1791 Tullie Circle, N.E./Atlanta, GA 30329


TC/TG/TRG No: TC 6.6 TC/TG/TRG TITLE: Service Water Heating DATE: June 10 , 2008

DATE OF MEETING: January 21, 2008 LOCATION: New York, NY USA

|Participants |Present |Absent | |Participants |Present |Absent |

|Voting Members | | | |Corresponding Members | | |

|George Kusterer |X | | | | | |

|Frank Stanonik |X | | |Robert Hamos | |X |

|James Earley |X | | |William Healy |X | |

|Wilbur Haag, Jr. | |X | |Harold Heiss | |X |

|Carl Hiller |X | | |Daryl Hosler | |X |

|Jim Lutz |X | | |Jeffrey Jensen | |X |

|Fredric Goldner |X | | |Russell Johnson |X | |

|Cyrus Nasseri | |X | |Shawn Knapp | |X |

|Earl Rightmier |X | | |Eric Lannes | |X |

|Harvey Sachs |X | | |Alexander Lekov |X | |

| | | | |Alan Lloyd | |X |

|Bodh Subherwal |X | | |Mary Lobenstein | |X |

|Wayne Webster |X | | |Colin McGugan | |X |

|David Yuill | |X | |Tim Merrigan |X | |

| | | | |Frank Myers |X | |

|International Members | |X | |Mark Paquette | |X |

|Dieter Goettling | | | |Maier Perlman | |X |

| | | | |Richard Peters |X | |

|Guests | | | |John Richardson |X | |

| | | | |Donald Sampler | |X |

|Don Fisher |X | | |Rex Scare | |X |

|Michael Garrabrant |X | | |Larry Spielvogel | |X |

|Greg Hayden |X | | |Leo Stambaugh | |X |

|Douglas Kosar |X | | |Kevin Stuart |X | |

|Wilfred Laman |X | | |Marvin Thedford, Jr. | |X |

|Neil Leslie |X | | |Terry Townsend | |X |

|Larry Markel |X | | |Roy Smith |X | |

| | | | |Charlie Adams |X | |

| | | | |Christy Hall |X | |

|Martin Thomas |X | | |Xia Fang |X | |

| | | | |Wilred Lamar |X | |

|Cory Weiss |X | | |Bill Rittelmann |X | |

| | | | |Craig Selover |X | |

|Corresponding Members | | | |John Dunlap |X | |

|Ashley Armstrong |X | | |Steve Memory |X | |

|Fredrick Campagna | |X | |Matt Foster |X | |

|J. Richard Clary, Jr. | |X | |Chuck High |X | |

|Donald Cleland | |X | |Paul Glanville |X | |

|Lance DeLaura |X | | |Ben Schoenbauer |X | |

|William S. Dols | |X | |Amin Delagah |X | |

|Peter Donohue | |X | |Titu Doctor |X | |

|Troy Trant |X | | |Douglas Kosar |X | |

|Kevin Ruppelt |X | | |Mike Steinhafel |X | |

|Mark Newcourt |X | | |Michael Collarin |X | |

| | | | |Robert Davis |X | |

The meeting was called to order at 4:21p.m by Carl Hiller. Introductions were made

And a sign-up sheet was passed around. It was determined that a quorum was present (13 out of 14). The current TC roster was reviewed.

The minutes of the June 22, 2009 meeting in Louisville Ky were approved. (13-0-0)

Chairman Hiller asked for volunteers to investigate Ashrae awards for members: John Richardson said he would head the committee

Chairman Hiller reported on TC Chairman’s Breakfast.

There was no report from the TAC section head.

Liaison reports


Sub Committee reports:


Harvey Sacks – asked to sponsor a Forum titled “Efficiency Ratings for Smart Equipment Philosophy and Balance”

Jim Lutz made a motion to: have Harvey Chair the Forum,

Second: Earl Rightmier.

Passed 12-0-0 chair did not vote

Handbook- Carl Reported the Sub Committee voted out the chapter as mailed out with minor editorial comments.

Harvey Sacks made a motion: to accept the changes and send to ASHRAE.

Second: Martin Thomas


Frank Stanonik asked for more info on the minor changes

Committee agreed to make electronic copy available ASAP

The changes were to complete the thoughts and be clearer.

Vote 12-0-0 CNV


SPC 118.2 meets tomorrow

Jim Lutz gave report of changes are being considered with loads and draw patters used.

Members are testing now

SPC. 118.1

Earl Rightmier gave report on meeting yesterday Membership looking better

We reviewed a first draft of changes

SSPC 90.1

Frank Stanonik proposals were made on saving energy on service water heating

More focus on changes to water heaters and systems in the coming months

Will be looking for review and assistance from TC 6.6

Looking into heat recovery, heat pump, solar, etc. (Standards and minimums)

DOE activities – Frank Stanonik. In 2 months the new federal efficiency standard will be enacted, measures to go into effect in 5 years. Higher standards / more insulation, possible heat pumps or condensing for larger sizes. (Large being above 55 gallons) Comments are due by Feb 9th.

Code interaction sub-committee- Frank Myers – work is ongoing for getting ASHRAE standards adopted as codes

ICC IGCC IECC IPC Gary Klein – Needs help to review standards and proposals (green Code)

SPC 191 Jim Lutz- there are issues on pipe volumes

SPC 189 is available (new Green Standard)

SSPC 90.2 Frank Myers – The Committee has taken on the goal of reducing energy use 30% over the previous version




Nothing new

ASPE Nothing new


Lance DeLaura – RTAR must be in March 15 for this year for next summer august 15 deadline

Issues- non-priority

RTAR Ideas (from Louisville Meeting)

▪ Potential Partnering with other TCs (potentially 6.7)

▪ Water heaters

▪ Reliability of heat pump water heaters

▪ Solar water heating

▪ Solar fraction verification

▪ Commercial water heating- office buildings, schools, etc

▪ Food service- non hotel

▪ Survey of building type opportunities

Priorities (from Louisville Meeting and updated at Orlando Meeting)

▪ Small institution draw patterns in commercial buildings and institutions + distribution (Harvey Sachs will help write)

▪ Food service (Don Fisher from Fisher/Nickel @ PG&E center could potentially help)

▪ Solar field study water heating backup optimization

▪ Residential distribution systems


Old Business

Closed session to members not associated with the research project:

The contractor for TRP 1544 (Research Quality and Design Engineering) was unable to fulfill the contract requirements.

The committee has the option to award the contract to the next qualified bidder or to re-bid the contract.

Jim Lutz made a motion to support approving the next qualified bidder to fulfill the contract.

Second: Jim Earley

Discussion on the motion in reference to the Chair of 6.6 being awarding the contract.

The motion passed 12-0-0 chair not voting

Guest and associated members were invited back in the room

The chair asked various groups to give udates

All Visitors please request corresponding member

Harvey Sacks Energy Star

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. EST.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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