The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing


(Additional Materials Are Available at Bird’s Copies)

(Syllabus subject to change throughout semester)




N5430 Family Nursing I

Sections 001-006

Spring 2009

Classroom #: 212

Table of Contents

|Instructors………...……………………………………………………………...……………...…. 1 |

| | |

|World Wide Web Site………………………………...……………………………………………. 2 |

| | |

|Course Prerequisites……………………………………………………………………………….. 2 |

| | |

|Textbooks………………………………………………………….…………………………….. 2-3 |

| | |

|Course Description………………………………………………………………………………… 3 |

| | |

|Course Learning Goals/Objectives……………………………………………………………… 3 |

| | |

|Attendance and Drop Policy……………………………………………………….……..……… 3-4 |

| | |

|Tentative Lecture/Topic Schedule (Course Content)…………….…………………………........ 4-5 |

| | |

|Specific Course Requirements……………………………………………………………………... 5 |

| | |

|Teaching Methods/Strategies………………………………………………...…………….………. 5 |

| | |

|Grade Calculation (Course Evaluation & Final Grading)….…………….…………………...…. 5-6 |

| | |

|Unsafe Clinical Behaviors………………………………………………………………………. 9-10 |

| |

|UTA Graduate Course Policies………………………………………………………………. 7-12 |

| |

|Graduate Course Support Staff………………………………………………..………………….. 12 |

| | |

|Clinical Overview…………………………………………………………...……….…………… 13 |

| | |

|Graduate Nursing Websites…………………………………………….……………………….... 14 |

| | |

|Prevention of Academic Dishonesty Guidelines…………………………………………...…. 15-16 |

| | |

|Class Schedule……………………………………………………………………………….... 17-18 |

| | |

|Assignments/Grade Summary………………………………………………………………… 19-20 |

| | |

|Differential Diagnoses Assignment & CDM…………………………………………………. 21-29 |

| | |

|Clinical Requirements…………….…………………………………………………………... 30-53 |

| | |

|Clinical Practicum Form………………………………………………………………………… 57 |

| | |

|Clinical Preceptor Packet……………………………………………………………....……...... 58 |

|Course Objectives and Reading Assignments……………………………………………… 59- |

The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing

Graduate Program

N5430 Family Nursing I

(4 credit hours, 2 hours class, 6 hours clinical weekly)

Spring 2009

Thursdays 4PM-10PM

Pickard Hall, Room #212

|INSTRUCTORS: |Phyllis Adams, EdD, RN, FNP |

| |Assistant Professor |

| |Office #: 619 Pickard Hall |

| |Office Hours: By Appointment |

| |Office Phone: (817) 272-7334 Or (817) 272-2043 |

| |Office Fax: (817) 272-5006 |

| |E-mail: |

| |Website: |

| | |

| |Beth McClean, RN, MSN, BC, FNP |

| |Clinical Instructor |

| |Office # 626 Pickard Hall |

| |Office Hours: By Appointment |

| |Office Phone: (817) 272-2776 |

| |Office Fax: (817) 272-5006 |

| |Pager: (817) 654-8907 |

| |Email: |

| |Website: |

| | |

| |Susan Carlson, PhD, RN, FNP, ANP |

| |Clinical Instructor |

| |Office #: Pickard Hall RM 626 |

| |Office Hours: By Appointment |

| |Office Phone: (972) 606-8300 ext. 123 |

| |Office Fax: (972) 606-8312 |

| |Email: |

| |Website: |

| | |

| |Andrea Schram, RN, FNP, APRN, BC |

| |Clinical Instructor |

| |Office: #610 Pickard Hall |

| |Office Hours: By Appointment |

| |Office Phone: 817-272-2776 |

| |Office Fax: 817-272-5006 |

| |Email: |

| |Website: |

| | |

| |Donna Gurica, RN, FNP, ANP, APRN-BC |

| |Clinical Instructor |

| |Office #: 626 Pickard Hall |

| |Office Hours: By Appointment |

| |Office Phone: 817-272-2776 |

| |Office Fax: 817-272-5006 |

| |Email: |

| |Website: |


| | |

|COURSE PREREQUISITES: |NURS 5305 and 5306; 5313 or concurrent enrollment |

|REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS & MATERIALS: |Barker, L.R., Burton, J.R., Zieve, P.D., Fiebach, N.H., Kern, D.E., Thomas, |

| |Ziegelstein, R. C. (2007). Principles of Ambulatory Medicine. Philadelphia: |

| |Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN: 0-7817-6227-8. {ALL STUDENTS} |

| |Bomar, P. J.  Promoting Health in Families:  Applying Family Research and Theory to|

| |Nursing Practice. (2004)  Philadelphia:  W.B. Saunders Company. ISBN: |

| |0-7216-0115-4. {ALL STUDENTS} |

| |Fishbach, F. (2003). A Manual of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests. Philadelphia: |

| |Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. ISBN: 0-7817-4180-7. {ALL STUDENTS} |

| |Gilbert, D.N., Moellering, R.C., Eliopoulos, G.M., Sande, M.A. (2008). The Sanford|

| |Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy. Hyde Park: Antimicrobial Therapy, Inc. (The Most |

| |Current Edition) {ALL STUDENTS} |

| |Uphold, C. and Graham, M. Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice. (2003) |

| |Gainesville: Barmarrae Books. ISBN: 0-9646-1516-9. {FAMILY STUDENTS} |

| |Uphold, C.R., and Graham, M.V. (2003). Clinical Guidelines in Child Health. |

| |Gainsville: Barmarrae Books. ISBN: 0-9646-1517-7. |

| |Previously required textbooks from Advanced Health Assessment – N. 5318, Adult |

| |Management I - N. 5305, Psychiatric Management – N. 5203, and Pediatric Management |

| |- N. 5306 (as applicable). |

| |American Medical Association. (2003). Color-Coded. ICD-9-CM. 5th Edition. The |

| |International Classification of Diseases. 9th Revision Clinical Modification. |

| |Vol. I Diseases: Tabular List. Vol.2 Diseases Alphabetic Index ADP/Content. |

| |ISBN: 1-5794-7335-0. (Or one of your choice) {ALL STUDENTS} |

| |Paget, S.A., Gibofsky, A., and Beary, J. (2000). Manual of Rheumatology and |

| |Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders. Philadelphia: Lippincott & Williams & Wilkins. |

| |ISBN: 0-7818-1576-8. |

| |Please purchase the most current addition for the textbooks referenced above. |

|COURSE DESCRIPTION: |Focus on advanced knowledge of acute, chronic and complex health problems in the |

| |primary care management of individuals across the lifespan. |

|STUDENT LEARNING |Apply theoretical and empirical knowledge of acute, chronic and complex health |

|OUTCOMES: |problems in primary care practice for individuals, groups, and families of all |

| |ages. |

| |Assess diagnose, and manage the health care needs of individuals across the |

| |lifespan with acute, chronic and complex illnesses using evidenced-based data. |

| |Implement health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention in the care |

| |of the individual across the lifespan with acute, chronic and complex health |

| |problems. |

| |Function in an NP interdisciplinary role within the health care team in providing |

| |care to individuals, groups, and families of all ages with acute, chronic and |

| |complex health problems. |

| |Integrate legal and ethical decision-making in implementing the advanced practice |

| |nurse (APN) role. |

| |Provide ethnicity, age, gender, and sensitive care to individuals across the |

| |lifespan and their families. |

| |Apply knowledge from family theory in the delivery of primary care management. |

|ATTENDANCE AND |Regular class attendance and participation is expected of all students. |

|DROP POLICY: |Students are responsible for all missed course information. |

| | |

| |A graduate student who wishes to change a schedule by either dropping or adding a |

| |course must first consult with Graduate Nursing Advisor. The following regulations|

| |pertain to adds and drops: |

| | |

| |A student may not add a course after the end of the late registration. |

| |A graduate student dropping a course or resigning from the university after the |

| |Census Date but before the final designated drop date for the enrolled semester |

| |will receive a grade of W only if at the time of dropping the student is passing |

| |the course (has a grade of A, B, or C); if the student has a D or F at the time of |

| |dropping, an F will be recorded. Students dropping a course must: (1) Complete a |

| |Course Drop Form (available online or |

| |MSN Office Room 605 and Rooms 623 & 624,); (2) obtain faculty signature and current|

| |course grade; and (3) Submit the form to MSN Office Room 605. |

| |A graduate student who desires to drop all courses for which he or she is enrolled |

| |is reminded that such action constitutes a withdrawal from the University. The |

| |student should indicate intention to withdraw from all courses by: (1) Completing a|

| |Registration Form (available online or |

| |MSN Office Room 605 and Rooms 623 & 624); (2) Obtaining faculty signature for each |

| |course enrolled and current course grade; (3) Filing the registration form in the |

| |School of Nursing Office Room 605; and (4) Filing the Registration Form in the |

| |Office of the Registrar in Davis Hall Room 333. |

| |Graduate students may drop a course up to 12 weeks in the fall or spring semester |

| |and up to 8 weeks in a 10-week summer session. Under extreme circumstances, the |

| |Dean of Graduate Studies may consider a petition to withdraw after the designated |

| |drop date, but in no case may a graduate student selectively drop a course after |

| |the drop date and remain enrolled in any other course. |

| |Last Date Drop or Withdraw: April 3, 2009 |

|TENTATIVE LECTURE/TOPIC SCHEDULE (COURSE CONTENT): |Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention: In individuals with acute, chronic and |

| |complex health problems across the lifespan. |

| |Hematological: Anemia and other blood dyscrasia |

| |Ophthalmology: Common eye problems, trauma, vascular, nasolacumal disorders such as|

| |–conjunctivitis/keratitis, cataracts, macular |

| |degeneration, glaucoma, red eye, hordeolum, chalazion, blepharitis, hearing |

| |problems |

| |Oral: Common problems of mouth, teeth, and gums. |

| |Immunology: Cancer- lung; pediatric cancers |

| |Cardiovascular: Cardiac dysrhythmia, acute MI, angina, CHF; pediatric: murmurs, |

| |vascular disorders, congenital heart, arrhythmias, CHF |

| |Vascular: vascular disorders - peripheral, venous, thromboembolic; pediatric: |

| |vascular disorders |

| |Gastrointestinal: Colon cancer, hernias, gastrointestinal bleeding, fecal |

| |incontinence, colitis, hepatitis, biliary, anal/rectal, bowel obstruction, celiac |

