
Reformed Druids Collection (Ser. 64)


Box 1

64.1 The Reformed Druids of North America at Carleton College, 1963 to 1966

f.1 Oganizational Documents, 1963-66

Original Constitution, signed by David Fisher. 3 copies, two with handwritten corrections, one corrected.

Student Organization report, 1964-1965, signed by Frangquist

Student Organization report, 1965-1966, signed by Zempel

Record of the Council of Dalon ap Landu 5-7-1964 through 3-29-1966

Resolution in Council: Questions of Liturgy and Vestments

Resolution in Council. Questions of Organization.

Book of Names, listing of dates of ordinations.

Outline of the Foundation of Fundamentals.

f.2 RDNA Publications, 1964-66

The Druid Chronicles (Reformed) 1964 (two copies, one original draft)

The Early Chronicles

The Book of Law

The Customs of the Druids

The Latter Chronicles


Book of Faith (In Draft Version Only)

Epistle of David (In Draft Version Only)

The Book of the Early Chronicles, The Book of Law, The Book of Customs

What is Reformed Druidism (Pamphlet) 1965

Order of Worship (Reformed)

f.3 Correspondce 1963-1966

5/28/63 Lee Mauk to David Fisher

6/18/64 Nasons to Students and Parents, abolishing the Chapel Requirement.

6/15/64 Nason to Fisher

6/22/64 Fisher to Nason

7/17/64 Jon Kaufman to David Fisher, Druids cut from Admissions Booklet

11/1/64 Nelson to ? On the Foundation of SD Grove

11/21/64 or 65 Bardwell Smith to Frangquists on Druidism

11/12/65 Frangquist to Manitou Messenger Paper

After 03/29/66 Fisher to CoDAL on resolution on women priests.

Fisher to CoDAL Submitting Resolutions

Fisher to AD of Carleton, clarifications

4/16/66 Fisher annouces NY Grove

4/20/66 Frangquist Resigns, announces four Groves

5/10/66 Weatherford to Gary Zempel

f.4 RDNA Micellany, 1963-1966

Chant to the Eart Mother by Peter Basquin '63

A Responsive Reading For Samhain 1963

A Responsive Reading For Samhain 1964, David Fisher

Book of Faith, David Fisher

Photocopies fo David Franqust's Personal Missal.

"A Spring Thaw?" Read by Frangquist on KARL, April 1964

A Service of Sealing to the Service of Braciaca and of Man (5th Order)

"Festival of Oimelc," David Frangquist.

10/10/?? Invitation to a Special Ceremony.

Reading for Winter Solstice 1964

Advertisement to a Saturday Meeting.

f.5 Clipping, 1963-1965

5/28/63 Carleton Stonehenge: Roformed Druids Partake of Waters, Invoke Earth-Mother

11/6/63 Druid Service Chills Observes, Is Huge Success for Faithful.

11/13/63 Letter to the Editor. Tells Seriousness of Druid Service, David Fisher.

1/22/64 Arch -Druid Fisher Tells Newman Club of Druid Philosophy.

4/27/65 North American Druids To Celebrate Beltane.

11/12/65 The Way of the Druids

f.6 Photographs

May 1964.

Hotz, Nelson, Fisher, ?, Frangquist

Nelson, Frangquist, Fisher

Nelson, Frangquist, Fisher

Nelson, Frangquist, Fisher, Betsy Hall, President Nason, Robert Webb, Vic Henney

Frangquist, Fisher, Mrs. Nason, President Nason, Vic Henney

Larson, Frangquist, Nelson, Fisher, Betsy Hall, Mrs. Nason, Robert Webb, President Nason, Vic Henney

Winter '65-'66. Hill of Three Oaks

September '65 Hill of Three Oaks

Fall '65 Hill of Three Oaks

Early Spring '66 Zemple, Frangqyust, Larson.


Frangquist and assemblied

Frangquist and assembled.


Franquist, R. Morse, Zemple

Zemple, Morse,

Zemple, Frangquist, Morse




Franquist, Savitsky, Gavin, Smiley, Zemple

Spring '66 Hill of Three Oaks


Hill of Three Oaks

Hill of Three Oaks with Druids

Franquist, Fisher, Nelson, and Assembled

Franquist, Nelson, Fisher, and assembled.

64.2 The Traditional Books of the Arch-Druid and Carleton Apocrypha

f.1 The Black Book (Collected Liturgy)

Introduction by David Fisher, 01/30/64

Order of Worship (Reformed) '66. Printing of Liturgy from the Black Book.

Common Order of Worship for Samradh and Foghamhar. Ca. 1969

Oimelc Service of Worship.

A Service fir Oimelc. Zemple. Added 1966

Yet Another Service for Oimelc. Shelton, Added 1971

Service for Beltane. 1970s

Stage Directions for Beltane.

A Service for Midsummer.

Chant for Midsummer

A Service for Lughnasadh 1970s?

A Reading for Lughnasadh 1970s

Service for Lughnasadh with Prompting Sheet. Katya Luomala, 1978

Samhain Service of Worship.

A Responsive Reading (for Samhain)

Samhain Service of Worship 70s?

Service at the Winter Solstice. By Nelson? Missing from the Black Book by '69.

A Chant for Midwinter, and A Meditation for Midwinter. 70s?

Ceremony of Consecration [of Altar]. With Changes

Order of Investiture [for Arch-Druids] '69

Exorcism in Time of War. Shelton May 1970

Greek Translation of Druid liturgy, Dick Shelton and Kathy Floerke, 1970.

Greek Libations to Zeus and Athenia, Aphrodite and Dionysis, 1970.

f.2 The Blue Book (Archives of the Council of Dalon ap Landu and of the RDNA at Carleton College)

Title Sheet.

1972 Inventory of Contents.

Chant to the Earth Mother by Peter Basquin '63/

Constitution of the Reformed Druids of North America at Carleton Collge. David Fisher.

Arch-Druids of the Carleton Dynemetum (through Renata Seidel)

Book of Faith, David Fisher.

Outline of the Foundation of Fundamentals.

First Proposed Codex of Form

The Record of the Council of Dalon ap Landu (through 1971)

Members of the Carleton Grove, Samradh, 1971

New First Order Druids -- Beltane, 1972

New Second Order Druids -- May 14, 1972

Council of Dalon ap Landu, July, 1971.

Priests of the Order of Dalon ap Landu.

The Order of Grannos (4th)

The Order of Braciaca (5th)

The Order of Belenos (6th)

The Order of Sirona (7th)

Constitution of the Reformed Druids of North America at the University of South Dakota, April 1966

The Common Order of Worship (Abridged) Samradh and Foghamhar

Chant for Midsummer

A Responsive Reading for the Festival of Samhain

Entry of The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Druidical Mysteries.

Carletonian Article: Carleton Stonehenge: Reformed Druids Partake of Waters, Invoke Earth-Mother, May 28, 1963.

Carletonian Article: Druid Service Chills Observer, Is Huge Success for Faithful, November 1963.

Carletonian Article: Arch-Druid Fisher Tells Newman Club of Druid Philosophy, January 22, 1964

Carletonian Article: North American Druids to Celebrate Beltane, April 27, 1965

Manitou Messenger Article: The Way of the Druids, November 12, 1965

Carletonian Article, Druids Keep Spirit of Stonehenge, October 10, 1968

Stanford University Campus Paper: Reformed Druids Revive 'Earth Mother' Worship, 1971?

Illinois General Compiled Statutes, Chapter 89, Marriages.

Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 517, Marriage.

f.3 The Blue Book -- Addition 1976-1978

Contents of Carleton Archives, 1976.

Report of the Committee on Formats, October 1966.

Standard Constitution for the Reformed Druids of North America

Report of Resolutions of the Committee on Formats, October 19666.

Druid Calendar, 21 August, 1976, Richard Shelton.

Printout of the Computerized Chant to the Earth Mother, August 1976.

Arch Druids of the Carleton Drynemetum through Sue Olin.

Members of the Carleton Grove during the Tenure of Donald Morrison.

Council of Dalon Ap Landu, Master Mailing Lister, March 1978.

f.4 The Green Book (Book of Written Meditations) (Later Known as Volume 1), printed 1974, two copies.

Sayings of the Ancient Druids

On Religion

On Politics

On Various Things

Sayings of the Hindus

The Rig-Veda: To the Waters

The Atharva-Veda: To Heaven and Earth

From the Upanishads

The Rig-Veda: Creation

From the Bhagavad-Gita

From the works of Sri Ramakrishna

Sayings from the Buddhist Sutras

The Four Noble Truths

Questions Not Tending to Edification

The Rain Cloud

The Mahayana Ideal

From the Old Testaments

Ecclesiastes 1

Sayings of the Zen Masters

Two Mice


Gutei's Finger

Trading Dialogue for Lodging

Haiku from the Japanese Poets







Sayings of the Taoist Sages

Lao Tzu: #11

Lao Tzu #32

Lao Tzu #78

Chaung Tzu

Sayings of Confucius

Confucius the man

On learning and education

Teaching on reciprocity or humanity

Teachings on religion

On the gentleman.

From the Old Testament

Psalm 104

Psalm 8

From the Sermon on the Mount

I Corinthians 13

From the Zoroastrian Scriptures

A Prayer for Guidance

Sayings of Muhammad

The Morning Star

The Overwhelming

Sayings of the Unitarian Universalists

Out of the Stars

Sayings of Baha'u'llah

On the Soul

Sayings of the Poets

A Faery Song

Fergus and the Druid

The Prophet

Saings of (Good Grief!) the Psychologists

f.5 The Carleton Apocrypha, Two unbound originals (one double-sided, one not), and stapled copy edited by Richard M. Shelton in 1993.

Aprocryphal Works

The Epistle of David the Chronicler

The Book of Faith

The Discourse of Thomas the Fool

The Wisdom of Thomas the Fool

Letter to my Brothers

The Words of Green

The Epistle of Norman

The Epistle of Richard

The Midsummer Epistle

Outline of the Foundation of Fundamentals

Historical Background

The Record of the Council of Dalon Ap Landu

What is Reformed Druidism

Between the Lines

The Druid Calendar.

64.3 The Reformed Druids of North America, 1966 to 1981

f.1 RDNA Constitutions, 1966-77

University of South Dakota (1966)

Berkeley Grove (1968)

Carleton (1970 amendments)

Chicago Grove (1970)

Ann Arbor Grove (1973)

Carleton (1977).

f.2 The Druid Chronicles: Reformed -- Printings 1970-77, Copies of 1970 5th printing, and 1977 2nd Edition, 1st Printing.

