Place ValueGo to for help. 1 Write numbers up to one million in digitsLet’s LearnWrite the numbers below in digits. 1882105200660403 80700403 807Four hundred and three thousand, eight hundred and seven1882775202530400 22100400 221Four hundred thousand, two hundred and twenty-one1877730201930909 00000909 000Nine hundred and nine thousandTwo hundred and twenty thousand and twenty188277531150220 02000220 020Your TurnWrite the numbers below in digits. 1882105200660210 20100210 201Two hundred and ten thousand, two hundred and one1882775202530300 30300300 303Three hundred thousand, three hundred and three1877730201930808 00000808 000Eight hundred and eight thousandFive hundred and fifty thousand and fifty188277531150550 05000550 0502 Write numbers up to one million in wordsLet’s LearnWrite the numbers below in words. 384,384 Three hundred and eighty-four thousand, three hundred and eighty-four592,000 Five hundred and ninety-two thousand400,040 Four hundred thousand and forty480,500 Four hundred and eighty thousand, five hundredYour TurnWrite the numbers below in words. 271,207 Two hundred and seventy-one thousand, two hundred and seven384,000 Three hundred and eighty-four thousand800,080 Eight hundred thousand and eighty210,900 Two hundred and ten thousand, nine hundred3 Identify the digit in each place value for six-digit numbersLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the digit of each place value. 198,23812211051206501001Hundred-thousands:121348514770108008121221511366503003121539045656580081219200113665900912109457943852002Ten-thousands: Thousands: Hundreds: Tens: Ones: 201,4671213485797560000012090401134745700712103101477010100112192001136654004121158018173706006Hundreds: 12174471143002002Hundred-thousands: Ten-thousands: Ones: Thousands: Tens: 392,564122745546736060061223645810260400412192001147445300312204701489710200212293601263659009122174018300705005Ten-thousands: Tens: Ones: Hundred-thousands: Thousands: Hundreds: Your TurnFor the questions below, write the digit of each place value. 573,21812211051206505005Hundred-thousands:121348514770108008121221511366501001121539045656530031219200113665700712109457943852002Ten-thousands: Thousands: Hundreds: Tens: Ones: 643,7521213485797560400412090401134745200212103101477010300312192001136657007121158018173705005Hundreds: 12174471143006006Hundred-thousands: Ten-thousands: Ones: Thousands: Tens: 297,138122745546736030031223645810260800812192001147445200212204701489710700712293601263659009122174018300701001Ten-thousands: Tens: Ones: Hundred-thousands: Thousands: Hundreds: 4 Identify the value of each digit in six-digit numbersLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the value of each digit. 92,03582594413081990 0000090 0008259443030172 000002 0009 represents: 2 represents: 82176813358500000 represents: 8175931307933000303 represents: 81759313217650055 represents: 481,297825900130819200002008259003030171 000001 0002 represents: 1 represents: 82172513358570077 represents: 817549130793400 00000400 0004 represents: 8175491321769000909 represents: 81754912938380 0000080 0008 represents: 509,4138258571308190000825857303017400004000 represents: 4 represents: 821681133585500 00000500 0005 represents: 81750613079330033 represents: 8175061321761000101 represents: 8175061293839 000009 0009 represents: Your TurnFor the questions below, write the value of each digit. 45,60282594413081940 0000040 0008259443030175 000005 0004 represents: 5 represents: 821768133585600006006 represents: 81759313079300000 represents: 81759313217620022 represents: 528,937825900130819900009008259003030178 000008 0009 represents: 8 represents: 82172513358570077 represents: 817549130793500 00000500 0005 represents: 8175491321763000303 represents: 81754912938320 0000020 0002 represents: 409,3758258571308190000825857303017300003000 represents: 3 represents: 821681133585400 00000400 0004 represents: 81750613079350055 represents: 8175061321767000707 represents: 8175061293839 000009 0009 represents: 5 Partition six-digit numbersLet’s LearnPartition the numbers below. 2894330628651001210375562865500050130492562865900009005082706286540 0000040 00040951 = + + + 4562475628652002376872562865100010296545062865900009002174875628653 000003 00013760456286580 0000080 00057959863152500 00000500 000583912 = + + + + +37687256286550052965450628655000502174875628651000010013760456286550 0000050 00057959863152400 00000400 000450155 = + + + + Your TurnPartition the numbers below. 2894330628657007210375562865200020130492562865600006005082706286580 0000080 00080627 = + + + 4562475628656006376872562865600060296545062865700007002174875628655 000005 00013760456286550 0000050 00057959863152700 00000700 000755766 = + + + + +37687256286560062965450628652000202174875628656 000006 00013760456286520 0000020 00057959863152600 00000600 000626026 = + + + + 6 Compare numbers with up to six digitsLet’s LearnWrite > or < in each box. 47996271755>00>525252 25252548631271755>00>333333 4444447297771755<00<563929 59293247996271755<00<404888 40844448631271755>00>815531 81531547297771755<00< 55000 500000Your TurnWrite > or < in each box. 47996271755<00<464646 64444448631271755>00>200000 9999947297771755>00>696222 66966647996271755<00<458458 48545948631271755<00<265526 26565647297771755<00< 66000 6000007 Order numbers with up to six digitsLet’s LearnOrder each set of numbers from smallest to largest. 540 000, 45 400, 54 000, 455 000, 544 000247652222545 4000045 400189674522860455 00000455 000377063029210544 00000544 000283505926035540 00000540 0009609792398154 0000054 00077 666, 677 666, 67 777, 767 666, 776 777247652159067 7770067 777283464022225767 66600767 666377063021590776 77700776 777189674520955677 66600677 6669607552159077 6660077 666Your TurnOrder each set of numbers from smallest to largest. 660 000, 60 900, 690 000, 9 600, 669 00024765222259 600009 600189674522860660 00000660 000377063029210690 00000690 000283505926035669 00000669 0009609792398160 9000060 90045 555, 540 444, 54 444, 545 555, 554 444247652159045 5550045 555283464022225545 55500545 555377063021590554 44400554 444189674520955540 44400540 4449607552159054 4440054 4448 Round to the nearest 10 000, 1 000, 100 or 10Let’s LearnFor the questions below, round each number to the specified degree of accuracy. 282,493Round to the nearest…1123352130175300 00000300 0001123352302895280 00000280 000Hundred thousand: Ten thousand: 1119542132715282 00000282 000Thousand: 1115097130175282 50000282 500Hundred: 1115097132080282 49000282 490Ten: 391,295Round to the nearest…1123352130175400 00000400 0001123352302895390 00000390 000Hundred thousand: Ten thousand: 1119542132715391 00000391 000Thousand: 1115097130175391 30000391 300Hundred: 1115097132080391 30000391 300Ten: 302,401Round to the nearest…1123352130175300 00000300 0001123352302895300 00000300 000Hundred thousand: Ten thousand: 1119542132715302 00000302 000Thousand: 1115097130175302 40000302 400Hundred: 1115097132080302 40000302 400Ten: Your TurnFor the questions below, round each number to the specified degree of accuracy. 351,454Round to the nearest…1123352130175400 00000400 0001123352302895350 00000350 000Hundred thousand: Ten thousand: 1119542132715351 00000351 000Thousand: 1115097130175351 50000351 500Hundred: 1115097132080351 45000351 450Ten: 160,165Round to the nearest…1123352130175200 00000200 0001123352302895160 00000160 000Hundred thousand: Ten thousand: 1119542132715160 00000160 000Thousand: 1115097130175162 20000162 200Hundred: 1115097132080160 17000160 170Ten: 656,606Round to the nearest…1123352130175700 00000700 0001123352302895660 00000660 000Hundred thousand: Ten thousand: 1119542132715657 00000657 000Thousand: 1115097130175656 60000656 600Hundred: 1115097132080656 61000656 610Ten: 9 Write numbers to 1000 in Roman numeralsLet’s LearnWrite the numbers below in Roman numerals. 