| |disease; pediatric – hepatitis, fatty liver |

| |Renal: Acute and chronic renal failure, hypokalemia; pediatric – vesicoureteral |

| |reflux, acute tibial necrosis, Streptoglumerulo – nephritis, hematuria, proteinuria|

| |Neurology: Cerebrovascular disease, sleep disorders, dizziness, vertigo, syncope; |

| |pediatric – sleep disorders, headaches |

| |Infectious Disease: HIV, mononucleosis, syphilis, neurosyphilis, lymphadenopathy, |

| |lyme disease, TB, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, lung abscess, chronic lymphocytic |

| |leukemia; pediatric – mononucleosis like syndrome, Kawasaki, Rocky Mountain fever, |

| |TB, HIV |

| |Connective Tissue Disease: Lupus, scleroderma, |

| |dermatomyositis, RA, polymyalgia rheumatica, |

| |multiple sclerosis; pediatric – juvenile RA, lupus |

| |Musculoskeletal: Non-articular rheumatic disorders, |

| |arthritis, common disorders of the feet and nails, pain-shoulder, neck. |

| | |

| |Advanced Laboratory: Variety |

| |Ethics and Ethical Decision-Making |

| |Legal Realm of Practice |

| |Cultural Competency |

| |Interdisciplinary Collaboration |

| |Clinical Decision-Making |

| |Family NP Role |

| |Protocol Application |

| | |

| |see pages 17-18 for complete schedule |

|SPECIFIC COURSE REQUIREMENTS: |Out-of-Class Assignments |

| |Multiple Choice Examinations |

| |Out-of-Class Clinical Assignments |

| |Clinical Practicums |

| |WebCT, as applicable |

| |In-Class Assignments |


| |Seminar, group discussion |

| |Reading/Media Assignments |

| |Guest Lecturers |

| |Individual Conferences |

| |Out-of-Class Assignments |

| |Multiple Choice Examinations |

| |Faculty Site Visits As Needed |

| |Clinical Experiences |

| |In-Class Assignments |

| |Out-of-Class Clinical Assignments |

| |Clinical Experiences Journal |

| |WebCT, as applicable |

| |Simulation, as applicable |

| |CPS Gen 2RF Response Pad, Author: Einstruction Edition, as applicable |

| |Other, as applicable |


|(COURSE EVALUATION & |1. Multiple Choice Exam I 15% |

|FINAL GRADING): |2. Multiple Choice Exam II 15% |

| |3. Multiple Choice Exam III 20% |

| |4. Family Theory Paper 5% |

| |5. In/Out of Class Assignments 5% |

| |6. CEU Assignments P/F |


| |1. Clinical Decision Making Assignments 15% |

| |(major - 2) |

| |2. SOAP Notes (3) 10% |

| |3. Clinical practicum - final 15% |

| |4. Preceptor Evaluations (per preceptor) P/F |

| |5. Clinical Experiences Journal P/F |

| |6. Self-Evaluation (1) P/F |

| |7. Student evaluation of preceptor P/F |

| |(one per preceptor) |

| |8. Clinical E logs P/F |

| |100% |


| |A = 92 to 100 |

| |B = 83 to 91 |

| |C = 74 to 82 |

| |D = 68-73 |

| |F = below 74 - cannot progress |

| | |

| |In order to pass a course containing both didactic and clinical requirements, the |

| |student must pass both the theoretical (didactics) and the clinical components of |

| |the course. |

| | |

| |A passing grade for the final clinical practicum is considered 83% or greater. |

| |Students scoring below 83% will have a one-time repeat privilege. Passing efforts |

| |on a repeat practicum will be given a score of 74% which in this instance, will be |

| |considered a passing score. |

| | |

| |Students are required to turn in 2 copies of the two major CDM assignments. 2 |

| |copies of SOAP notes are required. Please attach a grading criteria/guideline to |

| |papers. If an assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted per day (this |

| |includes Saturday and Sunday) until assignment is submitted. This can result in a |

| |failing grade of a zero (0) on an assignment. Examinations will be taken on the |

| |assigned date or will receive a grade of zero. |

|CLINICAL EVALUATIONS: |Students must pass both the didactic and clinical portions of a clinical course in |

| |order to pass the course. In order to pass the clinical portion, the student must |

| |receive a passing grade (minimum of 83%) on the faculty evaluation of the student’s|

| |clinical performance (Nurse Practitioner Clinical Evaluation). Students who fail a|

| |faculty evaluation have a one-time option to retake the practicum. A second faculty|

| |member will be present during the clinical performance retake. If the student |

| |passes the clinical performance retake (minimum of 83%), the maximum grade the |

| |student can receive for the exam for purposes of grade calculation is 83%. If the |

| |student fails the retake, the student will receive a grade of “F” for the course. |

|STUDENT REQUIREMENT FOR PRECEPTOR AGREEMENTS/PACKETS: |All Preceptor Agreements must be signed by the first day the student attends |

| |clinical (may be signed on that day). |

| |Student is responsible to ensure that all of his/her preceptor agreements are |

| |signed before beginning clinical experience and those agreements are given to Holly|

| |Niemann by the third week of the semester. (This means that even if a student |

| |doesn’t start working with a particular preceptor until late in the semester, s(h)e|

| |would contact that preceptor during the first 3 weeks of the semester. |

| |Holly Niemann or designated support staff will enter the agreement date into |

| |Partners database. The Agreement Date” field in Partners is the data that the |

| |Preceptor signed the Agreement. (This date must be on or before the student’s |

| |first clinical day in order for the student to access E-logs). If this is the |

| |first time a preceptor is precepting a graduate nursing student for The University |

| |of Texas at Arlington, please have him/her complete the Preceptor Biographical Data|

| |Sheet and submit it with his/her Curriculum Vitae. |

| |The signed preceptor agreement is part of the clinical clearance process. Failure |

| |to submit it in a timely fashion will result in the inability to access the E-log |

| |system. |

|CLINICAL CLEARANCE: |All students must have current clinical clearance to |

| |legally perform clinical hours each semester. If your |

| |clinical clearance is not current, you will be unable to |

| |do clinical hours that are required for this course and |

| |this would result in course failure. |

|STATUS OF RN LICENSURE: |All graduate nursing students must have an unencumbered license as designated by |

| |the Board of Nursing (BON) to participate in graduate clinical nursing courses. It|

| |is also imperative that any student whose license becomes encumbered by the BON |

| |must immediately notify the Interim Associate Dean for the MSN Program, Dr. Mary |

| |Schira. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the Graduate Program. The |

| |complete policy about encumbered licenses is available |

| |online at: |

|MSN GRADUATE STUDENT DRESS CODE: |Policy: The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing expects students to|

| |reflect professionalism and maintain high standards of appearance and grooming in |

| |the clinical setting. Clinical faculty have final judgment on the appropriateness |

| |of student attire and management of the situation. |

| | |

| |General Guidelines |

| |Jewelry |

| |Needs to be discreet with items, such as: watch, wedding ring, necklace or earrings|

| | |

| |No body piercing visible other than ears. |

| |2. Hair |

| |Hair is to be clean, neat, and well groomed. Shoulder length hair or longer must |

| |be pulled back behind the ears off the neck when in the clinical, learning resource|

| |or simulation lab settings. |

| |Males are expected to be clean-shaven or facial hair/moustache and beards neatly |

| |trimmed. |

| |Hair must be of a color found in nature (no pink, blue, etc.). |

| |3. Nails |

| |Nails are to be clean, groomed, and manicured. |

| |Artificial nails are prohibited in the clinical setting. |

| |Nails are to be cut to the tip of the finger and groomed. |

| |Only clear nail polish may be worn. No fingernail jewelry. |

| |4. Other |

| |Makeup will be subdued. Personal hygiene including oral care, daily |

| |showering/bathing, and the use of deodorant is expected. |

| |No perfume or scented lotions are to be worn. |

| |Gum chewing is not permitted. |

| |Personal beepers, cell phones, and other such technology shall be utilized only |

| |during breaks from patient care. Cell phones must be turned off during clinical |

| |and left in the student’s purse or backpack. |

| |Tattoos must be covered and not visible. |

| |Refrain from smoking in clinical attire as the smoke can cling to clothes and be an|

| |irritant to patients. |

| |The School of Nursing ID must be worn in all clinical and lab settings. |

| | |

| | |

| |Clinical Attire Options |

| | |

| |A white lab coat with a UTA insignia patch (suggested) over professional dress or |

| |Scrubs if that is the dress for the agency or |

| |Business attire for Nursing Administration Students and NP Students based on |

| |clinical site. |

| | |

| |Additional Directions on Attire |

| | |

| |Clothing needs to be clean and not wrinkled. |

| |Undergarments and/or cleavage should not show when leaning or bending over. |

| |Professional attire is expected. No jeans/western cut pants, sweatshirts, and |

| |shirts of underwear type, see-through clothing, sleeveless shirts or any clothing |

| |which exposes a bare midriff, back, chest or underwear. Skirts must be knee |

| |length or longer. Appearance must be clean and neat. Low rise scrub pants and |

| |rolling down the waist band of scrub pants is prohibited. |

| |Shoes are to be closed toed, in good repair and no canvas shoes or flip flops. |

| |The UTA Student Picture ID is to be worn above the waist and in clear view when in |

| |clinical agencies. |

| | |

| |Learning Resource Skills Lab/Simulation Lab attire: Students entering the skills |

| |or simulation labs must be in appropriate clinical attire. |



| | |

| |1. Fails to follow standards of professional practice as detailed by the Texas |

| |Nursing Practice Act * (available at |

| |2. Unable to accept and/or act on constructive feedback. |

| |3. Needs continuous, specific, and detailed supervision for the expected course |

| |performance. |

| |4. Unable to implement advanced clinical behaviors required by the course. |

| |5. Fails to complete required clinical assignments. |

| |6. Falsifies clinical hours. |

| |7. Violates student confidentiality agreement. |

| | |

| |*Students should also be aware that violation of the Nursing Practice Act is a |

| |“reportable offense” to the Texas Board of Nurses (BON). |

|CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT: |You signed a Confidentiality Form in orientation and were provided a copy of the |

| |form. Please take your copy of this Confidentiality Form with you to your clinical|

