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1a.) For the past twenty four years the Rockland County Archives has made a major records management commitment to preservation microfilming. Millions of vital and historical records have been filmed. These collections include all court records from (1798 – 1900), a majority of all deeds and mortgages, tax and assessment books (1860 – present) and thousands of subdivision and highway maps. Having these records on microfilm ensures that these invaluable documents are preserved. All original silver halide microfilm is stored at Iron Mountain, a secure facility that meets all industry standards for microfilm storage. Although microfilm will continue to maintain a central role in our preservation efforts, the need for imaging and document management for ease of retrieval and access has become increasingly critical for a vital records management program. A 2007-2008 LGRMIF Grant has allowed us to proceed in this direction through the scanning of film of frequently accessed collections, such as Military Discharges (1920-1995), Incorporation Certificates (1845-1966) and Naturalization Papers (1812-1991). Additionally, a 2008-2009 LGRMIF Grant extended the digitizing of Incorporation Certificates (1967-1982). To continue our goal of reducing staff access/retrieval time and patron/department wait time we have selected two records series for inclusion in our 2011-2012 LGRMIF document-imaging application. These are: Incorporation Certificates (1982-1997) and Assumed Business Name Certificate (Business Certificates) (1897-1997). The Rockland County Clerk appraised this series and determined that it has vital and archival value and has decided to retain this series permanently. (CO-2 Records Retention and Disposition Schedule for Counties lists Item# 182A as 6 years after discontinuance. Since these records have intrinsic historical value and it is extremely difficult to track a discontinuance we consider this a permanent collection). This project that would complete the digitizing of both collections. In addition, previously digitized Incorporation Certificates (1932-1982) would be both indexed and attached to the Rockland County Clerk’s website.Incorporation certificate and business certificate records are frequently requested collections that when scanned and uploaded to the existing County Clerk server will improve service to the general public and researchers by allowing internet access, while saving valuable staff time in searches and retrievals. Current problems with these records series are described below:Incorporations and Business Certificates (for years 1982-1997)Film Only FormatPrior to 1998, incorporation and business certificate indexes from 1982 to 1997 can only be searched online - the documents themselves have to be accessed through film. Unfortunately, these certificates are only available on 16mm (3M cartridge) and viewing or reproducing these documents is time consuming and complicated. The film is the only available format for searching these permanent incorporation and business certificates. All hard copies of these records have been previously destroyed. The original silver halide film is stored at Iron Mountain, an off-site secure facility. Maintaining microfilm reader/printers at the County Clerk’s office has become costly and requires exceedingly more service. Although 16mm film is a good preservation solution for long term storage of permanent documents, retrieval and access has become problematic. Retrieval IssuesThe time needed to access and retrieve documents for our search room staff has become a major concern. The steps in the retrieval of an incorporation or business certificate (1982-1997) is outlined below:Clerk receives incorporation request information from patron/department and uses Cott System Index to search for proper certificate number information. (3 minutes)Clerk looks for appropriate 16mm 3M cartridge containing the requested certificate (3 minutes)Clerk loads reader printer and scans through film to find matching information to incorporation. (5 minutes)Clerk then prints each page (approx 4-5 per incorporation), adjusting to ensure print quality (focus, image rotation, exposure, etc.). (4 minutes)Prints are then certified and given to appropriate patron or department. (3 minutes)However, if film fails to provide suitable print – clerk will call reproduction department to use a different reader printer to make a possible better copy. (additional 10 minutes if necessary)If these incorporations were available in a digital image format and uploaded to the existing Cott System index, steps 2 through 4 are eliminated, saving 12 minutes per search. In addition, step 6 would not occur, saving another possible 10 minutes of search time for clerks to spend performing other necessary duties. These records have permanent retention value and possess high retrieval activity. We consider this project a high priority in that it would save 156 hours of staff retrieval time (see intended results) while reducing significant department and patron delays.Incorporation Certificates (for years 1932-1982)Digitized Records With No Online Index Or Internet Access Through a 2007-2008 and a 2008-2009 LGRMIF