124 = CXXIV249 = CCXLIX305 = CCCV494 = CDXCIV509 = DIX590 = DXC634 = DCXXXIV799 = DCCXCIX850 = DCCCL981 = CMLXXXIYour TurnWrite the numbers below in Roman numerals. 133 = CXXXIII244 = CCXLIV301 = CCCI449 = CDXLIX505 = DV560 = DLX648 = DCXLVIII792 = DCCXCII870 = DCCCLXX972 = CMLXXII10 Read Roman numerals to 1000Let’s LearnWrite the numbers represented by Roman numerals below. CVII = 107CCXXXVI = 236CCXLIV = 244CCCLXXVIII = 378CCCXC = 390CDIX = 409CDLX = 460DLXXI = 571DCII = 602DCXX = 620DCCLXXVII = 777DCCXCIX = 799DCCCXXX = 830CMLXI = 961CMXCVI = 996Your TurnWrite the numbers represented by Roman numerals below. CIV = 104CCXXVIII = 228CCCXLV = 345CCCLXXXVI = 386CCCXCIX = 399CDIII = 403CDXC = 490DXLI = 541DCIV = 604DCXL = 640DCLXVI = 666DCCXCVII = 797DCCCX = 810CML = 950CMLXXXIV = 984AdditionGo to for help. 1 Count on in hundreds from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in hundreds. 14770102794019866001986620529552921019966001996626269952921020066002006649269652857520466002046643529252857520366002036637769802794020266002026632029402857520166002016620529553765551997550019975526269953765551998550019985549269653759202002550020025543529253759202001550020015537769803752852000550020005532029403759201999550019995519566, 19666, 19766, 14775402794019965500199655199355, 199455, 199555, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in hundreds. 14770102794059608005960820529552921059708005970826269952921059808005980849269652857560208006020843529252857560108006010837769802794060008006000832029402857559909005990920529553765552999990029999926269953765553000990030009949269653759203004990030049943529253759203003990030039937769803752853002990030029932029403759203001990030019959308, 59408, 59508, 14775402794029989900299899299599, 299699, 299799, 2 Add a multiple of 100 to a six-digit numberLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 8241 + 700 = 8 94127553 + 800 = 28 353289931 + 400 = 290 331399555 + 700 = 400 255Your TurnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 6055 + 800 = 6 85538850 + 500 = 39 350469705 + 800 = 470 505899411 + 600 = 900 0113 Count on in thousands from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in thousands. 14770102794095522009552220529552921096522009652226269952921097522009752249269652857510152200101522435292528575100522001005223776980279409952210099522132029402857598522009852220529553765557963220079632226269953765557973220079732249269653759208013220080132243529253759208003220080032237769803752857993220079932232029403759207983220079832292522, 93522, 94522, 14775402794079532200795322792322, 793322, 794322, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in thousands. 14770102794096444009644420529552921097444009744426269952921098444009844449269652857510244400102444435292528575101444001014443776980279401004440010044432029402857599444009944420529553765556984000069840026269953765556994000069940049269653759207034000070340043529253759207024000070240037769803752857014000070140032029403759207004000070040093444, 94444, 95444, 14775402794069740000697400694400, 695400, 696400, 4 Add a multiple of 1000 to a six-digit numberLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 14824 + 6000 = 20 82494600 + 6000 = 100 600383695 + 8000 =391 695299915 + 9000 = 308 915Your TurnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 25800 + 5000 = 30 80097900 + 6000 = 103 900585585 + 7000 =592 585399933 + 8000 = 407 9335 Count on in steps of 10 000 from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in ten-thousands. 1477010279401095000010950020529552921011950000119500262699529210129500001295004926965285751695000016950043529252857515950000159500377698027940149500001495003202940285751395000013950020529553765555050000050500026269953765555150000051500049269653759205550000055500043529253759205450000054500037769803752855350000053500032029403759205250000052500079500, 89500, 99500, 14775402794049500000495000465000, 475000, 485000, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in ten-thousands. 1477010279401033000010330020529552921011330000113300262699529210123300001233004926965285751633000016330043529252857515330000153300377698027940143300001433003202940285751333000013330020529553765557180000071800026269953765557280000072800049269653759207680000076800043529253759207580000075800037769803752857480000074800032029403759207380000073800073300, 83300, 93300, 14775402794070800000708000678000, 688000, 698000, 6 Add a multiple of 10 000 to a six-digit numberLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 65000 + 40000 = 105 000395000 + 30000 = 425 000284500 + 50000 = 334 500Your TurnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 77000 + 70000 = 147 000675000 + 50000 = 725 000464600 + 60000 = 524 6007 Add a multiple of 100 000 to a six-digit numberLet’s Learn49500 + 300000 = 349 500230000 + 700000 = 930 000284500 + 200000 = 484 500Your Turn50000 + 500000 = 550 000150000 + 600000 = 750 000343400 + 400000 = 743 4008 Add large numbers using column additionLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using column addition. 9681 + 5562 = 15 24395435 + 90988 = 186 423833560 + 67650 = 901 210572749 + 231758 = 804 507Your TurnComplete the questions below using column addition. 7873 + 7575 = 15 44854967 + 50963 = 105 930214892 + 88122 = 303 014376857 + 192754 = 569 6119 Solve missing digit addition problemsLet’s LearnComplete the addition questions below by finding the missing digits.Your TurnComplete the addition questions below by finding the missing digits.10 Add to a negative numberLet’s Learn-2 + 5 = 3-4 + 8 = 4-3 + 9 = 6Your Turn-3 + 7 = 4-2 + 8 = 6-7 + 8 = 111 Complete number sequences involving negative numbersLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next numbers in each sequence. 4017645311151000103443605311158008286766029845600622936202857540041717675273052002114363527305000056769026035-200-2 -8, -6, -4,390334531115-1100-11332930531115-900-9275336029845-700-7217932028575-500-5160337527305-300-3102933527305-100-1453390260351001 7, 5, 3,35071053111513001329314252984510001023571202857570071781518276074004120734827874100163122326171-200-2 -11, -8, -5,Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next numbers in each sequence. 4124325311157007355028531115500529743402984530032400300285751001182435527305-100-1125031527305-300-367443426035-500-5 -11, -9, -7,390334531115-1000-10332930531115-800-8275336029845-600-6217932028575-400-4160337527305-200-21029335273050000453390260351001 8, 5, 2,350710531115120012293142529845900923571202857560061781518276073003120734827874000063122326171-300-3 -12, -9, -6,12 Add to a negative number with larger numbersLet’s Learn-34 + 69 = 35-3 + 83 = 80- 89 + 52 = -37Your Turn-32 + 53 = 21-7 + 67 = 60-84 + 22 = -62SubtractionGo to for help. 1 Count back in hundreds from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting back in hundreds. 14770102794010034000100340205295529210100240001002402626995292101001400010014049269652857599740009974043529252857599840009984037769802794099940009994032029402857510004000100040205295537655524404000244040262699537655524394000243940492696537592024354400243544435292537592024364400243644377698037528524374400243744320294037592024384400243844100640, 100540, 100440, 14775402794024414400244144244444, 244344, 244244, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting back in hundreds. 