
August?31, 2020?Dear Families:?Due to the hybrid and virtual learning models in place for the fall at Mexico?Middle?School, we have developed a laptop?distribution schedule for all students to pick up their laptops prior to the first day of classes.? This will ensure that students have access to technology on the first day of school.??Please see the schedule below for distribution/pick?up?of student laptops.? Our laptop distribution includes recommended county safety?precautions and social distancing parameters to keep our families and staff safe during distribution.??Distribution of student laptops will take place according?to?assigned cohort?using?the?schedule below.??Tuesday 9/8/20?Mexico Middle School Gymnasium?Cohort A?8:00am-10:00amCohort B?10:00am-12:00pmCohorts?C?& D?12:00pm-2:00pmEvening Option for all Cohorts?4:00pm-6:00pm?Please follow the following safety protocols when arriving to pick up your laptop:??? Parents may?park and?must?remain in the vehicle.??? Students must wear a mask and remain socially distanced throughout the pick-up process.????Weather permitted, students?will line up on the sidewalk outside of the?gymnasium, where indicated, they will have their temperature checked and give the staff member their name.?If it is raining, students will have their temperature checked?before entering the building and line up in the hallway?designated by staff.?????Staff will direct students to a socially distanced desk in the gymnasium,?where they will be given their laptop to?sign?into.?Signing for the laptop constitutes agreement to the acceptable use policy for our district?(see reverse side for policy).?. ? Students will then?return to their cars?with their laptops.?Our?“C”?cohort students will also return to their car with a bag of teacher provided materials relevant to virtual learning.??Student Acceptable Use Policy, Device Care, and Replacement Costs??Acceptable Use Policy:?The MACS Acceptable Use Policy is included in the document below. It describes the expectation for students when utilizing district technology. Every time a student logs in to a district device, they are agreeing to adhere to the district policy.??Device Care:??? Please do not have food or drink in proximity to the device?? Charge your device every night and select a specific location to keep devices and power supplies. Keep devices in a secure location and avoid storing them on the floor, to avoid the potential for accidental damage.?? Clean devices with a damp, lint free cloth. Do not use chemicals for cleaning purposes, as it can damage the device.??Replacement Costs:?If district devices are damaged or lost, there are associated replacement costs that will be invoiced to families, by the district.?? Laptop $400.00??? Case $28.35??? Power Supply $48.00?? Touch Screen $254.00?? ................

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