Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Business Feature ...

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Business Feature First Place “Quality management: the promise of Six Sigma” - Amy Trong, ROI Central Minnesota

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Business Feature Second Place “Burning questions” - Steve Lange, Rochester Magazine

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Business Feature Third Place “Creating community” - Ellington Miller Bandel, Rochester Women Magazine

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: General column First Place “All seriousness aside” - Bill White, Minnesota Law and Politics

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: General column Second Place “Green monsters” - Mary Jo Phel, Minnesota Monthly

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: General column Third Place “Real age of enlightenment” - Steve Lange, Rochester Magazine

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Government or Political Story First Place “Cirisi does it” - David Brauer, Larry Marcus, Steve Kaplan & Bill White, Minnesota Law and Politics

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Government or Political Story Second Place “Plan of attack” - Kevin Featherly, Larry Marcus, Steve Kaplan & Bill White, Minnesota Law and Politics

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Government or Political Story Third Place “Enemies: A love story” - Dave Kenney, Larry Marcus, Steve Kaplan & Bill White, Minnesota Law and Politics

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Leisure and lifestyle story First Place “Novel approach” - Megan Malugani, Rochester Magazine

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Leisure and lifestyle story Second Place “Headdresses, heels and high kicks” - Steve Lange, Rochester Magazine

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Leisure and lifestyle story Third Place “Alter egos” - Megan Malugani, Rochester Magazine

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: News Feature First Place “Behind the lines” - Steve Lange, Rochester Magazine

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: News Feature Second Place “Who pulled the plug on Lake Superior?” - Tim Gihring, Minnesota Monthly

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: News Feature Third Place “Muslims and Minnesota law” - J. Trout Lowen, Larry Marcus, Steve Kaplan & Bill White, Minnesota Law and Politics

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Social issues story First Place “Mental illness and the law” - Frank Jossi, Larry Marcus, Steve Kaplan & Bill White, Minnesota Law and Politics

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Social issues story Second Place “The warriors at home” - Tim Gihring, Minnesota Monthly

Magazine - News, Feature and Business: Social issues story Third Place “Rooftops and bus rides” - Jane Tigan, University of St. Thomas Magazine

Newspaper - Business: Feature First Place “Mall of Amerisize Me” - Matt Snyders, City Pages

Newspaper - Business: Feature First Place “Which way for health care?” - Tim Krohn, The Free Press

Newspaper - Business: Feature Second Place “Keeping them” - H.J. Cummins, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Business: Feature Second Place “Target starts solar-power rollout” - John Vomhof Jr., Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Business: Feature Third Place “Is staying put good enough?” - Jane Brissett, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Business: Feature Third Place “Julie Gilbert: women's warrior” - Jackie Crosby, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Business: General Column First Place “At Juut, that extra dollar goes to health” - H.J. Cummins, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Business: General Column First Place “Borders, Block E: a tale told in titles” - Mark Reilly, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Business: General Column Second Place “Wills: do it yourself or pay a lawyer?” - Kara McGuire, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Business: In-depth First Place “Filling the gaps” - Jane Brissett, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Business: In-depth First Place “Med Tech - the next frontier” - Janet Moore, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Business: In-depth Second Place “Biotech firms lured by Ohio's rich incentives” - Katharine Grayson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Business: In-depth Second Place “Standing on oil & From bust to bounty” - Leslie Brooks Suzukamo, St Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Business: In-depth Third Place “Trials & Stribulations” - G.R. Anderson Jr. & Paul Demko, City Pages

Newspaper - Business: In-depth Third Place “Rider Bennett attorneys find new homes” - Bryant Ruiz Switzky, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Business: Spot News First Place “Midwest Airlines' arrival, departure” - Peter Passi, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Business: Spot News First Place “Ex-CEO to NWA to take helm at Delta” - Liz Fedor, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Business: Spot News Second Place “Alleged mortgage conspiracy led to $50-million in losses” - Chris Serres & Dan Browning, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Business: Spot News Second Place “HighJump vets start buyout firm” - Katharine Grayson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Business: Spot News Third Place “Newspaper war” - Paul Demko, City Pages

Newspaper - Business: Spot News Third Place “ResCap exiting 12 floors of Bloomington building” - Sam Black, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Arts & Entertainment First Place “iPod Challenged” - Molly Millett, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Arts & Entertainment Second Place “LA plays itself” - Rob Nelson, City Pages

