AOR NOTES: Officers CRUITMAN There are Eight Chapters

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Officers CRUITMAN ? 1131.2E There are Eight Chapters

Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB) ? 1) Divided into 6 Sections 2) First three Sections are Math/Reading/Mechanical 3) Last four Sections are SAT(Spatial Apperception Test), Aviation and Nautical Info Test, Aviation Supplemental Test. 4) Officer Aptitude Rating(OAR)-score of 35 candidates not interested in aviation program 5) The test is only taken THREE times in a whole lifetime! a) Initial b) The first retest after 30 days c) 90 days after A third retest is Prohibited!


CITIZENSHIP-U.S. citizenship is required - born in the US, naturalized, or born abroad of US parents. Dual citizens are eligible to apply, but they must submit proof of renouncing non-US citizenship prior to final selection.

OCS-Officer Candidate School. 12 weeks. Active Duty Complete and pass PFA no earlier than 30 to 45 days and no later than 14 days prior to shipping to OCS. ODS-Officer Development School. 5 weeks. Active Duty Applicants (Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Chaplains) LDO/CWO

CLO-Campus Liaison Officer (Reservist) ?They report to the respective NRD CO, reaching minority students. On college campus and they generate Referrals. 1100.8F

ORPMS-Officer Recruiting Production Management System-Designed to manage all available resources within the NRD to achieve goal.

1) OPATE: Officer Production Analysis and Training for Evaluation a) Contact-A lead that has responded and contacted and desires additional info. b) Prospect-Has expressed a positive interest in the Navy. Appears to meet the basic eligibility requirements. Has agreed to submit an application. c) Applicant-An applicant who submits an application to NRC for an officer program. d) Accession-Any select that has completed the Oath of Office and signed the appropriate service agreement. e) Select-Any applicant who has been selected by NAVCRUITCOM for a commission program

2) Applicant Logs 3) Planner 4) OACR Planner

OHARP-Officer Hometown Area Recruiting Program-Unlimited time in conjunction w/PCS orders. SEMINAR- Senior Minority Assistance to Recruiting, in conjunction with PCS Orders. E6 through O6. 45 days

MOP-Marketing Operation Plan. This is an effective and efficient plan that coordinates recruiting efforts, and establishes resources, assignment of responsibilities, timing of action, and to identify recruiting opportunities. It should have: Living document can be updated electronically or pen and ink. Signed out by Sept 1.

1) Recruiters PRDs 2) Calendar of Events for the Fiscal Year 3) Plan for making Goal 4) Prospecting Plan 5) TIER School Levels (Colleges)

a) TIER 1-Visited Monthly Engineering Medical (Diversity Colleges) b) TIER II-Visited Quarterly c) TIER III-Visited Semi Annually

CDN-Campus Data Notebook = College School Folder. It has 3 Sections: 1) COI/Collegiates 2) Post Visit Report (Done and completed after every visit). 3) Additional Info...Map, closest NRS

Officer Goaling Letter-Comes out yearly and is checked QTRLY


AFTER ACTION REPORT- This is done after every Career Fair that money is being used. Preferably done within 5 working days after Fair.

COLLEGIATESNOT PAID ? IRR (Quarterly) 1) Chaplain Candidate Program Officer (CCPO) 2) Judge Advocate general (JAG) 3) Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) 4) Nurse Candidate program (NCP) 5) Financial Assistance Program (FAP) Minimum 1 face to face, phone or telephonic contact per month and 1 face to face quarterly.

PAID COLLEGIATES-(Only thing they don't need to do is be within grooming standards) Entitled to all benefits of an active duty personnel 1) BDCP-Baccalaureate Degree Completion Program (E3)up to (E5) 2) CEC-Civil Engineer Corps (E3)up to (E5) 3) NUPOC-Nuclear Power Officer Candidate (E6) 4) NRE-Naval Reactors Engineer (E6) 5) NPI-Nuclear Power School Instructor (E6) 6) HSCP-Health Services Collegiate Program (E6)up to (E7) Minimum of 1 monthly phone, face to face, or telephonic contact. One face to face contact per quarter.

CCR-Collegiate Contact Reporta) Makes one contacts a month (electronically, telephone, face to face) b) One contact face to face quarterly c) NRD utilizes collegiate for referrals d) You would use this report also when there is a in academics, fitness concerns, height/weight issues, injuries.

PAID COLLEGIATES also conduct the PRT twice a year. Their scores entered in PRIMS, if they do fail they will not be transferred to OCS or commissioned w/out approval from NRC. They will also be placed on FEP or remedial fitness program. Active Duty Collegiates need a score of "GOOD LOW" or better within 30 to 45 days of shipping to OCS.

PAID COLLEGIATES also participate in Command Urinalysis, also may be randomly. But must be tested annually as a minimum.