grant, the Rockland County Clerk’s office was able to digitize approximately 150,000 images of incorporation records spanning the years of 1932 to 1982. These records are indexed on a Microsoft (MS) Access database and are available only to Rockland County Archive staff - they are not indexed on the County Clerk’s online indexing system and public has no online access to these records. Currently, a clerk must first look up appropriate name in the Access database, find the appropriate CD and find the certificate to print. If the indexes from the Access database were converted to the Clerk’s Cott indexing system along with the corresponding and the images, the public would be able to view and print these records from home.Business Certificates (for years 1897-1997)Hard Copy Is The Only FormatBusiness certificates from 1897 to 1982 have never been filmed nor scanned. They reside only on paper at the Rockland County Archives. This puts the collection in jeopardy in the event of fire or other disaster. Also, handling of the paper to make copies is quickly deteriorating these one-of-a-kind records. If documents are scanned and microfilmed, these records would be preserved and made easily available to staff. 1b.) Rockland County Incorporation/Business Certificates (1982-1997)In the years 1982-1997 business certificates and incorporations were merged into one indexing system starting with certificate #1 to #60,841. For this period of time, these records are only available to the public and staff on 16mm microfilm at the County Clerk’s Office search room. After 1997, all business certificates and incorporations were moved into our land record system and are scanned, filmed and accessible online. These documents highlight corporation members and business owners and describe the nature of business being conducted. The certificates also include information about assumed names and includes any amendments and dissolutions. Currently incorporations and business certificates from 1998 to present have been imaged and are attached to the County Clerk’s Cott System index. This serves to make indexing information and images available both to County Clerk staff via internal server and the public by internet server. Searching and viewing incorporation records for these years is quick and seamless. Through the 2011/2012 LGRMIF grant we are proposing to digitize 224,000 incorporation/business from 1982-1997 that reside on 16mm film in order to continue improvements to accessing these important documents. The Cott System currently contains index information for these years and the images need only to be downloaded and attached to the appropriate index to be fully functional. The images cover 60,841 individual indexes and will be digitized from 28 rolls of 215’ 16mm film. This film has already been 100% verified by staff and can be used to effectively obtain digital images.Incorporation Certificates (1932-1982)Incorporation certificates from 1932 to 1982 have been digitized through previous LGRMIF grants as stated above. These images have made access to this collection easier for staff to retrieve via DVD and internal server, however, the public still does not have direct internet access to these documents. The collection consists of approximately 150,000 images that covers 29,001 individual certificates. These certificates are indexed only within a Microsoft Access database which staff uses as a finding aid. We hope to have the Access database converted for use onto the Cott Indexing System and then have these images uploaded to it so the public may have home access to these documents. Business Certificates (1897-1982)Rockland County Business Certificates (1897 – 1982) is a frequently requested collection, which is accessed by patrons for both genealogical and legal reasons. It is comprised of 25 boxes (1 cu. ft. ea.) of original paper documents. There are approximately 2,500 pages per box, with 20% being double sided, totaling 3,000 images. There has never been a LGRMIF grant associated with this collection. We are proposing to digitize and microfilm the 75,000 images in order to halt unwanted access to original documents as well as make retrieval much quicker for staff and public alike. 1c.) Rockland County, located 30 miles northwest of New York City, maintains a diverse suburban population of 300,173 residents. Given the closeness to New York City and Westchester County the cost of living in Rockland is substantially higher than the state average. The county tax base is supported predominantly by homeowners and small to moderate size businesses. Without a large corporate tax base to draw upon, county officials have had to control spending for capital projects and government expenditures. A 25% reduction in the 2011 archives operating budget will be a serious strain on our records management and preservation projects. Outside funding in the way of grants to maintain and improve access and retrieval of our valuable collections is critical.Without LGRMIF assistance this extremely worthy and cost effective project could not be carried out.2a) There are many positive results that we hope to achieve through imaging of incorporation and business certificates.These are:Reduction In File Retrieval TimeOne major benefit is the reduction of staff hours devoted to records retrieval. The results show:Staff Time SavingsSeriesTime Saved(ea.)