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial First Place “To help small towns, help small businesses” - Lori Sturdevant, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial First Place “Insurance law needs changing” - Joe Spear, The Free Press

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial Second Place “Exposed to art, and better for it” - Eric Ringham, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial Second Place “…the bombs bursting in air.'” - Jackie Dubbe, St. Croix Valley Press

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial Third Place “Silencing students and wasting money” - Tim O'Brien, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial Third Place “Moratorium won't solve problem” - Tim Krohn, The Free Press

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial Column Second Place “Memo to 3M CEO: talk to Minnesota” - Dirk DeYoung, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial Column Third Place “Caught red-lighted by photocop” - Mark Reilly, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: General Column First Place “Time is now for MSU, community to combat excessive drinking” - Tim Krohn, The Free Press

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: General Column Second Place “Astronomy widow” - Linda Hanson, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: General Column Second Place “Before grief goes, grief grows” - Gail Rosenblum, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: General Column Third Place “Exercising contract diligence” - Debra O'Connor, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: Art & Illustration First Place “Bridge collapse” - Newsroom, City Pages

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: Art & Illustration First Place “Extreme growth” - Derek Thomson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: Art & Illustration Second Place “Special Report: economic development Mankato” - Derek Thomson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: Art & Illustration Second Place “Mean girls” - Kirk Lyttle, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: Art & Illustration Third Place “Autoerotic asphyxiation” - Newsroom, City Pages

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: In-depth First Place “13 seconds in August” - Jane Freidmann, Pamela Louwagie, Rhonda Prast & James Eli Shiffer, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: In-depth Second Place “Rock atlas” - Newsroom, City Pages

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: In-depth Third Place “A lot riding on Farm Bill” - Tom Webb & Steve Thomas, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: Spot News First Place “Hummer bummer” - Eric Johnson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: Spot News Second Place “Number of MN deals” - Derek Thomson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - News and Feature: In-depth First Place “35W bridge collapse” - Staff, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: In-depth Second Place “Caught in chaos” - Newsroom, Downtown Journal

Newspaper - News and Feature: In-depth Second Place “The family that fell” - Maura Lerner & Laurie Hertzel, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: In-depth Third Place “Risk and rewards” - Jana Hollingsworth & Janna Goerdt, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: In-depth Third Place “Iraq homecoming” - Staff, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Investigative First Place “Eat, drink and be wary” - Brandon Stahl, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Investigative First Place “Money vs. safety at MnDOT” - Paul McEnroe & Tony Kennedy, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Investigative Second Place “Busing beyond borders” - Dave Aeikens, St. Cloud Times

Newspaper - News and Feature: Investigative Second Place “From dreams to desolation” - Nicole Garrison-Sprenger, Dave Orrick, Steve Thomas, Phil Pina & Ann Harrington, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Investigative Third Place “The longest clean-up” - David Shaffer, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Investigative Third Place “A painful ending to a lifetime of building” - Kerry Ashmore, Northeaster Newspaper

Newspaper - News and Feature: Long Feature First Place “Walking wounded” - Brandon Stahl, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Long Feature Second Place “Reinventing retirement” - Heather Voorhees, Burnsville Sun-Current

Newspaper - News and Feature: Long Feature Second Place “Harry's greatest spell” - Molly Millett, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Long Feature Third Place “Securing the past” - Amy Bowen, St. Cloud Times

Newspaper - News and Feature: Long Feature Third Place “The first hours, the only hours” - Mary Divine, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Short feature First Place “Transformations in life, in art” - Ann Klefstad, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Short feature Second Place “Setting up to sail away” - Mike Morgan, Press Publications

Newspaper - News and Feature: Short Feature Second Place “A marathon of great getaways” - Richard Chin, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Short Feature Third Place “Could this man have stopped a killer?” - Alex Friedrich, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Short feature Third Place “Caty's gifts” - Dan Nienaber, The Free Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Spot News First Place “Gunflint Trail Blaze” - John Myers, Janna Goerdt, Will Ashenmacher & Patrick Garmoe, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Spot News First Place “Ham Lake Fire” - Chris Niskanen, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Spot News Second Place “Banning Desmond Tutu” - Matt Snyders, City Pages

Newspaper - News and Feature: Spot News Second Place “Winter's wallop” - John Myers, Janna Goerdt, Peter Passi & Brandon Stahl, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Spot News Third Place “St. Paul triple homicide” - Mara Gottfried, Frederick Melo & Doug Belden, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - News and Feature: Spot News Third Place “Tragedy has few answers” - Dan Nienaber, The Free Press