CMR-Collegiate Management Report 1) Collegiates submit their grades/reports/transcripts following the completion of

each semester, quarter, or term of their respective NRD. (within 45 days of completion) runs from Aug to May by-annually (Jan31/Jun30)

PAID COLLEGIATES also are entitles to full medical and dental benefits.

Collegiates ADVANCEMENT1) are eligible for promotion by one paygrade in the following circumstances:

a) For BDCP/CEC referring an applicant which results into accession into any officer/collegiate program. Also, BDC by making the Deans List(GPA of 3.5 or higher) for one semester or 2 consecutive qtrs. After enlisting in the collegiate program.

b) For NUPOC referring an applicant into any NUKE program c) For HSPC for an applicant into medical program, to a max of E7

ADVERSE COLLEGIATE REPORT- Will be submitted when collegiate fails to comply with the service agreement.

- Failure to follow the approved degree - Failure to meet program term GPA - Failure to meet internship requirement - Failure to meet PFA standards

DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIESMaintaining close n frequent face to face paid collegiate every 60 days. Corrective Actions:

1) Counseling both informally and formally by NRD. 2) Recommendation for improvement such as tutoring, reduction in extra

activities, study plans and so forth. 3) Formal Letters of instructions or warning with specific action and follow ups. The CO is authorized to approve changes to the Degree Completion Plan using the change checklist.

ACADEMIC DISENROLLMENTWill be disenrolled from their program, and transferred to active duty via RTC. Collegiates who are disenrolled will normally be reduced in paygrade to E3 prior to entry into RTC.

DCO-Direct Commissioned Officer (Reserve Officer) Fall under the same guidelines as a NAT applicant

NAVET-Prior Service Released under good conditions, good physical, DD 214, and call a Reserve

Center for a available Billet

CTO-Career Transit Office = Where all go from Active to Reserve Side of the house on the Officer Side

Mother Load ? Medical IRR

4 Different Nuke Programs- Go to DC for Interview with Admiral after PRO REC: Yes 1) Instructor (ODS) 2) Engineer (ODS) 3) Submarine (OCS) 4) Surface (OCS)

FREIDA- A list of Professionals Nationwide (Dental/Medical)

DA-Direct Accession Active Duty

Chapter 8 ?Collegiate Management Chapter 9-Collegiate Management Handout

Notes***Active Duty Collegiate-Gain as a full point from where the applicant originally started paperwork from ****Reserve Collegiate-Gain only ? a point for the applicant

The OPO maintains all original CCR and copies of all CMR for all active duty collegiates, to include Hold and Harmless Agreements for all PFAs conducted.

They will ask where do you go to find all the different officer programs: Quarterdeck -1420. 1A ? ENLISTED TO OFFICER COMMISSIONING PROGRAM APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR CNRC -Program Authorizations Active and Reserve Components

MVIP-Medical VIP Trips Allows an applicant to travel to a Navy site and view an

actual working environment. Critical Medical Programs

INIP-Instructor VIP Trip(part of NUKE) = all equivalent to the trips we have for our

NVIP-Nuclear VIP Trip

COIs (ESS trips) to create awareness for

these collegiate

PROCESSIING: Appointment (Qualified and Interested) Contact(I want to do this) Prospect/Interview(create OTOOLS) Application ? Application Summary (4 pg)

NASIS (370's) References BEERS Docs (Birth Certificate, Social Card, HS Diploma) Transcripts (all colleges attended) 680 2807 Physical: sent out, takes about 2 wks, sent out to BUMED to let applicant know the programs he best qualifies for. Put update in OTOOLS (done by NRC). Fingerprints and Investigation and NASIS done and sent to OPM.

SEND APPLICATION.......and now he is considered an APPLICANT.

APPLICANT: The program manager reviews application. Waiting for board to convene (2 to 3 months before submitting application)

3 Results from Board: Profession Recommendation YES (PRO REC YES)-Final Selection Profession Recommendation NO (PRO REC NO) Table ? Package will be looked at next board/cycle

PRO REC YES- package reviewed again for final selection - congratulations letter - enlistment docs/commissioning docs

SCROLL-All Active and Reserve officers prior to commissioning must be on approved scroll. The timeframe only requires OSD approval can take a minimum of 12 weeks. Submission to CNP is a rolling process and submitted approximately every 2 weeks. Medical and Inter Service Transfers get scrolled first

ADVERTISEMENTS generates LEADS. The different types of RADS; F-Fullfillment L-Leads Generating A-Awareness T-Transitional S-Sales Closing

How do you build an Officer Prospecting Plan: Goaling Letter MOP Market Potential Propensity to Enlist Population/History/Quality

CIRMS COMNAVCRUITCOM Intergrated Recruiting Management System All Officer collegiate must be third class swimmer qualified. 42nd birthday maximum age statement of understanding

OSMART: Officer Station Market Analysis and Review Technique To target quality market center. Territorial Map Goaling Letter Status Board School Canvassing Program


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