
These questions are for use in the Virginia High School League’s Scholastic Bowl competition at the Regional level. Shawn Pickrell, Marian Suter, Chris Moretti, Susan Gallaher, Adam Fine and Gary Bugg are the authors of these questions.

Regions must observe the following conditions, which must be known by all coaches, competitors and spectators of the competition:

a) Release of these questions to any entity not affiliated with the Region competition or the schools that are members of the given Region before all Region champions have been announced is prohibited. This is meant to keep question security.

b) Competitors may not discuss or otherwise reference these questions with other entities in the Commonwealth of Virginia that are associated in any way with the Scholastic Bowl competition before all Region champions have been determined. This is also meant to keep question security.

c) After that, these questions may be freely released to entities within the Commonwealth of Virginia. These questions may also be discussed or otherwise referenced between entities within the Commonwealth of Virginia. This is meant to allow the proliferation of these questions so that all schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia may have practice material for future Scholastic Bowl competitions, and therefore this practice is encouraged.

d) These questions may not be released AT ANY TIME to entities outside the Commonwealth of Virginia, except with prior approval of Shawn Pickrell. Discussion of these questions, however, is permitted between entities within and without the Commonwealth of Virginia This will apply to ANY entity in the Commonwealth of Virginia that receives these questions, be it directly from Shawn Pickrell or indirectly through various means.

First period, 15 toss-ups

1. After eight years of marriage, Nora realizes that her husband views her only as a plaything and decides to leave him so that she can become a person in her own right. For 10 points, name this Henrik Ibsen play.

ANSWER: _A Doll's House_

2. For 10 points, what is the superlative degree of the adjective far?

ANSWER: _furthest_ (do not accept farthest)

3. The Reformed Churches use the Heidelberg version, while that of the Anglican Communion is contained within the Book of Common Prayer. Martin Luther published a "small" version in 1529, while most contain the creed, the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments. For ten points, identify the term for a manual of Christian doctrine, often presented in question-and-answer form for the teaching of children.

ANSWER: _catechism_

4. A liter of water weighs 1000 grams. An equal volume of the mineral corundum weighs 4000 grams. For 10 points, what is corundum's specific gravity?

Answer: _4_

5. The third war between the US and this tribe was fought from 1855 to 1858, largely over land conflicts. The first war between the US and this tribe was fought in 1817 and 1818, due to this tribe’s providing safe haven to escaped slaves and to the British provoking attacks against settlers in southern Georgia. The second war is probably the best-known war, fought between 1835 and 1842 in the Everglades, and did not end with the capture of Chief Osceola. For 10 points, what American Indian tribe was involved in these three wars?

ANSWER: _Seminole_s

6. It consists of one large island, five medium-sized islands, and dozens of rocks and small islands. The Andes form the western part, and the Patagonian plateau forms the eastern part. For 10 points, what is this region of southern South America separated from the mainland by the Straits of Magellan?

ANSWER: _Tierra del Fuego_

7. For 10 points, for what type of animal was King Richard III willing to trade his kingdom in Shakespeare's play?

ANSWER: _horse_ (my kingdom for a horse)

8. From the Latin for "to fall," in poetry it indicates the rise and fall of a phrase, while in music it denotes the close of a phrase, and can come in authentic or plagal forms. For ten points, what musical term can also simply refer to a rhythm, such as when a quarterback calls out numbers before hiking the ball?

ANSWER: _cadence_

9. A neutral atom in the ground state contains 16 electrons. For 10 points, what is the total number of electrons in the 2p sublevel?

ANSWER: _6_ electrons

10. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. For 10 points, what is the sum of the 2-by-2 matrices, with elements going top-left, top-right, bottom-left and bottom-right, 1 2 3 4 and 5 6 7 8?

ANSWER: _6 8 10 12_

11. He was the oldest son of Ethelred the Unready and took the throne in 1042 after the untimely death of his half-brother Hardicanute (har-DEE-kah-NOOT). Toward the end of his reign he constructed Westminster Cathedral, but he was unable to attend its consecration and died shortly after. For 10 points, who was this king of England, whose nickname was given him due to his deeply religious views?

ANSWER: _Edward III_ or _Edward the Confessor_

12. Complete the last two words of this proverb for 10 points: "Time and tide wait for (BLANK)."

ANSWER: _no man_

13. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. On a map, a ratio scale uses small units of distance to represent actual distances. A certain map gives a ratio of one centimeter = 100,000 centimeters. For 10 points, how far would that be in kilometers?