Newspaper - Package: Best Overall Package First Place “Price of poverty” - Staff, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Package: Best Overall Package First Place “Home sweet home 2037” - Karen Youso & Mark Boswell, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Package: Best Overall Package Second Place “Operation Reintegration” - Staff, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Package: Best Overall Package Second Place “Horror! Won't someone save me from my cell?!” - Debra O'Connor, David Steinlicht & Amanda Willis, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Package: Best Overall Package Third Place “Artists of the year” - Newsroom, City Pages

Newspaper - Package: Best Special Section First Place “Best of the Twin Cities” - Staff, City Pages

Newspaper - Package: Best Special Section First Place “Grandma's Marathon” - Staff, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Feature Headline First Place “Feline purrsuasion” - Kelli Sandhurst, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Feature Headline First Place “Locks myth” - Amy Nelson, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Feature Headline Second Place “No bills a-waiting” - Neal Gendler, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Feature Headline Third Place “Putting the west into W. Lake Street” - Vince Tuss, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Feature Page Layout First Place “Kid's birthday parties” - Ellen M. Thompson, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Feature Page Layout Second Place “Funds in the sun” - Eric Johnson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: News Headline First Place “Burglar flees - with nothing at all” - Craig Gustafson, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: News Headline Second Place “Minneapolis wine bar to pull out all the stops with new technology” - Jenny Woods, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: News Headline Second Place “The first hours, the only hours” - Michael Decaire, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: News Headline Third Place “Minding those manors” - Jim Anderson, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: News Headline Third Place “Heck on wheels” - Trisha Callopy, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Section Front Layout First Place “Director compensation” - Eric Johnson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Section Front Layout Second Place “SSKO runs away with titles” - Kelli Sandhurst, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Feature First Place “Finding a new path” - Robb Long, Downtown Journal

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Feature First Place “New look, same fun” - Scott Takushi, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Feature Second Place “Memorial Day reflections” - Jean Pieri, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Feature Second Place “Vroom with a view” - John Cross, The Free Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Feature Third Place “It's not over” - Jean Pieri, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: General News First Place “I heard it crack'” - Brandi Jade Thomas, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: General News First Place “Saying goodbye” - John Cross, The Free Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: General News Second Place “Tired, scared, struggling” - Ben Garvin, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: General News Third Place “The Swans” - Sherri LaRose-Chiglo, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Photo essay First Place “Lure of the land” - Ben Garvin, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Photo essay Second Place “Home delivery” - Ben Garvin, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Photo essay Third Place “Soldier bride” - Ben Garvin, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Portrait First Place “Mat wiz” - Richard Marshall, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Portrait First Place “One last hug” - John Cross, The Free Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Portrait Second Place “Horrors and hope” - John Doman, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Portrait Third Place “The Mask” - Sherri LaRose-Chiglo, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Sports First Place “Not so prime time” - Brandi Jade Thomas, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Sports First Place “Hard loss” - Pat Christman, The Free Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Sports Second Place “Hail Mary, TD grace” - Ben Garvin, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Sports Second Place “Brawl in St. Paul” - Paul Dols, White Bear Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Sports Third Place “Boogeyman drops the gloves” - Nick Vlcek, City Pages

Newspaper - Sports: Column First Place “Given a shot” - Rick Lubbers, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Sports: Column First Place “Front and center” - Sean Jensen, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Sports: Column Second Place “The ticket to team payrolls” - John Vomhof Jr., Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Sports: Feature First Place “The Boogeyman drops the gloves” - Kevin Hoffman, City Pages

Newspaper - Sports: Feature First Place “Strength transcends sport” - Kevin Pates, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Sports: Feature First Place “Sports agent crunches numbers for his clients” - John Vomhof Jr., Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Sports: Feature Second Place “Career interrupted” - Jon Nowacki, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Sports: Feature Second Place “Broke, but not broken” - Sean Jensen, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Sports: Feature Third Place “Ticket to history” - Andy Greder, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Sports: Feature Third Place “Seeking relief” - Kelsie Smith, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Sports: Spot News First Place “The Strongest Men in the World” - Kevin Hoffman, City Pages

Newspaper - Sports: Spot News First Place “Timberwolves readying post-KG marketing push” - John Vomhof Jr., Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - Sports: Spot News Second Place “Isles GM says Lucia's coaching hurt Okposo” - Brian Stensaas, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - Sports: Spot News Second Place “Prep Bowl bound” - Patrick Johnson, Press Publications

