Hi 6th Class,I hope you are all well and had a nice long weekend, I enjoyed it as best I could and got loads of jobs completed around the garden and house. There is 4 days’ work attached to this document (Tuesday – Friday) please complete what you can. DO NOT feel under pressure to get it all done if it isn’t possible. I know some of you are feeling a little ‘fed up’ of this situation now and wish you could be back in school with your friends seeing out your final weeks of primary school- I feel like that some days too! But, we must keep our heads up and stay positive! I am delighted to see so many of you engaging with Seesaw now and I hope it makes the learning a little bit easier for you. You’ll notice that your English this week (ALL week) involves work for your yearbook – I have sent an email to your parent/guardian about this and I would like you to read it carefully too. This is a very special memory that you will have forever. Please put the time, care and effort into it as you will only get out of it what you put in. I posted some reading material to Seesaw but in case you missed it I suggested; The boy in the striped Pyjamas, Reaching the heights, Goodnight Mr. Tom and Wonder. Read a book that captures your interest and read for enjoyment.If you need any further help please let me know via email or Seesaw.Slán,Mr. KeatingTuesday 5th May:Maths:We are moving on to the last Data chapter this week – its Chapter 30 (P.158) in your Busy @ maths book- We will learn about Pie charts Tuesday and Wednesday and revise all data then Thursday and Friday.Please ensure all work has a heading, date and each question is given the correct number/letter in your copy.Page 158 – Pie charts The “PIE” which is a circle always has 360 degrees!I will explain Q1 ‘Hair colours’ and you will be able to complete Q2 and Q3 using the same technique!We need to know that there are 36 children in the class!The children with brown hair cover 150 degrees – that as a fraction is 150/360 but simplified to 5/12 (30 divides into both of them)Then you need to divide by the bottom – 36 divided by 12 = 3 (1/12) and multiply by the top which is 5 – 3 x 5 = 15 children (5/12)Black hair: 120 degrees = 120/360 or 1/3 = 12 children (I found 1/3 of 36)Blonde hair: 60 degrees = 60/360 or 1/6 = 6 children (I found 1/6 of 36)Red hair: 30 degrees = 30/360 or 1/12 = 3 children (I found 1/12 of 36)Now I want you to complete Q2 and Q3 P.158 using the same technique as I didQ4 and Q5 are a little different as they give us the fraction instead of the degrees in the pie chart. Q4: “The favourite dinner”, you’ve to find the degrees, the fraction and the number of votes each dinner got. Roast dinner: 3/10 – I need to change that fraction to ?/360 (Because there are 360 degrees in a circle) how do I change the 10 to 360? I multiply it by 36 – you need to multiply the numerator too which in this case is 3 – 3x36 = 108. So the fraction for the roast dinner is 3/10 or 108/360 – now I know the degrees – its 108. The last thing you need to do is the “votes” – so you’ve to find 3/10 of120 – 120 divided by 10 = 12 then multiplied by 3 = 36 votesSpaghetti Bolognese: 1/5 – I need to change the denominator to 360 so I’ve to multiply by 72 (I divide 5 into 360 to find this out) so my new fraction is 72/360- now I know my degrees are 72 and to find the votes I get 1/5 of 120 which is 24.Now you solve Q4 c & d (The lasagne and chicken curry) and do all Q5English:Phonics, Punctuation & Grammar: (Day 77 of New wave if you have your book!)Circle the correct spelling – answer or arnserCircle the correct spelling – foorgiveable or forgivable Circle the correct spelling – jewellery or jewelery Circle the correct spelling – fierce or feirceA synonym for solitary is: friendly isolated angryCircle the correct prefix for the verb – the rugby referee dis/mis allowed the try.Contract. How would - _____________Circle the correct homophone- my brother was fined/find for driving his car too fast.Count the syllables – favourite ____ & explanation____Write the simple present tense verb for he, she and it – worry _______, bury _______ & say ________Punctuate – I still cant believe that our team won. Add commas – The zoo housed lions penguins kangaroos snakes seals and giraffes.Add speech marks – Michelle announced, I have worked well in school and my results are