
Month / Season: October Class: Primary 7 Level: Second

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Hours of God |I know the feast day of the Assumption |Class – The children will work with the teacher to create an altar in honour of Our |Resources for Altar | |

| |is celebrated on 15th August and this is|Lady for the month of October. | | |

|RERC 2-15a |a Holyday of Obligation. I am beginning | | | |

|I can recognise Mary's |to understand that the feast day |Class – The children will read from the book of Revelation 12:1 |Bibles |Children will show an |

|significance within the |celebrates Mary’s assumption (being |A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman* clothed with the sun, with the moon under |Dictionary |understanding of the Feast |

|Catholic tradition and I know |taken up), body and soul into Heaven, at|her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. |Paper |of the Assumption |

|that celebrating her feast |the end of her life on earth. |What kind of stories do you think might be in the book of revelation? This book |Art Materials | |

|days and praying to God | |contains prediction of future events and accounts of visionary experiences or | | |

|through Mary can enrich my |I can list, and I am beginning to |journeys to heaven, often involving vivid symbolism. What is symbolism? Who do you | | |

|life. |understand, the significance of the |think this quote is about? (Mary) | | |

| |major feast days of Mary celebrated |We are going to be discussing the ‘Feast of the Assumption’. What do you think | | |

| |Catholic Church: |‘assumption’ means? Check this word in the dictionary? Why do you think that it is | | |

| |1 Jan - Mother of God |used when describing the end of Our Lady’s life on earth? The story of the assumption| | |

| |11 Feb - Our Lady of Lourdes |of Mary into heaven is not included in the Gospels. However, it is an ancient belief | | |

| |25 Mar – Annunciation |which shows us how much Mary has always been honoured in the Church. There are | | |

| |31st May – The Visitation |references made to the assumption and this quote from the book of Revelation is one | | |

| |15th Aug -- The Assumption of Mary |of them. | | |

| |8 Sept - Our Lady’s birthday | | | |

| |7 Oct - Our Lady of the Rosary |Draw a picture of Mary’s assumption based on the quote and write the quote below. | | |

| |8 Dec -Immaculate Conception | | | |

| | |Class – Children will brainstorm, as a class, the different feast days celebrated in | |Children will be aware of |

| |I know why Mary is honoured as the model|honour of Mary. They will complete the attached worksheet on these feasts using a |Feast Days W/sheet |some of the feast days in |

| |of all Christians and I can pray to God |Bible and select one to research and write about. |Liturgical Calendar |honour of Mary |

| |as Mary prayed using the words of the |The liturgical calendar can be found at the following website either individually or | | |

| |Magnificat. |put on the class whiteboard | | |

| | |(2).jpg | | |

| | | | |Children will complete the |

| | |Class – The teacher will explain to children that Mary is the perfect role model for |Worksheet ‘Perfect Role |worksheet accurately |

| | |all Christians. She showed us what it was like to be a true follower of Jesus. |Model’ | |

| | |Children should complete the ‘Perfect Role Model’ worksheet (attached to planner). |Bibles | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| |I can recognise some icons and images of|Class – Revise the stories of Lourdes and Fatima (previously covered in primaries 5 &|Internet Access |Children will complete a |

| |Mary and identify the symbols therein |6). Children carryout a reciprocal task on Our Lady of Czestochowa (attached to |Text for Our Lady of |reciprocal reading record |

| |(e.g. Mother of God, Mary of Perpetual |planner). |Czestochowa |sheet. *They will not |

| |help, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Our Lady | | |complete prediction task |

| |of Lourdes, Our Lady of Fatima. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |I know the prayers I have learned from | | |Children will be able to |

|Hours of God |P1-P6 and I pray them regularly by |Class – Children will say prayers covered P1 – P6 (when appropriate) as part of daily|Prayer – Hail Holy Queen |recite the ‘Hail Holy Queen’|

| |heart. |routine. Children will learn and recite by heart the Hail Holy Queen. (attached to | | |

|RERC 2-14a | |planner). | | |

|I recognise the importance of |I know the Hail Holy Queen, and the | | | |

|personal prayer and communal |Luminous Mysteries (Mysteries of Light) |Home – The children will copy the prayer into their homework jotters and learn it by | | |

|prayer in the growth of all |of the |heart as part of their homework activities. | | |

|people’s relationship with |Rosary. I recognise that these Mysteries| | |Children will know the |

|God. |come from the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ | | |stories connected to the |

| |ministry. |Class – Teacher will discuss the mysteries of the rosary with the children (joyful, | |‘Mysteries of Light’ |

|I know a number of traditional| |sorrowful, glorious). They will explain that Pope John Paul II added five new | | |