Newspaper - Sports: Spot News Third Place “Northern Exposure” - Rick Weegman, Duluth News Tribune

Radio: Feature First Place “4H Dance” - Nikki Tundel, Minnesota Public Radio

Radio: Feature Second Place “Chicken caper” - Curtis Gilbert, Minnesota Public Radio

Radio: Hard News Report First Place “False docs” - Annie Baxter & Ambar Espinoza, Minnosota Public Radio

Radio: Hard News Report Second Place “Housing inspections” - Jessica Mador, Minnesota Public Radio

Radio: Investigative First Place “Toxic Traces revisited” - Lorna Benson, Minnesota Public Radio

Radio: Investigative Second Place “How long are children waiting?” - Elizabeth Stawicki & Dan Gunderson, Minnesota Public Radio

Radio: Mini-documentary/In-depth Series First Place “St. Cloud safety efforts” - Cassie Hart, KNSI

Radio: Mini-documentary/In-depth Series First Place “Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: The invisible disorder” - Cara Hetland & Tom Robertson, Minnesota Public Radio

Radio: Mini-documentary/In-depth Series Second Place “Songs From Scratch” - Nikki Tundel, Sanden Totten, Larissa Anderson & Chris Roberts, Minnesota Public Radio

Radio: Newscast First Place “Newscast” - Cassie Hart, KNSI

Radio: Spot/Breaking News First Place “Bridge coverage” - Newsroom, Minnesota Public Radio

TV - Best Use of Audio/Video: Best Use of Video First Place “Akerlund Studio” - Jose Pasual, WCCO-TV

TV - Best Use of Audio/Video: Best Use of Video Second Place “Barefoot champion” - John Gross, KSTP-TV

TV - Best Use of Audio/Video: Best Use of Video Third Place “Fall colors 2007” - Tony Knoss, WCCO-TV

TV - News & Feature: Feature First Place “A special prom date” - Julie Moravchik & Chris Misun, Fox 21 News

TV - News & Feature: Feature First Place “Entry level” - Boyd Huppert & Jonathan Malat, KARE-TV

TV - News & Feature: Feature Second Place “On the job hospice quilt” - Julie Moravchik & John Thain, Fox 21 News

TV - News & Feature: Feature Second Place “Reindeer Man” - Jeanette Trompeter & Jose Pascual, WCCO-TV

TV - News & Feature: Feature-length documentary First Place “One day in August” - On the Road Staff, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Feature-length documentary Second Place “Beyond the bridge” - Kristi Piehl, Tim Jones, Mike Maybay & Dana Benson, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Feature-length documentary Third Place “Minnesotans saving Armenia” - Jason Davis, Mike Brunswick, Phil Thiesse & Gail Brown, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Hard News Report First Place “Teenage suicide” - Nick LaFave & John Thain, Fox 21 News

TV - News & Feature: Hard News Report First Place “WWII memorial trip” - Paula Engelking, Tom Aviles, Tony Knoss & Don Shelby, WCCO-TV

TV - News & Feature: Hard News Report Second Place “Hawthorn unsolved murder” - Melissa Ganje & Carrie Kohlmeier, Fox 21 News

TV - News & Feature: Hard News Report Second Place “Dissecting a doubtful death” - Jeff Baillon & Tyler Ryan, KMSP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Hard News Report Third Place “Inside a heart attack” - Dennis Douda & Bill Kruskop, WCCO-TV

TV - News & Feature: Investigative First Place “WCCO-TV I-Team: are you getting greased at Heartland Jiffy Lubes?” - Maria Awes, Frank Vascellaro, Tony Knoss & Jose Pascual, WCCO-TV

TV - News & Feature: Investigative Second Place “College football corruption” - Bob McNaney, Jim O'Connell, Dana Benson & Lindsay Radford, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Investigative Third Place “Temptations in the tunnel” - Jeff Bailon & Spencer Driskill, KMSP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Mini-documentary/in-depth series First Place “June's journey” - Jim Douglas & Boyd Huppert, KARE-TV

TV - News & Feature: Mini-documentary/in-depth series Second Place “Beyond the bridge” - Kristi Piehl, Tim Jones, Mike Maybay & Dana Benson, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Mini-documentary/in-depth series Second Place “WWII memorial trip” - Staff, WCCO-TV

TV - News & Feature: Newscast First Place “Fox 21 News first broadcast” - Newsroom & Julie Moravchik, Fox 21 News

