“Only 20% of the population is open to Chiropractic care ...

-47625-14287500Marketing Your Nutrition Practice “Only?20% of the population is open to Chiropractic care, while 80% are open to taking supplements.” -Dr. Van Merkle__________________________________________________________________________________Methods to market your nutritional practice to your current chiro patientsThe basic idea that you should have when marketing your nutrition practice to your current chiro patients is that you want to both notify your patients about your service and you also want to create curiosity. Some methods to achieve these goals include:Let your current patients know what you’re doing! If patient has high blood pressure, overweight, diabetic (non-nutrition), you have a safe and natural nutritional approach to helping people with those issuesWhen you first start, try it on yourself and your staff so that you are able to share those experiences with your patientsWhen patients call, have whoever picks up the phone ask if it is for chiro or nutrition? This will notify patients that you are doing nutrition and make them wonder what nutrition isMention nutritional practice in message machine“If you would like to schedule a chiro appointment or if you would like to schedule a nutritional consultation please leave a message regarding the manner of your call”Display sample report in lobbies/ on website Make social media posts that a nutritional practice wouldConsistency is key when it comes to social media postsFacebook is the recommended social media platform, but you can also consider LinkedIn and YouTube.SBN provides plenty of videos that you can post and videos are an informative, short, and engaging method to inform patients about why nutrition is beneficial and what you can do for their health!Healthy recipesPractical applications of supplements in a person’s daily lifeCalcium MCHC can give immune system a boost!Low Vitamin K is linked to more severe cases of…Vit D, Magnesium and B12 Significantly Improve COVID outcomeUse a preexisting email list or create oneSBN uses the service called MailChimp to send out email blasts to large groups of people, but if your email list isn’t too large you can accomplish this in whatever email service you currently use. Be sure to blind carbon copy (bcc!)Send monthly newslettersWe provide plenty of newsletters that our SBN members can utilizeSend out promotionsSupplement discountsSeveral of our multivitamins like Multigenics or Ultra Preventive III, and Baxyl for joints.Send out PSS since different pains are caused by deficiencies or I see you’re taking 8 different medications and I’m concerned about the side effects that all of there can cause. Perhaps we can set up a nutrition appointment to discuss the situation, health history, so we don’t have to be rushed. Do free nutrition consultation with some of your favorite patients (non-family)Share your experience with the blood testing with them. Show them a completed report.Consider offering a discount for the initial consultation for current patients.On your Chiropractic website, have a link to a whole webpage dedicated to your nutritional practice. Methods to market your nutritional practice to non-patientsWhen marketing your nutritional practice to the general public, as opposed to your current patients, your goal is still to notify the public about your nutritional service and also create curiosity so that they ask you questions. You also want your name to be associated with the title “local nutritional expert” as much as possible. Some methods to achieve these goals include: Hold a Health Fair! One of the best ways to get your current patients engaged and to drive new patients is to hold a Health Fair. Give free vitals readings (O2, heart rate, pulse), do free UA’s, discounts on chiropractic adjustments to drive patients in, free BMI readings and more! Engaging your community is a great way to establish yourself as the health expert. SBN has 22 premade fully colored layman lecture’s ranging in topics from female athletes, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Heavy Metals, Hormones, Parkinson’s Disease, Pre/Postpartum Nutrition and more. The Advanced Marketing plan through SBN also provides you with health fair guides and flyers, 24x36 full color posters and other great community engagement tools.Market supplements that aren’t as popular but are still excellent to take. Natural D-Hist,SEO (search engine optimization): Customizing web pages in order to increase quantity of website traffic using a different title for each page on your websiteusing phrases people search for in the page titleincluding your business name, location and phone number on all pages on your siteCreate Bing business listingCreate Google business listingThis will cause your business to come up when someone types “nutritionists near me”Add your business listing on Apple maps This will cause your business to come up when someone types “nutritionists near me”Create a Yelp account Yelp is a website that helps millions of consumers see which businesses are available in their area and how each one has performed for their clientsOnline reviews are beneficial for attracting new patients Get clear on who you are trying to target!Who that person/audience is?What are they struggling with/ what are they searching for?How can you benefit the patient?Find places where your target audience is gathering and establish a relationship with those places so you can market yourself as the local nutrition expertAthletic clubs, gyms, senior homes, schools, health food stores/ restaurants, local marketplacesEx. Dr. Merkle would sometimes host his radio show at the health store (pre Covid)Update your business card to reflect your nutritional servicesLocal nutritional expertNetworkTalk with professionals you know who can refer patients over to youMight even consider giving them a discount or even free consultationPublic speaking (when possible)Talk about the service with anybody you know Word of mouth is an incredibly powerful marketing tool and it is free!Constantly learn!SBN offers plenty of educational videosRead different journals so you can stay up to date ................

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