
 NYC Mayor’s OfficeACCESS FRONT DOORDiscussion GuideBrooklyn Public LibraryDate: February 24, 2017Time:9am - 1pmNo of participants: ~8Team: Chisun, Rebecca, Alisha, SongDevelopment Phase User Testing Objectives - Session 2Test the homepage and eligibility screenerGet feedback on the general tone of the site and navigation of informationAssumptions:Users will want to screen for eligibilityPrep & Considerations:For interviews: Be comfortable with the pause (e.g. when you think they've finished speaking, count to 10 before continuing)Create a casual conversation and ask 'open' questions (not Y/N)Try and be familiar enough with topics you want to cover that you can ask questions that get to that topic without reading from a script. NB: take photos to document.Note taking and follow up:Make sure you plan enough time (10-15mins) after each person you meet that the team can regroup on the activity and what they saw, and then time to reset and prep, bathroom, water, for the next person (5-10mins).As well as taking notes based on your guide, each observer to prioritize and share the three most significant things they saw/heard from that session (rather than reviewing all the notes).When writing notes/sharing thoughts make sure that you clearly separate between observations (what you saw/empirical), interpretations (why you think what you saw/heard happened), and actions (things that you think need to change/need investigation).For the screener portion of user testing, the note taker should be positioned where they can see every action the user takes on the device as well as see the user’s facial expressions, record every action the user takes, the order they enter information, what questions they ask, what they seem confused about, etc. and describe those actions in as much detail as possible.Timing9-915: team prep, invite patrons915-950: user test950-10: recap10-1015: break, invite patronsrepeatIntroduction (10 minutes)Hello, we are from Mayor’s Office and have designed a new website for New Yorkers called ACCESS NYC. Do you have about 15 minutes you could spend with us at the tables here to give us feedback on the website?IntroductionsMy name is ___. What is your name? Nice to meet you. [shake hands] [take seats]The website helps people find out if they might qualify for different kinds of programs and helps them apply. The design is based on feedback we gathered from people we met with here and around the city last year. We’d like you to take a look at it and see how it could help you or people you know.We are interested in hearing about your about your experience, if any, with government benefits and using online applications. We will be taking notes so that we can record your feedback. Is that ok? Also, would it be ok for __ to take a photo of us while we’re meeting? <present release form>Background questions:General:We’d like to start by learning a little about you. Can you tell us about yourself and then some of the things you do at the library?Government services:Have you ever used a government website or applied for a government benefit or service before like SNAP (Food Stamps) or Cash Assistance? If yes:How did you decide to apply and what was that like?How did you feel about the process?How does it work?How do you go about finding information about government services and benefits you need?What’s your primary way of accessing this information?If no:Have you ever applied for anything online? Like an account or for school or an online class?Thank you for sharing that with us.Alpha evaluation (3 minutes)Introduction:We are now going to show you the ACCESS NYC and the benefits screener. The screener is like a survey that asks you 10 general questions about yourself and your situation. While looking, can you please ‘think aloud’ and describe what you are seeing? Please be as honest as possible. It won’t hurt our feelings. We want to make it perfect!User Testing:We’d like to set a scene in your head. Imagine you’ve heard about ACCESS NYC and that it can connect people to programs, such as food and cash assistance that might help them in a tight situation. You’re at home and are interested in seeing which programs you could apply for or which ones a friend who is in a tight situation could apply for. When you type in the web address, you see this. [Hand over device] TASK 1 [home page] (2 minutes)[wait 30 seconds] This is the homepage for ACCESS Front Door. Tell us what you see.Do you feel like you are in the right place? Right place for finding info for City programs?Say you want to learn more about what programs you’re eligible for. How might you do that?TASK 2 [eligibility screener]: (20 minutes)[guide them to the screener if they are not already there]This is a sample of the eligibility screener or survey. Take your time to look through and follow the prompts. Think out loud and tell us about the things you like, don’t like, are clear, not clear, make sense, or are confusing. [Allow the user to read and make selections on their own first. If the user seems to be having trouble, follow the prompt questions. Note taker should be answering all these questions as they record other details.Step 1 -category selectionAre the program categories clear?Did you know you can select more than one?[Did they read the “What is this?” section?Step 2 -disclaimer[How long did they take to read the disclaimer?][Did they check the box?][Any changes to their demeanor change on this step?]Step 3 -age and zip code[Did they click the info icon?]Step 4 -special conditions and benefitsDid you know you can pick more than one condition?Are these conditions clear?Do you know what benefits are?Do you understand or are you familiar with the different benefit types?Step 4 -special conditions and benefitsDid you know you can pick more than one condition?Are these conditions clear?Do you know what benefits are?Do you understand or are you familiar with the different benefit types?Step 5 -income[Let them know that if they feel uncomfortable sharing this information with us, that we can make it up with them. Propose “wages” > $1000 > every month.Does this section make sense?[How did they respond to the drop down menu? -IOS Chrome, IOS Safari][Did they read the income types description?][Any changes to their demeanor change on this step?]Step 6 -expenses[Let them know that if they feel uncomfortable sharing this information with us, that we can make it up with them. Propose “rent” > $1500 > every month and “heating” > $65 > every month.Does this section make sense?[Did they read the income types description?][Any changes to their demeanor change on this step?][Did they understand “...most recently?”Step 7 -householdDo you understand household?[How did they describe the number of members?]Step 8 -head of householdDo you understand head of household?[Did they click the info text][Let them know that if they feel uncomfortable sharing this info with us, that we can make it up with them. Propose “$300”]Do you understand the different types of household assets?[head of household details - if applicable]Does this section make sense?[Did they read the descriptions?][Any changes to their demeanor change on this step?]Step 9 -additional membersDoes this section make sense?[Did they read the descriptions?][Any changes to their demeanor change on this step?]Did they skip to Step 10 if they have additional household members?Step 10 -housing situationDoes this section make sense?Do you understand the rental types?[Did they understand the “who is on the lease?” question?RecapDoes this section make sense?[Did they review their info?][Any changes to their demeanor change on this step?]Would you want to save this info? How would you do that?ResultsDoes this section make sense?[Did they review the programs?][Any changes to their demeanor change on this step?]Would you want to save this info? How would you do that?How would you apply for one of these programs? Conclusion QuestionsIn your own words can you describe what this website is and does?What content did you find most important or relevant to you? Why?Was this easy to use?How did you feel about using it?Would you recommend this to others?Is there any other feedback we haven’t asked you that you think we should know?Closure -[Thank them for taking the time to meet with us.[We hope to take your feedback to refine the final design. Please look out for the new website in mid-March.Moderator/Notetaker:Name:Age:Device:Benefit Seeker?Top 3 Insights:Moderator/Notetaker:Name:Age:Device:Benefit Seeker?Top 3 Insights:Moderator/Notetaker:Name:Age:Device:Benefit Seeker?Top 3 Insights: ................

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