147701027940100233001002332052955292101001330010013326269952921010003300100033492696528575996330099633435292528575997330099733377698027940998330099833320294028575999330099933205295537655523392200233922262699537655523382200233822492696537592023342200233422435292537592023352200233522377698037528523362200233622320294037592023372200233722100533, 100433, 100333, 14775402794023402200234022234322, 234222, 234122, 2 Subtract a multiple of 100 from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 49882 – 500 = 49 38210191 – 500 = 9 691284529 – 800 = 283 729100394 – 600 = 99 794Your TurnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 22922 – 700 = 22 22210395 – 500 = 9 895313131 – 600 = 312 531100522 – 600 = 99 9223 Count back in thousands from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting back in thousands. 14770102794010055500100555205295529210995550099555262699529210985550098555492696528575945550094555435292528575955550095555377698027940965550096555320294028575975550097555205295537655535122200351222262699537655535022200350222492696537592034622200346222435292537592034722200347222377698037528534822200348222320294037592034922200349222103555, 102555, 101555, 14775402794035222200352222355222, 354222, 353222, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting back in thousands. 1477010279401014500010145020529552921010045000100450262699529210994500099450492696528575954500095450435292528575964500096450377698027940974500097450320294028575984500098450205295537655546133300461333262699537655546033300460333492696537592045633300456333435292537592045733300457333377698037528545833300458333320294037592045933300459333104450, 103450, 102450, 14775402794046233300462333465333, 464333, 463333, 4 Subtract a multiple of 1000 from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 28284 – 2000 = 26 284231932 – 5000 = 226 932286745 – 8000 = 278 745400400 – 4000 = 396 400Your TurnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 39393 – 3000 = 36 393451900 – 5000 = 446 900275755 – 6000 = 269 755300300 – 7000 = 293 3005 Count back in steps of 10 000 from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting back in ten-thousands. 14770102794010540000105400205295529210954000095400262699529210854000085400492696528575454000045400435292528575554000055400377698027940654000065400320294028575754000075400205295537655590400500904005262699537655589400500894005492696537592085400500854005435292537592086400500864005377698037528587400500874005320294037592088400500884005135400, 125400, 115400, 14775402794091400500914005944005, 934005, 924005, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting back in ten-thousands. 1477010279401166000011660020529552921010660000106600262699529210966000096600492696528575566000056600435292528575666000066600377698027940766000076600320294028575866000086600205295537655579590000795900262699537655578590000785900492696537592074590000745900435292537592075590000755900377698037528576590000765900320294037592077590000775900146600, 136600, 126600, 14775402794080590000805900835900, 825900, 815900, 6 Subtract a multiple of 10 000 from a six-digit numberLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 186000 – 30000 = 156 000224284 – 70000 = 154 284369009 – 70000 = 299 009Your TurnComplete the questions below using mental methods. 199000 – 90000 = 109 000343434 – 70000 = 273 434646004 – 80000 = 566 0047 Subtract a multiple of 100 000 from a six-digit numberLet’s Learn555000 – 500000 = 55 000490000 – 300000 = 190 000750000 – 500000 = 250 000Your Turn777000 – 700000 = 77 000550000 – 300000 = 250 000750000 – 200000 = 550 0008 Solve missing number addition problems with six-digit numbers mentallyLet’s LearnComplete the questions below by finding the missing numbers.499745533405 000005 000 56500 + = 61500 4997455334010 0000010 000 93300 + = 103300 56324553340300 00000300 000 290005 + = 590005 5632455334050000500 299850 + = 300350 Your TurnComplete the questions below by finding the missing numbers.499745533403 000003 000 59500 + = 62500 5609115334020 0000020 000 195500 + = 215500 56324553340300 00000300 000 330003 + = 630003 5632455334070000700 399770 + = 400470 9 Solve missing number subtraction problems with six-digit numbers mentallyLet’s Learn4997455334080000800 30450 – = 29650 56324553340100 00000100 000 310300 – = 210300 5632455334050 0000050 000 246700 – = 196700 563245533408 000008 000 677050 – = 669050 Your Turn4997455334050000500 31450 – = 30950 56324553340500 00000500 000 550500 – = 50500 5632455334060 0000060 000 333300 – = 273300 563245533403 000003 000 602020 – = 599020 10 Subtract large numbers using column subtractionLet’s LearnComplete the questions below using column subtraction. 13442 – 5144 = 8 298124485 – 29669 = 94 816214489 – 47969 = 166 520352063 – 147445 = 204 618Your TurnComplete the questions below using column subtraction. 11711 – 2188 = 9 523124242 – 44638 = 79 604112269 – 86362 = 25 907576191 – 267548 = 308 64311 Exchange across zero to subtract large numbers using column subtractionLet’s Learn10005 – 5245 = 4 760166005 – 85936 = 80 069404004 – 35488 = 368 516392003 – 139549 = 252 454Your Turn10009 – 6525 = 3 484123004 – 50018 = 72 986706002 – 19538 = 686 464645000 – 337457 = 307 54312 Solve missing number problems for addition and subtraction with large numbersLet’s LearnComplete the questions below by finding the missing numbers.-2855549150860 51400860 514 = 656571 + 203943-2553556350233 62800233 628 + 58392 = 29202056904550815118 13800118 138654674 – = 536536-1833550815230 35500230 355 – 147445 = 82910 Your TurnComplete the questions below by finding the missing numbers.-2855549150691 52600691 526 = 474733 + 216793-2553556350138 48500138 485 + 25546 = 16403156904550815714 51300714 513861790 – = 147277 -1833550815426 07900426 079 – 57923 = 368156 13 Solve missing digit subtraction problemsLet’s LearnComplete the subtraction questions below by finding the missing digits.Your TurnComplete the subtraction questions below by finding the missing digits.14 Subtract to make a negative answerLet’s Learn3 – 7 = -44 – 9 = -51 – 8 = -7Your Turn5 – 9 = -44 – 5 = -11 – 6 = -515 Subtract to make a negative answer with larger numbersLet’s Learn26 – 72 = -465 – 85 = -8089 – 91 = -2Your Turn39 – 85 = -468 – 89 = -8158 – 64 = -6MultiplicationGo to for help. 1 Multiply 2, 3, 4 or 5-digit numbers by 10Let’s Learn28 x 10 = 280509 x 10 = 509086054 x 10 = 860 540Your Turn33 x 10 = 330580 x 10 = 580083854 x 10 = 838 5402 Multiply 2, 3 or 4 digit numbers by 100Let’s Learn63 x 100 = 6300 700 x 100 = 70 0005008 x 100 = 500 800Your Turn54 x 100 = 5400 606 x 100 = 60 6004030 x 100 = 403 0003 Multiply 2 or 3 digit numbers by 1000Let’s Learn6 x 1000 = 600079 x 1000 = 78 000201 x 1000 = 201 000Your Turn9 x 1000 = 900080 x 1000 = 80 000421 x 1000 = 421 0004 Solve missing number problems for multiplying by 10, 100 or 1000Let’s Learn28776448895100000100030 x = 30000287764488951000010078 x = 7800424706488951000102050 x = 20500Your Turn287764488951000010050 x = 5000358363488951000001000446 x = 44600034966248895100010250 x = 25005 Multiply a single-digit number by a multiple of 1000Let’s Learn3 x 2000 = 60006000 x 5 = 30 0007 x 7000 = 49 000Your Turn2 x 3000 = 60005000 x 9 = 45 0008 x 8000 = 64 0006 Multiply by a four-digit number using the grid methodLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below using the grid method. 5 x 5289 = 26 4453 x 7441 = 22 323 Your TurnAnswer the questions below using the grid method. 