Public Health Solutions

Proposal Narrative – RWPA Food and Nutrition Services in New York CityProposal NarrativeOrganizations must submit separate full proposals for each competition.Each Proposal Narrative is limited to a maximum of 18 pages. Additional pages will not be reviewed. (Page limit suggestions for each section are indicated below).Proposal Narratives should be clear, accurate, and concise and must address all of the questions in the order listed. Label the beginning of each section as written (e.g. A. Background and Organizational Capacity) and include each question number but, do not repeat the question text in the narrative.See Proposal Format Requirements on page 38 of the RFP.Proposal Narrative ComponentsSection A: Background and Organizational Capacity (10 points) [suggested page limit = 3-pages]Provide a brief description of your organization’s history, mission, and services.Provide a brief description of your organization’s experience managing government contracts. Using the grid provided in Attachment D: Organization and Program Summary Information (not included in page limit) list contracts, service(s) contracted, and amount of annual funding, the source of funding.Describe your existing organizational capacity/infrastructure.Provide an organizational chart that shows where the program operates (label and include as Attachment A: Organizational Chart, not included in the page limit).Describe how the organization engages and recruits clients in need of services within the neighborhoods served. Include examples of how strategies are tailored to groups most in need.Describe the proximity of your organization to public transportation (subways and buses) and experience managing access to MetroCards to ensure clients’ access to other services relevant to their needs (medical case management, medical care, substance use services/harm reduction, mental health, benefits and entitlements assistance, housing, etc.).Section B: Service Delivery Experience (15 Points) [suggested page limit = 3-pages]Describe your organization’s experience providing services to PLWH in at least one of the high-prevalence neighborhoods (as determined by the NYC DOHMH) listed on page 30 of the RFP. Note that organizations applying must have a minimum of two years of experience providing services to PLWH.Describe your organization’s experience with providing food services to people with chronic health conditions, including HIV. Please also address your organization’s capacity for delivering services proposed under this RFP. Applicants should have at least one year of current experience providing food services. To be considered for award, applicants must be compliant with Article 81 of the NYC Health Code: Food Preparation and Food Establishments or any laws governing the food services outlined in this RFP as applicable.Describe your organization’s experience coordinating services for clients’, both internally and externally. Please explain your relationship with organizations that provide these services and the process of connecting clients to services.Section C: Proposed Approach (26 Points) [suggested page limit = 3-pages]Describe how your program’s approach will ensure that the goals and objectives of the proposed program are achieved.Describe the specific food/meal services to be provided (congregate meals, home-delivered meals, pantry bags, and vouchers), how they will be delivered, and how each will be designed to meet appropriate nutritional and dietary needs. Please explain how meals and food services will be medically tailored and take a client-centered approach.If proposing to provide Home-Delivered Meals, please also provide a sample menu (label and include as Attachment B: Sample Menu(s) / Contents, not included in page limit) for each type of meal proposed (i.e. sample menus for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner).In the narrative, describe your organization’s delivery plan including schedule of deliveries for hot and/or cold/frozen meals.If proposing to provide Congregate Meals, please also provide a sample menu (label and include as Attachment B: Sample Menu(s) / Contents, not included in page limit) for each type of meal proposed (i.e. sample menus for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner).If proposing to provide Pantry Bags, please provide a list of the contents of a typical bag (label and include as an Attachment B: Sample Menu(s) / Contents, not included in page limit).If proposing to provide Vouchers, please explain how you plan to track and review receipts to ensure that items purchased are allowable and nutritionally appropriate based on clients’ needs as described in their nutritional plete the tables in Attachment D: Organization and Program Summary Information (not included in page limit) to include the following:Staff proposed for this program, by role. Specify whether staff are currently in place or to be hired.Provide the anticipated total number of unduplicated (unique individual) clients in a single year of a full program operation.Describe how the organization’s hours of operation for program services meet the needs of the clients served (Please also complete Attachment C: Program Hours and Days of Operation, not included in the page limit.)Describe your organization’s plan to ensure services are accessible in the event of any disruption to food/meal service delivery (e.g. Power outage, vehicle