New York State Department of Transportation

TO: PS&E Section, Design Quality Assurance Bureau

FROM:      , Regional Director, Region      


PIN      , D     




DATE : August 27, 2019[pic]June 18, 2018

cc: Program Management Bureau

Program Management Bureau – Phase Authorizations

Project Management Office

Office of Construction

Contract Management Bureau

Geotechnical Engineering Bureau

Office of Right of Way

Office of Environment

Statewide Policy Bureau, GreenLITES Administrator

DQAB DSS, Railroad Agreements

Office of Structures

Office of Traffic Safety and Mobility

Office of Transportation System Maintenance

Regional Design Engineer, Region      

Regional Construction Engineer, Region      

Regional Planning and Program Manager, Region      

Regional Traffic Engineer, Region      

Regional Technical Services Engineer, Region      

Regional Director of Operations, Region      

Regional Right of Way Officer, Region      

Regional Structures Engineer, Region      

Regional Quality Control Engineer, Region      

Regional Public Information Officer, Region      

Ready for Advertisement

Pending review and confirmation by DQAB, all design materials necessary for advertisement (estimate, plans, special notes, supplemental data for bidders, etc.) have been provided and are acceptable for publication as submitted except for the materials identified under Item 15 – Incomplete Items of this memo. It is understood that the PS&E package may not be considered successfully submitted until all materials for advertisement have been provided and cleared for publication.

Review Coordination Request

Please coordinate a review of the PS&E Materials with the following entities:

FHWA NY Division Administrator

FHWA Senior ITS Engineer (NYC)

New York State Thruway Authority

Office of Structures

DQAB Rail Agreements Unit

New York State Canal Corporation

No review by any of the above groups is required

PS&E Submittal Information

The following information is provided to progress this project to advertisement, letting, and award.

1. PS&E Materials

The Engineer’s Estimate has been uploaded to AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction.

|The proposed contract procurement method is: |Design-Bid-Build |

|The Engineer’s Estimate amount is: |$      |

|The total number of engineering shares is: |      |

|The total number of unique items is: |      |

|Item 699.040001 – Mobilization (the standard mobilization pay item) is to be utilized, and at the |Yes |

|standard rate of 4%?: | |

The following materials have been posted to: P:\Toolbox\Documents & Resources\Bid Documents\Mailbox\PS&E Transmittals\D     


[A] Dnnnnnn_R#_Plans.pdf

[B] This is a Proposal Only project (no plans)

Proposal Materials:

• Signed Title Page, Dnnnnnn_R#_Title Page.pdf

• Professional Seal and Violation Note Page, Dnnnnnn_R#_ProfSeal.pdf

• Additional Location Map(s), Dnnnnnn_R#_LocationMap.pdf

• Earthwork Definitions and Earthwork Summary Sheet, Dnnnnnn_R#_Earthwork Summary Sheets.pdf

• Project Details, Dnnnnnn_R#_Project Details.pdf

• Best Value Submission note

• Railroad Notes

• Required Contract Provisions

o Listing of Additional Insureds, Dnnnnnn_R#_Additional Insureds Note.pdf

o Insurance Coverage, Dnnnnnn_R#_Insurance Coverage Note.pdf

o Builders’ Risk Insurance, Dnnnnnnn_R#_Builders Risk Insurance Note.pdf

o Marine Protection and Indemnity Insurance, Dnnnnnn_R#_Marine Insurance Note.pdf

• Special Notes

• Special Specifications

Supplemental Information Available to Bidders

• CONR 9 form, Supplemental Information Available to Bidders, Dnnnnnn_R#_CONR9.pdf

• Quantity Workups, Dnnnnnn_R#_Quantity_Workups.pdf

Supporting Materials for Project Processing:

• ROW Certificate, Dnnnnnn_R#_ROWCert.pdf

• Environmental Commitments Checklist, Dnnnnnn_R#_EnviroCom.pdf

• Status of Special Specifications Table

• GreenLITES Scorecard, Dnnnnnn_R#_GreenLITESScorecard.xls

• Request for Change in Goals Form HC-258, Dnnnnnn_R#_HC258.pdf

• Lump Sum Price Analyses, Dnnnnnn_R#_LS Price Analyses.pdf

• Betterment Work Sheets, Dnnnnnn_R#_Betterment Sheets.pdf

• Resolutions and/or Agreements, Dnnnnnn_R#_Municipality_Type.pdf

• Design Approval Document, Dnnnnnn_R#_DAD.pdf

• FHWA Design Approval/PoDI Determination Letter, Dnnnnnn_R#_FHWA_PoDI_Determination.pdf

2. Project Description

a. Route Number(s) (State Highway Number(s)):


b. Counties:


c. Categories of Work:


d. Project Limits:


e. Project Length:


f. Roadway Improvements:


g. Structure Improvements:


h. Other Public Benefits/Noteworthy Features:


i. Transportation Management Plan:


j. Special Contract Provisions:


k. General Project Description:


3. Agency Coordination

[A] No other agency is directly involved in the construction, maintenance or

ownership of the project.

