
Self Evaluation Form for Practicum ExperienceStudent-Lori Van Zoeren BS, RNNLN: The Scope and Practice for Academic Nurse Educators Core Competency I: Facilitate learning to gain knowledge of teaching strategies to facilitate learning for nursing students in Nursing Research at WMUBSON during the Fall of 2013ObjectiveObjective MetObjective UnmetComments 1.1-Use WMUBSON’s E-learning system that is utilized for all coursesYesWhile I would not say I am proficient by any means, I feel that after attending the e-Learning workshop over the summer and the additional 13 weeks utilizing the system that I have met this objective. Working in the hybrid learning environment provided the opportunity to use this system on a daily basis.1.2- Develop an activity that meets a need to develop APA writing skills at the collegiate level.YesDue to the nature of Nursing Research being a course where students would be writing scholarly papers, an APA assignment was developed as part of my clinical project. Much time and effort were spent on putting together a paper that had many of the common errors students make in APA formatting. I felt that this was a beneficial project and while not perfect feel students did get what was intended out of the assignment. I learned a lot from this assignment as well and would make changes that would invariably improve this assignment for future applications. 1.3-Build a collegial working relationship with Dr. Zielinski as well as explore other possible resources.YesDr. Zielinski was a pleasure to work with. I respect her work ethic and commitment to nursing education. She demonstrated compassion for students that showed up as making adjustments to facilitate learning. Working together enable us to develop a collegial relationship in which we both learned so much from each other during this experience. I feel very lucky to have worked with her throughout this semester.1.4-Create a lesson (to be determined) during Fall of 2013 semester that is well received and found to be beneficial in the students learning process.YesI developed a plagiarism assignment after hearing about a student who had been caught plagiarizing from the previous semester. I put together 10 paragraph excerpts from journal articles that were related to online learning and plagiarism. While students did not really appreciate this quiz, I feel that the time spent developing was worthwhile and met the objectives set forth. Once completed, Dr. Zielinski was very impressed with the content and enthusiastic to give to the students. I do not think I would have done anything different in relation to this assignmentAdditional Feedback NLN: The Scope and Practice for Academic Nurse Educators Core Competency III: Use Assessment and Evaluation Strategies to develop the advance specialty role of nurse educatorObjectiveMetUnmetComments2.1 Assist in creating lesson plans on subject to be determined for fall semester 2013 according to the course learning objectives.YesAlong with the previous assignments discussed, I helped to create weekly quizzes and discussion board topics. I created an APA PowerPoint that was available to students to go along with their APA paper assignment. Creating this PPT was actually enjoyable. Dr. Zielinkski uses voice over PPTs and I plan to do the same as I feel that it helps students have a more thorough knowledge of the material. I feel that I did meet this objective during the practicum.2.2 To manage the weekly on-line discussion boards providing timely feedback to students of Nursing 3320 in fall 2013.YesI took over managing the discussions boards the third week or so of the semester. Once Dr. Zielinski felt confident with my responses to students, she was more than willing to let me take them over. I would ask for advice when unsure of what to respond but for the most part I was the one actively managing the board. I did learn though how you must be careful when talking in the online world as the tone and facial expression is not there to help in communication. 2.3 To attend any available assessment and evaluation meetings available in the nursing department at WMUBSON.YesI attended all the meetings that Dr. Zielinski went to for Nursing Research 3320 and the RN-BSN program. Faculty members were open to hearing what works for me as an online student. I also attended bi-monthly e-learning meetings where discussion often included IT issues and the new system that is coming in January. While I could have sought more meeting experiences, time constraints did not allow and feel that I was able to meet this objective.2.4 Assess and evaluate student learning of writing utilizing APA formatYesI assisted in or was the primary one grading 30 of the following assignment: the APA assignment, three research critique drafts per student, weekly discussions, and literature review tables all of which needed to be properly cited and in APA format. I definitely met this objective.Additional FeedbackWhile we were directed to choose one or two competencies to work on for this practicum, I feel that I have made advances in all of the eight core competencies for nursing education. While not proficient, learning was achieved under each of the competencies listed below. I have provided thoughts in each competency related to The Scope of Practice for the Academic Nurse Educator petency I: Facilitate learningThe progress that was realized from the research critique first draft and now gives evidence that I facilitated learning in the RN-BSN students at WMU Fall 2013 class. We witnessed great improvements in their writing skills. While they have not mastered APA, I feel that my participation in this assignment was a success. I also was very attentive to the discussion board to answer questions and redirect if a student was going the wrong direction on a petency II: Facilitating Learner Development and SocializationThe face-to-face classes were an opportunity to create an occasion for students to engage in conversations about topics that were confusing and needed clarification. Dr. Zielinki and I were open to having the conversation about the first exam. Students made a case for several questions in a professional manner that we admired and rewarded by throwing out some questions. Had we not demonstrated professionalism in our instruction, the conversation could have been much petency II: Use of Assessment and Evaluation StrategiesGrading exams, quizzes, literature tables, research critiques, and discussion boards was an eye opening experience. I remembered back to the time when I was first going back to school and tried to relate to the students from that perspective. Dr. Zielinski is so well versed in research that quizzes that were “easy” to her were very difficult for students as well as myself. I would remind her of that fact several times. I told her that this was essentially my third research course in route to an MSN and it still often seemed like Greek. She was very receptive and we made adjustments to the assignments. E-learning gives question statistics so was easy to evaluate the tests and quizzes. Adjustments were made if greater than 50 % of students missed the same questions. Competency IV: Participate in Curriculum Design and Evaluation of Program OutcomesRevisions were made to the syllabus on more than one occasion during the semester. While I did not get to develop the entire course content, I was able to learn a great deal from reading and viewing the course materials. I have not met this competency but feel that I was able to experiences elements that can be expanded on in the future as I pursue a career in nursing petency V: Function as a Change Agent and LeaderAs discussed previously, I was able to provide input that facilitated the educational environment. Attending IT meetings and bringing that information back to faculty will help to bring problems forward that otherwise are unknown by the body as a whole. I was also able to bring input to the RN_BSN program in efforts to beef up faculty for increased numbers that are seeking this degree. Bronson and Borgess Hospitals (the two hospitals closet to WMU) both recently announced that newly hired nurses need to have a BSN or achievement of the degree by 5 years after employment. The advisor confirmed that the calls had significantly increased recently. I was asked many questions about the program at FSU and looking forward to being a part of the growth of the RN-BSN program at petency VI: Pursue Continuous Quality Improvement in the Nurse Educator RoleDr. Zielinski provided feedback after completion of the assignments I developed in the first few weeks of this semester. I will take her feedback as well as student evaluation feedback, to make improvements in future assignments. Time management skills have been honed throughout this semester which will assist in balancing teaching, scholarship, and service requirements in the role of nurse educator. I am someone who has always actively pursued quality improvement and am confident that I will continue that trait in the role as a nurse petency VII: Engage in ScholarshipThis practicum paper and reflective journal are great examples of scholarly petency VIII: Function within the Educational EnvironmentDuring this semester I worked two jobs, partook in 300 plus hours of practicum experiences, maintained my place on the education council at my workplace, put together the annual safety/skills fair, attended a two day fetal monitoring class that was optional and very beneficial, wrote a 60 plus page reflective journal that will serve as a wonderful resource for practice in the educator role, wrote a 60 plus page clinical practicum paper, maintained family, friends, and workplace commitments. I am confident that I can successfully function with n the educational environment.ReferenceNational League for Nursing. (2007). The scope of practice for academic nurse educators. New York, NY: National League for Nursing. ................

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