The Early Chronicles

The Book of Law

The Customs of the Druids

The Latter Chronicles


f.3 Correspondence, 1966-71

7/30/66 Zempel to Hubbard, welcoming to ODAL (67?)

10/11/66 Report of Comittee on Format -Winston Churchil

10/12/66 How to write letters -Franquist

10/13/66 How to write a constitution

10/14/66 Reporting Resoultions -Thomas Becket

6/24/69 Shelton to CODAL, Codex, his Archdruidcy, 3rds

6/30/69 Ramstad, Director of Alumni Affairs to Shelton, addresses of Fisher and Nelson

8/4/69 Davenport of University of South Dakota to Shelton, no addresses for Belof or Hubbard

8/26/69 Shelton to University of South Dakota Office of Admissions requesting addresses.

10/16/69 Shelton to CODAL on Codex

10/23/69 Franquist to Shelton, re Codex

11/28/69 Fisher to Shelton, re Codex, paraphenalia

11/28/69 Fisher resigns Patriarch of Grannos, transfer to Shelton

04/07/70 Shelton to Fisher on vestments and 4th Order

04/08/70 Shelton to CODAL, withdrawing Codex, priestesses

04/11/70 Shelton to Larson, Codex and Priestesses

04/13/70 Fisher to Shelton resolution about Patriarchy

04/13/70 Fisher on origins and who wrote what

04/19/70 Shelton to Frangquists, priestesses and Codex

04/20/70 Shelton to Fisher on priestesses and proposal

04/26/70 Franquist to Shelton on Priestesses and Dean of Druidic Textology

08/08/70 Shelton to Hirsch, saying hello.

70/71 Morrison asking for Druid Chronicles.

05/01/71 Shelton to CODAL, New Consecrations, Priestesses.

5/71 Zempel to Shelton

5/27/71 Henney to ?, update on status.

7/25/71 Shelton to CODAL, end of term.

f.4 Correspondence, 1972-75

03/08/72 McDavid to CODAL, assuming office, Resolutions before CODAL

04/01/72 Bonewits to McDavid, new grove, SCA

04/25/72 McDavid to Bonewits, new grove, SCA

05/20/72 Shelton to McDavid, proposals

06/06/72 McDavid to CODAL, proposals, new members.

06/26/73 Melton to Fisher, about article

07/13/73 Fisher to Melton, about article

01/13/74 Rodda to Penick Information About Carleton Druids.

06/18/74 Bonewits to CODAL, Eclectic Reconstructionist Neo-Pagan Priestcraft.

08/10/74 Renny to Bonewits, against proposals.

08/11/74 Ellen Shelton to Bonewits, against proposals

08/14/74 Shelton to CODAL, Bonewits, Letter of Green

09/03/74 MacInnes to Isaac

01/14/75 Basquin to Bonewits, Chant to the Earth-mother

f.5 Correspondence, 1976

02/09/76 Bonewits about Chronicles.

02/10/76 Messenger to Bonewits, slides of early services.

03/12/76 Bonewits to Fisher, Chronicles.

04/01/76 Bonewits about Chronicles

04/10/76 Shelton to Morrison, lost archives.

04/10/76 Shelton to Isaac about Chronicles.

04/15/76 Morrison to Shelton, restarting Carleton Grove.

04/19/76 Bonewits to Shelton, Chronicles

04/21/76 Shelton to Morrison, Ann Arbor Grove.

04/21/76 Shelton to Morrison, summer, how to do service.

04/26/76 Erbe to CODAL, Morrison AD

05/01/76 Shelton to Isaac, Chronicles.

05/02/76 Shelton to Morrison on AD

05/05/76 Morrioson to Shelton Isaac's visit.

05/05-08/76 Shelton to Frangquists, Chronicles

05/08/76 Morrison to Shelton 3rd Order Ordination

05/09/76 Morrison to Shelton. Re Isaac's visit

05/12/76 Shelton to Bonewits, Corrections. Letter from Bonewits, 05/04 on reverse.

05/16/76 Bonewits to Shelton, Call for Corrections

05/20/76 Morrison to Shelton about Mai Fete.

05/24/76 Nelson to Bonewits Chronicles, Identifications.

76 Dave to Bonewits, Identifications

76 Annonymous to Bonewits, Identifications

05/26/76 Larson to CODAL First Epistle

05/26/76 Shelton to Bonewits about controversy

05/27/76 Shelton to Bonewits Green Book, Ann Arbor

05/29/76 Ellen Shelton to Larson, RDNA vs NRDNA

05/30/76 Shelton to Bonewits, final corrections

06/05/76 Morrison to Shelton Grove Continuity

06/08/76 Franquists to Sheltons, Isaac Affair with Midsummer Epistle to gathered Druids

06/76 Zempel to Shelton, Resinging 7th Order

06/30/76 Shelton to Zemple about SDNA, RDNA, NRDNA

07/01/76 Shelton to Franquists. Re Midsummer.

07/02/76 Larson, Final Version of Chronicles

07/09/76 Morrison to CODAL, matters of Council

07/13/76 Nelson to Morrison on Reunion.

07/15/76 Morrison to Larson, Chronicles

07/18/76 Sheltons to CODAL Conspiracy of Archdruids

08/06/76 Bonewits to Provisional Council of Archdruids Chronicles

08/13/76 Morrison to Sheltons 3rd Order Ritual.

08/17/76 McQuillan to Morrison, re letter to CODAL

08/24/76 Larson to Morrison History of Grove

08/26/76 McDavid to Morrison on Reunion

09/02/76 Shelton to Penick, List of Arch Druids

09/09/76 Morrison to Sheltons, Corey Materials.

09/14/76 Larson to Provisional Council Reports

10/21/76 Gerre to Bonewits, Chronicles

f.6 Correspondence, 1977-81

02/01/77 Carruth to All, Dian Cecht

02/01/77 Fierbe to Morrison (incomplete)

05/22/77 Morrison to Sheltons, New Order (Dian Cecht?), Olin as AD

05/26/77 Shelton to Morrison, Carruth

10/16/77 Letter to Suburban Tribune, Errors in Articles

03/03/78 Morrison to CODAL, Sue Olin as new AD

06/17/78 Zempel to Luomala, Visit to Carleton

08/01/78 Luomala to CODAL, AD, Order of Lugh

c. 1980 Luomala to Schultz on Isaac Affair.

07/15/81 Shelton to Susan ? about keeping Druids going.

08/81 Carruth to ADs and Solitary Thirds, Higher Orders, CoCODAL

11/81 Carruth to CODAL Higher Orders, Dian Cecht

f.7 RDNA Miscellany 1966-79


Shelton Notes on Paraphenalia

Ordinary Service with Gaps

Note on the Reformed Druid Symbol

Shelton's 1970 notes concerning the Chant to the Earth-Mother

Shelton's 1976 notes on the Druid Calendar

An undated RDNA Marriage Ceremony

Katya Luomala's notes on the Order of Lugh

The Liturgy of the Druids, Berkley

What is Reformed Druidism

f.8 Clippings, 1968-79

Purdue Exponent, Druids Perform Ancient Rituals, 10/8/68

Carletonian, Druids Keep Spirit of Stonehenge, 10/10/68

Reformed Druids at Purdue, 1969 ?

Druids Celebrate Oimelc, 01/5/70, Purdue

KARL Noon News Bulletin, Druid Festival of Oimelc, 01/30/71

Reformed Druids Revive 'Eath Mother Worship,' ca. 1971 Stanford

Carletonian, Druids bring popular alternative to established religion, 9/30/76

Algol, Richard Shelton, Donald morrison, Steve Corey, 1977

Selections for Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon

f.9 Photographs

Donations of Nelson and Bonewits

Monument Hill

Hill of Three Oaks (7)


Photos Donated by Bonewits

Copy's of Photos used for DC(E)?

5/21/66 Franquist installing Zemple to Sirona

Monument on Monument Hill (2)

Hill of Three Oaks

Altar Stone on Hill of Three Oaks

Box 2

64.4 Other Branches of the Reform

f.1 The Druid Chronicles (Evolved), 110pgs

Edited 1976 by Isaac Bonewits. Contents:

Reformed Druids?!? (or: What & Why is Reformed Druidism in the 1970's?)

The Chronicles of the Foundation


The Early Chronicles

The Book of the Law

The Customs of the Druids

The Latter Chronicles

The Book of Meditations

The Books of the Apocrypha


The Book of Faith

The Epistle of David the Chronicler

The Outline of the Foundation of Fundamentals

Leabhar Toirhealbhaigh

The First Epistle of Isaac

The Book of Changes

The Epistle to the Myopians

The Second Epistle of Isaac

The Liturgy of the Druids


The Order of Common Worship for Geimredh & Earrach

The Order of Common Worship for Samradh & Foghamhar

The Ordination to the Second Order

[The Ordination to the Third Order -- not present in this copy]

Some Special Orders of Worship for the High Days

Some Rituals for Weddings & Handfastings

Suggestions for a Druid Funeral

The Gaelic Rituals

The Urtext Rituals

Further Laws, Customs and Ordinances

The Constitutions

The Records of the Council of Dalon Ap Landu

The Names of the Druids

Miscellaneous Customs and Liturgical Notes

The Tally of the Years

The Druid Calendars

The Great Druish Books


The Mishmash of Hasidic Druidism

The Te-Mara: Commentaries on the Mishmash

Considdur: The Alternatives

The Druid Miscellany

The Pronounciation of Gaelic Terms

A Guide to Gaelic Dieties

The Book of Bards

The Other Druids

Pagan Musings

A Basic Wiccan Rite

The Book of Footnotes

A Bibliography of Druidism

f.2 The Druid Chronicles (Evolved) -- Copy 2

f.3 The Druid Chronicler, Vol. 1, 1977-78

Druid Chronicler Vol.1 No.1, Dec. 1977

A Druid Newsletter!

Grove Meetings


Grove Mutations in 15 y.r.

AD's New Phone Number

Celtic Library

About the Chronicles

Druid Calendar

Active Groves

Druid Chronicler Vol.1 No.2, Mar. 1978

About this Newsletter


Mother Grove Spring Equinox

Mother Grove Druid Nights

More on Open Ceremonies

Druid Education

The British Druids

Information Booklets

MG Highday Celebrations

Ritual Writing Contest

Ritual Vestments

Protogrove News

SDNA Internal Organization

SDNA Grand Tour of USA

New Developments with the Chronicles

Future of The Druid Chronicler

Misc. Pagan Activities

Editorial: Ecological Action!

