Crossword CluesCoup / A sudden seizure of powerMontesquieu / He wrote On the Spirit of LawsHobbes / He believed all people are selfish; absolute monarchy is the best form of governmentLocke / He believed people are reasonable and are able to self-governVoltaire / He wrote over 70 books; fought for tolerance and freedomRousseau / Philosophe who believed titles of nobility should be abolished; inspired the French RevolutionBeccaria / Philosophe who influenced criminal law reformWollstonecraft / She wrote A Vindication of the Rights of WomanBlockade / Forcible closing of portsNationalism / Pride in one’s country or loyalty to one’s own countryRussia / Napoleon’s invasion of this country led to his downfallBalance / One of the goals of the Congress of Vienna; of PowerBread / Main food eaten by the French during the RevolutionBastille / Place where gunpowder was kept in France; people raided it during the French Rev.Marat / Name of the man who edited the French newspaper, “The People’s Friend”Robespierre / The Leader of the French Revolution; nicknamed “The Incorruptible”Republic / After Louis XVI is executed France becomes this form of governmentChurch / The organization that the Revolution tries to destroy during the Reign of TerrorDivine Right / Idea that God created the monarchy and that the Monarch acted as God’s representative on EarthVersailles / Name of the Palace Louis XIV had builtEnglish Civil War / Fought between the Royalists and the RoundheadsCromwell / Name of the Puritan General who helped the Roundheads win the WarRestoration / The term used for Charles II’s reignConstitutional / Type of monarchy where laws limit the ruler’s powerCabinet / group of government ministers or officialsSocial Contract / Hobbes’s idea that people need to hand over their rights to the government, and in return they get law and orderEnlightenment / Intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and the power of individuals to solve problemsPhilosophe / French for “philosopher”; social criticsEstates / Social classes in France before the French Revolution; there were three of themNapoleon / French military genius who ruled as EmperorAbsolute / Parliament’s financial power was an obstacle to this type of monarchyPeninsular / This war was fought between France and Spain; it was one of Napoleon’s three mistakesSun / Louis XIV was known as the KingJames I / This King took the throne after Elizabeth I; He was the first King from the Stuart FamilyCharles I / This English King was put on trial for treason and executedJames II / This King was unpopular because he was Catholic; He is overthrown by William and MaryCatholics / In France there were many religious wars between Huguenots and Edict / of Nantes was a declaration of religious toleranceBill of Rights / William and Mary along with Parliament passed this to make clear limits of royal power, and to ensure liberties of the peopleWaterloo / This battle was in Belgium; final defeat of Napoleon ................

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