NY Route 347







PIN 0054.20, Contract D900012

Request for Qualifications

Addendum #2

October 1, 2012

RFQ Questions & Answers

Numbers 1 – 11

As stated in the RFQ, Section 1.12 “The Department may consolidate or rewrite questions, and may post multiple sets of questions and answers.”

1. Question - Page 5, Section B of the RFQ speaks about shortlisted “Proposers may speak to a Subcontractor that is on both its team and another shortlisted Proposer’s team”, does this pertain to suppliers as well?

Answer – Section 1.11 Rules of Contact, subsection (B) applies only to Proposers, Design-Build Team members, and Subcontractors. It does not apply to suppliers of goods and/ or services to the Design-Build teams.

2. Question - Form B asks for information from 2011, 2012 and 2013….should it read 2012, 2013 and 2014?

Answer –The years are correct.

3. Question - Is Form R included in the 3 page maximum for the Individual Experience or is it Form R and then an additional 3 pages?

Answer – It is Form R plus three additional pages.

4. Question - Section of the RFQ was revised by Addendum # 1. One of the revisions was to add a subsection 2 h). However, in the draft RFQ this section only ended at sub-section 2 f). Is/ was there a subsection 2g) that we are missing?

Answer - The numbering in Addendum #1 mistakenly used 2(h). There isn’t a 2(g) in Section

5. Question - Regarding the RFQ - Appendix A - Section 1.0 Project Description, Item I): what does the acronym DMS stand for?

Answer – Dynamic Message Signs

6. Question - The VRQ contains confidential firm information, typically firms only allow government entities to see our government disclosure forms. Can firms that are part of a Design Build Team but not a Principal Participant submit this form to NYSDOT in a separate sealed envelope independent of the SOQ; not bound as part of the SOQ submission?

Answer – If desired, member firms of a Design-Build team are permitted to provide their VRQ in a sealed envelope, securely attached to the SOQ in Volume 2, Appendix A. The signed original and all copies of Volume 2 must contain copies of all VRQ’s.

7. Question - Please define the term “major participant” (Reference Past Performance: B) 1) Narrative: Provide…information requested in subparagraphs for each Major Participant. (RFQ page 22)  

Answer – “Major Participant” is defined as the Prime/Joint Venture. Subcontractors are not included.

8. Question - Which team members should complete Form S - Safety Questionnaire? (Reference Past Performance: b) 2)” Safety: Submit Form S-Safety Questionnaire, for each Key Personnel meeting criteria listed in Section 1.16 B) 1)” –there is no subsection B) 1) in Section 1.16. (Pages 23 and 7 of RFQ)

Answer – Please see the attached RFQ Modification for corrected language.

9. Question - The directions on Form R reference a “Contract Information” section on the form that does not exist. Where should we enter that information?

Answer – “Contact Information” should read “Contract Information”. See the attached Revised Form R.

10. Question - Is the Construction Inspection Professional Engineering Firm and/or Materials Testing Firm or Laboratory required to submit Form DBE –Tables 1-5…reflecting record of compliance with DBE requirements in their contracts for the past three (3) years? (Reference Past Performance: b) 4) DBE Program Experience: “Submit Form DBE…for each Principal Participant and the Designer...”) (RFQ Page 23)

Answer - As stated in Appendix D, “Principal Participant” includes the Proposer, any general member of a Joint Venture or LLC, or an Equity Partner. So, if the Construction Inspection Professional Engineering Firm and/or Materials Testing Firm or Laboratory is a “Principal Participant”, then the answer is yes. If the Construction Inspection Professional Engineering Firm and/or Materials Testing Firm or Laboratory is strictly a subconsultant, then the answer is no.

11. Question - FORM E-1:  Please confirm that if a team includes more than one construction contractor, Form E-1 can identify up to five projects for each contractor, as well as five projects for the Designer.

Answer – Yes

Modification to the Request for Qualification

NY Route 347

Route 111 to Mount Pleasant Road

Design-Build Project

Contract# D900012

Reference is made to the above solicitation wherein the following changes are hereby incorporated: Past Performance (Quality – 10%)

B) Requirements and information to be submitted:

2) Safety: Submit Form S (Appendix C), Safety Questionnaire, for each Firm meeting criterion listed in Section 1.16 (B);

3) Experience Modification Rate: Each firm on the Proposer’s team shall submit a letter from their current workers compensation insurance carrier stating the expiration date of the policy and the current EMR rate.

The balance of section remains the same.