| |sites. Please do not sign other agency confidentiality forms. Contact your |

| |faculty if the agency requires you to sign their confidentiality form. |

|GRADUATE STUDENT HANDBOOK: |Students are responsible for knowing and complying with all policies and |

| |information contained in the Graduate Student handbook online at: |

| | |

|AMERICANS WITH |The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the |

|DISABILITIES ACT: |spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law |

| |92-112 - The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of federal |

| |legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), pursuant to section 504|

| |of the Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with|

| |the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens. |

| | |

| |As a faculty member, I am required by law to provide "reasonable accommodations" to|

| |students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that |

| |disability. Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty of their |

| |need for accommodation and in providing authorized documentation through designated|

| |administrative channels.  Information regarding specific diagnostic criteria and |

| |policies for obtaining academic accommodations can be found at |

| |   Also, you may visit the Office for Students with |

| |Disabilities in room 102 of University Hall or call them at (817) 272-3364. |

| | |

|STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES |The University of Texas at Arlington supports a variety of student success programs|

| |to help you connect with the University and achieve academic success. These |

| |programs include learning assistance, developmental education, advising and |

| |mentoring, admission and transition, and federally funded programs. Students |

| |requiring assistance academically, personally, or socially should contact the |

| |Office of Student Success Programs at 817-272-6107 for more information and |

| |appropriate referrals. |

|STUDENT CODE OF ETHICS: |The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing supports the Student Code of|

| |Ethics Policy. Students are responsible for knowing and complying with the Code. |

| |The Code can be found in the student Handbook online: |

| | |

|ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: |It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic |

| |dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated |

| |in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in |

| |accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may include |

| |suspension or expulsion from the University. |

| | |

| |"Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, |

| |collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable|

| |in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, |

| |any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit |

| |such acts." (Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Series 50101, Section 2.2) |

|PLAGIARISM: |Copying another student’s paper or any portion of it is plagiarism. Additionally, |

| |copying a portion of published material (e.g., books or journals) without |

| |adequately documenting the source is plagiarism. If five or more words in sequence|

| |are taken from a source, those words must be placed in quotes and the source |

| |referenced with author’s name, date of publication, and page number of publication.|

| |If the author’s ideas are rephrased, by transposing words or expressing the same |

| |idea using different words, the idea must be attributed to the author by proper |

| |referencing, giving the author’s name and date of publication. If a single |

| |author’s ideas are discussed in more than one paragraph, the author must be |

| |referenced at the end of each paragraph. Authors whose words or ideas have been |

| |used in the preparation of a paper must be listed in the references cited at the |

| |end of the paper. Students are encouraged to review the plagiarism module from the|

| |UT Arlington Central Library via |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|BOMB THREATS: |If anyone is tempted to call in a bomb threat, be aware that UTA will attempt to |

| |trace the phone call and prosecute all responsible parties. Every effort will be |

| |made to avoid cancellation of presentations/tests caused by bomb threats. |

| |Unannounced alternate sites will be available for these classes. Your instructor |

| |will make you aware of alternate class sites in the event that your classroom is |

| |not available. |

|E-CULTURE POLICY: |The University of Texas at Arlington has adopted the University email address as an|

| |official means of communication with students. Through the use of email, |

| |UT-Arlington is able to provide students with relevant and timely information, |

| |designed to facilitate student success. In particular, important information |

| |concerning department requirements, registration, financial aid and scholarships, |

| |payment of bills, and graduation may be sent to students through email. All |

| |students are assigned an email account and information about activating and using |

| |it is available at Students are responsible for checking their |

| |email regularly. |

|NO GIFT POLICY: |In accordance with Regent Rules and Regulations and the UTA Standards of Conduct, |

| |the School of Nursing has a “no gift” policy. A donation to one of the UTA School |

| |of Nursing Scholarship Funds, found at the following link:  Nursing Scholarship |

| |List would be an appropriate way to recognize a faculty member’s contribution to |

| |your learning.  For information regarding Scholarship Funds, please contact the |

| |Dean’s office. |

|GRADUATE COURSE SUPPORT STAFF: |La Shun Parish, Sr. Secretary |

| |Office #624A – Pickard Hall |

| |Phone: (817) 272-2776 ext. 24856 |

| |Email: |

|LIBRARY INFORMATION: |Helen Hough, Nursing Librarian |

| |(817) 272-7429 |

| | |

| |Research Information on Nursing: |

| | |

|MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: |Inclement Weather (School Closing) Inquiries: |

| |Metro (972) 601-2049 |

| |Fax Number - UTA School of Nursing: (817) 272-5006 |

| |Attn: Graduate Nursing Programs Office |

| |UTA Police (Emergency Only): (817) 272-3003 |

| | |

| |Mailing Address for Packages: |

| | |

| |UTA School of Nursing |

| |c/o Dr. Phyllis Adams |

| |411 S. Nedderman Drive, Pickard Hall |

| |Box 19407 |

| |Arlington, Texas 76019-0407 |

|CLINICAL OVERVIEW: |Ninety (90) hours are required for N5430. The clinical hours will be completed at |

| |non-campus clinical practice sites arranged by the UTA School of Nursing faculty |

| |and/or Graduate Clinical Director. Clinical hours are for medical management of the|

| |patient. There will be clinical hours given for some of the didactic class hours. |

| |Therefore, clinical hours are not to include grand rounds or rounds in the hospital|

| |with preceptor (for this experience contact the clinical advisor). These activities|

| |will not be acceptable. |

| | |

| |The MSN Clinical Coordinator is: |

| |Holly Niemann |

| |Office: Pickard Hall 625 |

| |Office Phone: (817) 272- 2776 Ext. 20788 |

| |Email: |

|ASSIGNMENTS: |1. Check with your Clinical Advisor as to how all assignments are to be submitted. |

| |2. When emailing is an option, be sure to validate whether the Clinical Advisor |

| |received the email message or not. If the email message and/or attachment is not |

| |received, the assignment is considered to be late. Please submit a “Hard Copy” of |

| |the assignment in class on the due date as well. |

| |3. Submit to the clinical advisor the following data on |

| |the preceptor clinical arrangements for the semester no later than the second class|

| |meeting: |

| |Preceptor name and title |

| |Name of Practice |

| |Complete address including zip code |

| |Telephone number of clinic |

| |Fax number of clinic |

| |Dates of the arranged clinical experiences |

| |Time of the arranged clinical experience |

| |Student contact telephone number |


|Description |Website |

|University of Texas Home Page | |

|MyMav Home Page | |

|Graduate Catalog & Faculty | |

|Graduate Nursing Programs | |

| | |

|Graduate Nursing Courses & Syllabi | |

|Faculty and Staff Email Contacts and Bio-sketches | |

|Graduate Student Handbook | |

|Miscellaneous Graduate MSN Forms: | |

|Banking Clinical Hours | |

|Code of Ethics | |

|Drop Request | |

|E-log Consent Form | |

|Liability Policy | |

|Master’s Completion Project Forms | |

|Nurse Admin Preceptor Package | |

|Nurse Practitioner Preceptor Package | |

|Personal Insurance Verification Form | |

|Petition to Graduate Faculty | |

|Resignation Request | |

|Student Confidentiality Statement | |

|Traineeship Statement Forms | |

| |Clinical Evaluation MSN Forms: |

| |Educator Evaluation |

| |Faculty Evaluation of Preceptor |

| |NP Clinical Evaluation (Practicum Tools) |

| |Nurse Admin Faculty Eval of Preceptor |

| |Nurse Admin Preceptor Eval of Student |

| |Preceptor Evaluation of Student |

| |Psych Therapy Preceptor Eval of Student |

| |Student Evaluation of Preceptor |

| |Student Self Evaluation |

|Preceptor Agency Sites Numbers (Clinical) | |

|Clinical Online Submission (E-logs) | |

|Criminal Background Check (Group One) | |

|Instructions for E-Reserves | |

| |Select under Library Catalogs |

| |(UTA Library Catalogs) |

| |Select Course Reserves |

| |Look for Instructor’s Name, Click Search, Select Article |

| |Password is course abbreviation and course number. |

| |ALL CAPS no spaces (ex. NURS5430). |

Last Revision: January, 2009

prevention of academic dishonesty guidelines


Unless otherwise instructed, all course (class & clinical) assignments are to follow the following guidelines:

1. Each student is expected to do each assignment independently. This means no consultation, discussion, sharing of information, or problem-solving to complete any component of the assignment. This includes your preceptor ( do not ask the preceptor to advise you on an assignment.

2. It is your ability and clinical decision-making that we are assessing through the assignments ( not your colleagues.

3. Any violation of these instructions will result in academic dishonesty a violation of UTA’s Academic Dishonesty Policy. The penalties can range from failure on the assignment, course failure and/or expulsion from the program.

4. The student will turn in the original and 1 copy of each written assignment. One copy will be maintained in a permanent file after a faculty assesses all class papers. The graded copy will be returned to the student and will be maintained in the clinical notebook.

5. If at any time a student is aware of academic dishonesty committed by a classmate, the student is expected to inform the faculty.

6. Academic dishonesty is cheating and will not be tolerated in this program. RNs are expected to conform to professional ethics whether in the classroom or in the clinical setting.

You are asked to sign below to indicate that you understand the above guidelines.

Name: ((((((((((((((((((((((((( Date: _______________________________

prevention of academic dishonesty guidelines


Unless otherwise instructed, all course (class & clinical) assignments are to follow the following guidelines:

1. Each student is expected to do each assignment independently. This means no consultation, discussion, sharing of information, or problem-solving to complete any component of the assignment. This includes your preceptor ( do not ask the preceptor to advise you on an assignment.

2. It is your ability and clinical decision-making that we are assessing through the assignments ( not your colleagues.

3. Any violation of these instructions will result in academic dishonesty a violation of UTA’s Academic Dishonesty Policy. The penalties can range from failure on the assignment, course failure and/or expulsion from the program.

4. The student will turn in the original and 1 copy of each written assignment. One copy will be maintained in a permanent file after a faculty assesses all class papers. The graded copy will be returned to the student and will be maintained in the clinical notebook.

5. If at any time a student is aware of academic dishonesty committed by a classmate, the student is expected to inform the faculty.

6. Academic dishonesty is cheating and will not be tolerated in this program. RNs are expected to conform to professional ethics whether in the classroom or in the clinical setting.

