Behavioral Objectives

|Behavioral Objectives |Content Outline |Clinical Objectives |Learning Opportunities |

|Discuss the management concepts listed in the content|Manager of Care |Recognize that political, economic and societal forces affect |READ: |

|column. |Management vs leadership |the health of clients |Zerwekh & Claborn (2009) |

| |Leadership styles/effective leaders | | |

| |Autocratic |Apply management concepts in assigning and/or delegating |VIDEOS: |

| |Democratic |nursing care to other members of the nursing team. |#M094-Communications Peer Relationships |

| |Laissez-faire | | |

| |Types of management |Use negotiation skills for the purpose of achieving positive |COMPUTER SIMULATION: |

| |Chief nursing officer |client outcomes. |#5046-Nursing Leadership and Management: |

| |Shared governance | |Assigning and Delegating Client Care |

| |Types of nursing care |Facilitate communication between client and institutional or |Activities. |

| |Team |community resources. | |

| |Primary | | |

| |Functional |Advocate on behalf of the client with other members of the |#5040-Applying Critical Thinking to |

| |Total client care |interdisciplinary health care team to procure resources for |Nursing Skills: Shift Assessment |

| |Care pair |client care. | |

| |Delegation | |MEDCOM ONLINE FILMS |

| | |Identify and participate in activities to improve health care |VIDM202RA-T Fall Prevention, Part 1: Risk |

|Discuss the influences on nursing practice while |Factors influencing nursing management |delivery within the work setting. |Assessment |

|fulfilling the role of manager of care. |Individual | | |

| |Motivation |Report the need for corrective action within the organization. |VIDM202RB-T Fall Prevention, Part 2: |

| |Competency | |Preventive Strategies and Products |

| |Team leading experience |Select human and material resources that are optimal, legal, | |

| |Role model for nursing profession |and cost effective to achieve organizational goals. |VIDM202RA-T Fall Prevention, Part 3: A |

| |Interpersonal | |Comprehensive Fall Prevention Program |

| |Communication skills |Use basic management and leadership skills, act as a team | |

| |Assertiveness skills |leader, supervise and delegate care and contribute to shared |VIDWM522-T Patient Falls: Protecting and |

| |Problem solving/conflict resolution/negotiation |goals. |Preventing Injury |

| |Critical thinking | | |

| |Decision making |Provide nursing care within limits of professional nursing |VIDM192-T Patient Rights |

| |Group process |knowledge, education, experience, and ethical/legal standards | |

| | |of care. |VIDM223R12-T Patient Safety: Your First |

| | | |Concern |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |VIDM252C-T Restraints: Legal |

| | | |Considerations and Patient Rights |

| |Practice environment |Promote accountability for quality nursing practice through | |

| |Risk management |participation on policy and procedure committees. |VIDM257-T Evidence-based Practice: What It|

| |Incident report | |Is and What It Is Not |

| |Irregular occurrence |Delegate/assign to other health care providers within legal | |

| |Variance reports |parameters and evaluate delivery of care. |VIDM224TA-T HIPAA for Healthcare Workers:|

| |Failure to rescue |Participate on organizational committees, professional |An Overview |

| |2. Policies and procedures |organizations and community groups to improve the quality of | |

| |Chain of command |health care. |VIDM215-T Nursing Negligence: Protect |

| |Board of Nursing Examiners (BNE) delegation rules | |Yourself, Protect Your Patient |

| |Texas Nursing Practice Act |Serve as a member of voluntary health care and community teams | |

| |Standards of Care |to provide services to individuals and communities and unmet |VIDM2544CR-T Never Events and |

| |Systematic approach for |needs. |Hospital-Acquired Conditions: Admission |

| |setting priorities | |Assessment and Quality Reporting |

| |Regulatory agencies |Promote collegiality among interdisciplinary health care team | |

| |Quality Assurance for Documentation |members. |Participate in an Evidenced Base Practice |

| |Rapid Response Team (RRT) | |Project. |

| |Management of Client Complaints |Collaborate with members of nursing and other health care | |

| |Safety Risk for Suicide |organizations to promote the profession of nursing. |Team lead one or two weeks |

| |Management of resources | |in clinical. |

| |Time |Participate in activities individually or in groups through | |

| |Cost containment |organizations that promote the profession of nursing. |Present a management issue with |

| |Materials | |Post-Conference. |

| |Space |Recognize roles of professional nursing organizations, | |

| |Staff |regulatory agencies and organizational committees |Identify 2 National Patient Safety Goals |

| |Change process | |being implemented in the clinical site. |

| |Evidenced Base Practice Project |Practice within the RN role and Scope of Practice. | |

| |Client advocacy | |Admit and discharge at least 2 clients. |

| |Collaboration |Serve as a positive role model for students, peers, and members| |

| |Ethical/Legal issues |of the interdisciplinary health care team. | |

| |Health Insurance Portability | | |

| |and Accountability Act (HIPAA) | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|3. Discuss the responsibilities of the team leader. |Team Leader Responsibilities |Verbalize hospital codes and team leader's | |

| |Make client assignment for 3-4 team members |responsibility (Code Blue, Red, Pink etc.) | |

| |Observe transcription of health care provider’s | | |

| |orders | | |

| |Check crash cart | | |

| |Chart audit of team members | | |

| |nurses notes | | |

| |Evaluate team members | | |

| |performance on weekly | | |

| |evaluation | | |

| |Collaborate with health care | | |

| |provider. | | |

N:Soph\Fall\RNSG 2534/Unit I Nursing Management Revised 07/11


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