
ROOM # 20 WEEKLY PLANNING FORM WEEK OF: 8/3/2020-8/7/2020


|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka |

| |lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, Library) |learning centers)] |

|Monday |Unit: Summer-Beach and Ocean Animals |Time to Create: |MATH- Review #10 this week |Music and Movement: Let’s get our bodies |

|Date: 8/3/2020 |Focus- What live inside of seashells | |Watch this video about the number 10: |moving with this music and movement video |

| | |Pick from the supplies you have: | | |

| |Remind your little learner that last week we |Using crayons, paint or markers help | | |

| |were learning about the beach and the different|your little learners create seashell or|LITERACY- Review the letter Ee Watch this video |Sensory/ Water Play: |

| |things we can see and do at the beach and in |something they could use to explore the|with your little learner about the sounds the |Use sponges as boats that we see floating. |

| |the ocean. |ocean. |letter E makes: |Play sail boats and race boats. Encourage |

| | | | |your little learner to pretend to be the wind|

| |The beach and Ocean are fun places to visit but|[pic] | |and water waves moving the boats (sponges). |

| |they are also habitats for living animals. This| |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- Write the letter E for your |[pic] |

| |means that they are homes to animals. |[pic] |little learner to trace 5 times. | |

| | | |- Write the number 10 for your little learner to |Dramatic Play/Dress up: |

| |At the beach and in the ocean, we can find many|[pic] |trace 5 times. |Pack a picnic for lunch or snack and Pretend |

| |different types of animals. People can explore |[pic] |-Write your little leaner’s name in a yellow marker|to go to the beach. Pretend to put on |

| |the ocean and its creatures in different |[pic] |and work with them on practicing tracing their |sunscreen, layout a beach blanket or beach |

| |ways. | |names. |towel. Sit on the beach and eat the picnic |

| | | | |with your little learner that you packed. |

| |We see seashells on the beach. These shells | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little |[pic] |

| |once had animals that lived inside of them. | |learner about oceans | |

| |Some animals that live inside shells are clams,| | | |

| |molluscs, muscles, oysters, scallops, snails | | | |

| |and even hermit crabs and they live in the | | | |

| |ocean with many other types of animals. | | | |

| | | | | |

| |People can explore the beach and ocean in many | | | |

| |different ways. People can walk and see | | | |

| |different animals with their eyes. They can use| | | |

| |a boat or they can go under the water using a | | | |

| |submarine or by swimming. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Tuesday |Unit: Summer-Beach and Ocean Animals |Time to Practice: |MATH- Review patterns: |Music and Movement: Let’s get our bodies |

|Date: 8/4/2020 |Focus- What are crustaceans | |Have your little learner practice use colored |moving with this music and movement video |

| | |Lets pretend to be crabs and learn to |pieces of paper or cut out two different shapes | |

| |Yesterday we learned about the animals that |crab walk. |over and over such as squares and circles, | |

| |live in shells at the beach. Today we are going| |triangles, and hearts. Show your little learner how|Dramatic Play/ Blocks: |

| |to learn about another group of animals called |Time to Create: |to make a pattern that has one then the other and |Play pretend with your little learner. |

| |crustaceans that live at the beach. |Pick from the supplies you have: |then the first one repeats and continues. For |Pretend to be an ocean explorer on a boat and|

| |Crustaceans are animals that usually have a |Using crayons, paint or markers help |example: |going scuba diving into the water. |

| |hard body covering. They have segmented bodies |your little learners create a crab or | | |

| |and jointed legs for swimming or walking. |lobster. | | |

| |Many crustaceans also have claws that help them| | |Sensory Water Play: Use bottle tops and play |

| |capture food and protect themselves. |[pic] | |pretend to search the ocean (bath tub or |

| | |[pic][pic] |LITERACY- Review the letter Ee Watch this video |water bin) for crabs and seashells. Have the |

| |Crabs, shrimp, and lobster are crustaceans that|[pic] |with your little learner about the sounds the |different tops sink to the bottle and pretend|

| |live in the ocean. | |letter E makes: |to be exploring the ocean. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Building/Blocks: |

