
Grade 5: April 14, 2020 - TuesdayCheck- in: (5 -10 minutes) There’s a check-in at ON my teacher site. Login at the top right-hand area under Staff/Student Sign in. Sign in using this format: Smith.B123 and then add your password. Tell me your favorite pizza topping. Later on by Wednesday this will be posted for our class to see….PLUS -363505213788Please note:For Wednesday’s TEAMS meeting, please be ready by having two or three objects in your hand that shows a favorite hobby or activity you like to do. Also be ready to say your name and then tell us how you like spending your free time as you show your objects. This will be a great way for our new student to “MEET” you and for you to meet him and to find out what we have in common! Can you guess what one of my objects will be?00Please note:For Wednesday’s TEAMS meeting, please be ready by having two or three objects in your hand that shows a favorite hobby or activity you like to do. Also be ready to say your name and then tell us how you like spending your free time as you show your objects. This will be a great way for our new student to “MEET” you and for you to meet him and to find out what we have in common! Can you guess what one of my objects will be?READING Overview: Focus on inferencing skill.Explanation: Today we will review what an inference is and tie it to making predictions with the read-aloud story PASSAGE TO FREEDOM pages 15 - 20.You will make a prediction with the read-aloud and record on your PREDICTIONS document.Finally you will have time to read independently too. You will choose six lines from your own personalize reading that was powerful to you and COPY it down and tell why it caught your attention. I chose this because…. and record in Office 365Things to know:I = TE + BKHow to get to Office 365To record your Stop and Jot in Office 365 and share (see yesterday’s work)TasksResources1 Watch the model of how to make an inference or prediction with the read-aloud story PASSAGE TO FREEDOM. Click her for the pre-recorded read-aloud story and lesson.2. Go to Office 365 and create a new document called PREDICTIONS based on today’s read aloud..Office 365 Word - 3. Share it with Mrs. NoltOffice 365 (or if it isn’t working try emailing it to me)4. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Now pick up your own book and read for 20 – 30 minutes .A book you have at home, or EPIC or Tumblebooks,….5. Start a new document. Call it Traits. Choose one main character from YOUR book. Describe something that happened to him/her and share what character trait he/she modeled. Example of our class book. Mr. Sugihara was determined to get help for the Jewish refugees. Despite the first negative response, from the Japanese government, this diplomat again repeated his request not twice but three times. Finally, he….How is this assignment turned into the teacher? Office 365 with the title TRAITS and your student initilas before the title. WRITINGOverview: Identifying thick and thin questions and reviewing what you know about informational writingExplanation: You will be introduced to types of text structure. We will discuss thick questions that tie to the type of text structure.Browse the library between three themes that you are interested in researching.Things to know:What is a thesisElements of a research paper (Introduction, Body with supporting details, facts and examples, and strong conclusion)TasksResources1 Watch the pre-recorded lesson of different text structure.Click here for the pre-recorded Writing lesson.2. Go to TEAMS and get the assignment from Writing to review text structure. TEAMS (Go to Office 365. Then click on the waffle. Then find Teams. Then click on Writing. Find the assignment labeled April 14.)3. Go the library: True Flix, Freedom Flix, and Science Flix and find one topic you are interested in and think about which text structure your researching may involve…based on today’s Powerpoint. lessonElementary Resources….Then go to OFFICE 365 and type two or three possible research questions on my topic. Label your document research Q with your initials at the front. No math today – if you have a question about math, I am having a Question Answer session at 10:30 a.m.SOCIAL STUDIES: (40 minutes)Overview: Learning about how the colonists and how the soldiers were feeling toward each other and the events that caused fighting between the twoExplanation: Today you will learn about the Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, the First Continental Congress and the Intolerable ActsThings to know:Vocabulary: boycott, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Intolerable Acts, First Continental CongressMain Idea: Colonists became more and more upset with their country’s or Great Britain’s laws and began to protest, boycott, and form groups to discuss these problems. How to access technology links below: TEAMS and TCITasksResources1 Listen to the lesson introduction for unit 10 part 2 given by the teacher. Click here for the pre-recorded lesson.2. Now read TCI Chapter 10.6 – 10.8 and then page 145. Remember you can hit the button above the text and have the computer read it aloud to you. Click here for Clever that will lead you to TCI3. Hit the star above the TCI reading and it will share the MAIN IDEA of the passage. Hit the underlined words and you will be given the definitions. TCI star icon and glossary4. Complete the SS assignment on unit 10 part twoTEAMS (Go to Office 365. Then click on the waffle. Then find Teams. Then click on Social Studies . Find the assignment labeled April 14.)How is this assignment turned into the teacher? Your assignment will automatically post to TEAMS when you hit submit.. ................

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