|Catholic prayers and I have | |mysteries to the Rosary, the ‘Mysteries of light’ or ‘Luminous Mysteries’. Since | | |

|developed an understanding of | |Jesus is often called ‘the Light of the World’, Pope John Paul II chose five moments| | |

|the meaning of these prayers. | |from Jesus’ life through which we can learn more about God’ kingdom – times when | | |

| | |Jesus ‘shed light’ on what it means to be His follower. | | |

|I have participated in | |Useful website is as follows: | | |

|different approaches to, and | | | | |

|experiences of, prayer. | | | | |

| | |Children will complete worksheet on the Luminous Mysteries using a Bible. |Luminous Mysteries | |

|I can describe how prayer is | |(attached to planner) |Worksheet | |

|an important part of the | | |Bibles | |

|liturgical and devotional life| |Children can participate in a worldwide rosary live at the following website |Internet Access | |

|of the Church. I have | | | | |

|reflected on how all of these | | | | |

|are different ways of | | | | |

|worshipping God. | |KEY VOCABULARY: The Assumption, Holyday of Obligation, assumed body and soul into | | |

| | |heaven, Mother of God, Our Lady of Lourdes, Annunciation, Our Lady’s Birthday, Our | | |

| | |Lady of the Rosary, | | |

| | |Immaculate Conception. Hail Holy Queen, Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. | | |

| | | | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |

| | | | | |

|Hours of God |I know that we are called to be saints |Class – Children should revise the prayer to the Holy Spirit (attached to planner). |Prayer to the Holy Spirirt|Children will recite the |

| |and that God sends us his Holy Spirit to|Revise the gifts of the Holy Spirit: |(attached to planner) |prayer to the Holy Spirit |

|RERC 2-19a |help us. | | |and will know the seven |

|I know that the Holy Spirit | |Wisdom is the gift of knowing the right choices to make to live a holy life. It helps| |gifts. |

|strengthens my faith and the |I have been given opportunities to |one avoid the things that could lead you away from God. | | |

|faith of the saints and I have|familiarise myself with images (statues,|· Understanding is the gift of comprehension, the ability to grasp the teachings of | | |

|reflected on how the stories |pictures, icons) of the saints studied |our religion. It is the gift that helps one be tolerant and sympathetic of others. It| | |

|of the Saints can inspire me |in school and know that they are models |helps one sense when someone is hurting or in need of compassion. | | |

|to live a more Christian life.|of Christian life and that they can |· Right Judgment (Counsel) is the gift of prudence. This gift helps one make choices | | |

| |intercede to God on my behalf. |as a follower of Jesus. | | |

| | |· Knowledge is the gift of knowing and enlightenment. It enables one to choose the | | |

| |I know that the Holy Spirit strengthens |right path that will lead to God and it encourages one to avoid obstacles that will | | |

| |the faith of the saints and holy people |keep someone from him. | | |

| |and helps them follow the call to |· Courage is the gift that helps one stand up and overcome any obstacles that would | | |

| |discipleship and that they can intercede|keep you from practicing your faith. | | |

| |for me in my journey of discipleship and|· Reverence (Piety) is the gift of reverence for and confidence in God that inspires | | |

| |service. |one to joyfully want to serve God and others. | | |

| | |· Wonder and awe (Fear of the Lord) is the gift of wonder and respect that encourages| | |

| |I am learning this through reflection on|one to be in awe of God. It is not to fear God but to so love him that you do not | | |

| |the lives of some younger saints and |want to offend him by your words of | | |

| |holy people, e.g., St Cecilia, St Lucy, | | | |

| |St Aloysius, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, |These words can be placed around the prayer to the Holy Spirit on the class altar. |Flash Cards (attached to | |

| |Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. |(Flashcards attached). |planner) | |

| | | |Bible | |

| |I have reflected on the life of the |Class – Children should read from the Bible Acts 2:1-11 and Isaiah 11:2 | | |

| |Saint chosen for Confirmation and |They should answer the following questions: | | |

| |appreciate that I follow the example of |1) How do you think the believers felt when the “noise from the sky and strong winds”| | |

| |their life. |filled the house in which they were gathered? | | |

| | |2) What two gifts of the Holy Spirit are mentioned in the Isaiah reading? | | |

| | |3) How would you describe the Holy Spirit? | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Home - Throughout the next week make a conscious effort to be aware of how many times| | |

| | |and how many gifts of the Holy Spirit you use. Write down a few after reflecting at | | |

| | |the end of the day. Bring these to class next week for discussion at the beginning of| | |

| | |class. | | |

| | |Tell your parents about the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Use the acronym W U R K C| | |

| | |R W (workcrew) to remember the gifts. | | |

|Strands of Faith : Experiences| | | | |

|and Outcomes |Core Learning |Learning & Teaching |Resources |Assessment |

| | |Class / School / Home / Parish | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class – Teacher will assign one of the following saints to each group in the class. |Internet Access |Children will reflect o the |

