
Kingdome Of Saudi Arabia

Ministry Of Education

Education Management Of ……………………

Education Office ………………….

School : ..............................

|الصف : الأول المتوسط |الفصل الدراسي : الأول |


Year: 1435 / 1436 H

|The Principle |Supervisor |Teacher |

|............................ |............................ |............................ |

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. Brazil China Italy Egyptian …………………………….

2. doctor nurse father chef …………………………….

3. my he his your …………………………….

2. Circle the correct word:

1 - Hello. ( My – our ) name's Sami.

- ( Is – Are ) you from Jeddah?

- No, ( you're – I'm ) from Riyadh.

2 - This is my brother. ( His – Her ) name is Ali.

- ( Is he – He is ) a teacher?

- No, he ( is – isn't ). ( His – He's ) a doctor.

3. Complete with the words in the box:

How – Where – Are – What – Is

1. ……………………… is your name?

2. ……………………… are you from?

3. ……………………… old are you?

4. ……………………… they your parents?

5. ……………………… he a waiter?

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. Thursday Monday morning Sunday …………………………….

2. football Italy tennis swimming …………………………….

3. What clock Where Who …………………………….

4. Sunday Riyadh Jeddah New York …………………………….

2. What's the time?:

|1 | |…………………………………………………………………… |

|2 |[pic] |…………………………………………………………………… |

|3 |[pic] |…………………………………………………………………… |

3. Complete with the words in the box:

What's – Who's – What's – Is – What

1. ……………………… day is it today?

2. ……………………… the time?

3. ……………………… your favourite player?

4. ……………………… your favourite sport?

5. ……………………… it the yellow clock?

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. Arabic Art tennis science …………………………….

2. what where who is …………………………….

3. Mr Mrs teacher Miss …………………………….

2. Match questions and answers:

|1. How old are you? |( |) a. tennis. |

|2. What's your favourite subject? |( |) b. It's Sunday. |

|3. Where are you from? |( |) c. I'm thirteen. |

|3. What's your favourite sport? |( |) d. It's history. |

|5. What day is it today? |( |) e. Saudi Arabia. |

3. Punctuate:

1. my name is fahad


2. he s from suadi arabia


3. are you good at arabic


1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. cap glasses bike rollerblades …………………………….

2. hoody watch jeans leggings …………………………….

3. these those that shoes …………………………….

2. Circle the correct word:

1 - I ( 've got – 's got ) a dog.

- ( Has it – It has ) a long tail?

- No, it ( has – hasn't ). It ( have – has ) a sort tail.

2 - ( This – these ) is my brother.

- Are ( these - that ) your parents?

- No. ( These – Those ) are my parents over there.

3. Write the plural:

1. baby …………………………….

2. woman …………………………….

3. dress …………………………….

4. watch …………………………….

5. foot …………………………….

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. leg arm hand belt …………………………….

2. spider snake foot parrot …………………………….

3. ride swim paint face …………………………….

2. Circle the correct word:

1. ( Who's – Whose ) he?

He's my ( father's – fathers' ) brother. He's my uncle Ali.

2. ( Whose – Who's ) house is this?

It's my ( uncle's – uncles' ) house. They both live here.

3. ( Can Sami – Sami can ) swim?

No, he ( can – can't ). But ( he can – can he ) ride a bike.

3. Match questions and answers:

|1. Have you got a pet? |( |) a. I can ride a bike. |

|2. Is your pet a rabbit? |( |) b. Yes, I have. |

|3. What can you do well? |( |) c. No, it isn't. |

|3. Can Ali swim well? |( |) d. It's Ali's. |

|5. Whose car is this? |( |) e. Yes, he can. |

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. chubby hair short tall …………………………….

2. man boy tall girl …………………………….

3. parrot tail spider rabbit …………………………….

2. Choose a or b:

1. ………………………… bike is this?

a. Who's b. Whose

2. My ……………………… names are Sami and Fahad.

a. cousin's b. cousins'

3. ……………………… that man?

a. Who's b. Whose

4. The …………………………… bag is here.

a. girl's b. girls'

3. Complete with and or but:

1. Saud is tall …………………… slim.

2. Sami has got a brother …………………… he hasn't got a sister.

3. Fahad can swim ……………… he can't ride a bike.

4. Ali is good at Maths …………………… he is good at science.

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. get up go home go to bed weekend …………………………….

2. noon midday watch midnight …………………………….

3. golf like baseball skiing …………………………….

2. Complete with the present simple, then circle the correct preposition:

1. Salman …………………………… ( brush ) his teeth ( in – at – on ) the morning.

2. I …………………………… ( get up ) ( in – at – on ) 6 o'clock every day.

3. We ………………………………………… ( not paly ) football ( in – at – on ) Monday. We …………………………… ( play ) football ( in – at – on ) the weekends.

4. Ali ……………………………………… ( not like ) football. He ………………………………

( like ) tennis.

3. Math:

- get breakfast

- have skiing

- do dressed

- play homework

- go golf

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. listen talk read board …………………………….

2. always usually wash never …………………………….

3. when what Net what time …………………………….

2. Circle the correct words / phrases:

1. - ( When – What time ) do you go to school? – In the morning.

2. - ( What – When ) do you do in your free time ?- I read magazines.

3. What time ( do you get – you get ) up in the morning?

4. What sport ( Ali plays – does Ali play )?

3. Put in order to make sentences:

1. likes / Sami / tennis / playing.


2. Fridays / on / Ali / football / plays.


3. father / home / gets / at / My / 4 o'clock.


4. your / is / What / day / favourite ?


1. Complete the table:

|5,000,000 | |

| |three hundred and forty-two |

|8492 | |

| |four thousand, five hundred and thirty-seven |

2. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. garage stairs kitchen car ………………………

2. bed room wall rug ………………………

3. next to on in floor ………………………

3. Complete the sentences with these words / phrases:

a – There's – the – an – Is there – the

1. …………………… a cat on the wall.

2. …………………… a car in your house?

3. Is there ………………… cat in ………………… room?

4. There is ………………… orange on ………………… table.

4. Choose a, b or c:

1. My car is ……………………… to your house.

a. next b. between c. opposite

2. Don’t sit ……………………… TV all day.

a. behind b. in front of c. opposite

3. The lamp is ……………………… the desk and the bed.

a. behind b. in front c. between

1. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more:

1. café bank library shopping ………………………

2. tenth sixth four first ………………………

3. fridge kitchen cooker washing machine ………………………

2. Complete the sentences with these words / phrases:

open – listen – aquarium – zoo – he – it

1. Look at that car. ………………………… is very nice.

2. That's Sami. ……………………… is my brother.

3. …………………… to your teacher.

4. The children love animals. Let's take them to the ……………………

5. It's very hot. ………………………… the window, please.

6. I saw a lot of fish at the ………………………

3. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-c:

a- Sure. Here you are.

b- Excuse me.

c- Can I help you?

A: …………………………………………………

B: Yes? …………………………………………………

A: Yes, please. Can you give me a kilo of cheese?

B: …………………………………………………

A: Thank you.


Module (1) 1a, 1b

Module (1) †††††ㄠⱣㄠ⁤഍潍畤敬⠠⤱††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††ㄠ⁥഍潍畤敬⠠⤲††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††㈠ⱡ㈠⁢഍潍畤敬⠠⤲††††††††††† 1c, 1d

Module (1) 1e

Module (2) 2a, 2b

Module (2) 2c, 2d

Module (2) 2e

Module (3) 3a, 3b

Module (3) 3c, 3d, 3e

Module (4) 4a, 4b

Module (4) 4c, 4d, 4e


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