Active Groves

Druid Chronicler Vol.1 No.3, May 1978

Bay-Area Beltaine Rites

Summer Meetings

Upcoming Articles in the Druid Chronicler

Organizational Note

Pagan Festivals


Saving Stonehenge

Active Groves

Druid Chronicler Vol.1 No.4, Aug 1978

Bay Area Lughnasadh Rites

Wedding Celebration

Grove News


Book Publications: Authentic Thaumaturgy

Other Neopagan Publications

New Invocation

New Groves

Giant Pagan Songbook

Woad Song

A Quote from the Sierra Club

Reflections on Celtic Time Reckoning, pt. 1

Some Notes on Oaks, pt. 1

Coming Up in Future Issues

The Active Groves

Druid Chronicler Vol.1 No.5, Sept. 1978

Bay Area Fall Equinox Rites

Grove News

Men’s Groups


Name Changes?

Help Wanted

A New Special Order: Order of Lugh

More Facts about Circle

Reflections on Celtic Time Reckoning, pt. 2

Some Notes on Oaks, pt. 2

Wedding Contract

Subscription Business

Other Journals

Next Issue

The Active Groves

f.4 The Druid Chronicler (and Pentalpha Journal), Vol. 2, 1978-79

PJ & DC Vol. 2 No. 1, Nov. 1978


Grove News



Grove News

Tree Planting and Healing Circle

Reflections on Celtic Time Reckoning, pt. 3

Celtic Goddesses of the Moon, from A to C, pt. 1

Active Groves

PJ & DC Vol.2 No.2, Dec. 1978

Pentalpha Papers signed

Pentalpha Classes


Grove News


A Druid Calendar

Other Newsletters

Coming Up! : Next Issues

Reflections on Celtic Time Reckoning, pt. 4

Final Word on the Tree Planting

Celtic Goddesses of the Moon from A to C, pt. 2

Pagan Poetry Book

Notes on a Norse Neopagan Ceremony

An Invocation Poem

Epistle to the Myopians

PJ & DC Vol.2 No.3, Feb. 1979

Seasonal notes

Pentalpha First Open Ceremony

Pentalpha Classes

Bardic Workshop

Grove News

Pagans Plant a Forest

American Stonehenge

The Wicker Man Movie

Other News

A Fable

Pan Pagan Festival '79

Welsh Pronunciation

Invocation to the Elements

Nordic Ritual No.2

Reflections on a Ritual

Doing Things the Rite Way

Smokey the Bear Sutra

Articles of Association: Pentalpha

Mishmash of Hasidic Druidism

PJ & DC Vol.2 No.4, Mar. 1979

Spring Equinox

Lost and Found

Grove News

Celestial Light Show at Stonehenge

The Eclipse Ceremony

The Mating

Third Ecumenical Pagan Council


Bristlecone Pines

Pentalpha Oimelc

Oimelc Poem

Pentalpha Beltane

Druidism - Past, Present & Future Part 1: The Paleopagans

The Mishmash of Hasidic Druidism


PJ & DC Subscriptions Problems

PJ & DC Vol 2:5 #10 (5/4/79)

Beltane, reports from MG / Hazle / Evergreen / NROOGD / Clan na Brocheta / Discordians /Kungit Lund. Zell's Wedding, "Old George Pickingale", Story of the Rainbow-Chakras, Music: Let it All Happen, Goddesses & Goddesses, Let the Spirit Reach You. , Discordian Ritual about Beer, Druidism: Past Present & Future Part Two: The Meso-Pagans, Book Reviews, Mish-Mash of HDNA, Sushumna:Chakra Column again, Addresses.

PJ&DC Vol 2:6 #11 (6/21/79)

Solstice & Lughnasadh planning, "City Pagan" Morgana bro Morgang, reports from MG / Hazle /Arch grove, Icelandic Paganism, Unicorn New review, Great Healing Rite, Woman's Choice, Invocation of *@*@?, Planning Beltane, Norse Paganism, Druidism in the Past Present & Future pt 3: Neo-Pagans (RDNA spotlight), Mish-Mash of HDNA, Rites of Spring Festival, Sushumna:Chakra Column, Addresses.

f.5 The Druid Chronicler (in Pentalpha Journal), Vol. 3, 1979-80

PJ & DC Vol 3: 1 #12 (Fall 1979)

CAW chartering, Workshop, local seminars, 22nd Annual Parapsychological Association Conference: a Journey into Psientific Technology (2), An Unexpected Look at Sheep in Paleopagan Society (3), Rite Thinking-Rite Action, Arch/ Evergreen / LA / Southern Shores / Mother/ Oberon / Dian Cecht / Golden Section Order. Highdays for 18 yr, Madrakara Grove (GSO), CAW News, Reviews: Star Gate Symbolic System, Shadow on the Stones, Jay's Journal, MAgical Religion in the US: The Literature of Magick-Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism. Gnosticon I, What is a Growth Groupie doing in the ANti Nuke Movement? (2), In search of Lady Rhaiannon's Mystery (2), Sushumna: The Chakra Column (4), Autumn Equinox Meditation, Prayer for Foghamhar poem, Stonehenge poem, Two Serpents poem, Our Father song, To Lesley poem, Feedback letters, Group Contacts.

PJ & DC Vol.3 No.2 1980


Black And White Magic (A Non-Racist Approach) By Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Feminist Craft: An Interview with Deborah Bender. By Sally Eaton. .

Live Archetypes Prowl The Mysterious Mountain By Walter Breen

The Druid Chronicler

Grove News

Order News

Druid Publicity

Arch Druid Emiritus

Musings on an Ancient Religion in a Modern World. By Shirin Morton

Stonehenge Midsummer Ritual. . .

Now About Those Human Sacrifices ...By Polifonix Amorica

The Druidic Cross Tarot Layout. . .By Stephen Mccaully And Steven Goldstone

Chakra Number Three The Chakra Column...By Anodea Judith

Children's Page By Sally Eaton

Bardic Revel ...

Danny Boy

Lair of Great Cthulu



Goddess Gift

Winter's Ending

Lament of the Witch

MONEY MAGIC....By Poisson Volant

About Beltane and Lughnasadh

f.6 The Druid Chronicler, [Vol. 4], 1980-81, and Vol. 5, No. 1, 1981

Druid Chronicler Vol. 4 No. 1 , Nov. 1980

Grove News


News of the Orders

Druid Chronicler Vol.4 No. 2, Feb. 1981

Grove News

News of the Orders

Restart Higher Orders

A Chant for Spring Equinox

Druid Chronicler Vol. 4 No.3, May 1981


News of the Groves

News of the Orders

Druid Chronicler Vol.4 No.4, Aug.1981

Misc. News


News of the Orders

Important News: Restarting Higher Orders

Druid Chronicler Vol.4 No.5, Nov. 1981

Grove Elections

Berkeley Finances

News of the Groves

News of the Orders

Coalition Council of Dalon Ap Landu

Mini-Chronicles Publication

Druid Chronicler Vol.5 No.1, Dec. 1981

The Next Druid Reform

Sweeping Changes and a New Philosophy

From the Archdruid

From the Archdruidess

First Stops on the Road

From the Editor

Druid News: What’s Happening in the NRDNA

News of the CoCoDAL

News of the Orders

Druid Chronicler: Subscriptions

What Do We Print?

Letter to the Editor

Announcement: Gaelic Classes

More Subscription Notices

f.7 A Druid Missal-any, 1982-83

Druid Missal-Any Vol.6 No.1, Oimelc. 1982

End of Druid Chronicler Newsletter

Grove News

Overseas News

For Sale: DC(E)



Cartoon: Life is a Royal Bitch

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 6 No.2, Spring Equinox 1982

News of the Groves

Liturgy Additions


Druid Missal-Any Vol.6 No.3, Beltane 1982


Coalition Council of Dalon Ap Landu

News of the Higher Orders


Things for Sale

Cartoon: Accountant


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 6 No. 4, Summer 1982

Uath: Late May to June

News of the Groves

Out of Town/State Readers

Fight Back

The Marketplace

Woman of the Elfmounds

Bronze Sickles

Caswell Harps


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 6 No. 5, Lughnasadh 1982

Lughnasadh Essay: Funeral Games

Creating a Wizard Lite

News of the Groves

Cartoon: Laws of Physics


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 6 No. 6, Fall 1982

Fall Equinox Essay: Cernunnos

News of the Groves

Calluinn a bhuilg/ Hogmanay of the Sack

Now Do We With Songs and Rejoicing

The Lady’s Bransle

The Woad Song


Druid Missal-Any Vol.6 No.5, Samhain 1982

Samhain Essay: The Tuatha

Live Oak Elections


Protogrove Service Notes

Na Geallaidh / Promises Poem

Druid Missal-Any Vol.6 No.6, Yule 1982

Yule Essay: What is Yule?