4 x 4769 = 19 0768 x 4761 = 38 088 7 Multiply by a four-digit number using a written methodLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below using the column method. 3084 x 3 = 92523516 x 5 = 17 5809 x 1515 = 13 635Your TurnAnswer the questions below using the column method. 2086 x 4 = 83445314 x 6 = 31 8847 x 1716 = 12 0128 Multiply two multiples of 10Let’s Learn70 x 60 = 420050 x 80 = 400090 x 90 = 8100Your Turn60 x 60 = 360040 x 90 = 360080 x 50 = 40009 Multiply two two-digit numbers using the grid methodLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below using the grid method. 66 x 53 = 349873 x 45 = 3285Your TurnAnswer the questions below using the grid method. 58 x 47 = 272685 x 33 = 280510 Multiply two two-digit numbers using long multiplicationLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below using the column method. 71 x 46 = 326681 x 37 = 299754 x 23 = 124253 x 56 = 2968Your TurnAnswer the questions below using the column method. 61 x 51 = 311173 x 27 = 197173 x 25 = 182544 x 58 = 255211 Multiply a multiple of 100 by a multiple of 10Let’s Learn700 x 60 = 42 000500 x 80 = 40 000900 x 90 = 81 000Your Turn800 x 60 = 48 000500 x 20 = 10 000800 x 80 = 64 00012 Multiply a three-digit number by a two-digit number using the grid methodLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below using the grid method. 56 x 234 = 13 10494 x 517 = 48 598Your TurnAnswer the questions below using the grid method. 65 x 229 = 14 88593 x 428 = 39 80413 Multiply a three-digit number by a two-digit number using long multiplicationLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below using the column method. 694 x 34 = 23 596785 x 23 = 18 055678 x 54 = 36 612Your TurnAnswer the questions below using the column method. 418 x 46 = 19 228836 x 27 = 22 572569 x 63 = 35 84714 Multiply a four-digit number by a two-digit number using long multiplicationLet’s Learn3862 x 34 = 131 3084781 x 23 = 109 9635967 x 61 = 363 987Your Turn3468 x 62 = 215 0165413 x 86 = 465 5187312 x 97 = 709 26415 Solve multiplication problems with missing digitsLet’s LearnYour Turn16 Multiply two multiples of 100Let’s Learn800 x 600 = 480 000500 x 900 = 450 000700 x 700 = 490 000Your Turn900 x 300 = 270 000500 x 400 = 200 000900 x 900 = 810 000DivisionGo to for help. 1 Divide 3, 4, 5 and 6 digit multiples of 10 by 10Let’s Learn240 ÷ 10 = 244500 ÷ 10 = 450607060 ÷ 10 = 60 706Your Turn320 ÷ 10 = 324050 ÷ 10 = 405555500 ÷ 10 = 55 5502 Divide a 4, 5 or 6 digit multiple of 100 by 100Let’s Learn4300 ÷ 100 = 4312300 ÷ 100 = 123450000 ÷ 100 = 4500Your Turn5600 ÷ 100 = 5615000 ÷ 100 = 150430300 ÷ 100 = 43033 Divide 5 or 6 digit multiples of 1000 by 1000Let’s Learn3000 ÷ 1000 = 350000 ÷ 1000 = 50802000 ÷ 1000 = 802Your Turn7000 ÷ 1000 = 755000 ÷ 1000 = 55290000 ÷ 1000 = 2904 Solve missing number problems for dividing multiples of 10, 100 and 1000 by 10, 100 or 1000Let’s Learn430639488951000104000 ÷ = 40049921948895100000100052000 ÷ = 525720264889510000100830000 ÷ = 8300Your Turn49933348895100000100040000 ÷ = 40499219488951000010050200 ÷ = 50257202648895100010525000 ÷ = 525005 Divide using short divisionLet’s Learn5862 ÷ 3 = 19545184 ÷ 6 = 8649863 ÷ 7 = 1409Your Turn9764 ÷ 4 = 24417088 ÷ 8 = 8869765 ÷ 9 = 10856 Divide using short division with remaindersLet’s Learn5862 ÷ 5 = 1172 r24989 ÷ 9 = 554 r38861 ÷ 6 = 1476 r5Your Turn5481 ÷ 5 = 1096 r14181 ÷ 7 = 597 r29651 ÷ 8 = 1206 r37 Solve division problems with missing digitsLet’s LearnYour Turn8 Divide a multiple of 10 by a multiple of 10Let’s Learn420 ÷ 70 = 6360 ÷ 60 = 6720 ÷ 90 = 8Your Turn400 ÷ 80 = 5490 ÷ 70 = 7720 ÷ 60 = 129 Divide a multiple of 100 by a multiple of 10Let’s Learn600 ÷ 20 = 303500 ÷ 50 = 702700 ÷ 30 = 90Your Turn900 ÷ 30 = 303500 ÷ 70 = 502400 ÷ 80 = 3010 Divide a multiple of 100 by a multiple of 100Let’s Learn600 ÷ 200 = 33500 ÷ 500 = 72700 ÷ 300 = 9Your Turn200 ÷ 200 = 13300 ÷ 300 = 116300 ÷ 700 = 911 Solve missing number multiplication problems using knowledge of multiples of 10 and 100Let’s Learn21573948895400004007 x = 2800-10795488957200007200 = 9 x 800-25400501655005 x 90 = 450-2540050165900090 x 7 = 630-10795488955005 x 300 = 1500 -107954889530000300 = 6 x 503525344889570000700200 x = 140 000-1079548895300030 x 800 = 24 0002767514889530003040 x = 1200-107954889550000500 x 50 = 25 000Your Turn-1079548895700070 x 6 = 420-25400501659009 x 300 = 2700-107954889540000400 = 8 x 50-12764488955005 x 90 = 45021659950165300003006 x = 1800-25400501656400006400 = 8 x 8002767514889540004040 x = 1600-107954889540000400 x 70 = 28 0003525344889560000600300 x = 180 000-1079548895400040 x 800 = 32 00012 Solve missing number division problems using knowledge of multiples of 10 and 100Let’s Learn42111448895600006003600 ÷ = 6-254005016556000560 ÷ 8 = 70-25400501653000003000 ÷ 5 = 60037009648895900090720 ÷ = 8-25400501655600005600 ÷ 800 = 7-254005016532000320 ÷ 40 = 86038534965150000500350 000 ÷ = 700-229984965118 0000018 000 ÷ 200 = 90-2665849651490 00000490 000 ÷ 700 = 7005392244953080008064 000 ÷ = 800-22998496511200001200 ÷ 60 = 20438041495304000402400 ÷ = 60Your Turn-254005016572000720 ÷ 8 = 90042111448895600006004200 ÷ = 737009648895700070490 ÷ = 7-25400501651500001500 ÷ 5 = 300-254005016540000400 ÷ 50 = 8-25400501655600005600 ÷ 700 = 8-229984965112 0000012 000 ÷ 300 = 40-2665849651250 00000250 000 ÷ 500 = 5006038534965140000400280 000 ÷ = 700-22998496514800004800 ÷ 60 = 805392244953090009072 000 ÷ = 800438041495303000302100 ÷ = 70VocabularyGo to for help. 1 Identify multiplesLet’s LearnAnswer true or false for each statement below. 48 is a multiple of 3 True250 is a multiple of 100 False365 is a multiple of 9 False104 is a multiple of 8 TrueYour TurnAnswer true or false for each statement below. 96 is a multiple of 4 True1400 is a multiple of 100 True357 is a multiple of 7 True416 is a multiple of 9 False2 Find multiples and the lowest common multiple of two numbersLet’s LearnAnswer true or false for each statement below. 48 is a common multiple of 3 and 8. True104 is a common multiple of 8 and 9. False24 is a common multiple of6 and 7. False24 is the lowest common multiple of 4 and 6. False36 is the lowest common multiple of 6 and 9. FalseYour TurnAnswer true or false for each statement below. 56 is a common multiple of 2 and 7. True108 is a common multiple of 3 and 12. True27 is a common multiple of3 and 6. False56 is the lowest common multiple of 7 and 8. True12 is the lowest common multiple of 4 and 6. True3 Identify factor pairsLet’s LearnWrite all the factors of each number below. 12 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1216 1, 2, 4, 8, 1620 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20Your TurnWrite all the factors of each number below. 15 1, 3, 5, 1525 1, 5, 2522 1, 2, 11, 224 Find common factors and the highest common factor of two numbersLet’s LearnWrite all the common factors of each pair of numbers below. 6 and 9 1, 314 and 35 1, 727 and 36 1, 3, 9Your TurnWrite all the common factors of each pair of numbers below. 4 and 8 1, 2, 422 and 33 1, 1121 and 56 1, 75 Use factor pairs in mental calculations for multiplicationLet’s LearnUse factor pairs to solve the multiplication questions below. 37 x 18 = 66621 x 21 = 44152 x 32 = 1664Your TurnUse factor pairs to solve the multiplication questions below. 17 x 16 = 27223 x 21 = 48372 x 36 = 25926 Identify prime numbers and composite numbersLet’s LearnIdentify each of the numbers below as prime or composite. 171 Composite911 Prime427 CompositeYour TurnIdentify each of the numbers below as prime or composite. 