions |

| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |

| | | |moral courage to sustain it |

| | | |4. Understands and respects diversity |

| | | |5. Displays global awareness and economic and|

| | | |civic literacy |

| | | |6. Demonstrates awareness of personal and |

| | | |community health and wellness |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills. Students demonstrate|

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate strategies|

| | | |to improve skills that lead to lifelong |

| | | |learning and success in the classroom, and |

| | | |the achievement of schoolwork, work and |

| | | |career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making. Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

| | | |C3 Influences on Decision-Making. Students |

| | | |examine sources of information that influence|

| | | |their career and education decision-making. |

|19. Machine Operations and Material Handling | |

|Carry out assigned responsibilities while adhering |None. |Ongoing formative assessment by the teacher of the |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|to safe practices in accordance with OSHA | |student to ensure they are following safety protocol. |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|requirements and guidelines. Document safety | | |3. Adjusts communication based on the |

|activities as required. | | |audience |

| | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| | | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, builds a|

| | | |case for a best response and critically |

| | | |evaluates the effectiveness of the response |

| | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources and |

| | | |seeks results |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |

| | | |decisions and actions |

| | | |6. Demonstrates awareness of personal and |

| | | |community health and wellness |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A1 Self-Knowledge and self-concept. Students|

| | | |reflect on and/or analyze interests, skills, |

| | | |habits of mind, and experiences to maintain a|

| | | |positive self-concept and to aid them in |

| | | |making career and life decisions. |

| | | |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to |

| | | |Success. Students demonstrate and evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve their personal traits, |

| | | |behaviors, and the belief that one can |

| | | |successfully complete tasks/goals required |

| | | |for success in career and school. |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills. Students demonstrate|

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process. Students use the |

| | | |planning process to make school-to-school and|

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|20. Hazardous Materials Handling and Storage | |

|Handle and store hazardous materials as assigned |None. |Ongoing formative assessment by the teacher of the |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|while adhering to safe practices in accordance with| |student to ensure they are following safety protocol. |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|OSHA and EPA requirements and guidelines. Document | | |3. Adjusts communication based on the |

|safety activities as required. | | |audience |

| | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

| | | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, builds a|

| | | |case for a best response and critically |

| | | |evaluates the effectiveness of the response |

| | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources and |

| | | |seeks results |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |E1, E4 |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |

| | | |decisions and actions |

| | | |6. Demonstrates awareness of personal and |

| | | |community health and wellness |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A1 Self-Knowledge and self-concept. Students|

| | | |reflect on and/or analyze interests, skills, |

| | | |habits of mind, and experiences to maintain a|

| | | |positive self-concept and to aid them in |

| | | |making career and life decisions. |

| | | |A2 Beliefs and Behaviors that Lead to |

| | | |Success. Students demonstrate and evaluate |

| | | |strategies to improve their personal traits, |

| | | |behaviors, and the belief that one can |

| | | |successfully complete tasks/goals required |

| | | |for success in career and school. |

| | | |A3 Interpersonal Skills. Students demonstrate|

| | | |behaviors that reflect positive interpersonal|

| | | |skills and evaluate successful strategies |

| | | |that improve positive interpersonal skills in|

| | | |ways that lead to success in a variety of |

| | | |school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process. Students use the |

| | | |planning process to make school-to-school and|

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

|21. Career Planning | | | |

|Develop and explain a short-term career plan and |None. |Discussions about local job opportunities and |GUIDING PRINCIPLES |

|resume. | |expectations are ongoing. |A. A clear and effective communicator who: |

|Complete job application form and demonstrate | |Resumes can be written. |2. Uses evidence and logic appropriately in |

|interviewing skills. | |College research. |communication |

|Demonstrate appropriate interpersonal skills in job| | |3. Adjusts communication based on the |

|performance evaluations, group communication and | | |audience |

|decision-making, and conflict resolution. | | |4. Uses a variety of modes of expression |

|Identify and explain the major departments or | | |(spoken, written and visual and performing |

|functions in a metalworking company and how they | | |including the use of technology to create and|