*Total SavedIncorporations/Business Certs 12 minutes180 MinutesTotal Savings Per Week:180 Minutes or 3 HoursTotal Savings Per Year:156 Hours* Based on 15 retrievals per weekWe anticipate a reduction of 156 hours of file retrieval staff time. That is equal to six and one half fulltime weeks. This reduction in time allows us to concentrate on other significant projects essential to records management.Reduction In Department/Patron Wait Time Imaging will create a reduction in wait time for county departments, business organizations and the public, through quick access of documents. A department will be able to make a request and receive it within a couple of minutes. Requesting departments can help their patrons or their own needs in real time. Presently, patrons must wait or come back to receive their requests. If we have the ability to access records quickly and the capability to email them, the wait time is cut substantially.Imaging Merged Into Cott System ServersIncorporation certificate images from 1932 to 1997, as well as, business certificates from 1982 to 1997 obtained from this grant will be incorporated into the Rockland County Clerk’s Website. This will allow the public to search, view and print these records from their homes. The website presently contains access to images of land records (1964 to present), court records (2009-2010), subdivision and highway maps (1800 to present), as well as, incorporations and business certificates (1998 to present).Hard Copies ProtectedBusiness certificates from 1897 to 1982 will be scanned and microfilmed, giving both the necessary quick access to documents and preserving the collection from handling of the original papers. Summary:The County will realize a savings of over 156 hours of retrieval time, department/patron wait time will be substantially reduced and 89,842 incorporation and business certificates will be available on the internet at The records management problem is addressed accordingly: - Ability to retrieve images off of our computer and send as an email attachment. - Allow us to quickly print and certify required legal documents. - Accessing film is eliminated, the most time consuming step in retrieval. - Ability to add images to our internet website indexing system. - Records accessed from the internet can be viewed and printed - Elimination of accessing hard copies - Protection of original hardcopy documents2b.) Rockland County has developed and established a strong records management program that has been recognized by the New York State Archives, professional organizations, genealogists and the general public. It is with this dedication and commitment that we submit a LGRMIF active records imaging and document management grant application that will allow us to improve our services to departments, researchers and the general public. As records management and technology evolves, we are in a better position to deliver fast and efficient access and retrieval to needed information. Imaging and document management will build upon existing databases and preservation microfilm that is already in place. Digital records, along with automated finding aids, will make records searching easy, useful and highly accessible.2c.)The contributions to the public from this project and are outlined below:The public will gain internet access to 29,001 incorporation certificates from 1932 to 1982The public will have internet access to 60,841 incorporation and business certificates from 1982 to 1997The public will have shorter waiting periods for records at both the County Clerk’s Office and the Archives DepartmentThere will be more staff time devoted to the public by reducing search times for documents3a.) The strategy for digitizing Incorporation and Business Certificates is to obtain high quality digital images in bitonal image format (Group IV Tiff) so that images can also be uploaded to the Cott Imaging System for both internal and public access via the internet. This strategy will allow timely access to certificate information for both staff and the public. This imaging project is crucial to expanding our current information that is presently online (1998 to present). In addition, we hope to preserve through microfilm business certificates spanning 1897 to 1982.Project PhasesWe submitted image and indexing specifications to three qualified imaging vendors. Vendor quotes were received from Smooth Solutions Inc. ($19,193), Alternative Micrographics Inc. ($28,270) and NanoArk Corp. (31,984). Based on these quotes we have selected Smooth Solutions to be our vendor of choice.Project phases will be overlapped to ensure that the project will be completed within the grant cycle. The entire project from preparation, digitizing, indexing, in-house image verification, and attaching images to server will take 26 weeks - well within the grant cycle.Phase I – Film/Disc/Document PreparationRequired in-house preparation for scanning/image uploading is as follows:Incorporation and Business Certificates (1982-1997)Original Incorporation/Business certificate rolls of 16mm film (28 rolls) will