
852805-119189500International EducationInternational Honors Certificates (IHC) Online CoursesImplementation GuideSet Enrollment GoalsWhy set goals? Phi Theta Kappa supports student success; our evidence is the 91% average graduation rate among members. IHCs and the ILIAD capstone unit are designed and offered as a benefit to Phi Theta Kappa members to enhance their academic success and credentials through academically rigorous international education from world-class universities, AND as a recruitment tool to encourage eligible Phi Theta Kappa members to accept membership and access the many additional benefits that will support their success. Current Phi Theta Kappa Membership________________Phi Theta Kappa Eligible Students________________Total IHC Enrollment Goal________________The ILIAD capstone is specifically designed to encourage community college students to study abroad to further enhance their international credentials in the global economy. Nation-wide, less than 1/10 of 1% of community college students studied abroad in 2011/2012. The cost is a major barrier for most. The ILIAD capstone explains the advantages of studying abroad and guides students in the exploration of programs, identification of a program that meets their academic and professional goals, and preparation for writing competitive applications for scholarships that support study abroad. Current number of students studying abroad________________Percentage of the student body studying abroad________________Current number of students receiving scholarships for study abroad________________Goal for number of students studying abroad________________Manage Checklist and Establish TimelineDue DateIdentify Project Lead________________Review and sign Data Sharing and Instructional Services Agreement________________Align IHC courses with college credit courses________________Place IHC Courses in Catalog (online registration system)________________Generate Email List of Phi Theta Kappa Members and Eligible Members________________Send Campus Communications(Advising, Faculty, and Students)________________Recruit and Register Students (registration deadline)________________Upload list of registered students to Phi Theta Kappa registrar ________________Students Receive instructions and begin IHC Online Courses ________________Follow up with students regarding Study Abroad program and scholarship submissions________________Sign Data Sharing and Instructional Services AgreementAlign IHC courses with college credit coursesAdd courses to catalog/registration systemSend campus communications for academic advising and others (templates provided)Distribute Student / Advisor Flyer (customizable template provided)Send Student Recruitment Email to Phi Theta Kappa members and eligible members (template provided)Upload list of registered students to Phi Theta Kappa registrar ................

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