VOA NEWSJanuary 17, 2021This is VOA news. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd.Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni won a decisive reelection victory Saturday but his main rival Bobi Wine has alleged widespread fraud and said citizens should reject the result. AP's Julie Walker reports.Uganda's electoral commission said Saturday President Yoweri Museveni won a sixth term. Supporters took to the streets to celebrate but officials are still struggling to explain how polling results were compiled amid an Internet blackout.Challenger Bobi Wine, a singer-turned-lawmaker, called the result fraudulent. He's holed up in his home fearful for his life but spoke publicly Friday."We have certainly won this election and we have won it by far. Yoweri Museveni and his small clique of oppressors are trying yet again to impose themselves on the people of Uganda."But Museveni says not so."This may turn out to be the most cheating-free election since 1962."The top U.S. diplomat to Africa called the election "fundamentally flawed."I'm Julie Walker.By the busload and the planeload, National Guard troops were pouring into Washington D.C. on Saturday as governors answered the urgent pleas of U.S. defense officials for more troops to help safeguard Washington ahead of the inauguration.Military leaders spent chunks of Thursday evening and Friday calling states in an unprecedented appeal for more Guard troops to help lock down much of the city in the days before President-elect Joe Biden takes the oath of office.Michigan, Virginia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Washington were among the states that activated their National Guards to strengthen security. Texas closed its Capitol through Inauguration Day.In dribs and drabs, governors responded, some agreeing to send an extra dozen, 100 or even 1,000, others said no.This is VOA news.President-elect Joe Biden is filling out his State Department team with a group of former career diplomats and veterans of the Obama administration. AP's Ben Thomas reports.Wendy Sherman is the pick for deputy secretary of state while Victoria Nuland is slotted to be undersecretary of state for political affairs, those of the second- and third-highest ranking posts at the State Department.Sherman led the Obama administration's negotiations leading to the Iran nuclear deal and was also involved in talks with North Korea during President Bill Clinton's second term. Nuland served as an assistant secretary of state for European Affairs during the Ukraine crisis.Biden says the team with Antony Blinken as secretary of state and embodies his core belief that America is strongest when it works with its allies.Ben Thomas, Washington.Cities, towns and villages across France were practically empty Saturday night as residents stayed home and businesses shut to observe a nationwide curfew intended to help stem the spread of coronavirus.The virus has killed 70,000 people in France, the seventh highest total in the world, and the government is particularly worried by the more transmissible variant first detected in Britain, which now accounts for about one percent of new cases.In addition, beginning Monday anyone travelling to France from outside the European Union will have to show a negative test result and self-isolate for a week upon arrival.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched on Saturday one of the world's largest vaccination campaigns. Reuters Olivia Chang reports.Sanitation worker Manish Kumar became the first person in India to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in the country.Indian won't have a choice between the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine and a government-backed homegrown one from Bharat Biotech whose efficacy is not known. Both are being produced locally.India has reported the highest number of coronavirus infections after the United States.The country wants to vaccinate around 300 million people with two doses in the first six to eight months of the year.That's Reuters Olivia Chang.German Chancellor Angela Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic Union party on Saturday chose Armin Laschet, the governor of Germany's most populous state, as its new leader.The decision comes ahead of September's election where voters will decide who becomes the new chancellor.Saturday's vote is not the final word on who will run as the center-right candidate for chancellor in September. But Laschet will either run for chancellor or will have a big say in who does.Visit for more. Reporting by remote, I'm David Byrd, VOA news. ................

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