Answer: _one kilometer_

14. For 10 points, in Fall 2003, to celebrate the 5th anniversary of its founding, what web search engine replaced both g's in its logo with 5's and the two o's with balloons?

ANSWER: _google_ (accept )

15. For 10 points, what is the total number of completely filled principal energy levels in an atom of argon in the ground state?


Second period, 10 directed questions for each team

Questions with an A after their number will be read to the team that selects set A of questions; questions with a B after their number will be read to the team that selects set B of questions.

1A. Former Senator Daniel Moynihan passed away on March 26, 2003, at age 76. Moynihan represented what state in the US Senate?

ANSWER: _New York_

1B. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. How many degrees are in each interior angle of a regular dodecagon?

ANSWER: _150_ degrees

2A. In what year was the Oregon Country divided between the US and Great Britain?

ANSWER: _1846_

2B. What Volkswagen SUV, best known for its unusual name, was named Motor Trend's SUV of the year for 2003 and Car & Driver's best Luxury SUV?

ANSWER: _Touareg_ (TOOR-egg)

3A. What name is given to the unusual fear of the number thirteen

ANSWER: _triskaidekaphobia_

3B. Which ancient Greek playwright wrote about one of his contemporaries, "You have all the characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner"?

ANSWER: _Aristophanes_ (air-uh-STOF-uh-neez)

4A. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. How many minutes are in a week?

ANSWER: _10080_

4B. Name the green algae being described: it is a colony, it has thousands of flagellated cells arranged in a single layer surrounding a watery interior, it looks circular when viewed through a microscope, and it lives in fresh water.

ANSWER: _volvox_

5A. What quantity of electricity is equal to the charge of 6.25 x 10^8 (6.25 times 10 to the eighth) electrons?

ANSWER: _coulomb_

5B. Mutual funds that do not have commissions are called "no-(BLANK)" funds. What name is given to the commission paid to the seller of a mutual fund?

ANSWER: _load_

6A. In what William Faulkner novel is the story of Thomas Sutpen told from the perspective of three different people?

ANSWER: _Absalom Absalom!_

6B. What treaty in 1648 ended the Thirty Years' War?

ANSWER: Treaty of _Westphalia_

7A. What lake in Siberia is the largest freshwater lake in Eurasia, and is the deepest lake in the world?

ANSWER: _Baikal_

7B. What unit of storage on a disk drive is usually 512 bytes in size and is grouped together to form clusters?

ANSWER: _sector_s

8A. The six-pointed Jewish star is also known as the Star of what famous King of Israel?

ANSWER: Star of _David_ (or Magen _David_)

8B. In what John Keats poem does a young girl experience a dream on a cold January night? According to legend, if a girl dreams of a young man on January 20, this is the man she will marry.

ANSWER: _"The Eve of St. Agnes"_

9A. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. What is the improper fraction 1784/571, expressed as a reduced mixed number?

ANSWER: _3 and 71/571_

9B. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. Solution A is 12 percent acid. Solution B is 30 percent acid. How many kilograms of Solution A should be used to make a 72 kilogram solution that is 20% acid?

ANSWER: _40_ kg

10A. Name the protozoan being described: They feed by phagocytizing prey, they move by means of pseudopods, and they have no definite shape.

ANSWER: _amoeba_

10B. Which Hungarian composed the ballets The Wooden Prince and The Miraculous Mandarin, as well as the opera Duke Bluebeard's Castle?

ANSWER: Bela _Bartok_

Third period, 15 toss-ups

1. Her scepter is crowned with a cuckoo, signifying that she is the messenger of spring. Children of hers include Eileithyia (eye-LAY-thee-ah), the goddess of childbirth; Hebe (HEE-bee), the original cupbearer; Ares, and Hephaestus, whom she lamed by throwing him out of Olympus. For ten points, what goddess of marriage and women was the Queen of the gods, since she was married to Zeus?

ANSWER: _Hera_ (accept "Juno” until Eileithyia)

2. For 10 points, the name of what alloy is used colloquially to mean impudence, as in "it took a lot of _(blank)_ to stand up to the boss"?

ANSWER: _brass_

3. He was born with the name Saloth Sar. He spent most of the 70s, 80s and 90s fighting a guerrilla war against royalists, the Vietnamese and the post-Vietnamese coalition government. For three years in the late 1970s, he was able to gain power, killing over a million people during his reign, which ended only when Vietnamese forces invaded and overthrew his government in 1979. For 10 points, who was this leader of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge?