[B] The following agencies are directly involved in construction, maintenance or ownership of the project and have received a copy of the PS&E submission from the Region:      

[C] The Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation has ownership of the facilities within this project and NYSDOT will maintain them after project completion. No other agencies will be involved in the actual construction of this project. A copy of the PS&E submission was forwarded to the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.

4. Project Work Type

As per Appendix 5 of the Project Development Manual (PDM), the project work type is      .

[A1] This is not a pavement preventive maintenance project.

[A2] This is a pavement preventive maintenance project that is a 1R project.

[A3] This is a pavement preventive maintenance project that is not a 1R project (example: crack sealing)

5. Previous Letting(s)

[A] None.

[B] This project was previously let on       as D     .

[B1] All bids were rejected on      .

[B2] No bids were received.

6. Letting Date and Contract Completion Date

The suggested contract letting date has changed since the contract D# request was submitted.

The suggested contract letting date is      .

The suggested contract letting date is not currently an established letting date (bid opening date). The Regional Planning and Program Manager (RPPM) will consult with the Program Management Bureau (PMB) and the Contract Management Bureau (CMB) to request it be established as a new letting date.

The suggested contract completion date is      .

7. Construction Inspection

[A] Construction inspection will be performed by State forces.

[B] Construction inspection will be performed by Consultant forces.

8. Pre-bid Meeting

[A] The project estimate is < $10M and therefore a pre-bid meeting is not required and is not scheduled.

[B] A pre-bid meeting is required, but a waiver to this requirement is hereby approved.

[C] A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for       at      .

9. Federal Aid Procedure

a. PS&E Approval

[A] This project is not federally funded.

[B] This project is federally funded, but the PS&E does not require FHWA approval.

[C] This project is federally funded. Please request FHWA’s approval of the PS&E. The computations performed to estimate the cost and quantity for lump sum items, and work sheets used to calculate utility betterment participation, if applicable, have been posted.

b. Proprietary Specifications and Salvage Items

Salvage is consistent with Department policy.

[A] There are no proprietary specifications.

[B] Proprietary specifications have been approved in accordance with the Status of Special Specifications Table.

10. Design Approval

a. Design Approval Document (DAD)

The Design Approval Document for this project was a      .

Design Approval was granted on       by      .

[A] The contract plans were designed under the subject PIN.

[B] The contract plans were designed under a different PIN: PIN      .

[C] The contract plans were designed under multiple PINs:

PIN      , PIN      .

b. PoDI

[A] This project does not meet the Project of Division Interest (PoDI) programmatic screening criteria for FHWA NY Division interest.

[B] This project meets the Project of Division Interest (PoDI) programmatic screening criteria for FHWA NY Division interest.

[B1] A PoDI determination has been made by the FHWA. FHWA’s Design Approval/PoDI determination letter has been placed in the Supporting Materials folder.

PoDI Classification:      

Determination made on:      

[B2] A PoDI determination has not been made by the FHWA. The approved Design Approval Document (DAD) has been placed in the Supporting Materials folder.

c. Non-standard Features

[A] No non-standard features have been identified since Design Approval.

[B] The following non-standard features, which were not approved at Design Approval, have since been identified and approved:


11. Priority Award

[A] A priority award is not requested.

[B] The use of the priority award provisions has been formally requested and approved by the Program Management Bureau (PMB). A copy of the approval has been submitted as part of the Supporting Materials for Project Processing.

[C] A priority award will be requested. The Regional Planning and Program Manager (RPPM) will submit a request to the Program Management Bureau (PMB).

12. Advertisement Length

The advertisement length has changed since the contract D# request was submitted.

[A] The advertisement length is       weeks.

[B] A 3 week advertisement period is approved because      .

[C] A 2 week advertisement period is hereby approved because      . DQAB’s PS&E Section has been consulted, and the information necessary to provide notice in the NYS Contract Reporter has been furnished.