You are asked to sign below to indicate that you understand the above guidelines.

Name: ((((((((((((((((((((((((( Date: _______________________________

Nursing 5430 – Family Nursing I

Class Schedule


| | | | |

| | | | |

|JAN. 22, 09 | | | |

|4:00-5:00PM |COURSE OVERVIEW | |ALL |

| | | | |


| | | | |


| | | | |



| | | | |

|9:30-9:40PM |Immunizations/Calculations | |All |

|9:40-10:00PM |Meet with Clinical Advisor | |All |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Feb. 5, 09 | | | |

|4:00-7:00PM |Ophthalmology |Barker, Ch. 107, 108, 109 |Susan Carlson |

| | | | |

| |***Ophthalmology Website DUE | | |

| | | | |

|7:00-9:00PM |Hepatitis |Barker, Ch. 47 |Donna Gurica |

| | | | |

| |***(Oral Cavity, Feet and Nails – | | |

| |Web-CT -----responsible for readings as identified in | | |

| |sub-objectives | | |

| | |Barker, Chapter 112, 73) | |

| | | | |

|9:00-9:15PM |Immunizations/Calculations | |All |

|9:15-9:45PM |Meet with Clinical Advisor | |All |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Feb. 19, 09 | | | |

|4:00-7:00PM |Cardiac |Barker, Ch. 62, 63, 64, 66 |Susan Carlson |

| | | | |

|7:00-9:00PM |Pediatric Cardiac** | |Beth McClean |

| |(Handout Major Cardiac CDM) | | |

| |***Congestive Heart Failure Simulation | | |

| |***Pediatric Cardiology Simulation | | |

| |Meeting with Clinical Advisor as needed | |All |

| | | | |

|9:00-9:15PM |Immunizations/Calculations | |All |

|9:15-9:45PM |Meet with your clinical advisor | |All |

| | | | |

|Mar. 5, 09 | | | |

|3:30-5:00PM |Exam 1 | |Phyllis Adams |

| | | | |

|5:00-7:30PM |Neurology |Barker, Ch. 89, 92, 7 |Reni Courtney |

| |***(Seizures – WebCT – Complete Pre-test & Post-test |Barker, Ch. 86, 88 | |

| |Questions Prior to Class) | | |

| |***Neurology Simulation | | |

| | | | |

|7:30-9:30PM |Hematology and Disorders of Hemostasis |Barker, Ch. 55, 56 |Phyllis Adams |

| |(Handout Major Anemia Case Studies) | | |

| |(Review Major Cardiac CDM-TBA) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|9:30-9:45PM |Immunizations/Calculations | |All |

|9:45-10:00PM |Meet with Clinical Advisor | |All |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Spring Break – March 16-21 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Mar. 26, 09 | | | |

|4:00-7:00PM |Vascular |Barker, Ch. 91, 94, 95, 57 |Glen Hamilton |

| |***Peripheral Vascular Disease Simulation | |Guess Speaker |

| |(Review Anemia Major Case Studies - TBA) | | |

| |(Lung Cancer-WebCt) | | |

| | |Barker, Ch. 61 |All |

| | | |TBA |

|7:00-8:00PM |HIV |Barker, Ch. 39 | |

| | | | |

|8:30-8:45PM |Immunization/Calculations | |All |

|8:45-9:15PM |Meet with Clinical Advisor | |All |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Apr. 9, 09 | | | |

|3:30-5:00PM |Exam II | |All |

| | | | |

|5:00-7:00PM |Infectious Diseases |Barker, Ch. 34, 38, 40, 58 |Donna Gurica |

| |(TB-Website-Due) | | |

| | | | |

|7:00-9:00PM |Renal |Barker, Ch. 48, 49, 50,52 |Margaret Gariota |

| |***Handout Renal DDA | |Guess Speaker |

| | | | |


|9:15-9:45PM |Meeting with Clinical Advisor | |All |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Apr. 23, 09 | | | |

|4:00-7:00PM |GI |Barker, Ch. 45, 46, 96, 97, 98 |Phyllis Adams |

| | | | |

|7:00-8:30PM |Pediatric Infectious Disease | |Nancy Wyrick |

| |***Renal DDA Due | |Guess Speaker |

| | | | |

|8:30-8:45PM 8:45-9:15PM |Immunizations/Calculations | |All |

| |Meet with Clinical Advisor as Needed | |All |

| | | | |

|May 7, 09 |TBA |TBA |All |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|May 12, 09 | | | |

|4:00-7:00PM |Exam III (Comprehensive Final) | |All |

Note: Supplemental Handouts may be available for various content lectures at Bird’s Copy. Announcements will be made as applicable.

E-Reserves in the Central Library may be a source of Handouts. Announcements will be made as applicable.

Bring your CPS Gen2RF Response Pad to each. Announcements will be made as applicable to their use in classes.


N5430 Family Nursing I

Spring 2009

Student: _______________________________ Major: ______________________

Faculty Advisor: ____________________________________


Section A.


| | | | |

|Examinations | | | |

| | | | |

|1. Multiple Choice Exam I |3-5-09 |15% |_______ |

| | | | |

|2. Multiple Choice Exam II |4-9-09 |15% |_______ |

| | | | |

|3. Multiple Choice Exam III |5-12-09 |20% |_______ |

| | | | |

|Assignments | | | |

| | | | |

|Family Theory Paper |4-23-09 |5% |_______ |

| | | | |

|In/Outside Class Assignments: | |5% | |

| | | | |

|--Ophthalmology Website | | | |

|--TB Website |2-5-09 |Credit |_______ |

| |4-9-09 |Credit | |

|--CME/CEU Assignments | |P/F |_______ |

| |3-26-09 (5 DUE) |P/F | |

| |4-23-09 (5 DUE) | | |

| | | | |

|Simulation | | |

| | | |

|1. Rheumatology |2-5-09 |_______ |

| | | |

|2. Congestive Heart Disease |2-19-09 |_______ |

| | | |

|3. Pediatric Cardiology |2-19-09 |_______ |

| | | |

|4. Neurology |3-5-09 |_______ |

| | | |

|5. Peripheral Vascular Disease |3-26-09 |_______ |

| | | |

|6. Renal DDA |4-23-09 |_______ |

| | | |

| | |_______ |

| | | |

| | |_______ |

|Section B. | | | |

| | | | |


| | | | |

|1. Major Assignments | |15% | |

| | | | |

|a. Major CDM: Cardiac |3-5-09 | |_______ |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|b. Major Case Studies: Anemia |3-26-09 | |_______ |

| | | | |

|2. SOAP Notes (3) | |10% | |

|#1: 0 – 5 years of age | | | |

|#2: 6 – 20 years of age | | | |

|#3: 21 years of age and/or older | | | |

| | | | |

|-midterm (1) | | | |

| |2-19-09 | |_______ |

|-post midterm (1) | | | |

| |3-26-09 | |_______ |

|-final (1) | | | |

| |5-12-09 | |_______ |

| | | | |

|3. Clinical practicums | | | |

|-final |5-8-09 |15% |_______ |

| | | | |

|4. Preceptor Evaluations (one per preceptor) | | | |

| |5-8-09 |P/F |_______ |

|5. Final Clinical Experiences | | | |

|Journal (90 hrs. completed) | |P/F |_______ |

| | | | |

|-midterm | | | |

| |3-5-09 |P/F |_______ |

|-final | | | |

| |5-12-09 |P/F |_______ |

| | | | |

|6. Self-Evaluation (1) |5-12-09 |P/F | |

| | | | |

|7. Student evaluation of preceptor (one per preceptor) |5-12-09 |P/F |_______ |

| | | | |

|8. Completed Electronic Clinical Log | | | |

|*Note: Entries are expected weekly* |Weekly & |P/F |_______ |

|(Student is to bring printouts to each class) |Final | | |

| |5-12-09 ______ | | |

| | | | |

| | |Total | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | |GRADE: | |


Differential Diagnoses Assignment








2. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date. Assignments handed in after the first class break will be considered late and receive a zero.

3. In completing an exercise, please consider that the purpose is to familiarize you with your reading assignment for that class period. Therefore, the answers will be found within your reading assignment.

4. Remember that it is acceptable to use a “symptom” as a medical diagnosis if more information is needed to confirm the actual medical diagnosis.

5. List as many applicable rule-outs as possible for the given scenario.

6. Aim your treatment at the most likely medical diagnosis.

7. Ensure that your nursing diagnosis or health maintenance or social issue nursing diagnoses are appropriate to the given scenario.

Differential Diagnoses Assignment Answer Sheet

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Topic:______________________________ Date:___________________________

Name:______________________________ Advisor:____________________________


_______40% List your assessments based on the data given in the scenario.

Medical Diagnosis and ICD-9 Code(s):

Rule out #1

Rule out #2

Rule out #3

Rule out #4

Nursing Diagnosis or health maintenance or social issue:

Treatment Plan

________20% Diagnostics/Laboratories

________20% Rxs

________20% Nursing Interventions / Education

_______ TOTAL (100%)

Differential Diagnoses Assignment Answer Sheet

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Topic:______________________________ Date:___________________________

Name:______________________________ Advisor:____________________________


_______40% List your assessments based on the data given in the scenario.

Medical Diagnosis and ICD-9 Code(s):

Rule out #1

Rule out #2

Rule out #3

Rule out #4

Nursing Diagnosis or health maintenance or social issue:

Treatment Plan

________20% Diagnostics/Laboratories

________20% Rxs

________20% Nursing Interventions / Education

_______ TOTAL (100%)

Differential Diagnoses Assignment Answer Sheet

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Topic:______________________________ Date:___________________________

Name:______________________________ Advisor:____________________________


_______40% List your assessments based on the data given in the scenario.

Medical Diagnosis and ICD-9 Code(s):

Rule out #1

Rule out #2

Rule out #3

Rule out #4

Nursing Diagnosis or health maintenance or social issue:

Treatment Plan

________20% Diagnostics/Laboratories

________20% Rxs

________20% Nursing Interventions / Education

_______ TOTAL (100%)

Differential Diagnoses Assignment Answer Sheet

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Topic:______________________________ Date:___________________________

Name:______________________________ Advisor:____________________________


_______40% List your assessments based on the data given in the scenario.

Medical Diagnosis and ICD-9 Code(s):

Rule out #1

Rule out #2

Rule out #3

Rule out #4

Nursing Diagnosis or health maintenance or social issue:

Treatment Plan

________20% Diagnostics

________20% Rxs

________20% Nursing Interventions / Education

_______ TOTAL (100%)



Student:___________________________ Date: ______________________

Faculty: ___________________________ Grade: _____________________

Possible Actual

Points Points

20 ______ A. Completed subjective and objective data base as appropriate to scenario. Data prioritized, pertinent negatives and positives established. Growth and Development stages to be included, age appropriate.