267 Composite701 Prime941 Composite7 Find prime factorsLet’s LearnIdentify the prime factors of each of the numbers below. 70 7 x 5 x 275 5 x 5 x 3 100 5 x 5 x 2 x 2Your TurnIdentify the prime factors of each of the numbers below. 12 3 x 2 x 230 5 x 3 x 2 90 5 x 3 x 3 x 28 Identify square numbersLet’s Learn?7? + 4? = 6510? – 3? = 918? – 4? = 48Your Turn?8? + 5? = 8910? – 5? = 757? – 6? = 139 Find square numbers by squaring multiples of 10 or 100Let’s Learn50? = 250090? = 8100300? = 90 000700? = 490 000-24765775799009 ? = 81-2476577579200020 ? = 400-247657757940000400 ? = 160 000-247657757980000800 ? = 640 000Your Turn40? = 250080? = 6400200? = 40 000500? = 250 000-24765775797007 ? = 49-2476577579300030 ? = 900-247657757960000600 ? = 360 000-247657757970000700 ? = 490 00010 Identify cube numbersLet’s Learn2? = 83? = 274? = 645? = 12511 Find cube numbers using multiplicationLet’s Learn6? = 2167? = 3438? = 5129? = 729FractionsGo to for help. 1 Convert mixed numbers to improper fractionsLet’s LearnConvert each mixed number to an improper fraction. 1 EQ \F(1,5) = EQ \F(6,5) 2 EQ \F(5,6) = EQ \F(17,6) 3 EQ \F(5,8) = EQ \F(29,8) Your TurnConvert each mixed number to an improper fraction. 1 EQ \F(1,3) = EQ \F(4,3) 2 EQ \F(3,5) = EQ \F(13,5) 4 EQ \F(3,4) = EQ \F(19,4) 2 Convert improper fractions to mixed numbersLet’s LearnConvert each improper fraction to a mixed number. EQ \F(8,5) = 1 EQ \F(3,5) EQ \F(11,3) = 3 EQ \F(2,3) EQ \F(21,8) = 2 EQ \F(5,8) Your TurnConvert each improper fraction to a mixed number. EQ \F(7,4) = 1 EQ \F(3,4) EQ \F(14,5) = 2 EQ \F(4,5) EQ \F(22,7) = 3 EQ \F(1,7) 3 Add fractions with the same denominator beyond 1 whole, writing the answer as a mixed numberLet’s Learn EQ \F(4,5) + EQ \F(2,5) = EQ \F(6,5) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) EQ \F(3,4) + EQ \F(3,4) = EQ \F(6,4) or 1 EQ \F(2,4) EQ \F(7,8) + EQ \F(5,8) = EQ \F(12, 8) or 1 EQ \F(4,8) EQ \F(2,6) + EQ \F(5,6) = EQ \F(7,6) or 1 EQ \F(1,6) Your Turn EQ \F(5,6) + EQ \F(2,6) = EQ \F(7,6) or 1 EQ \F(1,6) EQ \F(4,5) + EQ \F(4,5) = EQ \F(8,5) or 1 EQ \F(3,5) EQ \F(6,7) + EQ \F(5,7) = EQ \F(11,7) or 1 EQ \F(4,7) EQ \F(4,8) + EQ \F(5,8) = EQ \F(9,8) or 1 EQ \F(1,8) 4 Subtract a fraction from an improper fraction or mixed number with the same denominator and with 1 wholeLet’s Learn1 EQ \F(3,5) – EQ \F(4,5) = EQ \F(4,5) 1 EQ \F(2,7) – EQ \F(5,7) = EQ \F(4,7) 1 EQ \F(1,4) – EQ \F(3,4) = EQ \F(2,4) 1 EQ \F(1,3) – EQ \F(2,3) = EQ \F(2,3) Your Turn1 EQ \F(2,7) – EQ \F(4,7) = EQ \F(5,7) 1 EQ \F(1,5) – EQ \F(2,5) = EQ \F(4,5) 1 EQ \F(1,8) – EQ \F(3,8) = EQ \F(6,8) 1 EQ \F(2,6) – EQ \F(5,6) = EQ \F(3,6) 5 Solve missing number problems for addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator beyond 1Let’s Learn32956517145 EQ \F(4,5) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 00 EQ \F(4,5) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 1 EQ \F(1,5) – = EQ \F(2,5) -39370222251 EQ \F(1,7) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 001 EQ \F(1,7) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) – EQ \F(3,7) = EQ \F(5,7) -3746522225 EQ \F(4,6) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 00 EQ \F(4,6) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) + EQ \F(5,6) = 1 EQ \F(3,6) Your Turn32956517145 EQ \F(2,3) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 00 EQ \F(2,3) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 1 EQ \F(1,3) – = EQ \F(2,3) -39370222251 EQ \F(1,4) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 001 EQ \F(1,4) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) – EQ \F(3,4) = EQ \F(2,4) -3746522225 EQ \F(7,9) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) 00 EQ \F(7,9) or 1 EQ \F(1,5) + EQ \F(4,9) = 1 EQ \F(2,9) 6 Add a fraction to a whole number and subtract a fraction from a whole numberLet’s Learn3 + EQ \F(3,7) = 3 EQ \F(3,7) 1 – EQ \F(1,4) = EQ \F(3,4) 1 – EQ \F(2,5) = EQ \F(3,5) 4 – EQ \F(7,8) = 3 EQ \F(1,8) 4 – EQ \F(1,4) = 3 EQ \F(3,4) 3 – EQ \F(2,5) = 2 EQ \F(3,5) Your Turn5 + EQ \F(2,3) = 5 EQ \F(2,3) 1 – EQ \F(1,5) = EQ \F(4,5) 1 – EQ \F(5,7) = EQ \F(2,7) 3 – EQ \F(5,6) = 2 EQ \F(1,6) 3 – EQ \F(1,5) = 2 EQ \F(4,5) 5 – EQ \F(5,7) = 4 EQ \F(2,7) 7 Add a fraction to a mixed number with the same denominator, without regroupingLet’s Learn1 EQ \F( 3,10) + EQ \F( 4,10) = 1 EQ \F( 7,10) 2 EQ \F(2,5) + EQ \F(2,5) = 2 EQ \F(4,5) 1 EQ \F(3,8) + EQ \F(4,8) = 1 EQ \F(7,8) Your Turn1 EQ \F( 5,12) + EQ \F( 6,12) = 1 EQ \F(11,12) 2 EQ \F(2,4) + EQ \F(1,4) = 2 EQ \F(3,4) 2 EQ \F(1,7) + EQ \F(4,7) = 2 EQ \F(5,7) 8 Add a fraction to a mixed number with the same denominator, regrouping to make 1 more wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 1 EQ \F(2,3) + EQ \F(1,3) = 22 EQ \F(3,5) + EQ \F(4,5) = 3 EQ \F(2,5) 1 EQ \F(3,4) + EQ \F(3,4) = 2 EQ \F(2,4) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 2 EQ \F(2,5) + EQ \F(3,5) = 32 EQ \F(3,4) + EQ \F(2,4) = 3 EQ \F(1,4) 1 EQ \F(3,6) + EQ \F(5,6) = 2 EQ \F(2,6) 9 Add a fraction to a mixed number with the same denominator by converting to an improper fractionLet’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 10 Add mixed numbers with the same denominator, without regroupingLet’s Learn2 EQ \F(3,5) + 2 EQ \F(1,5) = 4 EQ \F(4,5) 3 EQ \F(4,7) + 1 EQ \F(1,7) = 4 EQ \F(5,7) Your Turn3 EQ \F(1,3) + 2 EQ \F(1,3) = 5 EQ \F(2,3) 2 EQ \F(4,9) + 1 EQ \F(1,9) = 3 EQ \F(5,9) 11 Add mixed numbers with the same denominator, regrouping to make 1 more wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 2 EQ \F(4,5) + 2 EQ \F(2,5) = 5 EQ \F(1,5) 2 EQ \F(3,4) + 1 EQ \F(3,4) = 4 EQ \F(2,4) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 2 EQ \F(3,4) + 1 EQ \F(2,4) = 4 EQ \F(1,4) 2 EQ \F(4,5) + 2 EQ \F(3,5) = 5 EQ \F(2,5) 12 Add mixed numbers with the same denominator by converting to improper fractionsLet’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 13 Subtract a fraction from a mixed number with the same denominator, without regroupingLet’s Learn1 EQ \F( 9,10) – EQ \F( 4,10) = 1 EQ \F( 5,10) 2 EQ \F(4,5) – EQ \F(3,5) = 2 EQ \F(1,5) 1 EQ \F(5,8) – EQ \F(3,8) = 1 EQ \F(2,8) Your Turn1 EQ \F(11,12) – EQ \F( 9,12) = 1 EQ \F( 2,12) 3 EQ \F(2,5) – EQ \F(1,5) = 3 EQ \F(1,5) 1 EQ \F(6,7) – EQ \F(3,7) = 1 EQ \F(3,7) 14 Subtract a fraction from a mixed number with the same denominator, regrouping to make 1 fewer wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(1,3) – EQ \F(2,3) = 1 EQ \F(2,3) 3 EQ \F(1,5) – EQ \F(4,5) = 2 EQ \F(2,5) 2 EQ \F(1,4) – EQ \F(3,4) = 1 EQ \F(2,4) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(1,4) – EQ \F(2,4) = 1 EQ \F(3,4) 3 EQ \F(3,6) – EQ \F(5,6) = 2 EQ \F(4,6) 2 EQ \F(1,5) – EQ \F(3,5) = 1 EQ \F(3,5) 15 Subtract a fraction from a mixed number with the same denominator by converting to an improper fractionLet’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 16 Subtract mixed numbers with the same denominator, without regroupingLet’s Learn2 EQ \F(3,5) – 1 EQ \F(1,5) = 1 EQ \F(2,5) 3 EQ \F(5,7) – 2 EQ \F(2,7) = 1 EQ \F(3,7) Your Turn3 EQ \F(5,8) – 1 EQ \F(1,8) = 2 EQ \F(4,8) 2 EQ \F(5,6) – 1 EQ \F(1,6) = 1 EQ \F(4,6) 17 Subtract mixed numbers with the same denominator, regrouping to make 1 fewer wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(2,5) – 1 EQ \F(4,5) = EQ \F(3,5) 3 EQ \F(1,4) – 1 EQ \F(3,4) = 1 EQ \F(2,4) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(1,8) – 1 EQ \F(7,8) = EQ \F(2,8) 3 EQ \F(2,5) – 1 EQ \F(4,5) = 1 EQ \F(3,5) 18 Subtract mixed numbers with the same denominator by converting to improper fractionsLet’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 19 Find equivalent improper fractionsLet’s Learn25802813335150015 EQ \F(5,3) = EQ \F(,9) 33740313335220022 EQ \F(11, 5) = EQ \F(,10) 310261146055005 EQ \F(20,12) = EQ \F(,3) Your Turn25802813335200020 EQ \F(5,2) = EQ \F(,8) 33740313335220022 EQ \F(11, 7) = EQ \F(,14) 310261146057007 EQ \F(21,12) = EQ \F(,4) 20 Compare fractions with denominators as common multiplesLet’s LearnWrite < or >. 