| | | |CUTTING/ FINEMOTOR- |Help you little learner use blocks or |

| | | |Cutting: help your little learner roll playdough |recyclable materials such as carboard boxes, |

| | | |into thick logs then have them cut the playdough |egg crates and paper towels rolls to build a |

| | | |using scissors. |boat to go exploring on the ocean |

| | | |[pic] | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read/listen to this book with your | |

| | | |little learner about animal that call the ocean | |

| | | |their home: | |

|Wednesday |Unit: Summer-Beach and Ocean Animals |Time to Create: |MATH- Review #10 this week: |Music and Movement: Let’s get our bodies |

|Date: 8/5/2020 |Focus- What are Invertebrates? | |Draw a 10 on a piece of paper. |moving with this music and movement video |

| | |Pick from the supplies you have: |Have your little learner trace the number 10 then | |

| |There are 2 types of fish: invertebrates and |Using crayons, paint or markers help |help them count out 10 objects that they can glue | |

| |vertebrates. |your little learners create an |on the paper or draw 7 circles or lines on the |Dramatic Play: |

| | |invertebrate: Star fish [pic] |paper and count them. |Play pretend with your little learner that |

| |Today we will be learning about different types|Octopus | |you and they are invertebrates wiggle and |

| |of invertebrates. Invertebrates are animals |[pic] |LITERACY- Review the letter Qq: Watch this video |move your bodies and arms like an octopus or |

| |that do not have back bones or boney skeletons.| |with your little learner about the sounds the |jelly fish |

| | |Jelly fish |letter Q makes: | |

| |Invertebrates include animals like crustacean |[pic] | |Indoor/outdoor Movement: |

| |which we learned about yesterday as well as: | | |[pic] |

| |starfish, jellyfish, squid, and octopus. |Squid |HANDWRITING/FINEMOTOR- Write the letter Q for your |Kick the cup game: |

| | |[pic] |little learner to trace 5 times. |Write out numbers or letters on plastic cups.|

| |Octopus learn and sing with an octopus: | |- Write the number 10 for your little learner to |Have your little learn kick a ball and knock |

| | | |trace 5 times. |down the cups. Encourage them to identify |

| | | |-Write your little leaner’s name in a yellow marker|the letters/numbers on the cups that knocked |

| |Jelly fish learn and sing with an octopus: | |and work with them on practicing tracing their |down. |

| | | |names. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- Read this book with your little | |

| | | |learner about counting animals in the ocean: | |

| | | | | |

|Thursday |Unit: Summer-Beach and Ocean Animals |Time to Pretend to be sea explorers: |MATH- Review patterns: |Music and Movement Activity: Let’s get our |

|Date: 8/6/2020 |Focus- What are Vertebrates? | |Have your little learner practice use colored |bodies moving with this music and movement |

| | |Lay out a blanket and pretend it is |pieces of paper or cut out two different shapes |video |

| | |water. Pretend you and your little |over and over such as squares and circles, | |

| |There are 2 types of fish: invertebrates and |learner are in the water together |triangles, and hearts. Show your little learner how| |

| |vertebrates. |snorkeling to look at fish. stand |to make a pattern that has one then the other and |Dramatic Play: Play pretend that you and your|

| | |Use paper and have your little learner |then the first one repeats and continues. For |little learner are sharks in the ocean. |

| |Today we will be learning about different types|cut them in different ways |example: |Swimming and hunting for food. |

| |of vertebrates. Vertebrates are animals that |Put them on the blanket |For example: | |

| |have back bones and boney skeletons like |Standing bend and pretend to swim | |Art: Pick from the supplies you have: |

| |people. |Point to the different fish and get | |Using crayons, paint or markers help your |

| | |excited. |LITERACY- Review the letter Qq: Watch this video |little learners create fish |

| |Vertebrates include animals in the ocean such |[pic] |with your little learner about the sounds the |[pic] |

| |as: sharks stingrays, and fish. | |letter Q makes: |[pic] |

| | | | | |

| |Vertebrates like sharks stingrays, and fish do | | |Building/Blocks: |

| |not lungs like people. They have gills which | |CUTTING/ FINEMOTOR- |Help you little learner use blocks pillows |