20 ______ B. Assessments, hypothesis(es), rule-outs and nursing diagnosis(es) complete and stated appropriately,

ICD-9 Code(s).

20 ______ C. Physiological and pathological process leading to

diagnosis(es) are documented and referenced.

20 ______ D. Plan is sound, logical, cost-effective and includes

both medical and nursing management and referenced. Should put initial tests that are indicated – order these tests first and if additional tests are required, briefly discuss what might be needed at a later time or visit. Should include sections entitled 1) Health Promotion/Health Maintenance/Health Plan, 2) Family Theory, and 3) Nursing Theoretical Framework. Attach a current clinical guideline for one of the major diagnoses.

20 ______ E. Rationale and referenced are provided for each

step in management plan. APA format required.

Total Points:___________




Student:___________________________ Date: ______________________

Faculty: ___________________________ Grade: _____________________

Possible Actual

Points Points

20 ______ A. Completed subjective and objective data base as appropriate to scenario. Data prioritized, pertinent negatives and positives established. Growth and Development stages to be included, age appropriate.

20 ______ B. Assessments, hypothesis(es), rule-outs and nursing diagnosis(es) complete and stated appropriately,

ICD-9 Code(s).

20 ______ C. Physiological and pathological process leading to

diagnosis(es) are documented and referenced.

20 ______ D. Plan is sound, logical, cost-effective and includes

both medical and nursing management and referenced. Should put initial tests that are indicated – order these tests first and if additional tests are required, briefly discuss what might be needed at a later time or visit. Should include sections entitled 1) Health Promotion/Health Maintenance/Health Plan, 2) Family Theory and 3) Nursing Theoretical Framework. Attach a current clinical guideline for one of the major diagnoses.

20 ______ E. Rationale and referenced are provided for each

step in management plan. APA format required.

Total Points:___________




Student:___________________________ Date: ______________________

Faculty: ___________________________ Grade: _____________________

Possible Actual

Points Points

20 ______ A. Completed subjective and objective data base as appropriate to scenario. Data prioritized, pertinent negatives and positives established. Growth and Development stages to be included, age appropriate.

20 ______ B. Assessments, hypothesis(es), rule-outs and nursing diagnosis(es) complete and stated appropriately,

ICD-9 Code(s).

20 ______ C. Physiological and pathological process leading to

diagnosis(es) are documented and referenced.

20 ______ D. Plan is sound, logical, cost-effective and includes

both medical and nursing management and referenced. Should put initial tests that are indicated – order these tests first and if additional tests are required, briefly discuss what might be needed at a later time or visit. Should include sections entitled 1) Health Promotion/Health Maintenance/Health Plan, 2) Family Theory and 3) Nursing Theoretical Framework . Attach a current clinical guideline for one of the major diagnoses.

20 ______ E. Rationale and referenced are provided for each

step in management plan. APA format required.

Total Points:___________





N 5430 Family Nursing I


Spring 2009

I. Family Majors

A. Internal Medicine 45 hours

B. Family Medicine 45 hours

TOTAL: 90 hours


C. Family Medicine 90 hours (Has to meet the objectives of the course;

requires the approval of Lead Teacher or clinical advisor)

The University of Texas at Arlington

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I


1. If you have a positive complaint, it must be addressed in the physical exam, assessment, and plan. Remember the concept of balance.

2. It is not necessary to do a complete review of systems for an interval visit. You should do a ROS for the presenting problem, current medications (indicate why patient is taking the medication, i.e., Topral x L 50 mg/qd for HTN, etc.), and status of concurrent health problems only. Pertinent past medical history, family history, and social history should be addressed. Your history should be focused.

3. “Rule out” diagnoses are those diagnoses that are most probable, and must be addressed in the plan (Ex: What do I need to do to rule this out?) A differential diagnosis is merely one that you consider as you are taking the history, and doing the physical exam. It is not addressed in the plan as it is not one of your “most likely”.

4. You may not cite Uphold and Graham as your reference for the pathophysiology. You may cite it as rationale for your plan. All sources must be referenced according to APA format.

4. When you are doing your review of systems, the “general” category includes symptoms such as fever, malaise, fatigue, night sweats, and weight change. It does not include any objective information such as “alert”, “oriented”, “good historian”.

5. When you are giving the rationale for medication usage, please explain the drug’s category and action (i.e., third generation cephalosporin antibiotic and is used primarily for gram positive organisms), and why the patient has been prescribed the particular medication.

SOAP Notes:

6. Three (3) SOAP notes are required for this course. The note should accurately reflect the patient encounter, the diagnoses made, and the recommended nursing/medical management. Standardized chart forms, checklists, etc., utilized in the clinic setting will not be accepted. (See Sample format, Page 34-35)

7. All SOAP notes should be on a different problem or need. All SOAP notes should reflect the content/medical plan of care being taught in this course.

8. All SOAP notes must include rationale with the subsequent pathophysiology and references regarding the selected management plan. This portion of the SOAP note justifies your critical decision-making (i.e., why a calcium channel blocker was chosen instead of an A.C.E. inhibitor or explanation as to why an asymptomatic urinary tract infection was not treated.) Do not simply cite protocol resources but briefly describe the steps behind your management decisions. Reference rationale and pathophysiology according to APA format.

9. Do not address a pathophysiology disorder you have already addressed in a Major CDM or SOAP note. Select another patient to do a SOAP note on or address a different major health problem/disease.

10. Nursing diagnoses can be health maintenance or social issue as well as a problem or need.

Sample SOAP Note Format:

Patient Initials:________________ Date of Visit:__________________________

Patient Gender, Race, Age, Marital Status, DOB, Occupation, and Source – Reliability?:__________________________


S - Patient’s subjective data base as pertinent to the encounter.

O - Patient’s objective data base as pertinent to the encounter i.e., physical

examination, laboratory or diagnostic tests (if results are available at the time of visit)

A - Pertinent Positives; Pertinent Negatives

Medical diagnosis(es) – ICD-9 Codes

Any rule-outs (R/O) – ICD-9 Codes

Any differentials

Nursing diagnosis(es)

P - * Diagnostic studies and/or laboratory tests

* Medical Therapeutics/Nursing Therapeutics, prescriptions

* Patient Education

* Counseling

* Health Promotion/Health Maintenance/Health Plan (Refer to Adult Management Format)

* Referral

* Consults

* Follow-up appointments

* Growth and Development, age appropriate

* Family Theory Application

* Nursing Theoretical Framework


* Rationale to follow each treatment in the management plan with appropriate references

* Pathophysiology for major diagnosis(es) with references – 2 (TWO); relate to patient

* References - APA format, including cover sheet, a minimum of 3-4 references, i.e. primary course textbook, a pathophysiology book, a pharmacology book, etc.

* Note: Appropriately label each portion.

* Note: Provide appropriate identifying information on patient – refer to AHA outline.

* Note: Indicate what you should/would have done PLUS what actually happened and what you would now recommend.

* Note: SOAP notes will be for the following age groups:

1) 0 – 5 years

2) 6 – 20 years

3) 21 years of age and/or older

The University of Texas at Arlington

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I


Student:______________________________ Grade:___________________________

Date:_________________________________ Faculty/Advisor:____________________

Semester: Spring______ Midterm:________ Final:_________

Possible Actual

Points Points

15 _____ A. Subjective data appropriately and succinctly documented. Growth and

Development stages to be included, age appropriate.

15 ______ B. Objective data appropriately and succinctly documented.

15 ______ C. Nursing and medical diagnosis(es) formulated and appropriate ICD-9 Codes.

Pertinent positives and pertinent negatives.

20 ______ D. Management plan cost-effective, clinically correct and includes blend of nursing

and medical therapeutics. Attach a current clinical guideline for one of the major diagnoses.

10 ______ E. Rationale justifies management plan.

10 ______ F. Pathophysiology justifies management plan and major diagnoses.

4 ______ G. Health Promotion / Health Maintenance /Health Plan –refer to Adult management

4 ______ H. Family Theory Application

4 ______ I. Nursing Theoretical Framework

3 ______ J. Overall neatness, organization, APA format for reference.

NOTE: The SOAP note is an individual assignment (as are all assignments in the course).

Total: _______


The University of Texas at Arlington

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I


Student:______________________________ Grade:___________________________

Date:_________________________________ Faculty/Advisor:____________________

Semester: Spring______ Midterm:________ Final:_________

Possible Actual

Points Points

15 _____ A. Subjective data appropriately and succinctly documented. Growth and

Development stages to be included, age appropriate.

15 ______ B. Objective data appropriately and succinctly documented.

15 ______ C. Nursing and medical diagnosis(es) formulated and appropriate ICD-9 Codes.

Pertinent positives and pertinent negatives.

20 ______ D. Management plan cost-effective, clinically correct and includes blend of nursing

and medical therapeutics. Attach a current clinical guideline for one of the major


10 ______ E. Rationale justifies management plan.

10 ______ F. Pathophysiology justifies management plan and major diagnoses.

4 ______ G. Health Promotion / Health Maintenance /Health Plan - refer to adult management

4 ______ H. Family Theory Application

4 ______ I. Nursing Theoretical Framework

3 ______ J. Overall neatness, organization, APA format for reference.

NOTE: The SOAP note is an individual assignment (as are all assignments in the course).

Total: _______


The University of Texas at Arlington

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I


Student:______________________________ Grade:___________________________

Date:_________________________________ Faculty/Advisor:____________________

Semester: Spring______ Midterm:________ Final:_________

Possible Actual

Points Points

15 _____ A. Subjective data appropriately and succinctly documented. Growth and

Development stages to be included, age appropriate.

15 ______ B. Objective data appropriately and succinctly documented.

15 ______ C. Nursing and medical diagnosis(es) formulated and appropriate ICD-9 Codes.

Pertinent positives and pertinent negatives.