great.The expression to smell a rat means: to smell a very unpleasant odour___ or to be suspicious___The expression to take forty winks means: to sleep___ or to get dust out of your eye___Circle the adverb – The singing birds wake us up early in the mornings.Circle the verbs –Dad makes breakfast while Mum drinks tea.Write the correct part of the verb to go – Dad and I ________ fishing early this morning.Circle the two prepositions – We sat on the river bank and waited in silence.Circle the adjective – after a while, Dad caught a huge trout.YEARBOOK:This week as part of your English work I want you to work on the yearbook pages I have sent to you – they are attached to the end of this document (4 pages) and I have also emailed a copy to your parent/guardian. I need you to complete it on the word document I sent it on (the email) if possible and then return it at the end of the week – if you need a little longer that’s OK but we need to get them back A.S.A.P so we can put them together. Please put as much effort as possible into this work – you will have it for ever! 15811507810500Gaeilge: Fuaimeanna agus Focail, Aonad 29. Leathanach 88.Use your dictionary to look up the meanings of any words you do not understand. Learn the spellings for box 1 and put these words into sentences. Make sure to use different verbs in your sentences. Complete activities A & BFinish the sentences below using the 3 options in the box and translate the sentences:Bhí Mamaí agus Daidí sa bhialann mar ________________.Níor ith mé iasc sa bhialann mar _______________________. right306705Is fear liom sicín rósta bhí na leanaí ag féachaint air breithlá Mhamaí a bhí ann020000Is fear liom sicín rósta bhí na leanaí ag féachaint air breithlá Mhamaí a bhí annBhí cluiche sacair ar an teilifís agus ______________________.Cuir ord ar na habairtí (put these sentences in order!)maith Shamhna. Liom is Oíchegreannmhara Bíonn orm. ?adaígléasadh liom Is chailleach. Maith marcenter36512500SESE: (This Project is for the week – do a little every day!)14287518034000PE: Make sure you’re getting at least 60 minutes exercise every day, this can be playing a game, going for a run or cycle, doing a workout online, or like me, bringing the dogs for plenty of walks- they are now fed up of seeing their lead coming out of the shed!!The body coach is still doing workouts on YouTube, these are super but I’m also going to attach a link for a yoga session- I tried it and I think it’s great! (Do some yoga – why not get the family to join in too?)Wednesday 6th May:Maths: Please ensure all work has a heading, date and each question is given the correct number/letter in your copy.Page 159 – Pie chartsThis page is about following on from yesterday’s work and adding to it by drawing your own pie chart to represent the information. You start by filling in the table like you were doing yesterday but again it is a little bit trickier as we are given the “votes” today. We need to find the fraction and then the degrees (so we are working backwards!) I’ll show you how to do the first two (French and German and you can complete the rest... (remember there are 80 children)French: 16 votes, that is equal to 16/80 (simplify – 1/5). Now that you have your fraction you can get the degrees – remember 360 degrees in a circle so you need to make your denominator (5) 360- to do that you must multiply it by 72. Then do the same to your numerator = 72, so the degrees for French will be 72 degrees.German: 24 votes, that is 24/80 (3/10). I want to convert the fraction to degrees so again I need to make the denominator (10) 360 so I will multiply by 36, I do the same to my numerator (3 x 36) and I get 108. So the degrees for German on my pie chart will be 108 degrees!Now you solve Spanish and Chinese – complete the table in your copy. When you’ve the table complete I want you to represent your data on a pie chart using the following steps: Using a compass, draw a circle (big enough so you can see it easily) Draw a radius (a line from the centre point to the circumference)Use that radius line as a starting point for your first angle (sector). Let’s say we will start with French, my degrees are 72, so I place the protractor on the line and the centre point on the end of my radius line and I mark 72 degrees on the protractor (remember acute and obtuse angles- use the correct