Appendix C: Forms

Delete Form S and substitute the attached Revised Form S.

Delete Form R and substitute the attached Revised Form R

No other provision of the solicitation is otherwise changed or modified.



Form S Table 1 shall be completed by the Proposer for the Key Personnel indicated.

Form S Table 2, Items 1-8 must be completed by all firms listed in the SOQ unless the firm is a Designer whereby they shall complete, Forms S Table 2, Items 9 and 10.



| |

|To be completed by the Proposer. |

|Indicate the safety record on the most recent project to which the indicated Key Personnel were assigned. |



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| |

|ITEM 1 |2010 |2011 |2012 |

|Provide the following information for the past 3 years: | | | |

|Total number of employee hours worked (hours) | | | |

|Do not include non-work time, even though paid. | | | |

|Number of lost workday cases (number) | | | |

|Number of restricted workday cases (number) | | | |

|Number of cases with medical attention only (number) | | | |

|Number of fatalities (number) | | | |

|Experience Modification Rate (EMR)* | | | |

|Experience Modification Rate, (number) | | | |

| |

|ITEM 2 (Insert additional rows if needed) |

|Are internal accident reports and report summaries sent to management? |

|To what levels of management are accident reports/summaries sent, and how frequently? |

|Management level |Sent? |If yes, frequency sent: |

| |NO |YES |Monthly |Quarterly |Annually |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|* See note on Page 5 |

| |

|ITEM 3 |

|Do you hold site meetings for supervisors? |YES: | |NO: | |

|How often do you hold site meetings for supervisors? |

|Weekly: |

|ITEM 4 |

|Do you conduct Project Safety Inspections? |YES: | |NO: | |

|How often do you conduct Project Safety Inspections? |

|Weekly: |

|ITEM 5 |

|Does the firm have a Written Safety Program? |YES: | |NO: | |

| |

|ITEM 6 |

|Does the firm have an Orientation Program for new hires? |YES: | |NO: | |

|If yes, what safety items are included in the Orientation Program for new hires? (describe below) |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|ITEM 7 |

|Does the firm have a program for newly hired construction or field |YES: | |NO: | |

|services staff and newly promoted staff engaged in construction or | | | | |

|field services? | | | | |

|If yes, does the program for newly hired or promoted staff engaged in construction or field services include the following topics? |

|Safety work practices |YES: | |NO: | |

|Safety supervision |YES: | |NO: | |

|On-site meetings |YES: | |NO: | |

|Emergency procedures |YES: | |NO: | |

|Accident investigation |YES: | |NO: | |

|Fire protection and prevention |YES: | |NO: | |

|New worker orientation |YES: | |NO: | |

| |

|ITEM 8 |

|Does the firm hold safety meetings that extend to site laborer level? |YES: | |NO: | |

|If yes, how often do you hold safety meetings that extend to site laborer level? |

|Daily: |

|ITEM 7 |

|ITEM 9 |

|Does the firm have a safety program and training for existing and newly|YES: | |NO: | |

|hired staff for general safety and for field services? | | | | |

|If yes, does the program for newly hired or promoted staff engaged in construction or field services include the following topics? |

|Safety work practices |YES: | |NO: | |

|Office Safety meetings |YES: | |NO: | |

|Emergency procedures |YES: | |NO: | |

|Accident investigation |YES: | |NO: | |

|Fire protection and prevention |YES: | |NO: | |

|New worker orientation |YES: | |NO: | |

| |

|ITEM 10 |

|Does the firm hold safety meetings prior to engaging in field |YES: | |NO: | |

|activities on or near construction sites? | | | | |

|If yes, how often do you hold safety meetings that extend to field activities level? |

|Daily: | |

|Name of Firm: | |

|Individual’s Name: | |

|Is Applicant Licensed as a Professional Engineer in the State of New York? |Yes: | |No: | |

|NYS Professional Engineering License Number | |

|Title for this Project: | |

|Total number of years experience for meeting requirements stated in Section for Title above: | |

|Please complete the information below to confirm the experience stated above |

|Project Name: | |

|Project Owner: | |

|Contract Information: | |

|Title on Project: | |

|Start Date: |

|Project Name: | |

|Project Owner: | |

|Contract Information: | |

|Title on Project: | |

|Start Date: |

|Project Name: | |

|Project Owner: | |

|Contract Information: | |

|Title on Project: | |

|Start Date: |

|Project Name: | |

|Project Owner: | |

|Contract Information: | |

|Title on Project: | |

Start Date: | |End Date: | |Total Time: | | |




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