12255551744<00< EQ \F(3,4) EQ \F(7,8) 19558053014>00> EQ \F(11,15) EQ \F(3,5) 12170551103>00> EQ \F(2,3) EQ \F(7,12) Your TurnWrite < or >. 19477349916>00> EQ \F(1,3) EQ \F(2,9) 19531552287<00< EQ \F(13,21) EQ \F(5,7) 13486262204<00< EQ \F(5,8) EQ \F(17,24) 21 Compare improper fractions with denominators as common multiplesLet’s LearnWrite < or >. 12509552507>00> EQ \F(5,4) EQ \F(9,8) 12626053986<00< EQ \F(4,3) EQ \F(17,12) Your TurnWrite < or >. 12927662185>00> EQ \F(7,4) EQ \F(20,12) 19926153762>00> EQ \F(29,15) EQ \F(5,3) 22 Order fractions with denominators as common multiplesLet’s LearnOrder these fractions from smallest to largest. 86868015875 EQ \F(3,5) 00 EQ \F(3,5) 134112014605 EQ \F(13,20) 00 EQ \F(13,20) 181292513970 EQ \F(7,10) 00 EQ \F(7,10) 228727015374 EQ \F(3,4) 00 EQ \F(3,4) EQ \F(7,10) , EQ \F(3,5) , EQ \F(13,20) , EQ \F(3,4) Your TurnOrder these fractions from smallest to largest. 86868015875 EQ \F(3,8) 00 EQ \F(3,8) 134112014605 EQ \F(13,24) 00 EQ \F(13,24) 181292513970 EQ \F(7,12) 00 EQ \F(7,12) 228727015374 EQ \F(5,6) 00 EQ \F(5,6) EQ \F(13,24) , EQ \F(7,12) , EQ \F(3,8) , EQ \F(5,6) 23 Add fractions with denominators as common multiples within 1Let’s Learn EQ \F(3,4) + EQ \F(1,8) = EQ \F(7,8) EQ \F(2,5) + EQ \F(2,15) = EQ \F(8,15) EQ \F(7,12) + EQ \F(1,4) = EQ \F(10,12) Your Turn EQ \F(2,3) + EQ \F(1,9) = EQ \F(7,9) EQ \F(3,5) + EQ \F(7,25) = EQ \F(22,25) EQ \F(8,27) + EQ \F(1,9) = EQ \F(11,27) 24 Subtract fractions with denominators as common multiples within 1Let’s Learn EQ \F(3,4) – EQ \F(3,8) = EQ \F(3,8) EQ \F(4,5) – EQ \F( 3,20) = EQ \F(13,20) EQ \F(11,12) – EQ \F(1,4) = EQ \F(8,12) Your Turn EQ \F(1,2) – EQ \F(1,8) = EQ \F(3,8) EQ \F(3,4) – EQ \F( 5,28) = EQ \F(16,28) EQ \F(17,18) – EQ \F(2,3) = EQ \F(5,18) 25 Solve missing number problems for addition and subtraction of fractions with denominators as common multiples within 1Let’s Learn24887916931 EQ \F( 3,10) 00 EQ \F( 3,10) EQ \F(3,5) + = EQ \F(9,10) 25263116931 EQ \F(5,8) 00 EQ \F(5,8) EQ \F(3,4) – = EQ \F(1,8) -3456216931 EQ \F(8,9) 00 EQ \F(8,9) – EQ \F(2,9) = EQ \F(2,3) Your Turn24887916931 EQ \F( 1,12) 00 EQ \F( 1,12) EQ \F(5,6) + = EQ \F(11,12) 25263116931 EQ \F(2,9) 00 EQ \F(2,9) EQ \F(2,3) – = EQ \F(4,9) -3456216931 EQ \F(7,8) 00 EQ \F(7,8) – EQ \F(5,8) = EQ \F(1,4) 26 Add fractions with denominators as common multiples beyond 1 whole, writing answers as mixed numbersLet’s Learn EQ \F(4,5) + EQ \F( 3,10) = EQ \F(11,10) or 1 EQ \F( 1,10) EQ \F( 5,12) + EQ \F(3,4) = EQ \F(14,12) or 1 EQ \F( 2,12) Your Turn EQ \F(4,5) + EQ \F( 4,15) = EQ \F(16,15) or 1 EQ \F( 1,15) EQ \F( 9,21) + EQ \F(6,7) = EQ \F(27,21) or 1 EQ \F( 6,21) 27 Subtract a fraction from an improper fraction or mixed number with denominators as common multiples and with 1 wholeLet’s Learn1 EQ \F(1,2) – EQ \F( 7,10) = EQ \F( 8,10) 1 EQ \F(1,3) – EQ \F(5,6) = EQ \F(3,6) 1 EQ \F(1,8) – EQ \F(1,4) = EQ \F(7,8) Your Turn1 EQ \F(1,2) – EQ \F( 7,12) = EQ \F(11,12) 1 EQ \F(2,3) – EQ \F(8,9) = EQ \F(7,9) 1 EQ \F(1,8) – EQ \F(3,4) = EQ \F(3,8) 28 Solve missing number problems for addition and subtraction of fractions with denominators as common multiples beyond 1Let’s Learn32606818143 EQ \F(3,6) 00 EQ \F(3,6) 1 EQ \F(1,6) – = EQ \F(2,3) -38314181431 EQ \F(3,8) 001 EQ \F(3,8) – EQ \F(3,4) = EQ \F(5,8) -4050018143 EQ \F(4,6) 00 EQ \F(4,6) + EQ \F(5,6) = 1 EQ \F(1,2) Your Turn32606818143 EQ \F(7,8) 00 EQ \F(7,8) 1 EQ \F(1,8) – = EQ \F(1,4) -38314181431 EQ \F(2,9) 001 EQ \F(2,9) – EQ \F(2,3) = EQ \F(5,9) -4050018143 EQ \F(3,4) 00 EQ \F(3,4) + EQ \F(3,4) = 1 EQ \F(1,2) 29 Add a fraction to a mixed number with denominators as common multiples, without regroupingLet’s Learn1 EQ \F(3,5) + EQ \F( 3,10) = 1 EQ \F( 9,10) 2 EQ \F(2,3) + EQ \F(1,9) = 2 EQ \F(7,9) 1 EQ \F(3,8) + EQ \F(1,2) = 1 EQ \F(7,8) Your Turn1 EQ \F(1,3) + EQ \F( 7,15) = 1 EQ \F(12,15) 2 EQ \F(1,2) + EQ \F(1,6) = 2 EQ \F(4,6) 1 EQ \F(2,9) + EQ \F(1,3) = 1 EQ \F(5,9) 30 Add a fraction to a mixed number with denominators as common multiples, regrouping to make 1 more wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 1 EQ \F(4,5) + EQ \F( 7,10) = 2 EQ \F( 5,10) 2 EQ \F(7,8) + EQ \F(1,2) = 3 EQ \F(3,8) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 1 EQ \F(2,3) + EQ \F( 7,15) = 2 EQ \F( 2,15) 2 EQ \F(5,8) + EQ \F(3,4) = 3 EQ \F(3,8) 31 Add a fraction to a mixed number with denominators as common multiples by converting to an improper fraction Let’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 32 Add mixed numbers with denominators as common multiples, without regroupingLet’s Learn2 EQ \F(1,6) + 2 EQ \F(2,3) = 4 EQ \F(5,6) 2 EQ \F(1,2) + 1 EQ \F(1,8) = 3 EQ \F(5,8) Your Turn2 EQ \F(1,9) + 1 EQ \F(2,3) = 3 EQ \F(7,9) 2 EQ \F(1,2) + 2 EQ \F(1,6) = 4 EQ \F(4,6) 33 Add mixed numbers with denominators as common multiples, regrouping to make 1 more wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 2 EQ \F(3,4) + 2 EQ \F( 7,12) = 5 EQ \F( 4,12) 2 EQ \F( 9,10) + 1 EQ \F(1,2) = 4 EQ \F( 4,10) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 more whole. 2 EQ \F(5,6) + 2 EQ \F( 7,18) = 5 EQ \F( 4,18) 2 EQ \F(11,12) + 1 EQ \F(2,3) = 4 EQ \F( 7,12) 34 Add mixed numbers with denominators as common multiples by converting to improper fractions Let’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 35 Subtract a fraction from a mixed number with denominators as common multiples, without regroupingLet’s Learn1 EQ \F(4,5) – EQ \F( 7,10) = 1 EQ \F( 1,10) 2 EQ \F(1,3) – EQ \F( 1,12) = 2 EQ \F( 3,12) 1 EQ \F(5,6) – EQ \F(1,2) = 1 EQ \F(2,6) Your Turn1 EQ \F(3,4) – EQ \F( 5,12) = 1 EQ \F( 4,12) 2 EQ \F(2,3) – EQ \F( 4,15) = 2 EQ \F( 6,15) 1 EQ \F(7,8) – EQ \F(1,4) = 1 EQ \F(5,8) 36 Subtract a fraction from a mixed number with denominators as common multiples, regrouping to make 1 fewer wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(1,5) – EQ \F( 7,15) = 1 EQ \F(11,15) 2 EQ \F(3,8) – EQ \F(1,2) = 1 EQ \F(7,8) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(1,2) – EQ \F( 9,14) = 1 EQ \F(12,14) 3 EQ \F(1,6) – EQ \F(1,2) = 2 EQ \F(4,6) 37 Subtract a fraction from a mixed number with denominators as common multiples by converting to improper fractionsLet’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 38 Subtract mixed numbers with denominators as common multiples, without regroupingLet’s Learn3 EQ \F(5,6) – 1 EQ \F(2,3) = 2 EQ \F(1,6) 2 EQ \F(1,2) – 1 EQ \F(1,8) = 1 EQ \F(3,8) Your Turn2 EQ \F(5,9) – 1 EQ \F(1,3) = 1 EQ \F(2,9) 3 EQ \F(1,2) – 1 EQ \F(1,4) = 2 EQ \F(1,4) 39 Subtract mixed numbers with denominators as common multiples, regrouping to make 1 fewer wholeLet’s LearnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(1,4) – 1 EQ \F(11,12) = EQ \F( 4,12) 3 EQ \F( 3,10) – 1 EQ \F(1,2) = 1 EQ \F( 8,10) Your TurnAnswer the questions below by regrouping to make 1 fewer whole. 2 EQ \F(1,3) – 1 EQ \F(7,12) = EQ \F(9,12) 4 EQ \F( 1,10) – 1 EQ \F(1,5) = 2 EQ \F(9,10) 40 Subtract mixed numbers with denominators as common multiples by converting to improper fractionsLet’s LearnNow answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. Your Turn Now answer the questions above by converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 41 Express a remainder as a fractionLet’s LearnFor each question below, write the remainder as a fraction. 