scale)Now join your marked area to the centre point of your circle and you’ve represented French. Colour that area.Now you’ll continue following this format but for the next one, German, you will start on the new line you created for French with your protractor, measure out 108 degrees (obtuse), mark it, and draw that sector. Colour it a different colour. Now continue with Spanish and Chinese. So, today you should have the table of Q1 P.159 in your copy and a Pie chart representing the data from the table. I look forward to seeing them English: Phonics, Punctuation & Grammar: (Day 78 of New wave if you have your book!)Circle the correct spelling – tornado or tornadoe Circle the correct spelling – guarantee or gaurantee Circle the correct spelling – pause or puaseCircle the correct spelling – lifestyle or lifstyle An antonym for criticise is – agree, blame, praiseAdd the suffix ify to change the noun to a verb – acid _____ & solid ______ Wandered or wondered? Amy________ what had happened to her cat.The word summit comes from the latin word summus meaning – highest or middleListed alphabetically, the second word is – brush, browse, bruise, brute Which word does not belong – crow, ostrich, swan, eagle Add commas – Dad tried a number of tools to break the lock; a hammer a saw a drill and even a large stone. The word geologist means- __________________________Add speech marks – The manager offered, Three nights for the price of two. Circle the pronoun linked to the underlined words- The ferry trip to the island always makes me sick; I dread it every time we go there. Circle the words linked to the pronoun them – My friends can have fun straight away, but before I can join them, I have to rest for a while. Circle the error – I’m not sure what time Ill be ready to join you. Statement, question or command? – What will you be doing later?Circle the word that makes the meaning of the adjective stronger – It is so unfair that I get seasick. very intensifies the adjective? – I feel very weak as I have eaten nothing all day. Circle the conjunction – When my stomach settles down, I will join my friends. **YEARBOOK ACTIVITIES – Please do these with care and thought!**Gaeilge: Fuaimeanna agus Focail, Aonad 29. Leathanach 88.Use your dictionary to look up the meanings of any words you do not understand. Learn the spellings for box 2 and put these words into sentences – Make sure to use different verbs in your plete activities C & D, leathanach 89.Finish the sentences below using the 3 options in the box and translate the sentences:Bhí díoma ar Eoin mar ní raibh _________________________.Bhuail clog na scoile agus _____________________________.right306705Rinne mamaí cáca dá breithlá an cluiche ar an teilifís chuaigh na páistí abhaile sa bhus020000Rinne mamaí cáca dá breithlá an cluiche ar an teilifís chuaigh na páistí abhaile sa bhusBhí sceitimíní ar Cáit sa chistin mar ______________________. Cuir ord ar na habairtí (put these sentences in order!)mo chaired. Amach le Téimagus Ithim cnónna úlla.Chnámh pháirc. Bíonn sa tine3657600281940Religion:Eucharist: Giving thanks We all love to give and receive gifts. Giving a gift to someone can be a way of showing them we love them or that we want them to know we care about them. It can also be a way of saying thank you to someone. Some gifts can be bought, but there are also gifts that money can’t buy. Sometimes the gifts that money can’t buy are the best gifts!In your own mind or with conversation with your family, think about:What do you think are the best gifts that God has given you?Write about them or draw an image of them. How can you use the gifts God has given you to bring joy or comfort to someone you know – especially now that times are more challenging for all of us. USE your gifts!center36512500SESE: (Your country project)right374015PE: 60 minutes’ exercise!! Try some of these:14001758509000Thursday 7th May:Maths:Please ensure all work has a heading, date and each question is given the correct number/letter in your copy.Page 150 – Data revisionThis is an excellent revision page to test yourself on what you can remember about data!Do all of Q1 and Q2 P.160Remember, Average (add all of them up and divide by the number you have e.g Paddy drank 3 cups of tea Monday, 5 on Tuesday and 7 on Wednesday. On average how many cups of tea did he drink each day- 3 + 