Brooklyn Technical High School

Mr. Losow (elosow@schools.) Name _____________________________

Class Contract 2014 – 2015

Free periods: 1, 5, 7, 8, 10

A.P. English Language and Composition

Course Overview, Goals, and Purpose:

The AP® English Language and Composition Course offers students opportunities to learn to read and write as writers, with an awareness of purpose and audience.  

IMPORTANT NOTICE: All students taking an Advanced Placement class are required to register and pay for the Advanced Placement examination by the appropriate deadlines.  They will also be required to take the exam at the designated times.  Failure to follow the above requirements will lead to imposition of the following academic penalties: the class grade given to a student passing the class AND NOT TAKING THE EXAMINATION will be reduced to "65" and the AP designation will be removed from the course description.

1. Arrive on time and prepared for class. Any work that you miss when you are late cannot be made up.

2. Don't make a mess with candy, food, or drinks.

3. You must be prepared for class every day and arrive on time. You must have

• a neat, organized loose-leaf notebook and folder


a binder with loose-leaf paper and a devoted section for English

• blue or black pen (do not use pencil on English homework or classwork)

• books, assignments, and other materials as instructed.

• A calendar or agenda to keep track of homework, readings, and long term assignments.

4. WORK HARD. BE NICE. You must be supportive of one another’s opinions. Collaboration and cooperation are important. Class participation, which includes your class comments as well as your meaningful participation in group work, will be an important part of your grade. You may be called on even if your hand is not raised, so you should be prepared and attentive during class. If you might ask me for a college recommendation in the future, consider that class participation is an essential way for me to get to know you and be able to speak to what distinguishes you from other students.

5. There will be no plagiarizing or cheating in this classroom. Please see Brooklyn Tech’s web site for the school’s complete plagiarism policy.

6. Do not use electronic devices in class to text, browse the Internet or social media, or engage in any activity that detracts from our class's objectives.

7. In the event that you are absent, please contact another student in the class for that day’s work and homework or consult Mr. Losow’s admin page (see below) so that you do not fall behind. I will usually, but not always, put assignments online, so be sure to contact a classmate for missed work when you are absent. You are expected to present a valid absence note from a parent, guardian or doctor after your return.

8. If for some reason you expect to be absent for a prolonged period, please notify me so that

arrangements can be made to give you the upcoming assignment(s).

9. Work is due on the due date. Missed quizzes or class assignments will not be accepted unless you were absent from school for a valid reason. Homework will not be accepted more than a day late, and late homework will receive a grade no higher than 75. Ten points will be deducted per day for major assignments submitted late, and no major assignment will be accepted more than three days late. If you cut class, you will receive a grade of zero for all work done or due on that day.

10. Most assignments and ALL major assignments must be typed and stapled with standard formatting (Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, standard one inch margins, black ink, centered and underlined title, heading with your name, the due date of the assignment, your class section). Be sure that you have access to a computer with an Internet connection and a printer with black ink. I understand that technology access is sometimes a problem for some people, and I will not hold you responsible for circumstances beyond your control. However, it is your responsibility to communicate with me clearly and in advance if you need my assistance with technological access.

11. Your grade for this course will be calculated as follows:

Major Assignments: Essays/Tests/Projects/Presentations 50%

Homework 25%

Quizzes/Class work/Class preparedness/Participation 25%

After the first marking period, all subsequent report card grades are cumulative for the year. This means that the grade that will be factored into your overall GPA will be the FINAL grade you receive in June.

12. Grades will be posted on Skedula and supplementary class materials will be posted on Mr. Losow’s admin page. You are expected to use them and consider them part of your classwork and homework. Get in the habit of checking both often, especially when you are absent. Also check your BTHS e-mail regularly.

13. The lowest possible passing report card grade in this course is a 65. A failing report card grade is a 55. Anyone with an average below 65 is not guaranteed to receive a passing grade in this class.

14. Students are required to be in attendance during the Regents period: January 26-29, 2015.

15. If you decide to ask me for a college recommendation, please do so by the last day of school of the 2014-2015 academic year. I am most likely to agree to write your letter if you have a grade of at least 85 in the course and regularly participate in class.

16. All students taking A.P. English Language and Composition must take the new Common Core English Regents in January 2015. This exam will count as a midterm for all students. If you took the English Regents last year, the higher score you receive will automatically be placed on your transcript. If you did not take the English Regents last year, you will have the option to take the old non-Common Core Regents in June of 2015, and the higher grade will be placed on your transcript. For students who did not take the English Regents last year, note that the Regents will count for 20% of your report card grade.

I, ________________________________, have read the above and hereby commit myself to honoring the terms of this contract. I have read the above and am aware of the course requirements, objectives and grading policy.

Parent Signature and phone number ______________________________________________________ Parent’s Email Address ____________________________________________________________

Bring this contract home, have a parent or your legal guardian read it and sign it, and return it. I will post an additional copy of this contract on my page.

To access Mr. Losow’s admin page (for students AND parents): Staff Directory( Scroll down to English Department and click on “Mr. Evan Losow”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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