Sad News: Gwydion Penderwen

News of the Groves



Cartoon: Religion in Class

Druid Missal-Any Vol 7. No.1, Oimelc 1983

Oimelc Essay: Oimelc and Brigit


Celtic Deities


Druid Missal-Any Vol.7 No.2, Spring 1983

Spring Equinox Essay: Festivals and Eggs


News of the Groves

Celtic Old Religions of Wales

Welsh Traditional Lore


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 7 No. 3, Beltane 1983

Beltane Essay: Shafts and Gatherings

Beltane, a Goodly Fire

Notes on the Origin of Dalon Ap Landu

Padstow May Song


Beltaine Chant

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 7 No. 4, Summer 1983

Summer Solstice Essay: Danu & Dianna

News of the Groves

Cartoon: Leprechauns

Paladin has Finished Casting the Bronze Sickles


Tuatha De Danann Family Tree

Druid Missal-Any Vol.7 No.5, Lughnasadh 1983

Lughnasadh Essay: Funeral Games, pt 2

News of the Groves

Come to a Handfasting

Happy Lughnasadh: The Paper Work Harvest

Cartoon: Leprechauns

Bronze Sickles


Celtic Cosmos Chart

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 7 No. 6, Fall 1983

Fall Equinox Essay: Archeo-Astronomy

News of the Groves

Wedding Pictures


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 7 No. 7, Samhain 1983

Samhain Essay: Talking to Ancestors

News of the Groves

Druidic Crossword Puzzle


Announcement: Circle

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 7 No. 8, Yule 1983

Yule Essay: Midwinter

News of the Groves

Samhain Issue Puzzle

The Missal-Any Fashion Page


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 8 No. 1, Oimelc 1984

Oimelc Essay: Bridgit

Structural Materialism and Religious Ritual

News of the Groves

The Missal-Any Recipe Page


Tree Calendar

Coligny Calendar


Druid Missal-Any Vol.8 No.2, Spring 1984

Spring Equinox Essay: Renewal and the Season of Sleep

Back to the Shadows Again

More Druid Fashions

News of the Groves

Cartoon: Shamrock Glasses


Druid Missal-Any Vol.8 No.3, Beltane 1984

Beltane Essay: Indo-European Drink and Sacrifice

News of the Groves

Archaeology: Two Remarkable Inscribed Stones

Poison Oak & Plantain

An Tus Y Dechcrau: A Creation Story


Cartoon: Bug Infestation

Druid Missal-Any Vol.8 No.4, Summer 1984

Summer Solstice Essay: Danu and Megaliths



Post Oak Proto-Grove

Mount Cua


News of the Groves

Grove Pictures

Druid Missal-Any Vol.8 No.5, Lughnasadh 1984

Lughnasadh Essay: Rosmearta

News of the Groves

More and Newer Recommended Reading

Lighter Literature


Cartoon: Druids in Tree

Druid Missal-Any Vol.8 No.6, Fall 1984

Fall Equinox Essay: Cernunnos

Suibhne the Wild Man of the Forest

Cartoon: Cave Art

News of the Groves

Feed Back: Megaltihs


Election Notice

Druid Missal-Any Vol.8 No.7, Samhain 1984

Samhain Essay: The End of Summer

News of the Groves

Feed Back: On the Cleom Trom

Candle Staring


Notice!: Election

Mountain Streams, song

Talking with Trees, song

Druid Missal-Any Vol.8 No.8, Yule 1984

Yule Essay: Mistletoe and the Golden Sickle

News of the Groves

The Grave of the Sun: Newgrange

Cartoons: Celtic Sayings

Samhain: Welsh Folk Customs for Pagans at Nos Galan Gaeaf


Cartoons: More Celtic Sayings

Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.1, Oimelc 1985

Oimelc Essay: Brigit

Hymn to Three Brigits

News of the Groves

Two Definitions

Notes on Oimelc and Brighit

Cartoon: Javacrucian

Polytheism Rediscovered


Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.2, Spring 1985

Spring Equinox Essay: Spring Rites

News of the Groves

Druid’s Chant

Hatching Blessing

Statement of Policy

Cartoon: Alchemist


Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.3 Beltane 1985

Beltane Essay: May Pole & Shamanism

Cartoons: Preppie Pagans

News of the Groves

To a Birch-Tree Cut Down, and Set Up in Llanidloes for a Maypole.

Poison Oak and Plantain

Cartoon: Shinto

Have you Hugged Your Tree Today?

Cartoon: Reincarnation


Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.4, Summer 1985

Summer Solstice Essay: Solstice and Stonehenge

A Different Derivation of the Name Dalon ap Landu

News of the Groves

A Guide to Celtic Deities

Cartoon: Bardic Warfarce


Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.5, Lughnasadh 1985

Fall Equinox Essay: Reaping and the Last-Sheaf

Non-Profit Document

Gaulish Gods

News of the Groves

Cartoons: Lumberjack

Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.6, Fall 1985

Samhain Essay: Brian Michael and Bonnachann

Bonnach Recipe

Cartoon: Sanctuary


Cartoon: Reaping

Druid Missal-Any Notes

Cartoon: Enjoy Life?

Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.7, Samhain 1985

Samhain: Samhain Customs


Feast of Bricriu

A Celtic Cosmogony from the Druidactios

News of the Groves

How to Take and Anglo-Saxon Shower

Personals/Leah Garchick

Cartoon: Cuchulain’s Rage

The Deities of the Belgae

Druid Missal-Any Vol.9 No.8, Yule 1985

Yule Essay: Bards, Ogma and Ogham

News of the Groves


Offensive Opinions Department: Santa

Cartoons: Santa



Druid Missal-Any Vol.10 No.1, Oimelc 1986

Oimelc Essay: Baby Naming

Deidre Remembers a Scottish Glen

Cartoon: Spock

Cartoon: Thunderer

News of the Groves



Druid Missal-Any Vol.10 No.2, Spring 1986

Spring Equinox Essay: Votive Offerings

News of the Groves

Oimelc ‘86

Cartoon: Armageddon

The Heathen on the Heath: Balance & Planting


Post Oak Proto-Grove

Druid Missal-Any Vol.10 No.3, Beltane 1986

Beltane Essay: Fire Making

The Heathen on the Heath: Growth and Life

May-time, Poem

Suibhne Wild Man in the Forest, Poem


Cartoon: Fountain of Youth

Cartoon: Mammon

Cartoon: Little People


Druid Missal-Any Vol.10 No.4, Summer 1986

Summer Solstice: Fir Bolgs and Tuatha De Danann

Cartoon: Spoon

The Celtic Calendar

The Gaulish Language


Druid Missal-Any Vol.10 No.5, Lughnasadh 1986

Lughnasadh Essay: Tales of Lugh

News of the Groves

New Publications

The Heathen on the Heath: Garden Wars


The Decline of Druidism: A Time-Line

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 10 No. 6, Fall 1986

Fall Equinox Essay: More on St. Michael and His Pagan Associations

Letter to Tom from Les Craig-Harger


The Heathen on the Heath: First Fruits and Hunting

News of the Groves


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 10 No.7, Samhain 1986

Samhain Essay: The Other World

The Song of the Druid

Proof of Publication of Fictitious Business Name

The Heathen on the Heath: Dying

Chapter of Not Having to Move Furniture in the Other World.


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 10 No.8, Yule 1986

Yule Essay: Mistletoe

Cry of the Hobbit (REMOVED)

Post-Oak Proto-Grove: Druidism and Truth

Halloween and the Druids

The Heathen on the Heath: Seasonal Festivities

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No.1, Oimelc 1987

Oimelc Essay: Bride

Hatching Blessing

Letters to the Editor: Albion

Pagan Action Alert: Circle


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No.2, Spring 1987

Spring Equinox Essay: Horse Deities


The Debate Issue

The Modern Irrationalist

The Irrational Pagan

A Reply to Thomas Cross’ Rebuttal

The Heathen on the Heath: The Balanced Epistle

News of the Groves

Circle Sanctuary

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No.3, Beltane 1987

Beltane Essay: Maypole and Sacrifice

News of the Groves


On the Spring Equinox Diatribe

Albion’s Response


Cartoon: May

Cartoon: Greenman Bus

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No.4, Summer 1987

Summer Solstice Essay: Danu & Diana

The Heathen on the Heath: Praising the Gods of May

The Heathen on the Heath: The Gift of Horses


Lucid Dream Project

Unwitting Paganization Note

Cartoon: Dryad

Ho2 To Join: What is Reformed Druidism?

Outline of the Foundation of Fundamentals

News of the Groves

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No. 5, Lughnasadh 1987

Lughnasadh Essay: Lugh, Balor and Belenos


Cartoon: Poseidon

A Contrary Opinion

News of the Groves

Environmentalists Gain Goal

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No.6, Fall 1987 -279

Fall Equinox Essay: Sirona

Last Minute News of the Groves

Cartoon: Inner Peace

Post-Oak Proto-Grove: Farewell of Tom Cross

The Heathen on the Heath: The Secret of Autumn

News of the Groves



Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No.7, Samhain 1987

Samhain Essay: Celtic Feast Days

News of the Groves


Star Route Ad


Letter to Editor: Folklore

Samhain Moot

The Heathen on the Heath: Death

Albion’s Thoughts

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 11 No.8, Winter 1987

Yule Essay: Motherhood

News of the Groves



The Heathen on the Heath: Making a Tradition

Picture of Gathering

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.1, Oimelc 1988

Oimelc Essay: Bride


Arena Press Ad

Trout Creek Update Ad

Eisteddfod Stamp


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.2, Spring 1988

Spring Equinox Essay: Eggs & Rabbits

The Heathen on the Heath: Fertility


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.3, Beltane 1988

Beltane Essay: Bonfires


Some Considerations in Reconstructing Ritual and Ritual Practice

The Heathen on the Heath: Coffee & Critters

Letter from the Editor: Babies


Discover a World of Variety at Traditional Arts Programs

News of the Groves

Morbid Technology Dept: Day of the Living Dead Plants


Star Route Ad

Missal-Any Ad

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.4, Summer 1988

Summer Solstice Essay: Danu & Stonehenge

Letter to the Editor: Jim Duran

Recommended Books on Stonehenge

Practical Paganism: Caring for Your Dead Book

Sandals Ad

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.5, Lughnasadh 1988

Lughnasadh Essay: Summer Games

Coligny Keltic Calendar


Scotland Before History

A Call For Articles

From the Psycho-Techno Interface

Drought-Stricken Car Washing

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.6, Fall 1988

Fall Equinox Essay: Preparation for Winter


Albion Ad

The Heathen on the Heath: First Fruits

Spirit of Biel: Racing Car

The Heathen on the Heath: Balance & Synthesis

An Experiment in Iron Age Living

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.7, Samhain 1988

Samhain Essay: Gatherings


Samhain Liturgical Changes

Why Another Article on Scrying?


Stock Market Crash

Relative Importance of More Money

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 12 No.8, Winter 1988

Yule Essay: Alignments & New Year

Gaelic Poems

Hail Braciaca

The Oak King and the Holly King

A Druid Staff



Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.1, Oimelc 1989

Oimelc Essay: Brigid’s Monastary

News of the Groves


Four Salutations of the Day

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.2, Spring 1989

Spring Equinox Essay: The Birch

Tooth Ache Charm

News of the Groves

Celtic Studies Ad


Trees Scream When They Get the Ax


The Celtic Tree Oracle Book

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.3, Beltane 1989

Beltane Essay: Old Crones

Cailleach Bird

The Druids Did Not Build Stone Henge

A New Theory About Stonehenge

What is Alive? What Counts?

News of the Groves

A Druid Riddle

Pagan Parents and Kid- Can You Help?

The Heathen on the Heath: Babbles about Patronage

Beltaine Fire Invocation

Rome Discovers It May Be Older Than it Thought

To the Editor: About Identity –Les


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.4, Summer 1989

Summer Solstice Essay: Danu & Summer Fun


What is a Henge?

Human Sacrifice – Myth or Reality?

The Pagan Anti-Abuse Resolution

The Heathen on the Heath: War on the Plants


NRDNA & Abortion


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.5, Lughnasadh 1989

Lughnasadh Essay: Lugh the Protestor

News of the Groves

Temple of Anaistis?