| | |The children will research and create a short PowerPoint presentation on their given | |lives of saints and their |

| | |saint. | |connection to the gift of |

| | |St Cecilia, St Lucy, St Aloysius, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, Blessed Pier Giorgio | |the Holy Spirit |

| | |Frassati. | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Class – Children should reflect on their chosen Confirmation saint. They should write| | |

| | |a brief biography followed by a personal account of how their saint has been an | | |

| | |example in their lives. | | |

| | |Children should write a short prayer of intercession to their saint. | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |KEY VOCABULARY: Saint, Blessed, statues, pictures, icons, intercede to God on my | | |

| | |behalf, called to discipleship, called to serve | | |

Feast Days of Mary

Using a liturgical calendar find the Marian feasts celebrated on the following dates.


Choose one of the feast days above, research and write a short paragraph about this event in this life of Mary.

Mary – The Perfect Role Model

Look up the following Bible references. Unscramble the words to find out the name of the story.

Our Lady of Czestochowa

Saint Luke the Evangelist, according to tradition, is believed to be the original artist of this painting in which Mary is depicted holding the Christ Child. This sacred picture, enshrined and venerated at the renowned Marian Shrine in Poland, was first brought from Jerusalem through Constantinople and was bestowed to the Princess of Ruthenia. It was brought to Poland in 1382 through the efforts of Ladislaus of Opole who had discovered it in a castle at Belz. To ensure its protection, he invited the Monks of Saint Paul the First Hermit from Hungary to be its guardians.

From this time onward, the historic records of the painting are documented and authenticated by the miracles associated with the painting. In 1430, a devastating attack on the Polish Shrine resulted in tragic losses and the damaging of the holy picture. To this very day, despite the attempts to repair the damage, the slashes on the face of the Virgin Mary are still visible.

The foundation of the Monastery and Shrine in Czestochowa began with a small wooden church. Subsequent development (1632-48) led to the construction of the present day basilica and defense wall which surrounds the sacred buildings. Under the heroic leadership of the Prior of the Monastery, Father Augustine Kordecki, the Shrine withstood the attacks of the Swedish Invasion of 1655. This great victory proved to be a tremendous boost to the morale of the entire Polish nation.

As a result, King Jan Casimir, in 1656, made a solemn vow proclaiming the Mother of God to be the "Queen of the Polish Crown" and the Shrine of Jasna Gora to be the "Mount of Victory" and a spiritual capital for Poland.

During the years of Poland's partition (1772-1918) the Shrine of Jasna Gora became a vibrant link for the Polish people with their homeland. The holy painting enshrined at Czestochowa beamed as a lighthouse of hope during the painful years of national hardships and defeats.

Following the restoration of national independence in 1918, pilgrimages to the Polish Shrine grew in number and size. As World War II ended, a nation devastated by the scourges of war drew new strength and courage from the Shrine to rebuild and recover from the war. Today the Shrine of Czestochowa in Poland attracts millions of worshipers and tourists who come to honor the miraculous image of Our Lady of Czestochowa.

In 1966, in celebration of the 1000th Anniversary of Poland's Christianity, a National Shrine to Our Lady of Czestochowa was dedicated in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, and is under the direction of the Pauline Fathers and Brothers who also administer the Shrine in Poland.

Hail Holy Queen

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus, O merciful, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.

The Luminous Mysteries



1.The Assumption

2. The Luminous Mysteries

3. The Holy Spirit – 7 Gifts

1st January = ____________________

11th February = ____________________

25th March = ____________________

15th August = ____________________

8th September= ____________________

7th October = ____________________

8th December = ____________________

1. NCUINANATAINO……………………………………… (Luke 1:26-38)

2. DDNIEGW TA NAAC……………………………………..(John 2:1-12)

3. THBRI FO SUSEJ…………………………………………..(Luke 2:1-20)

4. NETSAEPNIORT……………………………………………(Luke 2:21-28)

5. TOFO FO EHT SCORS………………………………………(John 19:25-27)

6. STEPTNOCE………………………………………………….(Acts 1:13-14 & 2:1-4)

Write a few sentences about what we can learn from Mary in these stories in your jotter. Draw a symbol next to each explanation.


The second Luminous Mystery is __________________________

It can be found in the book of __________________________

Bible Reference ______________________

The third Luminous Mystery is __________________________

It can be found in the book of __________________________

Bible Reference ______________________


The fifth Luminous Mystery is __________________________

It can be found in the book of __________________________

Bible Reference ______________________

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


Right Judgement















Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.

O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, Through Christ Our Lord, Amen.


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