Best offline games free

[Pages:3]Best offline games free

Building games are one of the most-popular video game genres on mobile and gaming consoles with a host of titles giving players the opportunity to design and create their own house, city, world, or even their own computer game. While online multiplayer and cloud saves are very much here to stay, there is still a lot to be said for building games that can be played offline whether you're playing on your smartphone and tablet, computer, or modern console like the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. Here are 10 of the best offline building games worth checking out. Minecraft is one of the most-popular building games in the world due to its solid gameplay, continued evolution, and the potential it gives players to build almost anything they want. On the surface, Minecraft looks like a basic retro-style pixel artwork creating tool but its 3D digital spaces allow for the creation of some truly epic worlds that can be fully explored by players and shared with others (though sharing does require online connectivity). In addition to building structures and worlds, Minecraft also teaches problem-solving skills through its crafting mechanic that requires players to mix and match certain objects to create new materials. The addition of levers, train tracks, water, and animals add even more to the experience. Download Minecraft for your platform The Disney Infinity video game series may have been discontinued but that doesn't mean that its last entry, Disney Infinity 3.0 isn't worth your time. Disney Infinity 3.0 features a ridiculously large cast of characters taken from Disney, Star Wars, and Marvel franchises which can be used together in a variety of game modes and stories. In addition to the traditional gaming experience, Disney Infinity 3.0 also boats a collection of impressive creator tools that allow players to create not just their own world but even their own video game with trigger points, vehicles, camera controls, and a massive library of assets based on Disney properties. Download Disney Infinity 3.0 for your platform Because Disney Infinity has been discontinued, a lot of the toys and Playsets for the console versions can be bought for very cheap prices in gaming stores and on Amazon or eBay. Designer City is a cool city building sim designed for Android (and iOS) smartphones and tablets. On the surface, Designer City looks like a typical Sim City or Cities: Skylines rip-off but, on closer inspection, the differences become apparent. While most other city-building games place a heavy emphasis on resource management and the citizens, Designer City gives players the option to just build a metropolis that looks good without the restrictions of other titles. Players can enable additional rules to create a more realistic experience if they want to but the focus here is on having fun and designing the city of your dreams, not being the most efficient mayor around. Download Designer City for Android Download Designer City for iOS Village City Island Simulation is a building sim video game for iOS (and Android) devices that lets players create their own waterfront city. There are over 100 buildings to unlock and add to your city and constant challenges and tasks relating to citizen happiness and requirements to keep you busy. Village City Island Simulation is completely playable when offline and works on Apple's iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad devices. This building game also supports older devices running iOS 7.0, which should please those who haven't upgraded to the latest smartphone or tablet yet. Download Village City Island Simulation for Android Download Village City Island Simulation for iOS Cities: Skylines is considered by many to be the best city-building video game on modern consoles, even surpassing the famous Sim City franchise. The game allows for the creation of a city from the ground up and allows for some seriously in-depth management of city design, resources, traffic, and population control. Cities: Skylines is available on PC, the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and the Xbox One. Download Cities: Skylines for your platform Disney Magic Kingdoms is a free-to-play video game for iOS, Android, and Windows 10 devices that lets players build and manage their own Disneyland theme park. Unlike most other theme park building games, Disney Magic Kingdoms ignores the mundane tasks of actually managing a Disney park and instead focuses on unlocking rides and characters while cleansing the location of evil magic. Disney Magic Kingdoms does have frequent events that require an online connection but most of the game and its content can be played offline. New characters are also added on a very regular basis. Download Disney Magic Kingdoms for your platform The Rollercoaster Tycoon franchise is by far the most-popular series of theme park sims on any platform due to its in-depth exploration of theme park management and approachable ride creation tools. Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic takes many of the features from the first two games in the series and brings them together for modern gamers on PC, Mac, and mobile while retaining the look and feel of the original entries. Download Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic for your platform Super Mario Maker is an official video game by Nintendo that lets players create their own Super Mario Bros levels on a Nintendo 3DS or Wii U. Characters and level assets are available from every generation of Mario video games from the 80s through to the 2010s and the art style can be switched on the fly from old-school 8-bit graphics to modern 3D interpretations. There is some internet functionality in the Wii U version that allows players to share their level creations with others online but most of the game is completely playable offline. The 3DS version is limited to sharing via the StreetPass local wireless connection. Download Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS Download Super Mario Maker for Nintendo Wii U ScreamRide is a first-party video game from Microsoft for their Xbox One consoles that tasks players with designing ambitious rollercoaster rides and then testing them with a cast of amusing Sims-like characters. These digital volunteers will either cheer if your ride is well-designed or scream hysterically as design flaws cause the rollercoaster to fall apart or explode. Either way, the results are entertaining. Download ScreamRide for Xbox One Unlike other LEGO video games that tend to follow a set storyline and characters, LEGO Worlds tries something different by letting gamers create their own play area to explore. Players can fully customize the terrain of the world they start with and there's a truly massive library of classic and modern LEGO toy sets to unlock and use. This is a game that encourages creativity and imagination yet still guides the player with instructional tasks and tips to prevent things from getting too overwhelming. LEGO Worlds is available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Thanks for letting us know! Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day Subscribe Tell us why!

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