Letter to the Editor: Song Clipping


Recycling Ads


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.6, Fall 1989

Fall Equinox Essay: Cernunnos and Dances


Food for Free: Hazel

Legal Matters


Harp Concert

Chariot Ad

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.7, Samhain 1989

Samhain Essay: Paying Respects

News of the Groves

Mad Sweeney Tradition

Further Suggestions for a Druid Funeral

Emmon the Filidh

Illinois Institute of Technology: Stone Henge

Letter from the Editor: Problems with Missal-Any



Druid Missal-Any Vol. 13 No.8, Winter 1989

Winter Solstice Essay: Mistletoe & Sickles

Food: Hazelnut Pate

Leadership Tactics of Attila the Hun: Book

Druid Guilt Department


Offensive Opinions Department: Santa

Bay Area Report: Antler Dance


To Display Our Own Magic

Sheila na Gig Ad.

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 14 No.1, Oimelc 1990

Oimelc Essay: Triumph of Light

News of the Groves

White Oak Bark Medicine

The Celtic Tradition: Book

Druid Missal-Any Publication News

The Boot Legged Concert


Strip Mining the Forest

Forest & Wildlife Protection Imitative

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 14 No.2, Beltane 1990

Beltane Essay: Presiding over the Festival

News of the Groves

Making Your Religion Work


Answers to Meditation Questions

Mensa Pagan SIG

Planet Druid Ad


Guru Ad

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 14 No.3, Lughnasadh 1990

Lughnasadh Essay: Cycle of Lugh

To the Council of Dalon ap Landu

Letter from the Editor: Sacrifice


What is Green Spirit

Linguistic Lazarus: Cornish

Cornish Unite to Revive Language


Is Goddess Worship, Finally Going to Put Men in Their Place?

Life and Death of a Druid Prince: Book

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 14 No.4, Samhain 1990

Samhain Essay: Vigiling

The Staff

Vigil Song



Ancient Europe: A Survey, Book

Leprechaun Shoes Ad

Irish Peat Ad

Irish Dance Ad

Irish Art Ad.

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 15 No.1, Oimelc 1991

Oimelc Essay: End of Publication

Norwegian Mistletoe

California’s Oak Trees in Danger

News of the Groves

The New Moon, Poem


The Mind of a Fidith

Celtic Goods Ad.


f.8 A Druid Missal-any 2000- Internet Print Outs

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 16 Issue 1, Samhain 2000

Samhain Essay: Summer’s End

News of the Groves

Resources (RDNA & Gaelic)

October Musings


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 16 Issue 2, Winter 2000

Yule Essay: Yule & Mistletoe

Poems of the Season

News of the Groves

Planting Your Own Grove

Statement of Submissions Policy

Resources (Astronomical)


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 1, Oimelc 2001

Oimelc Essay: The Goddess and the Saint

History of the Druid Sigil

What do you see in the Sigil?

My Vision of the Sigil

News of the Groves

Goat’s Milk Ice Cream

PantheaCon 2001


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 2, Spring 2001

Spring Equinox Essay: What is the Equinox?

Mad Sweeney’s NewsEquinox at the Sunwheel

Potential Cure for Oak Killer

News of the Groves

Leave no Trace

News of the Groves

Resources (Gaelic)


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 3, Beltane 2001

Beltaine Essay: Sacred Maypole Tree

Taking a Sit on Recycling

News of the Groves

Tree Meditation

Field Guides (Field Guides)


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 4, Summer 2001

Summer Solstice Essay: Belenos

News of the Groves

(Quick Order Liturgy)

What is Arbor Day?

National Tree

Celebrate the Celtic Wheel of Life

Resources (Living off the Land)


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 5, Lughnasadh 2001

Lughnasadh Essay: The Harvest Beannachadh Buana

News of the Groves

Chronicle and Ballad of the Death of Dalon ap Landu

Greymalkin Newsletter Submissions

Summer Herb Walks

The Paranthetical Epistle


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 6, Fall 2001

Fall Equinox Essay: Cernunnos (1984)

News of the Groves

Druid News Outside of the Reform

The Celtic Learning Project

Sirona’s Shower Shugyo Sacrament

Fall Equinox Ritual 2001

Notable Activities & Events

“Nuts to Carleton” Project

Green Egg on Hiatus

Celebrate the Celtic Wheel of Life


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 7, Samhain 2001

Samhain Essay: A Thin Time

News of the Groves

Liturgical Rigamarole Debate

On Divination: A Short Talk and Dialogue

Prayer and the Work Place

A Few Thoughts on Prayer, Death & Sacrifice

+Suggested Activities for Samhain

Neolithic Farmhouse Discovered in Scotland

Bronze Age Trove Found at Sewage Site

Book Review: "Pagans & Christians"


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 17. Issue 8, Winter 2001

Winter Solstice Essay: Tree Lore

News of the Groves

Hot Tub Healing

Yule Time Caroling

Various Winter Customs

Christmas Plants & Picking the Yule Log

The Wood Song

Gifts for Yule

Software Games: "Mystery of the Druids"

Oak Death Fighters Get $1 Million

Massive Earthen Hillfort Unearthed

Interesting Reindeer Fact


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 1, Oimelc 2002

Oimelc Essay: Brigit and the Flocks

News of the Groves

The Great Cailleach Search

Oimelc Activities

Life is a Birch

Fertility Cycle of Druid Year

Sudden Oak Death found in Redwoods

Miner's Lettuce in S.F.

Some Optional Things for Oimelc

PantheaCon 2002

Mistletoe Confirmed as a Remedy

Resources: Women in Celtic Myth

Resources: Celtic Women

Resources: Land of Women


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 2, Spring 2002

Spring Equinox Essay: Plowing Charms & Whiskey (1984)

News of the Groves

Why are We Called Reformed?

Things to Do for Equinox

The Hazel Tree

The Salmon of Knowledge

All's Well That's Dug Well

Winter Tree Care and Planting Tips

Upcoming Events: Scottish Gaelic Workshops in Seattle

Witness the Equinox Sunrise & Sunset at the U. Mass Sunwheel!

Resources: Celtic Curse Generator


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 3, Beltane 2002

Beltane Essay: Fire & Water

News of the Groves

Why We Are Reformed -Revisited

Year XL of the Reform

Ten Things to Do for Beltane

Ivy and the Vine

The Japan-British Isles Comparison

The Breakfast of Champions

The Druidic Candidate

Bard of the Year Contest Winner Announced

A Reformed Druid Anthology Update

Mysterious Gold Cone Hats

Resources: Basketmaking in Ireland


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 4, Summer 2002

Solstice Essay: Anu & Danu

News of the Groves

Summer Solstice Activities

The Creation of a Druid's Nemeton

The Ash Tree

Additional Notes on the Ash

Druidess: An Overview

The Most Famous Reformed Druids

The Aristocratic Warrior as Old as Stonehenge

Miscellany: Witness the Summer Solstice at the UMASS

Miscellany: Calle Berre’s Kids

Miscellany: Petrick Collection of Ancient Music

Resources: Book Signing & Review


Missal-Any Notes

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 5, Lughnasadh 2002

Lughnasadh Essay: Cycle of Lugh (1990)

News of the Groves

Some Possible Lughnasadh Activities

The Willow Tree

Heroes of the Willow

Sigil Construction 101

Irish Spring and Irish Cleanliness

Press Release: Pagan Library

Welsh are the True Briton, Study Finds

Why the Archbishop is Embracing Pagan Roots

Book Review: Serpent and the Goddess


Missal-Any Notes

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 6, Fall 2002

Fall Equinox Essay: Sirona (1987)

News of the Groves

Witness the Autumnal Equinox at the UMass Sunwheel

Some Optional Activities for Fall Equinox

High Day Song

Daily Druid Devotional

A Sociological Look at the RDNA at Carleton College

Barrows - Mounds - Celts

The Oak Tree: Quirky Quercus

Bardic Contest II Winter/Spring 2002-2003

Update on Sudden Oak Death Disease in California

California Druid Candidate for Governor Update

Book Review: Traveller’s Guide to Sacred Ireland


Missal-Any Notes

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 7, Samhain 2002

Samhain Essay: Prophesizing

News of the Groves

Some Optional Choices for Voluntary Simplicity

Apple Tree: The Fruit We All Know

The General Elements of a Dalon Ap Landu Myth Cycle

A Sociological Look at the RDNA, Pt.2

Where Are My Druid Ancestors?

Celtic Dietary Health Problems

Druidical Diet Decision Dilemma Discourse

Miscellany: 25th California Celtic Studies Conference


Missal-Any Notes

Druid Missal-Any Vol. 18. Issue 8, Winter 2002

Winter Solstice Essay: What is Yule? (1982)

News of the Groves

40th RDNA Anniversary Celebration

A Sociological Look at the RDNA at Carleton College (pt3)

The Canny Conifers

Druidical Diet Decision Dilemma Discourse

Miscellany: The Barbarians of Ancient Europe Conference


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 19. Issue 1, Oimelc 2003

Oimelc Essay: Brigit (1985)

News of the Groves

Cross Quarter Day Calculations

If the Ancient Druids Had Lived in Northern CA…

Ancient Ways Present: PantheaCon 2003

The Second Annual Interfaith Pagan Pride Parade

Book Review: Teach me Irish


Druid Missal-Any Vol. 19. Issue 2, Spring 2003

Spring Equinox Essay: Plowing and New Years (1985)

News of the Groves

News Bulletin!

Baby Blessing

Druid Ritual Differences

Cymru World Tree

Subat Ollobo!/Gallic Greetings

A Reformed Druid Anthology, Second Edition

Forest to Be Restored to Scottish Highlands

'King of Stonehenge' Hailed from the Alps

British Dig Uncover Mummies

Witness the Vernal Equinox at the UMASS Sunwheel

Interfaith Pagan Pride Parade

40th Anniversary RDNA Reunion News

The 5th Annual Grandfather Mountain


Druid Missal-Any Vol 19. Issue 3, Beltane 2003

Beltane Essay: Cattle (1985)

News of the Groves

Bard of the Year Contest Winner Announced!