20 ______ D. Management plan cost-effective, clinically correct and includes blend of nursing

and medical therapeutics. Attach a current clinical guideline for one of the major


10 ______ E. Rationale justifies management plan.

10 ______ F. Pathophysiology justifies management plan and major diagnoses.

4 ______ G. Health Promotion / Health Maintenance/Health Plan – refer to adult management

4 ______ H. Family Theory Application

4 ______ I. Nursing Theoretical Framework

3 ______ J. Overall neatness, organization, APA format for reference.

NOTE: The SOAP note is an individual assignment (as are all assignments in the course).

Total: _______


The University of Texas at Arlington

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I


Student:______________________________ Grade:___________________________

Date:_________________________________ Faculty/Advisor:____________________

Semester: Spring______ Midterm:________ Final:_________

Possible Actual

Points Points

15 _____ A. Subjective data appropriately and succinctly documented. Growth and

Development stages to be included, age appropriate.

15 ______ B. Objective data appropriately and succinctly documented.

15 ______ C. Nursing and medical diagnosis(es) formulated and appropriate ICD-9 Codes.

Pertinent positives and pertinent negatives.

20 ______ D. Management plan cost-effective, clinically correct and includes blend of nursing

and medical therapeutics. Attach a current clinical guideline for one of the major


10 ______ E. Rationale justifies management plan.

10 ______ F. Pathophysiology justifies management plan and major diagnoses.

4 ______ G. Health Promotion / Health Maintenance/Health Plan – refer to adult management

4 ______ H. Family Theory Application

4 ______ I. Nursing Theoretical Framework

3 ______ J. Overall neatness, organization, APA format for reference.

NOTE: The SOAP note is an individual assignment (as are all assignments in the course).

Total: _______




Provide evidence of clinical skills in performing advanced health assessments to include:

a. Collecting a complete health history

b. Examining all body systems

c. Performing functional assessments to determine ability for self-care and independent living as applicable per age group across the lifespan.

d. Collect additional data as needed (ECG, vision and hearing screening, urinalysis, blood sugar determination, hematocrit, pap-smear, wet-mount, hanging drop smear, nose and throat culture, and others)

e. Making appropriate decisions regarding priority needs for episodic data collection (subjective and objective)

f. Determining which problems/data collection can be deferred until later

g. Making an appropriate and accurate assessment of patient’s health status (rule outs,

differential diagnoses, nursing diagnoses, etc.)

h. Presenting pertinent data to preceptor in a succinct manner

i. Presenting a cost-effective, clinically sound plan of care which may include:

(1) advanced nursing management

(2) medical intervention

(3) pharmacotherapeutics

(4) diagnostic testing

(5) teaching/counseling

(6) referral/consultation

(7) follow-up plan

j. Discussing with preceptor personal strengths and needed areas of improvement

k. Selecting patients that reflect the content being taught in this course.

Show increasing evidence of ability to develop, implement and evaluate an appropriate management plan for common episodic, acute, chronic, and rehabilitative health concerns for patients across the lifespan.

Show increasing evidence of ability to develop, implement and evaluate an appropriate plan for health maintenance and health promotion of patients across the life span.


Show evidence of ability to integrate health promotion/disease prevention activities into each patient encounter.

Provide evidence of advanced nursing activities to promote and maintain health of individuals across the lifespan to promote self-care.

Demonstrate ability to provide quality, culturally sensitive health care for individuals of diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Assists patients and families to meet their spiritual needs as applicable to their health care needs.

Provide evidence of the ability to formulate and administer advanced nursing care and medical therapeutics in a variety of settings.

Integrate current research findings into the development and implementation of health care for families and individuals.

Continue personal development of the various roles of the nurse practitioner as evidenced by didactic and clinical work.


1. Use of Practice Guidelines:

Occasionally, students encounter preceptor sites that do not use formal practice guidelines. It is recommended that students select a published practice guideline textbook to use in these circumstances. The selected reference should be discussed with and reviewed by the clinical preceptor. If agreeable, the practice guidelines will be the basis for your care with appropriate modifications as necessary.

2. Documentation of Care:

The UTA School of Nursing Nurse Practitioner Programs requires a wide variety of clinical hours which necessitates the student to obtain experiences in numerous settings. The student is expected to appropriately, thoroughly, and accurately document each patient encounter on the patient’s health record, i.e., SOAP notes, clinical summaries, etc. All entries made by the student in the patient’s health record should be reviewed by the preceptor. Documentation will be co-signed by the preceptor as appropriate for the clinical site.

3. Clinical Preceptors:

Students are encouraged to utilize several preceptors throughout their nurse practitioner coursework. Guidelines for the selection of preceptors are included in the “Preceptor Agreement Packet”. Please note that the “Letter of Agreement” in the packet MUST be signed and on file at UTA BEFORE clinical experiences commence at the site. Students are expected to negotiate their clinical objectives and number of hours with each preceptor. If for any reason, the primary preceptor and/or a secondary preceptor is absent, i.e., not physically in the practice setting, the student may not make any decisions requiring medical management. If a secondary preceptor is available in the absence of your primary preceptor, a “Preceptor Agreement” form must be completed prior to any medical management activity and faxed to the School of Nursing to your clinical advisor.

4. Clinical Experiences:

Clinical experiences are to be spread over the semester, preferable one day a week. If there is a change in this requirement consult your clinical advisor. It is not acceptable to complete all clinical hours before mid-term of the course. Clinical experiences should not occur at the student’s place of employment. Clinical experiences are strictly voluntary and are not to be reimbursed by any forms of payment (salary of any type), a BON rule. Clinical experiences (sites/preceptors) are to meet course/clinical requirements.

5. Telephone/Clinical Practicum Site Visits:

The NP Faculty will be available for telephone consultation and/or on-site visits to the student and preceptor as needed throughout the semester. Depending on faculty/student preference, clinical practicums may be performed at the student’s clinical site or other site selected by the faculty. In the event that the practicum is performed at the student’s clinical site, the student should be prepared to conduct an episodic visit with a patient and have selected several “potential” patients before the faculty arrives at the facility. The student will be evaluated according to the criteria on the “Clinical Practicum Form”. A score of 83% or greater is required as a passing score for all clinical practicums. Failing performances may be re-evaluated one time. Passing efforts on repeat clinical practicums will receive a score of 74%.

6. Preceptor Evaluations:

Preceptor evaluations are required each semester and indicate the student’s clinical performance over time as opposed to the practicum evaluation which evaluates clinical performance on one or two patients. In order for a preceptor to evaluate the student’s performance, there must be a preceptor agreement on file at UTA. Evaluations can be obtained from those preceptors that spend 16 hours or more in clinical with the student. The student is encouraged to ask the preceptor to discuss the evaluation with them before mailing it to the student’s clinical advisor. Provide a stamped self-addressed envelope for the preceptor to mail the student evaluation with clinical advisor’s name, etc. It is the student’s responsibility to be sure the preceptor evaluation has been submitted.

7. Clinical Experiences Journal:

A journal will be kept of all the student’s clinical experiences throughout the NP Program. (See “Clinical Experiences Journal Guidelines”. (See Page 45)

8. Professional Attire:

Students should dress professionally and appropriately according to the clinical practice setting. A lab coat and name pin identifying the student as a nurse practitioner student should be worn in patient encounters as appropriate. Follow OSHA standards – wear closed toed shoes. (Refer to the MSN Graduate Student Dress Code on pages 8-9 and/or in the Student Handbook)

9. Clinical Conferences with Faculty:

At regular intervals throughout the semester, faculty advisors will communicate with students regarding progress towards obtaining clinical objectives, overall student performance, in the program and other areas of concern. Students are expected to share information with the clinical advisor that will help the advisor evaluate the quality and scope of the clinical experiences. This communication may be conducted via telephone, email, or other method at the convenience of the student and faculty advisor.

10. E-logs:

Students are responsible for maintaining accurate clinical e-log documentation. These must be up-to-date on a weekly basis. The student is expected to submit a hard copy each class session to the clinical advisor.

11. Clinical Practicum:

During clinical practicum visits, faculty encourage students to have in the clinical setting and to utilize as appropriate and applicable, resources/references such as clinical guidelines, PDA’s, prescription references, etc.

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Clinical Experiences Journal


The Clinical Experiences Journal should be organized with appropriate tabbed sections:

A. Tally Sheets

Current Family Nursing I


-Final (90 hours)

Other Courses, i.e. AHA, Pedi, Psych, Skills, Adult I, as applicable

The accumulative Tally sheet should be included.

B. Personal Clinical Objectives

How and Why; Met, partially met, not met - give brief description

C. Patient Encounter Record(s)

Must have preceptor sign each day of clinical experience

in the appropriate space

Clinical E logs (a hard copy) for each class session

D. Self Evaluations

E. Student Evaluations of Preceptor

F. Preceptor Evaluations

G. Practicum

Midterm, as applicable


H. SOAP Notes

I. In/Out of Class Assignments

J. Major Assignments (CDMs, Case Studies, etc.)

K. Graded Assignments from Previous Courses, i.e., SOAP Notes,

CDM’s, separated by course with a tab and type of assignment.


The University of Texas

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Student Name: ____________________________ Faculty Advisor: ___________________ ________________________

Date: ___________________ _ Pass/Fail: _________________________ _______________________________

Semester: Spring ______



_____ I. Number / type of patients seen:



____II. Students Level of functioning and clinical progress to date:



____III. Clinical Objectives / Evaluation - Tally Sheets, Completed Clinical Elog and other documentation.



____IV. Overall neatness, organization:


The University of Texas

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Student Name: Faculty Advisor: _ _______________________

Date: Pass/Fail: __________________________ ______________________________

Semester: Spring ______



_____ I. Number / type of patients seen:



____II. Students Level of functioning and clinical progress to date:



____III. Clinical Objectives / Evaluation - Tally Sheets, Completed Clinical Elog and other documentation.



____IV. Overall neatness, organization:


The University of Texas

School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I

Student Name: Faculty Advisor: _ _______________________

Date: Pass/Fail: __________________________ ______________________________

Semester: Spring ______



_____ I. Number / type of patients seen:



____II. Students Level of functioning and clinical progress to date:



____III. Clinical Objectives / Evaluation - Tally Sheets, Completed Clinical Elogs and other documentation.



____IV. Overall neatness, organization:




N 5430 Family Nursing I

Student Self – Evaluation

Student:___________________________________ Date:___________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Indicate on a scale of 0 to 5, your progress in accomplishments of the Family Nursing educational objectives.


