[Pages:2]Inquiry lab Exploring Genetics through Blood Types-

Earthquake Baby Mix-up

It's a full moon at Los Angels General Hospital and everyone knows that more babies are born on a full moon than any other time of the month. In fact, there were 10 babies just born around the same time in this busy hospital and they were on way to the nursery when an earthquake struck and everyone had to evacuate the building! It was an immense task to get every possible patient out of the facility to safety and the job was very chaotic but everyone got out just fine. Unfortunately, in all the commotion the babies never got their little ID bracelets put on and they got all mixed up! No on could tell which baby belonged to which couple. DNA testing could tell for sure but that could take weeks! Isn't there a faster way?

Known facts: - Blood types are controlled by multiple alleles - The possible (common) blood types are A, B, AB, and O - A and B are co-dominant - A and B are both dominant to O - Rh (the Rhesus factor) is controlled like a simple Mendelian trait with positive Rh being dominant to negative Rh - There were 5 girls born and five boys - Each couple knows if they had a boy or a girl - The table below shows the blood type of the parents and if the had a boy or girl

Family name Gonzalez Taylor Jones Mitchell Wilson Henderson Pickering Lee Smith Thomas

Mom's blood type B+ OAABABOOAA+

Dad's blood type A+ OAAB+ ABAB+ OABB+

Gender of child Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female

The baby's blood types and genders are shown in the next table

Baby by letter A B C D E F G H I J

Blood type AB+ AA+ OBO+ OABB+ A-

Gender Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female

Lab Questions 1) Were you able to tell which baby belonged to which couple?

If so, how?

If not, why not?

2) What pairings did you come up with? (Hint: Use Punnett Squares)

3) Compare your group's findings with other groups or as a class. Do you all agree? Can you come to agreement?


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