be requested from Iron Mountain and checked for correct roll sequence for project. Upon verifying collection, the vendor will pickup film to begin scanning.Incorporation Certificates (1932-1982)DVD’s of digitized images (150,000) of Incorporation certificates along with the associated MS Access database will be reviewed and then sent to Cott Systems to be uploaded to server.Business Certificates (1897-1982)The 25 boxes of original documents (62,500 sheets) will be prepared for scanning (62.5 in-house hours). This will include unfolding and putting the certificates in number order. Phase II - DigitizationThe incorporation/business certificate images for this project will be captured 300 dpi bitonal mode. It is important to note that bitonal Group IV TIFF image format is “loss less”, so that there would be maximum image capture without loss of details. All scanning will be done off-site at the Smooth Solutions facility. Smooth Solutions consulted with the staff at Rockland County to estimate the number of documents/images for scanning. Please see the chart below for a listing:Record SeriesBox QtyRoll Qty Page/Frame Qty Image QtyIncorporation/Business----28 224,000 224,000 Certificates (1982-1997)Business Certificates25---- 62,500 pages75,000(1897-1982)Smooth Solutions anticipates 10 weeks to complete the scanning of 224,000 frames of film and an additional 2 weeks to complete the scanning of 25 boxes of hard copy business certificates.Scanning Specifications Smooth Solutions is proposing to produce the following from each document: 1. Master files will be 1-bit bitonal Group IV TIFF images captured at 300dpi. Group IV TIFF images would be 500K per file or smaller. Cropping – All files will be cropped so that all edges of each document are visible in the scans as per Library of Congress standards.Polarity Reversing – None required.The master TIFF files must be retained as they are considered a non-proprietary image format and can be utilized in future digital migration projects. No proprietary headers will be attached to TIFF images. Smooth Solutions will also deliver a tab delimited text file describing the scanning method, scanning dates, compression used for Master files, and all other technical data. Scaling – All access images will be scaled to fit within a typical computer screen. Orientation – All images will be rotated as necessary to be ‘right reading’.Qualitative Methods A 100% quality assurance will be performed by Smooth Solutions on all TIFF image files. This quality assurance phase will include the evaluation of the overall quality and integrity of each image file. Any files that do not meet overall image quality requirements, will be noted, rescanned, and reinserted into the stream of existing image files. Smooth Solutions staff must review the following when performing a standard quality control inspection: -Each image is checked to ensure that it has a correct image filename (unique identifier) based on the file naming convention for the project, and that it has been scanned at the appropriate unenhanced dpi for image type and that they are the correct size in pixels along both dimensions, width and height. -The file format is checked to ensure that it is correct for each image type - Images are checked to ensure that they are oriented properly, whether landscape or portrait, and not skewed, rotated or flipped. - Images are checked to ensure that they are neither too light nor too dark, that appropriate contrast exists within the image, and that there is no distortion or ‘stretching’ of the image. - Images that display extraneous materials (fingers or fasteners) obscure the image and no noise or other problems in the image file are rejected and scheduled for re-scanning. - The appropriate indexing terms are associated with the scanned image - All monitors at Smooth Solutions are calibrated regularly as a result of the color scanning performed daily. The digital studio does not have any exterior windows, and only full spectrum, daylight corrected bulbs are utilized in our lighting to ensure controlled viewing conditions for quality assurance operators. -Smooth Solutions will utilize several image viewers to evaluate imagesPhase III - Indexing Smooth Solutions is proposing to index the digital images for ease of transition to the Cott Indexing System. Rockland County will deliver a copy of a sample index to Smooth Solutions staff for review prior to beginning the project. For most record categories, the index will be utilized as a ‘lookup’ for the operators. Each operator will review the images and use one of the key fields from the database as a lookup. When the information from the database displays, he/she will then associate it with the image. In any case, it will be necessary to perform a visual check on the images to ensure that association has occurred correctly. At no time in the digitizing or indexing process will data or images leave Smooth Solution's facility. In addition, all indexing will be performed by US Citizens with valid documentation on their premises. As a result, there will be no concern that this publicly funded initiative is utilizing off-shore outsourced labor, or that sensitive data and images may be misplaced. Smooth Solution's