OBJECTIVE Low Value High Value

0 1 2 3 4 5














The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing

N. 5430 Family Nursing I


Student Name: _____________________________________ Hours Newborn: Birth to 30 days_________

Facility Name: _____________________________________ Per Infant: Less than 1 year_________

Age Group Toddler/Preschool: 1 – 4 yrs_____________

School Aged: 5 – 11 yrs_________

Adolescent: 12 – 21 yrs_________

Adult: 22 – 55 yrs_____________

Adult: 56 – 65 yrs_____________

Elderly: 65 and over____________

| | | | |

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The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I


Student Name:_____________________________________ Hours Newborn: Birth to 30 days_________

Facility Name:_____________________________________ Per Infant: Less than 1 year_________

Age Group Toddler/Preschool: 1 – 4 yrs_____________

School Aged: 5 – 11 yrs_________

Adolescent: 12 – 21 yrs_________

Adult: 22 – 55 yrs_____________

Adult: 56 – 65 yrs_____________

Elderly: 65 and over____________

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The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing

N 5430 Family Nursing I


Student Name:_____________________________________ Hours Newborn: Birth to 30 days___________

Facility Name:_____________________________________ Per Infant: Less than 1 year___________

Age Group Toddler/Preschool: 1 – 4 yrs___________

School Aged: 5 – 11 yrs___________

Adolescent: 12 – 21 yrs___________

Adult: 22 – 55 yrs_____________

Adult: 56 – 65 yrs_____________

Elderly: 65 and over_____________

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The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing - N. 5430 Family Nursing I

STUDENT NAME:____________________________________ (Weekly) Clinical Hour Tally Sheet



(Required) |Jan 20 – Jan 23 |Jan 26 – Jan 30 |Feb.2 – Feb 6 |Feb 9 – Feb 13 |Feb 16 – Feb 20 |Feb 23 – Feb 27 |Mar 2 – Mar 6 |Mar 9 – Mar 13 |Mar 16 – Mar 20 |Mar 23 – Mar 27 |Mar 30 – Apr 3 |Apr 6 – Apr 10 |Apr 13 – Apr 17 |Apr 20– Apr 24 |Apr 27 – May 1 |May 4 – May 8 |Totals


Forward |Spring 2009 | |

(Adv. Asses)

90 Required |















| |


| |

Comm Health

Role (Adv Role)

45 Required |















| |


| |

Urban Rural

Health Care


(40 Required) |















| |


| |

Basic Skills

(24 Required)

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



(45 Required) |















| |


| | Health



Teaching - 70

Required |















| |


| |

Prenatal Mgt

(40 Required) |















| |


| | Gynecology

(Gyn in addition to

general practice


24 Required |















| |


| | Pedi 140

Required Newborns


Toddlers 30


Birth - 4 yrs |















| |


| |

School Age 5-11 yrs.

60 Required |















| |


| |

Adolescent 12-21 yrs

50 Required |















| |


| |

Adult Mgt

196 Required

22-64 yrs |















| |


| |

Geri Mgt

120 Required

65 yrs |















| |


| |Total: 834 hrs | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________ (Weekly) Clinical Hour Tally Sheet




(Required) |Jan 20 – Jan 23 |Jan 26 – Jan 30 |Feb.2 – Feb 6 |Feb 9 – Feb 13 |Feb 16 – Feb 20 |Feb 23 – Feb 27 |Mar 2 – Mar 6 |Mar 9 – Mar 13 |Mar 16 – Mar 20 |Mar 23 – Mar 27 |Mar 30 – Apr 3 |Apr 6 – Apr 10 |Apr 13 – Apr 17 |Apr 20– Apr 24 |Apr 27 – May 1 |May 4 – May 8 |Totals


Forward |Spring 2009 | |

(Adv. Asses)

90 Required |















| |


| |

Comm Health

Role (Adv Role)

45 Required |















| |


| |

Urban Rural

Health Care


(40 Required) |















| |


| |

Basic Skills

(24 Required)

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



(45 Required) |















| |


| | Health



Teaching - 70

Required |















| |


| |

Prenatal Mgt

(40 Required) |















| |


| | Gynecology

(Gyn in addition to

general practice


24 Required |















| |


| | Pedi 140

Required Newborns


Toddlers 30


Birth - 4 yrs |















| |


| |

School Age 5-11 yrs.

60 Required |















| |


| |

Adolescent 12-21 yrs

50 Required |















| |


| |

Adult Mgt

196 Required

22-64 yrs |















| |


| |

Geri Mgt

120 Required

65 yrs |















| |


| |Total: 834 hrs | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |The University of Texas at Arlington School of Nursing - N. 5430 Family Nursing I

STUDENT NAME:____________________________________ (Weekly) Clinical Hour Tally Sheet


TYPE OF HOURS (Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |



Forward |



Total Hours | |Adv. Asses

(90 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Comm Health

Role (Adv Role)

(45 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Urban Rural

Health Care


(40 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Basic Skills

(24 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Counseling


(45 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Health




(70 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Prenatal Mgt

(40 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Gynecology

(Gyn in addition to general practice experiences)

24 Required | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Pedi 140

Required Newborns/Infants/Toddlers 30 Required

Birth - 4 yrs | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |School Age 5-11 yrs.

(60 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Adolescent 12-21 yrs

(50 Required) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Adult Mgt


196 Required | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Geri Mgt

65 yrs

120 Required | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Total: 834 hrs

clinical practicum form






Family Theory

N5430 Family Nursing I


Bomar, P.J. (2004). Promoting Health in Families. Philadelphia: Saunders

Doane, G.H. & Varoce, C. (2005). Family Nursing Relational Inquiry. Philadelphia: Lippincott.

Friedman, M.M. (1992). Family Nursing Theory and Practice. Norwalk: Appleton & Lang.

Wright, L.M. & Leahey, M. (2005). Nurses Families: A guide to Family Assessment and Intervention. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.


Upon completion of the assigned readings and attendance of the lecture, the student will be able to:

1. Utilize models, mid-range theories, and concepts from nursing and other fields to formulate a framework for the advanced nursing practice with the individual and family in the primary care setting

2. Analyze and apply family theory to the management of patients in the primary care setting.

3. Identify age specific interventions that are appropriate for the client and their families, that are based on concepts from a learning/change theory.

1. Determine and assess the influence of the family and other environmental factors on the management and outcomes of illness.

2. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of family as the unit of care.

3. Critically analyze strengths and weaknesses of various family theories.

4. Discuss the uniqueness of the Family Nurse Practitioner role with the applications of Family Theory and working with the family unit.


Renal Problems in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I

Readings: Barker (7th edition)

Chapter 48 (pp. 733-739)

Chapter 49 (pp. 740-745)

Chapter 50 (pp. 746-754)

Chapter 52 (pp. 766-782 and start at Drug Use on Renal Insufficiency page 788 stop at Symptomatic Therapy for Advanced Renal Failure p. 792.


1. Discuss the etiologies, evaluation and management of proteinuria, hematuria, hypokalemia and hyperkalemia.

2. Discuss the presentation, history and physical and diagnostic testing for patients with chronic renal insufficiency.

3. Describe therapy and treatment of reversible causes of renal insufficiency.

4. Explain implications of drug utilization in patients with chronic renal insufficiency.


Cardiac Problems in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Barker, L.R. (7th Ed). Chapter 62 (pp 949-970); Chapter 63 (pp 971-991); Chapter 64 (pp 992-1028); Chapter 66 (pp 1057-1084)


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Discuss the following aspects of coronary artery disease:

a. Pathophysiology

b. Risk factors

c. Diagnosis

e. Prognosis

f. Treatment

2. Differentiate between stable, unstable, and variant angina.

3. Describe rehabilitation and management of patients of post MI.

4. Explain treatment of the following arrhythmias:

a. SVT

b. MAT

c. Atrial fib

d. Sick sinus syndrome

5. Outline the diagnosis and management of congestive heart failure.

6. Differentiate between systolic and diastolic heart failure.

7. Discuss examination findings, diagnosis and management of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aortic stenosis and mitral regurgitation.


Pediatric Cardiology

N5430 Family Nursing I

Readings: Burns: Chapter 30

Heart Murmurs in Pediatric Patients: When Do You Refer? – August 1999 – American of Family Physicians

Caring for Infants with Congenital Heart Disease and Their Families – April 1, 1999 – American Academy of Family Physicians


Upon completion of the reading assignments and learning activities, the FNP student will:

1. Recognize the common murmurs of childhood.

2. Identify the significance of each common murmur.

3. Describe the evaluation and management of the child with a murmur, SOB, chest pain, or syncope.

4. Identify the role of the primary care provider in the management of the child with heart disease.



N5430 Family Nursing I

Readings: Barker (7th Ed.): Chapter 47, pp. 717-730


Upon completion of the assigned readings and attendance of the lecture, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the etiology of acute hepatitis.

2. List the different forms of acute infectious hepatitis.

3. Cite the modes of transmission of acute infectious hepatitis.

4. Describe common signs and symptoms found in the patient with hepatitis.

5. Explain the diagnostic work-up of the patient suspected to have hepatitis, including the significance of laboratory findings.

