



President Tim Bowe opened the meeting with introduction by the attendees and then gave a brief overview of the meeting presentation by Mr. Greg Gallagher, P.E.

• The previous meeting minutes were read, with minor corrections, and were accepted as read/revised.

• President Tim Bowe gave the Treasurers report: Present balance of $4,234.05. Dues are in order. Notices were sent out a couple of weeks ago. Please pay promptly. Annual dues are $50.

• President Tim Bowe discussed the continuing education units that will be available to P.E.’s and those with NICET certification that attend SFPE NY Metro meetings. Presentations are sent to the State for review and approval prior to being presented. ½-CEU available for each meeting with an approved presentation. ½-CEU equals 5 contact hours. All those who wish to get credit, must indicate so on the meeting sign-in sheet.

• Past President Joe Razza gave an update on the Joint NY/NJ Scholarship Fund. There is one new applicant and they are taking applications until the end of October for this years fund distribution. Present balance of fund is $68,047.67. A check for $10, 500 will be deposited towards the scholarship fund, which represents the proceeds from the 2004 golf outing at Bear Mountain (138 Golfers). He also discussed the status of NYC adoption of the IBC. A “Blue-Print” bill (Known as Intro 478) was submitted to City Council indicating the time—line and intent to adopt the code, with committee revisions. Revisions will be done one year from submittal of the bill. A similar bill will also be introduced, believed to be prepared by local unions, to recommend adopting NFPA 5000. A public hearing, at City Hall City Counsel Chambers is tentatively scheduled for November 16th (re-scheduled for 10am, Tuesday, November 30th…….. today). At our April, 2005, Joe Razza will provide us with an up-date on the status of the committee work and city counsel movement towards adopting the code with committee recommendations.

• Tim Bowe suggested that members visit the chapter website which has lots of useful information including past meeting technical presentations, minutes and notices. The website is , login name is… SFPENYMETRO (all CAPS)……Password is …’F’ire. (only F in caps).

• Tim Bowe discussed the chapter’s plan for a “Fire Protection Awareness/Career” day for college students, in cooperation with Manhattan College, John Jay College and Poly-Tech Institute. The program will offer the students knowledge of the vast career possibilities in our field and insight into making career choices in the Fire protection industry. The tentative date is February 10, 2005 at John Jay College.

• Tim Bowe discussed the NJ Administrative Code 547 – “Who Can Touch and Test Fire Protection Equipment” which requires anyone who performs testing, inspection or service on fire protection equipment to have a NJ License, be a NJ P.E., or be NICET Level III minimum for the particular equipment. It was noted that this only applies to non-private (public) facilities. The NJ SFPE chapter meeting on November 1st will be on this subject. SFPE NY member John Durante, P.E. will attend the meeting and give an update on the present status of this Code.

• The NYC Fire Department will be soliciting technical input from our chapter and other fire protection professionals. Any interested members should contact Joe Razza, or any Board member of our chapter to be considered for assisting them with this effort.

• Tim Bowe: Our Chapter will be applying for the SFPE National ‘Recognition Program’ . Application form must be submitted by July 30, 2005.

• Joe Razza suggested that we provide SFPE National with news from our chapter to be included in their National News Letter.

• The ‘Greater New York welding Chapter’ will be giving a seminar on ‘Quality Welding, An engineers guide to designing and installing safe and economical piping systems’ on November 9th at the LaGuardia Marriott.

• The NFSA is having their 89th annual seminar and exhibition at the Grad Hyatt on May 1-3, 2005. It’s the 100th year of the NFSA. It’s a great opportunity to see new products and to market your firm for business opportunities. For details call: 410-997-0763, email at nfsa@, or see Tim Bowe.

• The NCEES has appointed a ‘Design/Build Task Force’ to develop a nationwide position to help ensure uniform implementation of engineering laws in the emerging dicipline of fire protection systems design.

• Chapter member Todd Ossman gave an announcement that the Metropolitan Engineering Societies Council will have a dinner meeting on February 26th, 2005 at the NY Academy of Science with the presentation topic on ‘Nano Science and Technology- Past & Present and Future’. The speaker will be Dr. James Yardley, Director of the Nano-Science Center at Columbia University. The meeting admission is $50. Visit for more information. He suggested that we offer a link to their website from our website.

• Chapter member Zigmund Staszewski suggested that we encourage the NYCFD to have a NY State licensed P.E. to perform plan reviews. Tim Bowe suggested the Zidmund chair a sub-committee on how to influence the Fire Commissioner to do so. Joe Razza and Greg Gallagher to co-chair.

• An educational presentation by chapter member, and current president of the NY Empire chapter, Greg Gallagher of the NY State OGS on: New York State requirements for earning CEU’s/Contact Hours to maintain Professional Engineering Licenses. The Presentation highlighted:

1. The Fire Protection Engineer is recognized by the state as an official engineering discipline.

2. There are several exemptions for P.E.’s to not need to obtain CEU’s/contact hours.

3. Article 145 (NYS education law) is on the website and has the requirements for obtaining CEU’s/contact hours.

4. The State Education department can give lienency to pro-rate CEU’s/contact hours.

5. Need 18 contact hours in courses of learning and 18 hours in other educational topics.

6. There are three levels of Hours; 1. Contact Hour 2. CEU 3. Professional Development College Hour.

7. P.I.E. is set up to approve CEU requirements and to promote continuing engineer professional development of engineers.

8. The CEU’s can be used towards maintaining NICET certification, depending on the type of program attended and whether NICET professional development reviewers will accept it.

9. The website to review laws and regulations is

• The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:45 am.

• Please visit the chapter website to view the full presentation.




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