5 + 7 = 15, then divide by 3 (because I’ve 3 days) 15 divided by 3 = 5 For Q2 you’ve to complete the tables – this is exactly what you’ve been doing the last 2 days so let’s now put it to the test. I’ll help a little further: The total sales of Percy Panda = 120 & The total sales of Poems for Peace = 108Remember, you can ask for help using Seesaw if you’re finding these tricky and I can show you how to do them!English: Phonics, Punctuation & Grammar: (Day 79 of New wave if you have your book!)Circle the correct spelling – enviroment or environment Circle the correct spelling – extrodinary or extraordinary Circle the correct spelling – discipline or dissiplineCircle the correct spelling – species or speshes A synonym for summit is – boundary, centre, peakCircle the correct prefix for the verb – Sam couldn’t de/un lock his bike so he had to walk. Contract: what are - _____________Circle the correct homophone- There is always a war/wore going on somewhere.Count the syllables – appreciate = ____ & international = ____ Write the simple present tense verb for he, she and it – carry _____ & try _____. Punctuate this sentence – the television show was interrupted by a breaking news story. Add speech marks – The news reported announced, We interrupt this programme to bring you some shocking news.Add commas – The tournament will involve French German Italian and Russian athletes. The expression to have a bee in your bonnet means– ________________. The expression to throw in the towel means - _________________.Circle and write the verb – Many teenagers work at fast-food restaurants. Circle the proper noun – My dog Marble enjoys takeaway scraps. Write the correct part of the verb to be – While people _________ eating, Marble waits quietly under the table. Circle the 2 prepositions – Marble eats his dinner from his bowl, which is near the back door. Present tense or Past tense? – He empties his bowl in a flash. **YEARBOOK ACTIVITIES – Please do these with care and thought!**Gaeilge: Fuaimeanna agus Focail, Aonad 29. Leathanach 88.Use your dictionary to look up the meanings of any words you do not understand. Learn the spellings for box 3 and put these words into sentences – make sure to use different verbs in your sentences. Complete activities E & F, leathanach 89.Aiste (ALT 2 – Seesaw)Finish the sentences below using the 3 options in the box and translate the sentences:Scríobh Máire cárta poist agus _________________________.Thug Daideo airgead dom agus _____________________________.right306705Chuir sé stampa air chuir mé an t-airgead sa sparán bhí an múinteoir san uisce020000Chuir sé stampa air chuir mé an t-airgead sa sparán bhí an múinteoir san uisceBhí mé cois farraige leis an rang agus ______________________. Cuir ord ar na habairtí (put these sentences in order!)amuigh. bíonn an Uaireanta púcaShamhna. Bíonn orm ar Oíche áthasliom freisin. breá Nollaig an Is Art:Hello again, Larry O’Neill here. Times are tough for every one now but they’re especially tough on me! That Dermot Bannon fella is taking all my work; he’s leaving me with nothing. Thankfully, local Principal, Brian Flood, has asked me to design a new room for the school. He wants it to be a surprise for the students when they come back. Any chance you could help me out? I’m open to suggestions and he tells me money isn’t an option so be as creative as you wish!166687522225 Your task:Create a new room for Scoil Mhuire Horeswood.This room is for the students, put their interests first.We have no budget – so be as creative as you like.Say nothing about this – I don’t want that Bannon fella getting word!1247775234950Boycott Bannon! Support Larry O Neill Look at him, laughing at me again!!Friday 8th May:Maths:Please ensure all work has a heading, date and each question is given the correct number/letter in your copy.Page 161 – More revision of dataThis is more super revision to ensure you know data inside out and upside down!Complete all Q3 and all Q4 P.161For Q3 remember; trend graphs can be found on p.110 and p.111 if you forgot what they look likeincrease means (got bigger)decrease means (got smaller)For Q4 remember;Profit is the money you are left over with after selling an item for a price exceeding what you bought it for.E.g I bought my football boots for €60, I scored a hat trick every time I wore them and so Mr. Stafford got