Mr. Malhame – 2019/2020 Honors Junior English Class Contract – accessible on class webpage Class ContractBeing Prepared for Class We will take a lot of notes over the course of the year. You are to have either a loose-leaf notebook just for English or a binder with a section just for English in class with you every single day. Marble notebooks where the pages have to be torn out are unacceptable. All work in English class should be done in pen. You may also hand in typed work. Nothing in pencil. 3) When coming back to class after a period of absence, it is your job to recover the class notes that were missed. Your first option should be to look to a classmate for the missed notes. 4) Homework assignments are given in my class in order to make sure that everyone is ready to discuss the material during the following day’s lesson. Surprise five-question homework quizzes will be administered at the beginning of class when I feel it is necessary. 5) Part of being prepared for class means being on time. Being on time means being in your seat with a notebook out on your desk before the bell rings. If you are late and miss a reading quiz, you will be given a zero. 6) “Student Engagement” represents 25% of your overall grade. As this is an Honors class, you will be expected to actively and consistently participate in class discussions throughout the year if you want to receive Honors credit for this portion of your grade. Classroom Etiquette 1) As you know, the use of personal electronic devices is not allowed in class. If during a test, you are seen using one of these communication devices (including wristwatches) it will be assumed that you are cheating and thus you will receive a zero for that test grade. 2) In order for this classroom to maintain an appropriate atmosphere, we must all pledge to adhere to the following guidelines: a) Don’t talk over each other. During whole class discussions, one person speaks at a time. b) Don’t call out without raising your handc) Don’t have your hand raised while a fellow student is speaking – instead concentrate on listeningd) Don’t pack up your bag before the lesson is overe) Don’t get out of your chair to leave class before the bell ringsf) Don’t leave your bag on your desk or in your lap (put it behind you or on the floor) 3) Your first objective at the start of every single class will be to copy the Aim question and to complete the Do-Now assignment. (You should never spend time copying down the Do-Now question)4) Bathroom Procedure a) You do not have to raise your hand and ask to use the restroom. As long as the blue pass is on my desk, you may take it and go. b) Before leaving the classroom, you must sign out of the room in the black binder. Upon returning to the classroom, you must sign back in.c) If I notice that you are using the pass either every day or almost every day, the pass will be withheld from you.Tests and Quizzes 1) Your written tests will primarily be based on the class notes. 2) Unless otherwise notified, our tests will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. 3) For ANY absence on a test day, there must be a signed note from your parent or guardian THE DAY THAT YOU RETURN. If you are permitted to take a test late without a valid excuse, you will be penalized five points per day that you have been absent since the given test was administered.Homework Homework assignments will be posted on the class webpage found on the F.H.H.S website. Click “Students”, “Classes and Homework’”, and then find our class on the menu.Homework assignments will not necessarily reflect what will be on tests and should, therefore, not be relied upon as study aids. Late homework will receive an automatic 65% unless a signed valid excuse note is provided. If a homework assignment is turned in that is incomplete, it will be returned to you so that you can complete it and turn it back in for a grade of 65%.How I Will Calculate Your Grade60% Tests, Quizzes, Projects, Essays15% Homework and Five Question Reading Quizzes25% Student Engagement (Classwork and Class Participation) ***All report card grades are cumulative for the entire year. Thus your grade for a given Marking Period will always factor in the grades that you received in previous Marking Periods. All grades will be posted on PupilPath.How to Contact Me – jmalhame@schools.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name (Print) ___________________________________Student Signature ______________________________________Date________________Parent Signature_______________________________________Date_________________ ................

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