6. List the differential diagnoses of acute hepatitis.

7. Discuss the management and prognosis of acute hepatitis.

8. Discuss the etiology of chronic hepatitis.

9. Explain common signs and symptoms found in the patient with chronic hepatitis.

10. Discuss the prognosis of the patient with chronic hepatitis.




Common Problems with the Feet, Nails, and Oral Cavity

N5430 Family Nursing I

Readings: Barker (7th Ed.): Chapters 73, 112

Common Dental Emergencies – February 1, 2003 – American Family Physician

Burns: Chapter 33

WebCT Learning Module


Upon completion of all reading assignments and learning activities, the student will be able to:

1. Identify appropriate assessment techniques for the feet, nails, and oral cavity.

2. Discuss common problems of the feet, nails, and oral cavity in the adult, pregnant female, and pediatric patient.

3. Discuss appropriate management of the common problems of the feet, nails, and oral cavity.


Hematology Disorders in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Barker, L.R. (7th Ed). Chapter 55 (pp 819 -836); Chapter 56 (pp 837-845)


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Discuss the following for Iron deficiency anemia, Megagloblastic anemia, Thallassemia, Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait, Anemia of Chronic Disease, Thrombocytopenia, Thrombocytosis, Von Willebrand’s Disease:

a. Clinical Presentation

-pertinent subjective

-pertinent objective

b. Diagnosis

c. Management Plan

2. Briefly discuss and describe the pathophysiology of the disorders listed in Number One Objective.

3. Review, in very basic terms, anemic states that are associated with hemolysis and bleeding.

4. Discuss anemias with a low MCV, high MCV, and those with a normal MCV.


Neurology Problems in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Barker, L.R. (7th Ed). Chapter 89 (pp 1531-1553); Chapter 92 (pp 1581- 1601); Chapter 7 (pp 100-117); Chapter 86 (pp 1471-1484); Chapter 88 (pp 1504-1530)


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Describe the processes of the evaluation of the patient with neurologic symptoms

2. Discuss the following for dizziness, vertigo, motion sickness, syncope and near syncope and disequilibrium

a. Pathophysiology

b. Epidemiology

c. Risk factors

d. Diagnosis

e. Prognosis

f. Treatment

3. Review the following for dizziness, vertigo, motion sickness, syncope and near syncope and disequilibrium

a. Clinical presentation

b. Diagnostic evaluation

c. Treatment Plan

4. Differentiate between dizziness, vertigo, motion sickness, syncope and near syncope and disequilibrium – sign and symptoms and treatment plan.

5. Discuss the following for various sleep disorders

a. Pathophysiology

b. Epidemiology

c. Risk factors

d. Diagnosis

e. Prognosis

f. Treatment

6. Discuss the following for various seizure types across the life span

a. Pathophysiology

b. Epidemiology

c. Risk factors

d. Diagnosis

e. Prognosis

f. Treatment


Ophthalmology Problems in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Barker, L.R. (7th Ed). Chapter 107 (pp 11799-1808); Chapter 108 (pp 1808- 1816); Chapter 109 (pp 1816-1829)


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Describe the processes of the evaluation of the patient with ophthalmology symptoms

2. Discuss the following for refractive errors, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and disorders of the eyelid, conjunctiva anterior segment of the eye

a. Pathophysiology

b. Epidemiology

c. Risk factors

d. Diagnosis

e. Prognosis

f. Treatment

3. Review the following for refractive errors, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and disorders of the eyelid, conjunctiva anterior segment of the eye

a. Clinical presentation

b. Diagnostic evaluation

c. Treatment Plan


Pediatric Neurology

N5430 Family Nursing I

Readings: Burns: Chapter 27

Learning Module: WebCT

Optional Learning Activity: Requires registration to participate. (Free)

Pediatric Epilepsy: Identifying & Treating Different Seizure Types


Upon completion of the reading assignments and the learning module, the FNP student will:

1. Identify the evaluation process of the child with a first seizure.

2. Describe the use of imaging and laboratory testing in the child with a seizure disorder.

3. Describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anti-epileptic drugs.

4. Identify the side effects and evaluation of the pediatric patient on AEDs.


Vascular Problems in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Barker, L.R. (7th Ed). Chapter 91 (pp 1569-1580); Chapter 94 (pp 1634-1649); Chapter 95 (pp 1649-1663); Chapter 57 (pp 845-860)


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Discuss the following for cerebral vascular disease, TIA vs Acute Stroke, asymptomatic carotid stenosis:

a. Pathophysiology

b. Epidemiology

c. Risk factors

d. Diagnosis

e. Prognosis

f. Treatment

2. Discuss the main causes of vertigo that are relates to vertebrobasilar arterial disease.

3. Review the following for all of the peripheral vascular diseases: acute peripheral arterial occlusion, chronic arterial occlusive disease, abdominal aortic aneurysms, peripheral arterial aneurysms

a. Clinical presentation

b. Diagnostic evaluation

c. Treatment Plan

4. Describe varicose veins by

a. Causes

b. Signs and Symptoms

c. Physical findings

d. Clinical testing

e. Treatment Plan

5. Outline the clinical presentation, assessment, diagnosis and management plan, to include basic therapies, for lower extremity ulcers.

6. Differentiate between venous and arterial thromboembolism and include the following: risk factors, clinical presentation, evaluation and current treatments.


Infectious Diseases in Primary Care

Family Nursing I

Readings: Barker (7th Ed.): Chapters 34, 38, 40, 58


Upon completion of the assigned readings and attendance of this lecture, the nurse practitioner student will be able to:


1. Briefly discuss the epidemiology and stages of syphilis.

2. Define the term neurosyphilis.

3. Cite the appropriate serology for diagnosing and following an adult with syphilis.

4. List the drugs of choice for treating primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis.

5. Explain what occurs in a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction l

Lyme Disease

1. Review the epidemiology of Lyme disease in this country.

2. Describe early vs. late manifestations of Lyme disease.

3. Recall how to diagnose Lyme disease from both a clinical and serological aspect.

4. Denote preferred treatments for early and late Lyme disease.

5. Discuss the nurse practitioner’s role in prevention of Lyme disease.


1. Review the four categories and clinical presentations of osteomyelitis.

2. Disclose and appropriate, cost-effective laboratory evaluation of a patient suspected to have osteomyelitis.

3. Briefly list common treatment protocols for acute and chronic osteomyelitis.

4. Correctly identify common pathogens that cause osteomyelitis (by major category).

Lung Abscess

1. Cite the types of lung abscesses, specifying clinical presentations.

2. Discuss the differential diagnosis of lung abscess.

3. Note the common pathogens involved in lung abscess by population.

4. Review the appropriate work-up of a patient with a suspected lung abscess.

5. Discuss common treatment regimens for anaerobic and aerobic lung abscesses.


1. Define endocarditis.

2. Identify patients who are at risk for developing endocarditis.

3. Note the common pathogens involved in endocarditis.

4. Recall common outpatient treatment plans for patients with endocarditis.

5. List potential complications of endocarditis.

6. Discuss common prophylaxis regimens for the patient who has had endocarditis.

Infectious Mononucleosis

1. Explain the epidemiology and pathogenesis of infectious mononucleosis.

2. State the signs and symptoms seen in the patient with mononucleosis.

3. Cite the serological features seen with infectious mononucleosis.

4. Discuss potential complication of infectious mononucleosis.

5. Discuss (briefly) other causes of a mononucleosis-like syndrome that can be seen in primary care.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

1. Denote the clinical features of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

2. Review common treatments and expected course of illness in the patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

3. Identify three differential diagnoses of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

4. Describe the relevance of lymphadenopathy as it relates to other constitutional symptoms.


1. List the cause of tuberculosis in the United States.

2. Review those populations that are at high risk for developing tuberculosis.

3. Cite the differential diagnosis of tuberculosis.

4. Recall the common signs, symptoms and physical exam findings seen in the patient with tuberculosis.

5. State which patient populations are considered to have a positive PPD skin test, based on millimeters of induration.

6. Define the current four drug protocol used in the United States to treat tuberculosis.

7. Review potential adverse drug affects seen with the anti-tubercular drugs.

8. Define multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.

9. Discuss DOT and its role in the treatment of the patient with tuberculosis.

10. State the current recommendations for INH prophylaxis for those exposed to the tubercular bacillus.


Gastrointestinal Disorders in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Barker, L.R. (7th Ed). Chapter 45 (pp 687 -704); Chapter 46 (pp705-716); Chapter 96 (pp 1664-1673); Chapter 97 (pp 1673-11681); Chapter 98 (pp 1681-1693)


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Identify the common tests to detect blood in the stool.

2. Discuss upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding including the common GI bleeding lesions – colon polyps, cancers of colon, arteriovenous malformations of the colon via:

a. Clinical Presentation

-pertinent subjective

-pertinent objective

b. Diagnosis

c. Management Plan

3. Review the pathophysiology of diarrhea.

4. The assessment and management of diarrhea – acute and chronic with consideration to malaborption, lactose intolerance, fecal impaction, Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

5. State the assessment, epidemiology, evaluation and management plan of patients with: cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, and symptomatic patients without a gallbladder.

6. Review the common biliary tract operations and patient education and outcomes of post operative recovery.

7. Review inguinal and femoral, incision, umbilical and epigastric hernias - the assessment, diagnosis and management plan.

8. Discuss common conditions of the anus and rectum – pruritis ani, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, anorectal abscesses, fistulas, protalgia fugax, rectal prolapse, STDs of the anus and rectum. Include the common causes and management plan for each.

9. Review and be able to discuss briefly, celiac disease.


Musculoskeletal Problems in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Barker, L.R. (7th Ed). Chapter 74 (pp 1213-1224); Chapter 76 (pp 1238-1254); Chapter 77 (pp 11254-1280); Chapter 78 (pp 1280-1290)


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Discuss the following for Bursitis, Tenosynovitis, Fibromyalgia, Raynaud’s Syndrome, Sacroiliitis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Reiter’s Syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Multiple Sclerosis, Scleroderma, Dermatomyositis, Common foot problems

a. Pathophysiology

b. Etiology

c. Epidemiology

d. Risk factors

e. Diagnosis

f. Prognosis

g. Treatment

2. Review the following for Bursitis, Tenosynovitis, Fibromyalgia, Raynaud’s Syndrome, Sacroiliitis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Reiter’s Syndrome, Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Multiple Sclerosis, Scleroderma, Dermatomyositis, Common foot problems

a. Clinical presentation

b. Diagnostic evaluation

c. Differential diagnosis

d. Treatment Plan

3. Differentiate between nonarticular rheumatic disorders, crystal-induced arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, & reactive arthritis include – sign and symptoms and treatment plan.

4. Describe patient education appropriate for the above patients in primary care.

5. Lists resources available in the community to assists patients with chronic Musculosketal conditions.


Pediatric Infectious Disease Problems in Primary Care

N5430 Family Nursing I


Burns, Chapter 23


Upon completion of the assigned readings, the nurse practitioner student should be able to:

1. Discuss the following for viral infections, bacterial infections, fever, and helminthic zoonoses

a. Pathophysiology

b. Epidemiology

c. Risk factors

d. Diagnosis

e. Prognosis

f. Treatment

2. Review the following for viral infections, bacterial infections, fever, and helminthic zoonoses a. Clinical presentation

b. Diagnostic evaluation

c. Treatment Plan


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