offices are located in a secure facility and their staff is accustomed to working with sensitive information. Indexing Schemas – The currently existing databases will be used to provide indexing information. Incorporation Certificates Certificate NameCertificate Number 421Record Year 1962Directory Structure Rockland County Archives is recommending the following file naming convention, but the pilot project may indicate a better convention: Archival Media Set DVD: RCC_Incorporation_Records_01 Dir: Incorporation_00001_02500 Filename: CTF000001.TIFF CTF000002.TIFF CTF000003.TIFF CTF000004.TIFF, etc. Digital Image Delivery All digital images will be delivered to the Client on DVD-ROM media, written to the ISO 9660 standard. The Archives requests that MAM-A Archival DVD-R’s with gold substrate will be utilized. The MAM Gold Archive Grade? DVD is designed for applications requiring long-term storage of sensitive data. Preliminary tests show that the MAM Gold Archive Grade? DVD lasts significantly longer than ordinary silver recordable DVD discs. It is rated for a lifetime of over 100 years.Local Access The County currently maintains a server adequate to house the additional images from this grant. This will allow the current staff to continue to use the same interface they are accustomed to utilizing in order to search the images, but will also allow them to launch documents as the search results are returned. Image Approval Any errors (discrepancies between Products and Services provided and the specifications, guidelines, and standards) made by Smooth Solutions, which are identified by the County's inspection process, shall be corrected without additional charge to the County. Any extra transportation, transmission or mailing costs resulting from such errors shall be paid for by Smooth Solutions. Standard File Metadata Metadata regarding the scanning process will be attached to the TIFF image file using XMP in Adobe Photoshop. This may include: scan date, image number and filename, scanner make and model, name of the scanning operator, scanning resolution.Phase IV – MicrofilmingUpon completion of scanning the original business certificates (1897-1982), Smooth Solutions will create 16mm film (215 foot rolls) using a Kodak archive writer. Rolls from this phase will be sent for third party quality control (Filmtek) as an in-kind contribution to this project.Phase V - In-house Image VerificationAll 75,000 images of business certificates (1897-1982) will be 100% verified by 2 Records Clerks. This process will include checking individual images against the original source for clarity and correct order. Using the baseline of 300 images per hour. It is estimated that this process will take 250 hours to complete (75,000/300=250). Any imaging related errors would be sent to the vendor to be corrected. The verification process is expected to take 4 weeks to complete. Phase VI – Image/Index Upload to Cott System Upon completion of digitization, all scans and indexes will be sent to Cott Imaging Systems Inc. for transfer to the server and attachment to appropriate index. Cott Systems is the sole source provider for the Rockland County Clerk indexing system. The estimated time to add images is four weeks. This will include the image and MS Access conversion and checking for complete functionality.*Cott System will be able to start early uploading Incorporation Certificates from 1932-1982 (150,000 images/29,001 indexes), as they are already digitized and the MS Access Database is complete for that series. Phase VII – Original Business Certificates PurgedAll twenty five boxes of original business certificates will be purged from the Rockland County Archives. Project Schedule:Job Description Time (approximate dates)Receipt of Grant/Phase I – Film/Disc/Doc Preparation July 1, 2011 to Aug 1, 2011Phase II/III – Digitization/Indexing (12 wks) August 1, 2011 to October 21, 2011Phase IV – Microfilming (2 wks) October 24, 2011 to November 4, 2011Phase V – Image Verification (4 wks) November 7, 2011 to December 2, 2011 Phase VI – Image Upload to Cott System (4 wks) December 5, 2011 to December 30, 2011 Phase VII – Original Incorporations to purged (1 day) By End of January 2012Grant Finalized June 1, 2012 to June 30, 20123b.) Project RequirementsRockland County is continually seeking to improve its records management needs, as well as, its service to the public. The County is dedicated to following the requirements for the obtaining and maintenance of their electronic records as outlined below.Scanning Guidelines:Format: Master Copy - 1 bit bitonal Group IV Tiff imageResolution: 300 dpi Media Type: DVDIndexing Scheme: See 3A - Phase IV IndexingVerification: Vendor will verify all images for correct orientation, file name, format, resolution and clarity. In-house verification of images will also be conducted by 2 county provided staff members upon receipt of images.Storage: All DVD master copies will be stored at Iron Mountain, a secure offsite facility. One copy of each master DVD will be made and kept at the Archives Building. Master images will be converted and uploaded to a storage server maintained by the Cott Systems Inc. File Integrity: All image files uploaded to server will be