10 ÷ 3 = 3 EQ \F(1,3) 10 ÷ 4 = 2 EQ \F(2,4) 709 ÷ 5 = 141 EQ \F(4,5) 709 ÷ 6 = 118 EQ \F(1,6) Your TurnFor each question below, write the remainder as a fraction. 13 ÷ 3 = 4 EQ \F(1,3) 15 ÷ 4 = 3 EQ \F(3,4) 802 ÷ 5 = 160 EQ \F(2,5) 716 ÷ 7 = 102 EQ \F(2,7) 42 Find a unit fraction of a number, writing the remainder as a fractionLet’s LearnFor each question below, write the answer as a mixed number. EQ \F(1,5) of 13 = 2 EQ \F(3,5) EQ \F(1,4) of 17 = 4 EQ \F(1,4) EQ \F(1,5) of 22 = 4 EQ \F(2,5) Your TurnFor each question below, write the answer as a mixed number. EQ \F(1,3) of 11 = 3 EQ \F(2,3) EQ \F(1,5) of 17 = 3 EQ \F(2,5) EQ \F(1,7) of 22 = 3 EQ \F(1,7) 43 Find a non-unit fraction of a number, writing the answer as a mixed numberLet’s LearnFor each question below, write the answer as a mixed number. EQ \F(3,4) of 21 = 15 EQ \F(3,4) EQ \F(2,5) of 23 = 9 EQ \F(1,5) EQ \F(2,3) of 17 = 11 EQ \F(1,3) Your TurnFor each question below, write the answer as a mixed number. EQ \F(7,8) of 11 = 9 EQ \F(5,8) EQ \F(3,4) of 23 = 17 EQ \F(1,4) EQ \F(3,5) of 17 = 10 EQ \F(1,5) 44 Multiply a fraction by a whole numberLet’s Learn EQ \F(3,4) x 5 = 3 EQ \F(3,4) EQ \F(2,3) x 6 = 4Your Turn EQ \F(5,6) x 5 = 4 EQ \F(1,6) EQ \F(3,4) x 7 = 5 EQ \F(1,4) 45 Multiply a mixed number by a whole number by partitioningLet’s LearnComplete the questions below by partitioning whole numbers and fractions. 2 EQ \F(3,4) x 3 = 8 EQ \F(1,4) 2 EQ \F(1,4) x 6 = 13 EQ \F(2,4) or 13 EQ \F(1,2) 1 EQ \F(1,3) x 60 = 8013 x 1 EQ \F(1,2) = 19 EQ \F(1,2) Your TurnComplete the questions below by partitioning whole numbers and fractions. 3 EQ \F(4,5) x 4 = 15 EQ \F(1,5) 2 EQ \F(2,3) x 7 = 18 EQ \F(2,3) 1 EQ \F(1,4) x 40 = 5025 x 1 EQ \F(1,2) = 37 EQ \F(1,2) 46 Multiply a mixed number by a whole number using improper fractionsLet’s LearnNow complete the questions above by converting each mixed number to an improper fraction. Your Turn Now complete the questions above by converting each mixed number to an improper fraction. DecimalsGo to for help. 1 Write unit fractions as decimalsLet’s LearnWrite each fraction as a decimal EQ \F(1,2) = 0.5 EQ \F(1,4) = 0.25 EQ \F(1,5) = 0.2 EQ \F(1,50) = 0.022 Write non-unit fractions as decimalsLet’s LearnWrite each fraction as a decimal EQ \F(3,5) = 0.6 EQ \F(3,4) = 0.75 EQ \F(4,25) = 0.16 EQ \F(12,50) = 0.24Your TurnWrite each fraction as a decimal EQ \F(4,5) = 0.8 EQ \F(2,4) = 0.5 EQ \F(7,25) = 0.28 EQ \F(9,50) = 0.183 Locate decimals on fractional number linesLet’s Learn568960488950.8000.82041937450852.4002.41299622520701.6001.630703482600.2000.22786380461814.25004.252014855465293.5003.51232428478562.25002.25146578457200.5000.52190115469907.5007.52752502463559.5009.51676944469906006448385465452002Your Turn2062026529772.6002.61366429527051.8001.8852865533561.2001.2173464533400.4000.4-12065468990.25000.252503170483514.25004.251557020519792.75002.75775154546101.5001.52181860432717.5007.51546225437245.5005.5769529476253003-12156438150.5000.54 Recognise tenths, hundredths and thousandthsLet’s LearnLook at this number: 294.3515096573633389009Write the digit in the tens place. 15096468858413003Write the digit in the tenths place. 150939514101830.05000.05Write the value of the digit 5. Look at this number: 813.465 14833603614673003Write the digit in the hundredths place. 14825118854148008Write the digit in the hundreds place. 148398414097110.005000.005Write the value of the digit 5. Your TurnLook at this number: 394.51215096573633384004Write the digit in the ones place. 15096468858412002Write the digit in the thousandths place. 15093951410183900090Write the value of the digit 9. Look at this number: 1432.58714833603614675005Write the digit in the tenths place. 14825118854141001Write the digit in the thousands place. 148398414097110.08000.08Write the value of the digit 8. 5 Convert decimal tenths, hundredths and thousandths to fractionsLet’s LearnWrite these decimals as fractions. 0.9 = EQ \F(9,10) 0.09 = EQ \F(9,100) 0.009 = EQ \F(9,1000) 0.89 = EQ \F(89,100) 0.089 = EQ \F(89,1000) 0.389 = EQ \F(389,1000) Your TurnWrite these decimals as fractions. 0.7 = EQ \F(7,10) 0.07 = EQ \F(7,100) 0.007 = EQ \F(7,1000) 0.45 = EQ \F(45,100) 0.045 = EQ \F(45,1000) 0.456 = EQ \F(456,1000) 6 Convert fractional tenths, hundredths and thousandths to decimalsLet’s LearnWrite these fractions as decimals. EQ \F(3,10) = 0.3 EQ \F(3,100) = 0.03 EQ \F(3,1000) = 0.003 EQ \F(54,100) = 0.54 EQ \F(54,1000) = 0.054 EQ \F(543,1000) = 0.543Your TurnWrite these fractions as decimals. EQ \F(4,10) = 0.4 EQ \F(4,100) = 0.04 EQ \F(4,1000) = 0.004 EQ \F(76,100) = 0.76 EQ \F(76,1000) = 0.076 EQ \F(176,1000) = 0.1767 Recognise equivalent fractions with tenths, hundredths and thousandthsLet’s LearnWrite the equivalent number of tenths and hundredths and in decimal form. 16575731358900.7000.7110321836830700752912837465700070 EQ \F(700,1000) = EQ \F(,100) = EQ \F(,10) =11262671333500.07000.07545877368307007 EQ \F(70,1000) = EQ \F(,100) =Your TurnWrite the equivalent number of tenths and hundredths and in decimal form. 16575731358900.3000.3110321836830300352912837465300030 EQ \F(300,1000) = EQ \F(,100) = EQ \F(,10) =11262671333500.03000.03545877368303003 EQ \F(30,1000) = EQ \F(,100) =8 Partition numbers with up to three decimal placesLet’s LearnPartition each decimal into tenths, hundredths and thousandths. 0.158 = 0.1 + 0.05 + 0.008 or EQ \F(1,10) + EQ \F(5,100) + EQ \F(8,1000) 0.629 = 0.6 + 0.02 + 0.009 or EQ \F(6,10) + EQ \F(2,100) + EQ \F(9,1000) Your TurnPartition each decimal into tenths, hundredths and thousandths. 0.629 = 0.6 + 0.02 + 0.009 or EQ \F(6,10) + EQ \F(2,100) + EQ \F(9,1000) 0.801 = 0.8 + 0.001 or EQ \F(8,10) + EQ \F(1,1000) 9 Convert decimals to mixed numbersLet’s LearnWrite these decimals as mixed numbers. 5.4 = 5 EQ \F(4,10) 5.04 = 5 EQ \F(4,100) 5.004 = 5 EQ \F(9,1000) 6.24 = 6 EQ \F(24,100) 7.024 = 7 EQ \F(24,1000) 7.124 = 7 EQ \F(124,1000) Your TurnWrite these decimals as mixed numbers. 2.2 = 2 EQ \F(2,10) 2.02 = 2 EQ \F(2,100) 2.002 = 2 EQ \F(2,1000) 5.55 = 5 EQ \F(55,100) 5.055 = 5 EQ \F(55,1000) 5.555 = 5 EQ \F(555,1000) 10 Convert mixed numbers to decimalsLet’s LearnWrite these mixed numbers as decimals. 1 EQ \F(2,10) = 1.21 EQ \F(2,100) = 1.021 EQ \F(2,1000) = 1.0024 EQ \F(32,100) = 4.325 EQ \F(32,1000) = 5.0326 EQ \F(321,1000) = 6.321Your TurnWrite these mixed numbers as decimals. 1 EQ \F(5,10) = 1.51 EQ \F(5,100) = 1.051 EQ \F(5,1000) = 1.0054 EQ \F(30,100) = 4.34 EQ \F(30,1000) = 4.034 EQ \F(300,1000) = 4.311 Understand zeros as placeholders in decimalsLet’s LearnWrite each number. 3 tens and 3 hundredths = 30.033 thousands, 3 tens, 3 tenths and 3 thousandths = 3030.303Your TurnWrite each number. 4 tens and 4 hundredths = 40.044 thousands, 4 tens, 4 tenths and 4 thousandths = 4040.40412 Count on in thousandthsLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in thousandths. 1183005279400.626000.6261758950292100.627000.6272332990292100.628000.6284632960285750.632000.6324058920285750.631000.6313482975279400.63000.632909347285750.629000.6290.623, 0.624, 0.625, 1183005279400.798000.7981758950292100.799000.7992332990292100.8000.84632960285750.804000.8044058920285750.803000.8033482975279400.802000.8022909347285750.801000.8010.795, 0.796, 0.797, 1183005279402.596002.5961758950292102.597002.5972332990292102.598002.5984632960285752.602002.6024058920285752.601002.6013482975279402.6002.62909347285752.599002.5992.593, 2.594, 2.595, 1183005279401.998001.9981758950292101.999001.99923329902921020024632960285752.004002.0044058920285752.003002.0033482975279402.002002.0022909347285752.001002.0011.995, 1.996, 1.997, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in thousandths. 