TV - News & Feature: Newscast First Place “25th straight hour” - Newsroom, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Spot/Breaking News First Place “First TV reporter at bridge collapse” - Allison Triarsi, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Spot/Breaking News Second Place “Bridge collapse” - Newsroom, KSTP-TV

TV - News & Feature: Spot/Breaking News Third Place “No day for sightseeing” - Boyd Huppert & Andy Sugden, KARE-TV

TV - Sports: Feature First Place “In the game” - Boyd Huppert & Jonathan Malat, KARE-TV

TV - Sports: Feature Second Place “Muskie rampage” - Bill Hudson & Jose Pascual, WCCO-TV

TV - Sports: Feature Third Place “Wheelchair coach” - John Gross, KSTP-TV

Web Site: Best Continuing Coverage Second Place “35W bridge collapse” - Justin Piehowski, Eric Boyles & Jeff Fett, KSTP-TV

Web Site: Best Continuing Coverage Third Place “Iraq: the homecoming” - Newsroom, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Web Site: Best Newsroom Blog (Independent) First Place “ericblackink” - Eric Black, Minnesota Monitor

Web Site: Best Newsroom Blog (Independent) Second Place “New Minnesotans speak” - Newsroom, Twin Cities Daily Planet

Web Site: Best Single News Story (Independent) First Place “"Annarama! Anna Nicole Smith and the Experience Newspaper"” - Paul Schmelzer, Minnesota Monitor

Web Site: Best Single News Story (Independent) Second Place “Urban designers: Minneapolis should dump skyways.” - Steve Berg,

Web Site: Best Single News Story (Independent) Third Place “Preserving the Great Lakes” - Anna Pratt, Twin Cities Daily Planet

Web Site: Best Use of Multimedia First Place “Boy, interrupted; one man's struggle with an eating disorder” - Jeff Shaw & Kevin Hoffman, City Pages

Web Site: Best Use of Multimedia Second Place “Downtown after dark” - Staff, St. Cloud Times

Web Site: Best Use of Multimedia Third Place “Adrian Peterson breaks rushing record” - Chris Polydoroff, Brandi Jade Thomas & Scott Takushi, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Web Site: Best Web Site (Affiliated) First Place “” - Newsroom,

Web Site: Best Web Site (Affiliated) Second Place “” - Staff, St. Cloud Times

Web Site: Best Web Site (Affiliated) Third Place “” - Jason Mohr, Duluth News Tribune

Web Site: Best Web Site (Independent) First Place “” - Staff,

Web Site: Best Web Site (Independent) Second Place “” - Joel Kramer, Roger Buoen, Corey Anderson & Newsroom, MinnPost

Web Site: Best Web Site (Independent) Third Place “” - Staff, Minnesota Monitor

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: Editorial Column First Place “Remembering a life well lived” - Sally Thompson, Minnesota Sun Newspapers

Newspaper - Editorial and Opinion: General Column First Place “A veteran fights alone” - Ruben Rosario, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Graphics and Illustrations: In depth First Place “Future 610” - Eric Johnson, Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal

Newspaper - News and Feature: In-depth First Place “With the 148th” - Chris Hamilton, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Long Feature First Place “"Am I dead? I must be dead."” - Pam Louwagie, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Newspaper - News and Feature: Short Feature First Place “The wedding crashers” - Jeff Severns Guntzel, City Pages

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Feature Page Layout First Place “Journey to the stars” - Tamara Gruhot, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: News Headline TIE: First Place “"Luke, I am your--uncle." Short films about Darth Vader's brother have taken the internet by storm.” - Jessica Fleming, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: News Headline TIE: First Place “"Add sports, subtract girls, boost literacy.” - Erin Pfeiffer, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Page One Layout First Place “Inches from the brink” - Andrew Krueger, Duluth News Tribune

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Page One Layout First Place “All were soldiers” - Ben Ramsden, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Page One Layout Second Place “August 2, 2007 -- Bridge collapse” - Newsroom, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Page Design/Layout: Page One Layout Third Place “Sunday, March 25, 2007” - Amanda Willis, St. Paul Pioneer Press

Newspaper - Photojournalism: Pictoral First Place “Diablo Cody slideshow” - Nick Vlcek, City Pages

Web Site: Best Continuing Coverage First Place “Ham Lake fire” - Newsroom, Duluth News Tribune

Web Site: Best Newsroom Blog (Affiliated) First Place “Democracy at work” - Lawrence Schumacher, St. Cloud Times


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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