

Written November 2013 Updated November 2014 Updated December 2015

Updated December 2016 Updated November 2017 Updated December 2018

Updated October 2019 Updated September 2020 Updated December 2020


Essential - Please BRAG rate this document:

Blue – action complete, no further action required

Green – on-going and on target

Amber – requires attention

Red – endanger of not completing



|An audit for school governors, headteachers and staff |

| |

|This audit has been designed to assist schools in ensuring that they have the evidence to show that their procedures are good and to identify any actions needed to make improvements. Please use the ‘Evidence’ column to |

|describe what provision is currently in place, the ‘Actions’ column to identify actions required or desired, with a time frame. Please use the BRAG rating as it will enable parity with the BCSP Section 11 audit tool (which |

|will not need to be completed if this audit is carried out). |

|Please read and have regard to the following documents: Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018, London Child Protection Procedures 5th edition and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018 |

| |

|1 |Senior Designated Person for Child Protection |Evidence |BRAG |Actions & timeframe |BRAG |

|1.1 |Who is the Senior Designated Person for Child Protection and |Maria Michael Families co-ordinator | | | |

| |Safeguarding in your school? |Yes | | | |

| |Is this role specified in their job description? | | | | |

| | |Yes as interventions wont start for a while | | | |

| |Does the DSL have extra time allocated for at least a few weeks in September 2020? |which will give her a few slots BUT we have | | | |

| | |a team of 5 so the workload can be spread if | | | |

| | |needed | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|1.7 |Is the school referring to Early Help? |Yes | |DSL to visit MASH | |

| |Has the SENCO or DCP lead been on CAF (Early Help Assessment) training in the last 2 years? |CAF training Last done October 2015 – DHT, | |This academic year | |

| |Has the DSL visited the ‘Early Help 0-19 Hub’ and or MASH (not possible during Covid-19 but may have visited |SENCO & DSL | | | |

| |previously)? |No visits | |DSL & SENCO to re do CAF training | |

| |Do you know where your local Hub is, and have you made contact with the manager? |Yes - Underhill | |this academic year | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2.1 |Does new staff induction include: |We have a staff induction policy | | | |

| | |Yes | | | |

| |The school’s Child Protection Policy including on-line safety | | | | |

| |The school’s Behaviour Policy and a clear understanding of how it is applied |Yes | | | |

| |The staff behaviour policy (code of conduct) which includes whistleblowing | | | | |

| |The school’s system for absence reporting | | | | |

| | |Yes | | | |

| |The safeguarding response to children who go missing from education | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Yes | | | |

| |The role of the designated safeguarding lead (including the identity of the designated safeguarding lead and any | | | | |

| |deputies) | | | | |

| | |Yes | | | |

| |Do you provide copies of these policies and a copy of KCSIE Part One? | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Who delivers this training and how is it logged? E.g. on SCR |Yes | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |How do you make any addendums to policies available when necessary? |Yes – staff sign to say they have read | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2.2 | |DHT & DSL – staff induction sign sheet kept | | | |

| | |in staff file and on SCR | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Emailed out as necessary | | | |

| | |Staff briefings and staff meetings | | | |

| | | | | | |

|3.1 |What measures are in place to ensure your school is one in which children and young people are always valued, |councils – school, eco, learning, healthy | | | |

| |respected, listened to and taken seriously? How do staff create and use opportunities to encourage children and |living | | | |

| |young people to communicate issues that concern them? |Learning mentor employed | | | |

| | |Worry boxes | | | |

| | |rights respecting school | | | |

| | |Assemblies on respect, anti bullying etc | | | |

| | |National anti bullying week etc | | | |

| | |Our High 5 gives pupils strategies – the most| | | |

| | |important being – REPORT | | | |

| | |School values | | | |

| | |MTS attend training on Inset days | | | |

| | |Weekly class circle time | | | |

| | |Pupil questionnaires | | | |

| | |Learning mentor time | | | |

| | |Tool Kits | | | |

| | |Resilience work | | | |

| | |Restorative approach | | | |

| | |Rights – class charters | | | |

| | |Zones of regulation | | | |

|4.1 |Is your Covid-19: Operational Risk Assessment for full School Reopening in Sept 2020 complete and on your school’s |Yes it is on website | | | |

| |website? Does it require further updates? |No updates needed at present | | | |

| | |May need updating once we see how it goes in | | | |

| | |first few weeks | | | |

| |Does the school know how to contact Barnet Public Health? | | | | |

|5.1 |What is the system for recording confidential child protection information? Are all staff aware of the school’s |We have a school Alert form which is filled | | | |

| |system? Do they follow it? |in by staff and passed to the designated | | | |

| | |teacher. These are filed and acted upon if | | | |

| | |necessary. | | | |

| | |Chronology sheets are kept for each | | | |

| | |identified child | | | |

| | |Update sheets are kept after action is taken | | | |

| | |Staff are aware through training and regular | | | |

| | |reminders and the information card | | | |

| | |Staff follow it | | | |

|6.1 |Where reasonably possible, does the school hold two contact numbers for every child? | | | | |