1183005279400.507000.5071758950292100.508000.5082332990292100.509000.5094632960285750.513000.5134058920285750.512000.5123482975279400.511000.5112909347285750.51000.510.504, 0.505, 0.506, 1183005279400.896000.8961758950292100.897000.8972332990292100.898000.8984632960285750.902000.9024058920285750.901000.9013482975279400.9000.92909347285750.899000.8990.893, 0.894, 0.895, 1183005279401.296001.2961758950292101.297001.2972332990292101.298001.2984632960285751.302001.3024058920285751.301001.3013482975279401.3001.32909347285751.299001.2991.293, 1.294, 1.295, 1183005279400.998000.9981758950292100.999000.99923329902921010014632960285751.004001.0044058920285751.003001.0033482975279401.002001.0022909347285751.001001.0010.995, 0.996, 0.997, 13 Count back in thousandthsLet’s LearnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in thousandths. 1183005279400.534000.5341758950292100.533000.5332332990292100.532000.5324632960285750.528000.5284058920285750.529000.5293482975279400.53000.532909347285750.531000.5310.537, 0.536, 0.535, 1183005279400.902000.9021758950292100.901000.9012332990292100.9000.94632960285750.896000.8964058920285750.897000.8973482975279400.898000.8982909347285750.899000.8990.905, 0.904, 0.903, 1183005279403.504003.5041758950292100.503000.5032332990292100.502000.5024632960285750.498000.4984058920285750.499000.4993482975279400.5000.52909347285750.501000.5013.507, 3.506, 3.505, 1183005279401.002001.0021758950292101.001001.00123329902921010014632960285750.996000.9964058920285750.997000.9973482975279400.998000.9982909347285750.999000.9991.005, 1.004, 1.003, Your TurnFor the questions below, write the next seven numbers, counting in thousandths. 1183005279400.613000.6131758950292100.612000.6122332990292100.611000.6114632960285750.607000.6074058920285750.608000.6083482975279400.609000.6092909347285750.61000.610.616, 0.615, 0.614,1183005279400.104000.1041758950292100.103000.1032332990292100.102000.1024632960285750.008000.0084058920285750.009000.0093482975279400.1000.12909347285750.101000.1010.107, 0.106, 0.105, 1183005279401.624001.6241758950292101.623001.6232332990292101.622001.6224632960285751.618001.6184058920285751.619001.6193482975279401.62001.622909347285751.621001.6211.627, 1.626, 1.625, 1183005279403.001003.00117589502921030032332990292102.999002.9994632960285752.995002.9954058920285752.996002.9963482975279402.997002.9972909347285752.998002.9983.004, 3.003, 3.002, 14 Locate thousandths on a number lineLet’s Learn3357245495300.438000.4382732405495300.435000.4352000885495300.431000.431553085495300.423000.423 3463925488951.009001.0092625725488951.004001.0042000885488951.001001.001725805488950.994000.9943494405571502.119002.1192366645571502.113002.1131584325520702.109002.109466725571502.103002.103Your Turn3464249464500.529000.5292365024464500.523000.5231635449464500.519000.519327079464500.512000.5123148100458961.017001.0172510938458961.014001.0141596174406401.009001.009662089406401.004001.004 3284288451261.108001.1082175334402621.102001.1021436032402621.098001.098336807402621.092001.09215 Compare numbers with up to three decimal placesLet’s LearnWrite > or < in each box. 36426774930>00>5.298 5.28928470376835>00>34.2 30.99337106376200<00<1.405 1.4421821782550>00>2.9 2.099Your TurnWrite > or < in each box. 36426774930>00>0.362 0.23634756876835<00<1.292 30.937106376200<00<0.605 0.6534947382550<00<3.099 3.816 Order decimalsLet’s LearnOrder each set of numbers from smallest to largest. 0.34 0.3 0.403 0.344 0.4324765222250.3000.31896745228600.344000.3443770630292100.43000.432835059260350.403000.403960979239810.34000.344 3.94 4.03 4.004 3.49924765215903.499003.4992834640222254.004004.0043770630215904.03004.031896745209554004960755215903.94003.94Your TurnOrder each set of numbers from smallest to largest. 0.5 0.505 0.055 0.05 0.5524765222250.05000.051896745228600.5000.53770630292100.55000.552835059260350.505000.505960979239810.055000.0554.4 4.34 4.034 4.04 4.43424765215904.034004.0342834640222254.4004.43770630215904.434004.4341896745209554.34004.34960755215904.04004.0417 Add numbers with up to three decimal placesLet’s Learn5.87 + 3.123 = 8.99319.36 + 35.816 = 55.1765.871 + 3.2 = 9.071Your Turn3.8 + 2.155 = 5.99517.765 + 13.44 = 31.2057.709 + 0.7 = 8.40918 Subtract numbers with up to three decimal placesLet’s Learn37.8 – 14.671 = 23.12936.909 – 20.67 = 16.2396 – 5.738 = 0.262Your Turn45.9 – 13.363 = 32.53725.159 – 10.9 = 14.2597 – 6.519 = 0.48119 Make decimal number bonds to 1Let’s Learn468571562920.706000.7060.294 + = 1 468571562920.462000.4620.538 + = 1 Your Turn468571562920.109000.1090.891 + = 1 468571562920.723000.7230.277 + = 1 20 Solve missing number decimal addition and subtraction problemsLet’s Learn-64425827238.9530038.953 = 29.5 + 9.453-64425827212.4260012.426 + 2.704 = 14.5-6442582724.902004.902 – 1.082 = 3.82 394558577850.062000.0624.04 – = 3.978Your Turn-64425827222.4660022.466 = 13.76 + 8.706-64425827226.0990026.099 + 2.601 = 28.7-6442582726.155006.155 – 1.055 = 5.1 474568577852.095002.0956.045 – = 3.9521 Round decimals to the nearest whole numberLet’s LearnRound the numbers below to the nearest whole number. 2.3 ≈ 23.9 ≈ 47.08 ≈ 75.544 ≈ 6Your TurnRound the numbers below to the nearest whole number. 4.1 ≈ 40.6 ≈ 14.72 ≈ 56.155 ≈ 622 Round decimals to the nearest tenthLet’s LearnRound the numbers below to the nearest tenth. 2.36 ≈ 2.42.63 ≈ 2.64.808 ≈ 4.86.464 ≈ 6.5Your TurnRound the numbers below to the nearest tenth. 4.45 ≈ 4.54.54 ≈ 4.52.362 ≈ 2.45.088 ≈ 5.123 Round decimals to the nearest hundredthLet’s LearnRound the numbers below to the nearest hundredth. 0.381 ≈ 0.381.405 ≈ 1.415.598 ≈ 5.66.107 ≈ 6.11Your TurnRound the numbers below to the nearest hundredth. 0.737 ≈ 0.742.508 ≈ 2.515.704 ≈ 5.76.183 ≈ 6.1824 Divide decimals by 10, 100 and 1000Let’s Learn0.68 ÷ 10 = 0.06880.08 ÷ 10 = 8.0080.7 ÷ 100 = 0.0072.06 ÷ 100 = 0.020634.1 ÷ 1000 = 0.0341146.1 ÷ 1000 = 0.1461Your Turn0.6 ÷ 10 = 0.0650.5 ÷ 10 = 5.059.7 ÷ 100 = 0.09765 ÷ 100 = 0.6543 ÷ 1000 = 0.04322.1 ÷ 1000 = 0.022125 Multiply decimals by 10, 100 and 1000Let’s Learn40.01 x 10 = 400.16.1 x 10 = 6136.21 x 100 = 36210.6 x 100 = 605.8 x 1000 = 58007.05 x 1000 = 7050Your Turn22.02 x 10 = 220.20.61 x 10 = 6.128.28 x 100 = 28280.4 x 100 = 403.5 x 1000 = 35006.052 x 1000 = 6052PercentagesGo to for help. 1 Connect fractions, decimals and percentagesLet’s LearnWrite each representation as a fraction, a decimal and a percentage. EQ \F(74,100) , 0.74, 74% EQ \F(57,100) , 0.57, 57% EQ \F(30,100) or EQ \F(3,10) , 0.3, 30%2 Convert unit fractions to percentagesLet’s LearnWrite each fraction as a percentage. EQ \F(1,2) = 50% EQ \F(1,4) = 25% EQ \F(1,5) = 20%3 Convert fractions to percentagesLet’s LearnWrite each fraction as a percentage. EQ \F(9,10) = 90% EQ \F(3,5) = 60% EQ \F(17,20) = 85%Your TurnWrite each fraction as a percentage. EQ \F(7,10) = 70% EQ \F(3,4) = 75% EQ \F(17,25) = 68%4 Write percentages as simplified fractionsLet’s LearnWrite each percentage as a simplified fraction. 30% = EQ \F(3,10) 2% = EQ \F(1,50) 40% = EQ \F(2,5) Your TurnWrite each percentage as a simplified fraction. 10% = EQ \F(1,10) 4% = EQ \F(1,25) 75% = EQ \F(3,4) 5 Convert decimals to percentagesLet’s LearnWrite each decimal as a percentage. 0.03 = 3%0.4 = 40%0.23 = 23%Your TurnWrite each decimal as a percentage. 0.05 = 5%0.3 = 30%0.65 = 65% ................
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