|affect production units. | | |share the expressions) |

|Understand and explain employment rights and | | |B. A self-directed and lifelong learner who: |

|responsibilities in metalworking companies. | | |1. Recognizes the need for information and |

| | | |locates and evaluates resources |

| | | |2. Applies knowledge to set goals and make |

| | | |informed decisions |

| | | |3. Applies knowledge in new contexts |

| | | |4. Demonstrates initiative and independence |

| | | |5. Demonstrates flexibility including the |

| | | |ability to learn, unlearn and relearn |

| | | |6. Demonstrates reliability and concern for |

| | | |quality |

| | | |7. Uses interpersonal skills to learn and |

| | | |work with individuals from diverse |

| | | |backgrounds |

| | | |C. A creative and practical problem solver |

| | | |who: |

| | | |1. Observes and evaluates situations to |

| | | |define problems |

| | | |2. Frames questions, makes predictions and |

| | | |designs data/information collection and |

| | | |analysis strategies |

| | | |4. Generates a variety of solutions, builds a|

| | | |case for a best response and critically |

| | | |evaluates the effectiveness of the response |

| | | |5. Sees opportunities, finds resources and |

| | | |seeks results |

| | | |6. Uses information and technology to solve |

| | | |problems |

| | | |7. Perseveres in challenging situations |

| | | |D. A responsible and involved citizen who: |

| | | |1. Participates positively in the community |

| | | |and designs creative solutions to meet human |

| | | |needs and wants |

| | | |2. Accepts responsibility for personal |

| | | |decisions and actions |

| | | |3. Demonstrates ethical behavior and the |

| | | |moral courage to sustain it |

| | | |4. Understands and respects diversity |

| | | |5. Displays global awareness and economic and|

| | | |civic literacy |

| | | |E. An integrative and informed thinker who: |

| | | |1. Gains and applies knowledge across |

| | | |disciplines and learning contexts and to |

| | | |real-life situations with and without |

| | | |technology |

| | | |2. Evaluates and synthesizes information from|

| | | |multiple sources |

| | | |3. Applies ideas across disciplines |

| | | |4. Applies systems thinking to understand the|

| | | |interaction and influence of related parts on|

| | | |each other and on outcomes |

| | | | |

| | | |CED |

| | | |A4 Career and Life Roles Students demonstrate|

| | | |and evaluate successful strategies for |

| | | |accomplishing tasks, balancing career and |

| | | |life roles, and reducing stress in a variety |

| | | |of school, work, and community settings. |

| | | |B1 Relationships Among Learning, Work, the |

| | | |Community, and the Global Economy Students |

| | | |evaluate strategies for improving educational|

| | | |achievement, increasing participation as an |

| | | |involved citizen, and increasing work options|

| | | |and earning potential in a 1st century global|

| | | |economy. |

| | | |B2 Skills for Individual/ Personal Success in|

| | | |the 21st Century Students evaluate strategies|

| | | |to improve skills that lead to lifelong |

| | | |learning and success in the classroom, and |

| | | |the achievement of schoolwork, work and |

| | | |career, and personal life goals. |

| | | |B3 Education and Career Information Students |

| | | |use previously acquired knowledge and skills |

| | | |to evaluate and utilize a variety of |

| | | |resources to articulate a plan and make |

| | | |decisions for post-secondary education, |

| | | |training, and career choices. |

| | | |C1 The Planning Process Students use the |

| | | |planning process to make school-to-school and|

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

| | | |C2 Decision-Making Students determine and |

| | | |apply effective decision-making strategies |

| | | |for accomplishing short-term and long-term |

| | | |goals related to school-to-school and |

| | | |school-to-work decisions. |

| | | |C3 Influences on Decision-Making Students |

| | | |examine sources of information that influence|

| | | |their career and education decision-making. |

| | | |C4 Societal Needs and Changes that Influence |

| | | |Workplace Success Students analyze and |

| | | |evaluate strategies for addressing diverse |

| | | |and changing societal and global economic |

| | | |needs that influence personal decision-making|

| | | |for workplace success. |


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