
Dr. Pam Popper’s

Healthy Breakfast Shake

Combine the following in a blender:

8 oz. plant milk [rice or soy]

1 scoop JP+ complete

1 T. Golden Organic Flax seeds, ground

1 T. Brewer’s yeast [not nutritional yeast]

1/3 cup raw food-grade green tea leaves

1 banana

1 ½ cups frozen berries, your choice

4-6 oz. water [the colder the water, the frothier the drink]

The purpose of the green tea is that it is rich in antioxidants; research relates the consumption of green tea with blood sugar regulation, lowering of cholesterol, favorable changes in body composition, prevention of dental cavities, reduction in the risk of cancer, heart disease and other degenerative diseases. The tea must be food-grade and whole leaf tea, and should be bright green in color. Do no use tea bags and do no use tea purchased in retail stores.

After measuring the green tea, the blender will grind it for you along with the other ingredients or put the leaves in a coffee grinder and grind before putting into blender.

Bobbi Dunn was unable to find the quality of green tea at any health food store/market in the St. Louis area. The tea mentioned can be purchased from Dr. Pam Popper’s office 800/761-8210 or 614/841-7700.

Flax seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans and fiber. Lignans are anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial constituents, and flax seeds are one of the best sources of them. Golden organic seeds are recommended.

Brewer’s yeast is one of the best sources of B complex vitamins. People experiencing stress [aren’t we all!] leach B vitamins from their systems and this is an easy way to replace them. Note: Do not confuse Brewer’s yeast with nutritional yeast – they are totally different foods. Brewer’s yeast should only be purchased in bulk, not in cans and jars.

Note from NSA:

One serving of Complete contains 12 grams of sugar, all of it fructose. A serving of Complete contains 12 grams of sugar, all of it fructose.  The Complete mix has a glycemic index of 51, considered very low.

Carlos F. Madero, Ph.D.

Director, Technical Support

NSA, the maker of Juice Plus+®


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