backed up on a weekly basis to a tape drive. In addition, images will periodically be checked against original source discs. Each year a new copy of discs will be burned to account for possible degradation of the media.Migration: All master images will be in Tiff format with no proprietary headers or metadata. This format will allow for any future migration projects.Systems Maintenance: The County will provide budgeting for all disc storage, media for copies/backups, and maintenance of the server, software and equipment.Microfilm Guidelines:All 16mm microfilm produced from this grant will comply with New York State Archives guidelines for microfilm. All film will undergo third party qc and the original rolls will be stored at Iron Mountain, a secure, climate controlled storage facility. 3c.) Project ResponsibilitiesProject Director - All PhasesThe project manager will be the full time County Archivist. He has over thirty years of experience in records management and archives. As County Archivist for over twenty three years he has set up a comprehensive records inventory, disposal authorization process and inactive records program that covers over 50,000 cubic feet of records. The Archivist has successfully managed a variety of records management /archive projects funded through the New York State Archives. Personnel and vendors involved in the project?The project manager will be the full time County Archivist.? He has over twenty-nine years of experience in records management and archives.? As County Archivist for over twenty-three years he has set up a comprehensive records inventory, disposal authorization process and inactive records program that covers over 50,000 cubic feet of records.? The Archivist has successfully managed a variety of records management /archive projects funded through the New York State Archives.? Peter J. Scheibner was a 2008 recipient of the Rockland County Executive Historic Preservation Merit Award for leadership, and a recipient of the 2005 New York Association of Local Government Records Officers Wheeler B. Melius Award in recognition of outstanding service to Records Management in New York State.? As a board member of our local chapter of ARMA and a charter member of the New York Association of Local Government Records Officers, and as a member of National Association of Government Archives and Records Administration and Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference he has maintained many contacts in the area of records management and archives.? The Archivist has been a certified archivist since 1990.? As a member of the Rockland County Historical Society and the Lower Hudson Conference he has worked with many researchers and given technical guidance to numerous local cultural and historical groups.? Rockland County was the recipient of the 2000 Cheryl Steinbach Annual Archives Award for Excellence in Local Government Records Management given by the New York State Regents.?As a certified Archivist, Peter J. Scheibner is a member of the Academy of Certified Archivists, Society of American Archivists, Association of Records Management Administrators, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, NAGARA, NYALGRO, Lower Hudson Conference, Rockland County Historical Society and related groups.? He has served four times as a delegate to the International Archives Congress, most recently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2008 and attended a municipal archives steering committee meeting and symposium in Amsterdam, Netherlands, London England and Geneva, Switzerland and Shanghai, China between 2007-2011.? These affiliations and involvement with the New York State Archives have given him an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals in records management/archives.? Peter has also served as a grant reviewer for assisted the New York State Archives LGRMIF and New Jersey PARIS program and as a speaker at a MARAC conference in Morristown in 2006 and NYAC in Poughkeepsie in 2010. Digital Imaging/Indexing Vendor - Phase II & IIISmooth Solutions, Inc., is a small business, dedicated to providing high quality, high volume document scanning and conversion services. Over the years, Smooth has performed services for many large companies and government agencies including Consolidated Edison, New York Power Authority, PSE&G, Merck, the NYC School Construction Agency, NYC Department of Environmental Protection, the General Services Administration and the U.S. Navy, to name a few. Rockland County awarded a scanning services bid to Smooth Solutions, Inc. in 2008.Smooth Solutions is made up of highly experienced, management professionals who are leaders in the imaging and data conversion marketplace. Quality assurance and customer satisfaction are of the highest priority. The Quality Assurance Procedures that Smooth Solutions has developed over the years, will ensure the highest level of image quality and index accuracy that can be obtained. Services: Smooth Solutions provides a wide range of document conversion services that include the scanning and conversion of the following types of documents: * Business Documents * Legal Documents * Technical Documents and Manuals * Engineering Drawings and Aperture Cards * Color Maps and Satellite Photos * Microfiche and 16/35mm Roll Film Standard Deliverable Output formats include Tiff, Jpeg, CALS, CAD, Word, PDF, etc. Smooth Solutions, works closely with the leading document management, CAD and GIS vendors to provide compatible image and index data for fast, efficient uploading. Equipped with over 30 scanner subsystems, Smooth Solutions specializes in high volume projects that can either be processed at Smooth Solutions facilities or at the customer site. Film Preparation and In-House Image Verification - Phase I and IVRockland County will provide 2 records clerks to prepare film and verify 10% of images upon receipt from vendor. The film preparation and verification procedures are routine to the records clerk position and will be overseen by the County Archivist. Cott Systems Vendor - Phase VCott Systems, is an industry icon and innovator in public records management for over 120 years, is a leader today in technology solutions and services for recording, imaging, and searching land and court records across 19 states.? Through an important research and development process, funded by a 4-5% re-investment of their yearly revenue that includes significant customer involvement, Cott is driving new technologies and services for local governments by employing up-to-the-minute information and workflow automation.?This includes land and court records management solutions, data management and migration services, backfile conversions, document redaction services, and web hosting/eCommerce/disaster planning services.In 1996 Rockland County awarded a major $1.2 million contract to Cott Systems, Inc. for an imaging system for County Clerk land records. The imaging system that has been up and running since 1996 and completely automates Rockland County’s land records process. The public is able to reference over 58,000 new land records per year and over 3 million existing land documents. On January 1, 2009 the County Clerk has expanded its use of the imaging system to include court record instruments. Cott Systems Incorporated maintains all software and hardware for the Rockland County Clerk’s office. All of the clerk’s indexing and imaging systems for court and land records run on Cott’s Resolution software. Resolution is Cott Systems suite of software designed for use by County Clerks for cashiering, indexing, imaging, archiving and retrieving of documents. They are considered a sole-source vendor for image attachment services due to their use of proprietary software. Uploading will require that Cott’s software be used to attach correct image to correct index. 4a.) ContributionsThe County Archivist will spend 10% of his time ($15,649 in salary and benefits) in overseeing bids, grant requirements and project implementation. This will also include dealing with vendors and retrieving original microfilm from offsite storage. The Archivist will make sure that all aspects of the project are completed to satisfaction and comply with State Guidelines.The county expects to provide the time and funding needed to prepare documents and verify images. 2 Records Clerks will spend approximately 312.5 hours of time for document preparation and verification, equaling $7,927 in salary and benefits. The County will also supply funds for both disc duplication and master disc storage at Iron Mountain. The imaging coordinator of the Rockland County Clerk’s office in coordination with the County Archivist will also contribute 10% of her time ($9,407 in salary and benefits) to ensure all images given to Cott Systems are uploaded to the proper indexes and are retrievable by staff and the public. This will include corresponding with vendor on any issues pertaining to indexes, images or image retrieval.4b.) Project MaintenanceThe Rockland County Archives is dedicated to maintaining all facets of prior projects, as well as, future ones. We strive to follow State guidelines for the retention, storage and upkeep of all our collections. Maintenance of this Digitization project is outlined below:Digital ImagesThe County Clerk will be receiving 1 master set of DVD images. Two copies will be made by the clerk’s office using the master set. One copy will be sent to Cott Systems to be uploaded to the server. The second copy will be sent to the Rockland County Archives for storage and will also be used as back up in case of server/tape backup failure. The master set will be sent to Iron Mountain, a secure offsite facility. This will enable us to securely store the master set in the event of a disaster at our office. Iron Mountain is currently the holding facility for all of our microfilm and microfiche originals. Server Maintenance The storage/internet servers will be maintained through a contract with Cott Systems and the imaging department of the County Clerk’s office. All networking, hardware and software issues will be addressed by the vendor. Maintenance should be minimal after initial installation of indexes images and should only require service upon the inability to access the server. Full backups of all indexing and images are done on a weekly basis, as well as, differential backups done daily. ................

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