40th Anniversary RDNA Reunion News

ARDA 2 Update

The Epistle of Eric

The Soul of Juliana Spring

Celtic Kelp Customs

Insects Thrive on Genetically Modified Crops

7th Annual Scottish Gaelic Immersion Weekend


Druid Missal-Any Vol 19. Issue 4, Summer 2003

Summer Solstice Essay: Stonehenge & Mugwort (1986)

News of the Groves

40th Anniversary RDNA Reunion News

ARDA 2 Update

The Forty-Year Long Protest March

A Whole of Druidry

40 Years Wandering in the Wilderness

The Soul of Juliana Spring, Part 2

Sunwheel Celebration

Stonehenge Alliance

Pagan Celtic Britain: Book Review


Druid Missal-Any Vol 19. Issue 5, Lughnasadh 2003

Lughnasadh Essay: tales of Lugh (1986)

News of the Groves

The Mountain, a Poem

Sigily, a Druidic Board Game

The Missionary Im-Position

The Soul of Julia Spring, Part 3


Druid Missal-Any Vol 19. Issue 6, Fall 2003

Fall Equinox Essay: Michaelmas & Struans

News of the Groves

Reflections on the Arts Zymurgical

A Druidic Vision of the World

Mystifying Celtic Board Games

When Leaves Leave Us

The Soul of Juliana Spring, Part 4

Witness the Autumnal Equinox at the UMASS Sunwheel

New Roman Goddess Found

Austria's Road Safety Solution: The Druids

Resources: A Dictionary of the Welsh Language

Resources: Irish Trees: Myths, Legends & Folklore


Druid Missal-Any Vol 19. Issue 7, Samhain 2003

Samhain Essay: Paying Respects (1989)

News of the Groves

Dalon Ap Landu Research Project

Druidism and Wicca; a Comparison

Celtic Sports, Part One: Team Sports

The Soul of Juliana Spring, Part 5

The Language of the Picts

Breakthrough for Treatment of Oak Death

More Ramblings from Gandalf

Longtime Berkeley Bookstore Closes

Events: Oak, Ash & Thorn

Events: 3rd Annual Interfaith Pagan Pride Parade

Events: Pagan Pride Day

Resources: Music of Carmina Gadelica


Druid Missal-Any Vol 19. Issue 8, Yule 2003

Yule Essay: Mistletoe (1986)

News of the Groves

We Got Letters

More Ramblings from Gandalf

Whiskey & Whiskers: What Makes Druids Hairy?

Preserving Sacred Places

Yule Gift Ideas

Witness the Winter Solstice at the UMASS Sunwheel

Celtic Studies Course


Druid Missal-Any Vol 20. Issue 1, Oimelc 2004

Oimelc Essay: Smooring

News of the Groves

Back to the Shadows Again

Other Druids: Ancient Order of Druids in America

Other Druids: North East Druid Coalition

Resourcs: Call for Nomination for MAA

Resources: Cross Quarter Days

News: Military Pagan Network

Holiday to the Iron Age


Druid Missal-Any Vol 20. Issue 2, Spring 2004

Spring Equinox Essay: Rhiannon & Macha (1987)

News of the Groves

ARDA 2 Update

Ogham Rant

Bricriu's Bluff and Bluster

News: Pagan Fire Festival Reignites with a Fee

News: Druids Want Involvement in Stonehenge Project

News: Calif. County Votes to Ban Biotech

Announcement: Psychic Eye Book Store Closing

Announcement: 2004 CSANA Conference

Announcement: The Celtic Cauldron of Creation


Druid Missal-Any Vol 20. Issue 3, Beltane 2004

Beltane Essay: Shafts & Gatherings (1983)

News of the Groves

ARDA 2 Update

The Difference Between Wicca and Druidism

News: Sudden Oak Death Update

News: Cell Phones Alter National Park Landscape

Activities: 3rd Annual Interfaith Pagan Pride Parade

Activities: Ancient Ways Festival

Activities: Modesto Pagan Pride Day

Book Review: The Cut-Throat Celts

Book Review: Legendary Ireland


Druid Missal-Any Vol 20. Issue 4, Summer 2004

Summer Solstice Essay: Danu & Stonehenge (1987)

News of the Groves

Witness the Summer Solstice at the UMass Sunwheel

Just How Far Have We Come? (4 Sections)

Prayer for Sleep


Book Review: The Druids' Alphabet


Druid Missal-Any Vol 20. Issue 5, Lughnasadh 2004

Lughnasadh Essay Summer Games (1987)

News of the Groves

New Grove

Geasa & Ethics

Pagan Charity

News: Druid Charged for Carrying Sword

News: Bronze Age Knife Found in Wales

Events: Max Dashu Slide Show


Druid Missal-Any Vol 20. Issue 6, Fall 2004

Fall Equinox Essay: Cernunnos and Dances (1989)

News of the Groves

A Passing...

Robert Larson's Memorial Ritual

Thoughts on Becoming an Elder

Taranis Tracts

Interview with David Fisher

Seasons of Food - Figs

About Nwyfre

Spell of the Day: Ethics and Issues

NEWS: Libertarian Activist Gary Copeland Passes Away

NEWS: U.K. Prosecutors Drop Case Against Druid

EVENTS: Autumn Sunrise at UMASS Sunwheel

EVENTS: Magical Isles with Mara Freeman

EVENTS: New Celtic Music CD!


Druid Missal-Any Vol 20. Issue 7, Samhain 2004

Samhain Essay: Paying Respects (1989)

News of the Groves

The Llyr Tract

ARDA 2 Main Volume Completed!

2004-2005 Wintry ARDA 2 Study Session Begins

Druid Chronicles (Evolved) 30th Anniversary Reprint

Reformed Druidic Movie DVD Released

2004-2005 Wintry Bardic Contest Begins!

Mystery of The Dragon: a Ritual Meditation

Random Acts of Druidry

Seasons of Food, Samhain 2004 – Apples

News: Job Opening: Lecturer in Prehistoric Archaeology

Events: The Mysteries of Avalon

Book Review: Celtic and Anglo-Saxon Art


f.9 Hasidic Druids of North America (HDNA)

Constitution of the Arch Grove of the HDNA 06/16/76

f.10 New Reformed Druids of North America (NRDNA), 1970s

What is Neopagan Druidism? by Isaac Bonewits, late 70's

Processional Songs for Beltane 14 Y.R.

Order of Common Worship, Protogrove

Order of Worship Beltane

Lughnasad 78

Order of Common Worship, Samhain 78

Samhain 78/79?

Beltane Ritual 79

General Order of Common Worship, Fall 79

Autumn Equinox Chant 79?

f.11 NRDNA, 1980s

Order of Common Worship, Oimelic 80

Order of Common Worship Spring Equinox 80

A Chant for Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox 80?

Order of Common Worhsip Earrach 80

Beltane 80?

Order of Common Worship, Beltane, 1980

Special Order of Worship, Santa Cruz Gathering, Beltane 80

Lughnasad 80

Autumn Equinox Chant

Fall Equinox

Incantation of Words and Music for O Earth Mother

12/10/81 Bonewits and Eaton to Hibernia Bank, checks to Druid Chronicler

A Druid Contact Service: NRDNA form

2/1/82 Eaton and Bonewits to all, Good Bye

S.F Examiner, The New Paganism, 6/24/82

S.F. Examiner, A liturgy of dignity, 7/31/82

f.12 NRDNA, 1990s

The Dead Bay Scrolls or Apocryphal of Miracles

[Das Edda Todvolkfortgeshritten (The Edda of the People's Death March on the Beach)

The Book of Boring Times

The Book of Mr. Boring (AKA Earache Alien Mess)

The Book of Games

The Book of the 30th Anniversary

Addendum to the Ordination of the Second Order

The Book of the Laundry Think Tank

The Book of Samhain

The Standing Stone Vol 1 No 1 Spring 94

Advertisement for Druid Night, Hazel Nut Mother Grove and Summer Solstice Ritual 6/19/94

Date? Tezra to Mark (Heiman?) and Eric (Hilleman?) accompanying Minestering Onto the Multitude

Ministering Onto the Multitude c. 2/96

10/9/97 Sommer to Hilleman, informing of Tuatha de Danann Grove

The Death of Dalon ap Landu, Prose Chronicle and Ballad Versions, By Tegwedd, 1999.

f.13 Schismatic Druids of North America (SDNA)

Some Thoughts on teh Differences Between Reformed Druidism and Those Movements Known as Neopagan Witchcraft, Isaac Bonewits, after 76.

Why and What is Reformed Druidism in the 1970's??, Isaac Bonewits, mid 70's

Constitution of the Twin Cities Grove of the Schismatic Druids of North America, August 4, 1974.

f.14 Clippings, 1977-93

S.F. Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, Another Way/ Party Time For Pagans. 10/30/97

The Seattle Times, Memories Still Glow in Sunny Goldendale, 02/27/79

California Journal, Give Me That Old-Time Religion, 3/29/80

The Green Egg, The Be'al and Never End All of Reformed Druids, Summer 93

Box 3

64.5 The Carleton Druids and RDNA since 1982

f.1 Organizational Documents, 1987-

Unofficial Constitution of the Reformed Druids of North America at Carleton College, 1993

Constitution of the "Big River Grove" of the Reformed Druids of North America at St. Cloud University, Two Versions, One Dated May 95

Fall Term Events Planning, some dates unfilled.

Plan for First Two Weeks of Fall 1993, 9/5/93

Ideas for Fall '93Ideas for Spring and Fall Terms 5/18/97

Budget for 99-00 Year

f.2 FOEMAC. (Friends of the Earth Mother at Carleton)

Fox to Scharding, discrepancy in Check Request

Check Request, 5/12/94

Budget Committee Allocation Request Form, 4/12/94?

Friends of the Earth-Mother Phone List

Budget, 12/31/98

f.3 Mailing and Other Member Lists

Carleton Druids 4/24-25/82

Farmhouse Residents with those who were Druids Marked, from Farmhouse Journal.

c. 88 list of People At Full Moon Ritual, At Other Rituals, Interested, From Town

Druid Interest Sheet

Address sent from Heiko to Alice of Bonewits

Mailing List

List with Heading 'Tino said to contact...'

List of people from 70's through early nineties many with short letter codes or strings of numbers followed by a letter

'87-88 Pagan Inteest List

'89-90 Mailing List

'92-'93 List

'93-'94 Mailing List

Druids sign up sheet, includes members of classes of '94-'97

f.4 Druid News from the Hill of Three Oaks

Vol 1 No 1, Jan 1 94

Vol 1 No 2, Spring 94

Vol 1 No 3, Spring 94

f.5 Records of Council for Religious Understanding (CRU)

The CRU Review


1/19/86 (? 87)









Announcement of CRU Meeting, 2/28/94 with list of Current CRU members

f.6 Correspondence, 1982-1989

04/9/82 Frangquist to Carletonian, Druids back on campus

4/27/83 Frangquist to Lane, how is Druidism? Here are materials

4/27/83 Frangquist to Nieman, how is Druidism

5/5/83 Frangquist to Ross, how is Druidism

10/14/83 Lane to Frangquist, update on Carleton Druids

10/27/83 Franquist to Lane, DC(E) and higher orders

9/29/86 Alan to Schields, letting copy materials?