[C1] Please seek FHWA’s approval of this advertisement period.

13. Prerequisites to Advertisement

a. ROW.

The Right of Way Clearance Certificate has been posted.

Item (c) of the ROW Clearance Certificate is checked. The Acquisition and Clearance Status Report is attached to the ROW Clearance Certificate.

Item (d) of the ROW Clearance Certificate is checked. The Acquisition and Clearance Status Report, Special Note – Availability of ROW, Engineering Justification, and applicable contract plan sheet(s) accompanies the ROW Clearance Certificate.

b. Environmental Determination and Permits/Approvals


[A] This project is not Federally-funded.

[B] Based on 23 CFR Section 771, this project was determined to be a NEPA       on       by      .

ii. SEQR

Based on 17 NYCRR Part 15, this project was determined to be a SEQR       on       by      .

iii. Environmental Permits/Approvals

[A] None Required.


|Permit/Approval Type |Permit Status |Date of Receipt |

|      |      |      |

|      |      |      |

c. Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

[A] The project is on the STIP and valued at $     .

[A1] The Engineer’s Estimate is less than 110% of the STIP funding, therefore no amendment to the STIP is necessary.

[A2] The Engineer’s Estimate exceeds 110% of the STIP funding, and so the STIP needs to be amended.

[B] The project is not federally funded and is not required to be on the STIP.

[C] The project is to be federally funded but STIP and TIP funding for the project have not been approved yet.

[D] The project is to be federally funded, TIP funding has been approved, but STIP funding has not been approved yet.

d. Resolutions/Agreements

[A] The project does not require any resolutions from, or agreements with, municipalities.

[B] This project requires the following resolutions/agreements from municipalities:

|Municipality |Resolution/Agreement & Status |

|      |      |

Copies of the resolutions and agreements are provided as Supporting Materials for Project Processing. Copies of any resolutions or agreements which have not been provided yet are listed under Item 15 – Incomplete Items.

e. Utility Involvement

[A] This project does not require any utility involvement. A final Utilities Inventory (Form HC 203) has been submitted to the Design Support Section of DQAB by the Regional Utilities Engineer, and the special note, ”Coordination with Utility Schedule,” is included with the Special Notes.

[B] This project requires utility involvement with      .

The special note, “Coordination with Utility Schedule,” is included with the Special Notes. A final Utilities Inventory (Form HC 203) has been submitted to the Design Support Section of DQAB by the Regional Utilities Engineer. The status of agreements is as follows:

f. Railroads

[A] There are no railroads within the project limits.

[B] There is a railroad within the project limits. A State-Railroad agreement is not necessary.

[C] There is a railroad within the project limits. A State-Railroad agreement is necessary. The current status and anticipated completion date is      .

g. Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Funding

[A] This project is not HSIP funded.

[B] The State certifies that this project has been approved by the Regional Safety Evaluation Engineer and signed off by the Regional Traffic Engineer

h. GreenLITES

The GreenLITES Rating scorecard has been transmitted.

14. Disadvantaged/Minority/Women’s Business Enterprise (D/M/WBE) Goals

[A] This project is federally-funded. The project group type is       and the corresponding DBE goal is      %.

[B] This project is 100% state-funded. The MBE goal is 12% and WBE goal is 18%.

The goals are based on an approved Pre-Letting Goal Assessment request (form HC-258) which has been processed through the NYSDOT Office of Civil Rights. A copy of the fully executed HC-258 form has been provided in the Supporting Materials for Project Processing.

A request for a waiver or reduction to the listed goals is anticipated to be filed or has been filed with the NYSDOT Office of Civil Rights but has not yet been approved.

15. Incomplete Items

[A] There are no incomplete items in the PS&E Transmittal. All Prerequisites to Advertisement (Items 13a through 13h) are complete along with any other submittal requirements identified in this memo (Items 1-12, 14, & 17).

[B] The following is a list of incomplete items, and actions in progress to complete them.


16. Contact Persons

This project was primarily designed by      .

The       was responsible for preparation of the PS&E Submission for this project.

Listed below are the names, phone numbers, and E-mail addresses of Department staff to be contacted regarding the technical content and format of this PS&E Submission.

Primary Contact: Name


E-Mail Address

Secondary Contact: Name


E-Mail Address

17. Regional Planning and Program Management

The RPPM concurs that the PS&E is consistent with the Regional programmed cost.

_________________________ _______

RPPM Representative Date


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