jealous and asked if I would sell them. I did, for €100! So I made a profit of €40 and guess what, he never scored a goal with them- it was clearly all me!English: Phonics, Punctuation & Grammar: (Day 80 of New wave if you have your book!)Circle the correct spelling – immediately or immediatly Circle the correct spelling – graceful or gracefullCircle the correct spelling – grusome or gruesomeCircle the correct spelling – aurthor or authorAn antonym for excavate is – bury, dig, scrapeAdd the suffix ise to change the noun to a verb – memory ______ & apology _______stake or steak? - The farmer need a wooden ______ for his fence. Write a synonym for cure – r___________Listed alphabetically, the last word is- delicate, deliberate, delight, deliciousWhich word does not belong in the group – hail, rain, snow, wind Add commas – I like reading about unicorns goblins giants centaurs dragons and wizards.What does the word biologist mean? ____________________Circle the definite article – The catalogue said ‘More price reductions instore!’Circle the pronoun linked to the underlined words – The stolen goods were unique so the police think they have a good chance of tracing them. Circle the words linked to either one – Two windows had been left open; the thieves could have gained access through either one. Circle the word that is not needed – What chance do we have of getting everything back up?Your or our? – What should we do in the future to identify ____ things? Circle the word that makes the meaning of the adjective stronger – It is most unusual for us to leave any windows open. True or False: still intensifies the adjective – It is still possible that our things may be found.Write the conjunction – My guitar was taken but, thankfully, not my flute. **YEARBOOK ACTIVITIES – Please do these with care and thought!**Gaeilge: Fuaimeanna agus Focail, Aonad 29. Leathanach 88.Use your dictionary to look up the meanings of any words you do not understand. Learn the spellings for box 3 and put these words into sentences – make sure to use different verbs in your sentences. Complete activities G & H, leathanach 89 & 90Aiste (Alt 2)Finish the sentences below using the 3 options in the box and translate the sentences:Bhí duilleoga ag séideah sa chlós agus _________________________.Bhí bláthanna nua ag fás mar _____________________________.right306705Bhí litir aige ina lámh an tEarrach a bhí ann bhailigh na páistí iad020000Bhí litir aige ina lámh an tEarrach a bhí ann bhailigh na páistí iadTháinig fear an phoist ar maidin agus ______________________. Cuir ord ar na habairtí (put these sentences in order!)seomra suí. crann sa Bíonn Nollagmaisiúcháin ar Bíonn gcrann. an Daidí bronntanais. Nollag na Tagann le SESE:-246697534036000 (finish your Country project!!)left417830PE: 60 minutes’ exercise!! Try some of these: something short and NICE about each classmate (good at ___, funny/kind/helpful etc.), you don’t fill in anything about yourself- do this on the word document sent to your parent and return it via email please.Dylan BarrettBen BolgerDarragh BoweSeán Brennan Shane CahillJimmy Corish Ava CrosbieCallen CumminsDarragh CumminsMaggie DempseyAoibhínn DoyleGrace Forristal Jesse FurlongAdam FurnessJay Hanrahan Ella HowlinAli Kavanagh Kate Kehoe Tori Leacy Seán ?g LyngConor Murphy Jack Murray Lindsey Murray Daniel MylettAndreas Mythen Darragh Nolan Caitlin O Brien O HanlonCillian Parker Keira Philips Aimée RoweShane Russell Corey Shannon Samuel Shannon Thomas SuttonDeri Teague Harry TritschlerNathan Walsh-QuinnSophie Waters Favourite Games Through the YearsWrite down the games you remember playing with your friends at each class level, what did you do on yard and in class? (This can range from ‘Shop’ in Junior infants to ‘Chatting’ in 6th class)Junior InfantsSenior InfantsFirst ClassSecond ClassThird ClassFourth ClassFifth ClassSixth ClassTeachers Through the YearsWrite the name of your teacher in each class!Junior Infants:Senior Infants:First Class:Second Class:Third Class:Fourth Class:Fifth Class:Sixth Class:Class memoriesWrite a memory you have from each class level, this could be a memory of a teacher, one of your classmates, a trip etc. Junior Infants:Senior Infants:First Class:Second Class:Third Class:Fourth Class:Fifth Class:Sixth Class: ................

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