11/14/86 Greene to Bull Moose Journal, error in article

11/28/86 Shelton to Koester, offer to help.

12/4/86 Alba to Koester, resources to look into.

1986, Koester to Cascorbi, address of Bonewits

1986, Bev ? to Koester, bibliography

1/6/87 Morrison to Gruenberg, his AD, Bonewits.

1/14/87 Lesley to Koester, visit to Carleton.

2/4/87 Greene to Cascorbi, copying for Archives

11/18/87 Greene to Gruenberg, finished copying.

Letter after 2/3/87 Cascorbi ? to ? In response CRU Review depiction of Druids

6/26/87 Nelson to Voice, Druidism at Carleton?

9/14/87 Koester to Shelton, appreciate help, contributions, Carleton Druidism

12/11/87 (Post Mark, numerous dates for writing) Tino to Gruenberg

12/10/87 Llewelyn to Gruenberg, Druid Chronicles

3/3/88 White to Schields, Luomala's address

3/14/88 Greene to Smithsonian, Corrections to article

4/25/88 Shelton to Koester, Druidism at Carleton, Bonewits, get together for Beltane?

f.7 Correspondence, 1990-1994

c. 5/91, Murray to AD Carleton, Communicate with other Druids

1992 Questionaire, location of events, wording of service

4/14/93 Scharding and Davis to Carletonian, interrupted service

4/14/93 Rivas to Scharding, talk over events

4/16/93 Lewis to Scharding, unable to attend

5/22/93 Shelton, Scharding to 3rd Order

5/30/93 Scharding to CODAL, update on Carleton, 30th Anniversary

7/4/93 Neiburg to Scharding, request of materials

7/21/93 Scharding to Raymond, info about RDNA

10/1/93 Scharding to Keltria, joint ritual

11/11/93 Scharding to Frangquists, Druid to Priest.

12/93 Dalriada to Scharding, Celtic greetings

2/2/94 Scharding to CRU, what Druidism is.

1/17/94 Keltria to Scharding, letter in Imbolc '94 Keltria

4/4/94 Selena Fox to Scharding, lecturing at Carleton

4/12/94 Hafemayer to Scharding, tickets to Bonewits to visit Carleton

4/12/94 Hansen to Scharding, information about Druidism

4/22/94 Ashford to Scharding, information about RDNA?

4/94, Raven to Carleton RDNA, information about RDNA?

4/24/94 Shelton to Scharding, review of comps

4/28/94 Scharding to Grahm, vigil

4/28/94 Scharding to Curtis, vigil

4/29/94 Scharding to Bonewits, thanks for the visit

5/94 Scharding to Grove, resignation as AD

5/13/94 Willow to Carleton RDNA, RDNA in North East?

6/94 Hansen to Scharding, thanks for materials, can I get more?

7/1/94 Hilleman to Hansen, Scharding away...will pass on

8/25/94 Scharding to Hansen, notes on Druid groups

10/2/94 Harris to Hansen, thanks for RDNA info, info about your Druidism?

11/10/94 Hansen to Scharding, request for information in June

11/11/94 Forrester to Scharding, biography project.

12/9/94 Hilleman to Hansen, delayed request for information

12/11/94 Scharding to Taylor, copy of by-laws, another interview

12/11/94 Scharding to Bonewits, up to date by-laws, info about Hassidic Druids

12/11/94 Scharding to Hrobak, Graham and Curtis, keep up the good work

12/94 Scharding to CODAL, (never sent?) State of the Groves

12/19/94 Scharding to Hansen, IDA, other resources

12/31/94 Anderson to Scharding, checking up

f.8 Electronic Correspondence, 1994-1995

f.9 Correspondence, 1995

1/4/95 Scharding to Carruth, 4th Order

1/4/95 Scharding to Hansen, manuscript

1/7/95 Scharding to Harris, Reformed Druidic Wicca and RDNA

1/10/95 Hansen to Scharding, thanks for comments

1/14/95 Scharding to Hansen, more comments on publishing

1/15/95 Hansen to Scharding, things overlooked

1/22/95 Scharding to Hansen, photocopies

1/23/95 Hansen to Scharding, mss to archives, thanks for material

1/26/95 Scharding to Hansen, copy of Scharding's thesis, Celtic-Wicca, church matters

1/31/95 Hansen to Scharding, information packets

2/10/95 Hansen to Scharding, Doctor of Divinity?

2/13/95 Hansen, Druid by Mail

2/14/95 Scharding to Hansen, Naming and other matters

2/27/95 Hansen to Scharding, mss, Celtic Studies Center

3/3/95 Scharding to Hansen, Archives, Culdee, others

3/14/95 Hansen to Scharding

4/10/95 Harris to Scharding, 3rd order, RDW info.

5/1/95 Keltria to Scharding, ARDA, Keltria happenings

5/15/95 Hansen to Scharding, rewriting mss

11/25/95 Scharding to Hansen, review

11/26/95 Scharding to Hansen, final version of American Druidism

12/9/95 Scharding to Many, A Reformed Druid Anthology

12/12/95 Scharding to Hansen, correcting draft, gifts, 2nd order

f.10 Correspondence, 1996-1998

1/1/96 Scharding to Fisher, Benedictine Monk, questions

1/10/96 Scharding to Sheltons, ARDA

1/10/96 Scharding to Larson, ARDA

1/29/96 Larson to Scharding ARDA

2/4/96 Scharding to Larson, ARDA

2/14/96 Scharding to Bonewits and Sherbak ARDA

2/19/96 Shelton to Scharding, Apocrypha

2/19/96 Scharding to Davis, prejudice

2/23/96 Shelton to Scharding, ARDA corrections

c. 3/19/96 Larson to Scharding, 3rd Epistle and other materials for ARDA

c. 3/19/96 Scharding to Larson, thanks for notes

3/10/97 Larson to Scharding, ARDA

5/1/97 Hansen to Scharding, Congrats on Japan,

6/3/97 Segawa to Scharding, info on RDNA, with similar mail from 2/20/98 attached

7/13/97 Hansen to Scharding, ARDA, review of ARDA

9/10/97 Scharding to Carleton, Letter to be read at Samhain

9/10/97 Sharpe to Scharding, mailing list

9/16/97 Segawa to Scharding, ARDA, join RDNA

10/9/97 Scharding to Druids, Carleton Grove

11/11/97 Scharding to Sheltons and Frangquists

11/11/97 Scharding to Bradley, Sigil

12/1/97 Bradley to Scharding, thanks for the support

2/23/98 Scharding to Segawa, Druids

4/6/98 Scharding to Carleton Druids

4/8/98 Segawa to Scharding

4/26/98 Hansen to Scharding, Marriage, Out of the Country.

5/5/98 Chafee to Scharding, RDNA?

5/7/98 Sade to Scharding Carleton Update

6/1/98 Segawa to Scharding, meeting

7/22/98 Hopkins to Scharding, herbalism, RDNA

8/98 Scharding to Weber

9/1/98 Scharding to Hopkins

9/6/98 Irony to Radke, press release on Druids

10/9/98 Hopkins to Scharding

f.11 Electronic Correspondence, 1996-1998

f.12 Correspondence, 1999-

c. 2/99 Burridge to Sade, energy experiment

c 99 Hill to Phelps, Indian Culture

c. 99 Hill to Sade, meeting

5/5/99 Scharding to Hadjer

5/18/99 Scharding to Sade, future ARDA documents

5/19/99 Scharding to Weber 3rd Order

6/99 Sade to Scharding, after retiring

1/10/00 Scharding to Sade, Tonga

4/22/00 Sade to Scharding Druidism in a non northern temperate world

5/28/00 Scharding to Vaughn, Sigil, Japanese Paganism

6/3/00 Sade to Scharding, Order of Volcano

9/9/00 Scharding to Sade

10/9/00 Tegwedd to Hilleman and Heiman, Death of Dalon ap Landu

2/20/01, Hansen to Scharding, Welcome Back

8/27/03 Crimmins to Fisher, short hello.

f.13 Electronic Correspondence, 1999

Box 4

64.5 Continued

f.14 Electronic Correspondence, 2000

f.15 Vax Conference: Talk Christianity

Carleton Groups



Christian Intolereance of Other Religions at Carleton

f.16 Vax Conference: Druids

The Wonderful Phone System

Updated Reading List

Ritual Variations

We don't have that, but we could order it



Wild 'Ritual' Ideas

Fishing for Photos

To Build a fire

Activities Festival

Pagan Studies

She'll be full and white and heavy, when she comes


Mystical Experiences

Some Circle News

Internet Resources


Archival Project

Oimelc 93

Are We Druids Getting Old


Equinox Ritual at Arcosanti

Saturday Noon Rituals

Sacred Erisian High (Silly) Mass


Full Moon Ritual

f.17 Vax Conference: Druids

Pagan Spirit Gathering

Is there anybody out there?

Winged spirits

two ideas

voices from the past





Stories from the Outside World

Autumn Equinox

Friends of the Earth Mother

Universal Life Church

Summer 1994 at Carleton

These ARE the "Burning Times!"

Paganism: the breaskfast cereal

Harvest Moon/Equinox

Summer 1995

Scheduling Topic

Big River Grove, St. Cloud


RDNA Anthology

Awake all ye spirits!

I have lots of time to read silly mail, really i do

Chocolate, anyone? :)

thoughts on paganism in general (discussion anyone?)

spells for every occasion


Herbs and plants and roots (oh my)

Another Topic for Thought: Similar or Stealing

A Pagan Wedding

Irish Druids

Tea and headache. Kinda mundane. ++


Ceremony-mony-mony *Hey hey what what*

The Fear Ceremony-Anyone Interested?


Druid Potluck!!

Druid Interest House



f.18 Druid Notebook/Binder,

Druid Notebook Briefer on donation on 2/2/93

2/2/93 Copy and Final Original as donated

Introduction and Full Moon Ritual Information

Introduction: Reformed Druids?!? (from DC(E))

Handwritten note from Andrea Davis about DC(E)

Rituals and Reactions

Beltane Ritual 5/1/90

Excerpt from the Spiral Dance

Circles (song) by Gwen Zak Moore

Lord of the Dance

We need help with Beltane (sign up sheet dated (?) 27.iv.90)

Beltane ritual from the DC(E)

Note 5/2/90, Ritual was cancelled

Outline of ritual, 4/9

Reactions, one entry, 4/13

Discussion Section

Question about making a charm and group magic

Are rituals structured?