| |let them filter air out of the water to breath.| |Cutting: help your little learner roll playdough |blankets or recyclable materials such as |

| | | |into thick logs then have them cut the playdough |carboard boxes, egg crates and paper towels |

| | | |using scissors. |rolls and plastic bottles to build a |

| |Sharks stingrays, and fish cannot live outside | |[pic] |submarine to go under water exploring in. |

| |of the water. | | |[pic] |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- |[pic] |

| | | |Read this book to your little learner about sharks:| |

| | | | | |

|Friday |Unit: Summer-Beach and Ocean Animals |Time to Pretend: |MATH- Review Number Identification 0-10: |Music and Movement: |

|Date: 8/7/2020 |Focus- What mammals and reptiles live in the |Pretend with your little learner to be |Practice counting 1-10 objects with your little |Let’s get our bodies moving with this music |

| |ocean? |whales or dolphins dipping and diving |learner. |and movement video |

| |This week we have been learning about a lot of |und the water |Use sand or dirt and a bucket. Have your little | |

| |different kinds of beach and ocean animals. | |learner count as they add scoops of sand/dirt. Tell|Science: Make an ocean in a bottle- |

| | |Time to Create: |show them the number on a pice of paper that we are|[pic] |

| |Today we will learn about ocean mammals and |Pick from the supplies you have: |going to count to as we add scoops of sand/dirt. |Help your little learner pour water into a |

| |reptiles. Mammals and reptiles are also |Using crayons, paint or markers help | |water bottle or other large clear plastic |

| |vertebrates, but they have lungs and breath air|your little learners create a whale or |(OR) Use toys, pasta, beans, spoons, |bottle. |

| |like people. |dolphin |crayons/markers to practice counting. Show or ask |Help your little learner add 2 table spoons |

| | | |your little learner to point to the number that you|of vegetable oil and 6 drops of blue food |

| |Some mammals that live in the ocean are whales,|[pic] |counted to with them. |coloring. |

| |dolphins, seals, and sea lions. |[pic] | | |

| | | |LITERACY- Fun Friday Play a Letter Identification |Pretend Play: |

| | | |activity: |Pretend to be on a whale watching boat. Play |

| | | | video while you sway and move pretend |

| |Sea turtles are reptiles that live in the | |ingo |you and your little learner are on the boat |

| |ocean. | | |getting to see the whales and dolphins: |


| | | |Hand eye cross body and grip strength work: | |

| | | |[pic] | |

| | | |Put sponges in a bucket floating and have your | |

| | | |little learner scoop the sponges using a large soup| |

| | | |spoon. | |

| | | |Then have them squeeze out the sponge into a cup | |

| | | |till it is full. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Read this book to your little learn about water and| |

| | | |the ways animals use it. | |

| | | | | |

Social/ Emotional- Review Week 14 page 14.

Please refer to for the complete social emotional parent newsletter.



NYS Common Core Standards

PK.SEL.4: Develops positive relationships with peers

c. Shares materials and toys with other childen

PK.SE.1: Regulates responses to needs feelings and events

a. Express his feelings needs opinions and Desires in a way that is appropriate to the situation

PK.AC.5: Demonstrates a growing receptive vocabulary

a. Understands and follows spoken directions

b. Identifies pictures related to words

PK.ELAL.20: Speech and Listening

Interacts with divers formats of texts (e.g., shared read aloud, video clips, oral storytelling)

PK.MATH.3: understands the relationship between numbers and quantities to 10, connects counting to cardinality.

PK.SCI.9: Plans and conducts an investigation to determine the effect of sunlight on Earth’s surface

a. Discusses the effects of the sun (e.g., provides sun light, creates shadows, and the warming effect on living organisms and non-living things)

PK.SOC.4: Begins to learn basic civic and democratic principles

b. Identifies rules that protect themselves and others.

PK.ARTS. 1.: Performs Dance

a. Demonstrates basic full body locomotor movements (crawl, walk, run) non-locomotor movements (bend, twist, reach) and spatial relationships (over, under, around) while moving in a general space.

PK.ARTS. 11.: Connects to Music

a. Explores and imitates sounds found in the environment


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