breakdown, weather emergencies, or other events that may disrupt the delivery of food services). Discuss how you will leverage community partnerships with other food/meal programs to assist in the event of service disruption and how clients will be made aware of these services.Section D: Program Design and Implementation (25 points) [suggested page limit = 3-pages]Describe the process (including staff responsible for) of:Program start-up or continuation (including staff recruitment and training)Describe recruitment activities to ensure that staff hired are representative of populations that identify as racial/ethnic minorities, LGBTQIA, and persons with disabilities.Enrolling clients into the programPlease describe how you plan to ensure that clients with disabilities are aware of their right to reasonable accommodations when accessing services.Assessing clients’ need for services and support addressing identified unmet needs among clients enrolled in the programDeveloping and implementing comprehensive nutritional assessments with clients’ active involvementProviding specific services and documenting utilization and progressi.Describe the typical service delivery workflow, specifying each service to be delivered under the proposed programCase closureDescribe how the proposed program will be embedded and integrated into the organization’s current organizational operations. Include a description of which changes to the organization’s practice will be implemented, or if already implemented, which existing organizational practices support the program.Section E: Program Management (14 points) [suggested page limit = 4-pages]Describe the process by which program and fiscal staff will coordinate activities to administer the contract including the completion of contract documents, monthly reports, contract modifications, and other activities prior to submission to PHS.Describe employee orientation process, including:Introduction to your organization’s operationsReview of policies, procedures, and contract requirementsTraining in confidentialityDescribe how food is purchased, handled, prepared and stored.Describe how your organization ensures that staff are culturally competent and how your organization adheres to CLAS Standards (). Describe your organization’s efforts at meeting the measures.Describe how your organization plans on leveraging community resources to maximize access to nutritional services to address barriers to good nutritional choices. Please describe how your organization coordinates and communicates with other food and nutrition service providers to help ensure services are provided and duplication of services is avoided.Section F: Confidentiality (5 points) [suggested page limit = 1-page]Describe the program’s process for ensuring client confidentiality, including compliance with New York State Public Health Law (27F). Specify staff responsible for ensuring compliance.Section G: Service Tracking and Reporting (5 points) [suggested page limit = 1-page]In eSHARE, there must be one and only one “Common Demographics” profile maintained for each client at the organization (the profile is shared across NYC DOHMH Bureau of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control (BHIV) contracts serving each person at each agency). Identify the titles of staff that will be responsible for maintaining such documentation and describe how such records will be maintained to avoid duplication of profiles for individuals served in multiple programs funded through NYC DOHMH BHIV contracts.Briefly describe your proposed process for ensuring consistency and accuracy of data collection in your program. Describe the steps from service delivery to documentation in the client record, through data entry for reporting to NYC DOHMH. Include any intermediate steps and tools used.Budget (no points) [excluded from Proposal Narrative page limit]Proposed budget must be realistic and address all resources needed to implement the program as proposed.Proposals that do not include a completed budget will be deemed nonresponsive and ineligible for funding consideration.The total budget request should be the estimated cost of providing the proposed services for a full 12-month budget period. Your budget should assume a full year of operation at normal capacity, post-start-up (i.e. after all staff are hired and trained and services have begun for the full proposed 12 month caseload).For costs detailed in the line-item budget submitted with the proposal, include cost justification that clearly explains how your line-item cost estimates were derived. This may include estimated number of individuals who will receive services, number of units as applicable, etc. There must be sufficient detail to permit assessment of your estimated costs and proposed use of funds for delivery and management of the proposed services. There must be clear relationship between proposed costs and program activities, including number of projected clients and units of service.Please review the budget instructions to ensure that costs are allowable according to federal and Ryan White specific guidelines. The administrative rate is currently 11% but is subject to change (it will never be lower than 10%). A list of unallowable costs for Ryan White funding is included in the Budget Instructions document and that can be downloaded with the RFP. ................

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