
Water PollutionDescribe each of the three properties of water that make it so essential for life:Liquid:Universal solvent:Three phases:What is the water cycle?Define each of these steps in the hydrologic cycle:Evaporation –Transpiration –Condensation –Precipitation –Percolation –Runoff –Fill out the following tables of water distribution on Earth:Type of WaterPercentSaltwaterFreshwaterTotal FreshwaterPercentIce Caps and GlaciersGroundwaterSurface WaterSurface FreshwaterPercentLakesSoil MoistureWater VaporRiversLiving OrganismsGroundwaterWhat is an aquifer?Define each of these parts of an aquifer:Water Table –Recharge Zone –Confined Aquifer –Label the unconfined aquifer, confined aquifer, recharge zone, groundwater well, and artesian well in this diagram.Surface WatersWhat is the primary source of water in rivers and springs?What is a watershed?What is the primary source of water in lakes and ponds?Water UsageWhat does water withdrawal measure?Given an example.What does water consumption measure?Give an example.What is water stress?What three types of areas are likely to experience water stress? What is overconsumption?Explain each of these possible outcomes of overconsumption of groundwater:Cone of DepressionSaltwater IntrusionSubsidenceWhat do water conservation efforts focus on?Give an example of a change that could significantly reduce water use.Give an example of how water conservation can be achieved in homes.What is graywater?What is xeriscaping?Water PollutionDefine each type of water pollution:Point Source –Nonpoint Source –What change did the Clean Water Act of 1977 make?What are impaired waters?Fill out the table below describing each form of pollution.PollutantDefinitionImpactsColiform BacteriaHeavy MetalsNutrient PollutionCultural EutrophicationOxygen-Depleting PollutionPCBsSediment PollutionAcid PollutionPesticide Pollution Define dead zone –Define turbidity – Drinking WaterWhat was the effect of the Safe Drinking Water Act?Bottled water is regulated by the _______________.Define each of these classifications of bottled water:Artesian –Distilled –Purified –Spring –Ocean PollutionDescribe the three impacts that oil has on marine life:MammalsFish Benthic organismsWhat are the three biggest human-caused sources of oil in the ocean?The Exxon Valdez disaster revealed the damaging effects of many oil cleanup techniques used at the time. Describe the problem with each:Dispersants –Hot water –Dish detergent with birds –Oil recovery –What change did the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 mandate?Where do most of the plastics in the ocean originate from?What is an ocean gyre?Where is most of the plastic pollution in a gyre located?Wastewater Treatment What is a septic system?Describe what change each of these sewage treatment processes makes:Screening –Primary Treatment –Secondary Treatment –Tertiary Treatment – ................

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