ANSWER: _Pol Pot_

4. This physicist holds a seat once occupied by Sir Isaac Newton. For 10 points, name this modern-day genius and professor at the University of Cambridge who has conceived startling new theories to explain black holes and the origin of the universe despite being confined to a wheelchair.

ANSWER: Stephen _Hawking_

5. For 10 points, what was the name of the curve used by supply-side economists that stated that if taxes were cut, the resulting growth would cover any deficits that were created?

ANSWER: _Laffer_ curve

6. Many athletes use this dietary supplement, also known as Ma huang and epitonin, to increase athletic performance. However, side effects include high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, nerve damage, insomnia, tremors, headaches, and possible heart attacks and strokes. For 10 points, what is this supplement that has come under increasing suspicion since the 2003 death of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler (BEK-ler) and is now banned by the federal government?

ANSWER: _ephedra_

7. His political career was ended before it began when he announced, "I am convinced that the office of President is not such a very difficult one to fill." In 1898, the rank of Admiral of the Navy was created for this man. For 10 points, who was this man that had won the battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War?

ANSWER: George _Dewey_

8. This American's autobiography is entitled My Life and Hard Times. One of his well-known short stories is "The Night the Bed Fell". For 10 points, who is this author best known for his character Walter Mitty?

ANSWER: James _Thurber_

9. He went to school with Emile Zola, and developed a close friendship with Camille Pissarro, but the Impressionist Salon constantly rejected his works. His middle or "constructive" phase features paintings such as the _Card Players_ series, but in his late phase he turned to still life subjects, particularly fruit. For ten points, name this post-impressionist French painter of many views of _Mont-Sainte Victoire_. (mawn sawn-VEEK-twahr)

ANSWER: Paul _Cezanne_ (say-ZAHN)

10. It was discovered in 1978 by Jim Christie. It is about 750 miles in diameter and it is the biggest satellite in relation to its planet in the Solar System. For 10 points, what is the only known satellite of Pluto?

ANSWER: _Charon_

11. For 10 points, what is the name of the special flap that closes over your windpipe to make sure food goes down the esophagus and not the trachea?

ANSWER: _epiglottis_

12. Members of this group have taken over security at Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch, and have taken over his business affairs since he was first accused of performing lewd acts on a child. For 10 points, what is this group that has advocated Black self-empowerment and a separate African-American country, and is led by Louis Farrakhan?

ANSWER: _Nation of Islam_

13. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. For 10 points, what is the value of the expression: cosine-squared of 2PI thirds plus 3 sine-squared of 3PI fourths?

ANSWER: _7/4_

14. For 10 points, name the American playwright who wrote Last of the Red Hot Lovers, The Sunshine Boys, Sweet Charity, and The Odd Couple.

ANSWER: Neil _Simon_

15. The first one met between September 5 and October 26, 1774, in response to the Coercive Acts. The second one met on May 10, 1775, and ultimately adopted the Declaration of Independence. For 10 points, what were these meetings of all 13 colonies during the run up to the American Revolution?

ANSWER: _Continental Congress_es

SPARE QUESTIONS (In the second period, try to replace the question discarded with the a spare question in that subject area – i.e. science for science, social studies for social studies, etc.) Be sure to cross out the questions if/as they are used.

1. For 10 points, what is the Spanish word for "ear"?

ANSWER: _oreja_ (oh-RAY-hah)

2. He was captured during the Easter Rebellion of 1916 but managed to avoid execution. He was elected to the first Irish Parliament, and later became Prime Minister, spending over 21 years in that position in three separate terms between 1932 and 1959. For 10 points, who was this man that then served 14 years as Irish President?

ANSWER: Eamon _de Valera_

3. THIS IS A MATH QUESTION. Matrix A is a 3 by 1 matrix with elements 2 2 3. Matrix B is a 1 by 3 matrix with elements 1 4 6. For 10 points, what is B times A?

ANSWER: _[28]_ (if the stated answer is 28, prompt for "the matrix 28" or "1-by-1 matrix")

4. For 10 points, what type of acid is Vitamin C scientifically known as?

ANSWER: _ascorbic_ acid

5. "She paints her nails, and she don't know, he's got her best friend on the phone" are the opening lyrics to, for 10 points, what band's hit "Flavour of the Week"?

ANSWER: _American Hi-Fi_ (note: NOT "high-FIVE") (accept Flavour of the Week before it is mentioned)


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