Subject Matter Expert Self-nomination Form for Standard ...

Please return this form to sarcomm@ by May 2, 2007 with “GEN VER SARDT Nomination” in the subject line. For questions about the drafting team, please contact David Taylor at 609-651-5089 or david.taylor@.

|Name: |      |

|Organization: |      |

|Address: |      |

|Office Telephone: |      |

|E-mail: |      |

|Please briefly describe your experience and qualifications to serve on the Generator Verification SAR Drafting Team. Prefer experience in |

|verifying or modeling generator capabilities or in coordinating generator protection with transmission protection. Previous experience |

|working on or applying NERC or IEEE standards is beneficial, but not a requirement. |

|      |

|I represent the following NERC |I represent the following Industry Segment (check one): |

|Reliability Region(s) (check | |

|all that apply): | |

| ERCOT | |1 — Transmission Owners |

|FRCC | | |

|MRO | | |

|NPCC | | |

|RFC | | |

|SERC | | |

|SPP | | |

|WECC | | |

|NA – Not Applicable | | |

| | |2 — RTOs, ISOs |

| | |3 — Load-serving Entities |

| | |4 — Transmission-dependent Utilities |

| | |5 — Electric Generators |

| | |6 — Electricity Brokers, Aggregators, and Marketers |

| | |7 — Large Electricity End Users |

| | |8 — Small Electricity End Users |

| | |9 — Federal, State, and Provincial Regulatory or other Government Entities |

| | |10 – Regional Reliability Organizations and Regional Entities |

|Which of the following Function(s)[1] do you have expertise or responsibilities: |

| Reliability Coordinator | Transmission Service Provider |

|Balancing Authority |Transmission Owner |

|Interchange Authority |Load Serving Entity |

|Planning Coordinator |Distribution Provider |

|Transmission Operator |Purchasing-selling Entity |

|Generator Operator |Generator Owner |

|Transmission Planner |Resource Planner |

| |Market Operator |

|Provide the names and contact information for two references who could attest to your technical qualifications and your ability to work well|

|in a group. |

|Name: |      |Office Telephone: |      |

|Organization: |      |E-mail: |      |

|Name: |      |Office Telephone: |      |

|Organization: |      |E-mail: |      |


[1] Thes⁥畦据楴湯⁳牡⁥敤楦敮⁤湩琠敨䘠湵瑣潩慮潍敤ⱬ眠楨档椠⁳潤湷潬摡扡敬映潲桴⁥潦汬睯湩⁧敗⁢楳整›瑨灴⼺眯睷渮牥⹣潣⽭晾汩穥是湵瑣潩慮浬摯汥栮浴ഠ̍഍ഄ̍഍ഄ不浯湩瑡潩潆浲霠䜠湥牥瑡牯嘠牥晩捩瑡潩䅓⁒牄晡楴杮吠慥倨潲敪瑣㈠〰ⴷ㤰ഩऍ䙎᎖倠䝁⁅ㄔക഍

e functions are defined in the Functional Model, which is downloadable from the following Web site:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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