| | |Yes | | | |

|7.1 |How does the school promote child protection and the safeguarding of children through the National Curriculum? |PHSE scheme of work | | | |

| |(i.e. issues of personal safety, self-esteem, anti-bullying, racism, homophobia, sex and relationship education, |Sex ed in Y4,5 & 6 (parent meetings held | | | |

| |access to the internet and on-line safety, radicalisation, peer on peer abuse etc.) |about this) | | | |

| | |Anti-bullying week – incl e-safety | | | |

| | |Road safety week | | | |

| | |Internet safety Day | | | |

| | |Peace theme – International day of peace | | | |

| | |Various schemes – Happy to be me – self | | | |

| | |esteem | | | |

| | |Values | | | |

| | |Rights respecting schools | | | |

| | |Assemblies | | | |

| | |Anti Bullying ambassadors | | | |

|7.3 |Have you implemented, or working towards, establishing the RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) syllabus? This |We feel that we already meet most of it | | | |

| |must be in place by Summer term 2021. |TheHT DHT and PHSE lead attended Barnet | | | |

| | |briefings on it | | | |

| | |Staff training and overview of it July 2020 | | | |

| | |New books for recording PHSE in KS2 from Sept| | | |

| | |2020 | | | |

| | |We will ensure it is implemented in Sept 2020| | | |

| | |and fully by Summer 2021 | | | |

|8.1 |Do you have an on-line safety policy? How is it communicated to pupils, staff and parents? How do you know this |Yes | | | |

| |policy is clear, understood and respected by all? |Reviewed annually by govs | | | |

| | |Online safety governor – Fiona Quinton | | | |

| |Do have a policy or addendum for remote learning/working? |Communicated with staff through google drive | | | |

| | |Pupils in class Parents via website | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Have online safety adendum | | | |

|9.1 |How do you ensure the appropriate member of staff represents the school at meetings which address issues of child |Lead Designated teacher always goes | | | |

| |protection and well-being? E.g. Child Protection Conferences and Team around the Child meetings? | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Have any meetings been missed this year? If so why? |No | | | |

|10.1 |Has the governing body appointed a designated governor (DG) with responsibility for safeguarding and child |Clare Wischhusen – level 3 2019 | | | |

| |protection? When did they attend Level 3 training? |Also Chair in 2019 | | | |

| | |Other govs attended school training Nov 2029 | | | |

|10.8 |Did governors consult with staff when shaping the safeguarding policy? |Yes when originally written | | | |

| | |It is now amended annually and shared with | | | |

| | |governor for safeguarding and chair | | | |

|11 |Recruitment and Selection of Staff |Evidence |BRAG |Actions & timeframe |BRAG |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|11.1 |Is the school’s recruitment policy in line with all guidance on safer recruitment practice? Is this followed? |Yes it is | | | |

| | |Updated annually | | | |

|11.8 |Have at least the Head and one governor undertaken safer recruitment training? |Yes Headteacher, Deputy Head, Families | | | |

| | |co-ordinator (designated teacher) Inclusion | | | |

| | |manager, Chair of Governors, Governor | | | |

| | |responsible for safeguarding | | | |

|12.1 |Does the head teacher and chair of governors abide by the London Child Protection Procedures Section 7? |Yes | | | |

| | | | | | |

|12.7 |Are the school aware that referrals to the LADO concerning agency staff must be led by the school and not via the |Yes | | | |

| |agency? | | | | |

13.1 |Is the school pro-active and effective in its links with relevant agencies, particularly Education & Skills, Social Care, Early help and Health?

|Yes when we need to

We work regularly with social care and health.

Particulaly CAMMHs, HEWS and speech & language, EP, HIST team. Children’s centres and Barnet exclusion officer and school nurse


LA Advisor

Also DSL attended Barnet led sessions to help sign post parents to help

| | | | |12.2 |Does your school take advantage of any free offers of training for staff or workshops for pupils?

|Yes we do e.g


Knife crime | | | | |12.3 |How does the school ensure good communication with other relevant agencies and services?

|Attending courses

Attending meetings where all professionals are called

Phone calls


CAFsDSL in post for several years so well aware of channels available to the school

| | | | |

*Useful Web-sites

On-line safety

includes cyber bullying

Safer recruitment

county lines



Gangs and serious crime


Jane Morris, Safeguarding and Exclusions Lead, Cambridge Education Barnet 2019


School Safeguarding Audit

Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership

To assist schools in evaluating their procedures for safeguarding and Child Protection including considerations during Covid-19 Pandemic (revised September 2020)


Date carried out SEPT 2020

By ANN PELHAM (HT) & SMT Reviewed by Safeguarding team (incl

safeguarding gov) before submission


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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