Unity and Communioty among druids

Nudity at rituals

Where are people house next year (5/27/90) No responses

Old Mailings

9/17/90 The Druid Newsletter

Spring term schedule, introduction to Druid Notebook

Winter term information

fall Druid Newsletter (seems to be same as 9/17/90 above, but with different typing)

Evenstar bookstore SERVICES

bibliography sent to an email list

Goddess Songs and Stories (list)

f.19 Liturgy

Ordinary Service (with gaps) (from the 80's?)

Order of Disservice, Samhain c 86

Fall Equinox 87

Winter Order of Worship (writen July 93)

Another version of the Winter Order of Worship, 93, with note from Scharding

Packet with Summer and Winter Orders of Worship

Another Version of the Summer and Winter Orders of Worship (or at least new formating)

The Order of Puck

A Pagan Wedding (from Vax) 10/29/96

Copy of Beltane Service used at 40th Anniversary

Copy of Summer Solstice 2003, used at 40th Anniversary

f.20 Advertisements and Mailings

Samhain, Nov 7

Saturday Ritual

Another Saturday Ritual

10/17 Lunar Eclipse

Halloween Sweat and other

A Further update on the halloween festivities (?)

Mailing after Antiga's visit

10/2/87 Waxing Moon

10/7 Full Moon Ritual (Letter)

10/31 Samhain Services

1/21, Stephanie Fox talks on Witchcraft and Shaanism

1/30 Antia

9/87 Harmonic Convergence

90 Schedule of Events for Winter Term

Schedule of Events for Spring term

4/9/90 Ceremony Outline

4/22/90 Druid Newsletter

5/1/90 Beltane Ritual

Metaphysical Bookstore in the cities

9/17/90 The Druid Newsletter

11/21/91 Full Moon Ritual (from front of Druid Notebook)

Saturday Meeting

10/93 No Sweatlodge

10/23 Candle and Torch Workshop, Friends of the Earth Mother

10/27 Old Timers Visiting, Samhain

ANPO Workshop 11/6

Sweatlodge, service moved to chapel.

Weather decent for Beltane in lower arb

4/9/93 NNB, announcement for interrupted ritual

4/14/93 NNB, planning meeting

4/16/93 NNB Announcement for 30th Anniversary

4/22/93 NNB Fellowship of Pagan athletes

4/26/93 NNB Advertisement for Druids for cloaks

4/30/93 NNB

5/5/93 NNB

5/6/93 NNB

5/17/93 NNB

Druid Information Sheet with invitation to April Services

Druid Newsheet 93, 4/14 meeting, 4/17 Service

Druid Sweatlodge

Full Moon Ritual by Nikki's Pagan Grandmother, and correction

Beltane Ritual by Nikki

Druid Newsheet 5/14/93

5/18/93, 3rd Order Vigil

5/23/93 Events of the past year

Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship invited to RD Service

9/93, Open letter

Activity Flyer for 9/30

Recruiting Handout

Equinox celebration

Discussion of Recent speech, 9/25

10/12 Sweatlodge

Plea for Blankets for Sweatlodge

Full Moon Ritual

Poetry Reading, 1/8

2/5/94 Oimelc

1/22 Winter arbwalk

4/1/94 Vigil Information

Beltane pushed back

4/21 and 22/94 Bonewits speeches

5/4/94 about Beltane

Another Beltane 94 information sheet, with schedule

5/6/94 Beltane time change

5/20/94 Sweatlodge

Hand drawn sheet about the Druids

Fall 97 Table Tent

Box 5

64.5 Continued

f.21 Druid Email List Email

Email sent to the Druid Email list, from 1996.

f.22 Farmhouse Journal

Farmhouse residents with Druids indicated


3/11/85 (Beginning of the Leo the Lion Controversy)


The Leo Chronicler Book II

Advertisement for A Service in Memory of the Unofrtunate Dissapearence of Leo The Lion and a description of the service









f.23 Writings on the RDNA

"The Reformed Druids of North America: Is It A "Real" Religion?" by Harriet Irwin

f.24 Miscellany

Chants I Learned in '87-'88

The Eight Verses of Training the Mind

Chants (from 87 Antiga Visit?)

The Druid's Harp by Richard M. Shelton, 6/97, three peices for the Harp




Words for Oak, Moon, and Fire

Winter Light by Richard M. Shelton

Sheet on the Druid Calendar c. 1986?

Women's Spirituality Bibliography

Hand written article (possibly for Carletonian)

Voice Article written by Shelton '71, with handwritten drafts

Carletonian Article (drafts) by Scharding

Check from Glenn McDavid to Scharding for Carleton Druids

Rune information (used in some 80's advertisements)

Qoutation sheet

St. Cloud Druid Newsletter No. 3, 1/1/96

1990 Prepreation sheet

A Guide for Understanding American Indian Beliefs

7/20/93 Sweatlodge Lecture

Energy Expermintation plan and results, 3/7/99

1990 Arb Map with Druid Locations

Upper Arb Map with important Druid Locations, 3/1/93

Lower Arb Map

Northfield Golf Club map

Scharding's Certificate of Ordination for Shelton, 5/22/93

To do list

2/2/95 AOL conversation between Mec Mec, JohnGibson, Treeberd1, IBonewits, and TopazMc

Advertisement for 800 Club

Sheets to be put in donated books

RDNA Letterhead

Result of Survey from 97-98 School year

f.25 Clippings, 1982-

Carletonian DRUIDS: They're back!, 5/14/82

Reformed Druids of North America from Encyclopedia of American Religions

Bull Moose Journal, The Carleton Druids, Fall 86.

Carletonian, Carleton Druids strive to dispel controversy and myths, 2/20/87

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Druids believe in life, again and again, 2/22/87

Voice (Practically) Everything You Wanted to Know...About Druids at Carleton, Fall '87

Smithsonian, 3/88

Smithsonian, Letter to the Editor by Mark Greene, 5/88

Algol, Koester and Cascorbi, 88

Voice, Carleton and the Churchs, Winter 88

Voice, Letter to the Editor, James C. Hall '64, Winter '88

Carletonian, Mystic Corn by Peter Denato (comic), March 3, 1989

Druids Article from ?

Magic, Witchcraft, and Paganism in America, E. Druidism

Carletonian Druids Dispel Myths, Misconceptions, 2/7/92

Exceprts from Algol 92, Group photos

Religious Activities (Handout at Carleton College ?) with section on The Carleton Druids

Carletonian, Druid Legacy Grows Out of a Hoax, 10/16/92

Nissi (a Chrisitian Newsletter) Iss #20, 3/11/93

Carletonian, Christian interrupts Druid ritual, 4/16/93

Carletonian, Christian interrupts Druid ritual; members call for tolerance, by Scharding and Davis, 4/16/93

Nissi, Iss 23, 4/19/93

Carletonian Modern colonialist attitudes oppress religious minority, 4/23/93

Carletonian Twelve Peet Peevs of Steve Lewis, 4/23/93

Carletonian, Druids celebrate 30 years of life in the Arb, 4/23/93

Carletonian, Keeping an eye on... Hidden marginalization, 4/30/93

Carletonian, Christian envisions true tolerance, 4/30/93

Nissi, Iss 26, 5/3/93

Carletonian, Posters careless of religious freedom and IVCF member clarifies poster idea, 5-7-93

Nissi. Iss 27, 5/10/93

Carletonian, College drais upper Lyman, 5-14-93

Green Egg, The Be'al and Never End All of Reformed Druids, Summer 93

Voice, Calling All Druids, Summer 93

Circle, 1993 Parliament of the World's Religions and Some Parliament Imperssions by Cascorbi, Winter 93

The Oakland Tribune, When prayer comes back to public schools, 4/6/94

Star Tribune Pagans seek respect and a place to call their own, 5/23/94

Comic of Weddings of different types, 1/94

Advertisement for American Druidism

f.26 Photographs, 1982 -

Beltane 2003

Scharding, Weinburger, Press, Carruth, and Nelson

Frangquist, Shelton, Weber, Vaughn, Middleton, and McKinney

Rose on Center Stone

?, ? Ryan-Sponberg, Seth, Van Guilder, Graly, Reckner, Wilke, Crimmins, Johnson, and Kim

Scharding, Press, Carruth, Shelton, Nelson, Frangquist, Weber, Vaughn

Crimmins, Weinburger, Press, Carruth, Nelson, Doneaux, Shelton, Frangquist, Weber

Roses and Chalice on Center Stone

Johnson, Kim, Nelson, Van Guilder




Scharding (and Christmas Tree Sacrifice) 2

Press and Scharding

Johnson and Scharding

Johnson, Weinburger, Carruth, and Press

Carruth and Johnson


Wilke, Frangquist, Carruth, Doneaux, Weinburger, Shelton, Scharding, Nelson

Wilke, Crimmins, Frangquist, Press, Scharding, Doneaux, Weinburger, Shelton, Nelson

Shelton, Scharding, Press, Carruth, Frangquist, Johnson, Reckner

Shelton, Scharding, Carruth, Press, Frangquist, Johnson, ?, Reckner

Shelton, Nelson, Wilke, Weinburger, Frangquist, Carruth, Scharding, Press, Kim, Reckner

Shelton, Nelson, Wilke, Weinburger, ?, Carruth, Frangquist, Scharding, Press, Kim, Reckner

Press, Carruth, Nelson, Frangquist, Shelton


Vaughn, Weber, Seth, 2

Seth, Ryan-Sponberg, Wilke, Shelton, Weber, Wedding

Shelton, Scharding, Ryan-Sponberg, Seth, Doneaux, Weber, Troost, Wedding

Weinburger, Wilke, Scharding, Ryan-Sponberg, Doneux, Seth, Troost, Weeding

Ryan-Sponberg, Seth, Troost, Vaughn, Wedding

Doneux, Ryan-Sponberg, Weber, Seth, Wedding

Doneux, Ryan-Sponberg, Weber, Seth, Troost, Wedding

Weinburger, Shelton, Seth, Ryan-Sponberg 2

Seth, Ryan-Sponberg 2

Seth, Ryan-Sponberg, Weber

Weinburger, Scharding, Hachi Scharding, Wilke, 2

Wilke, Crimmins, Frangquist, Press, Scharding, Doneux, Weinburger, Shelton, Nelson

Johnson, Kim

Crimmins, Weinburger, Press, Carruth, Scharding, Nelson, Shelton, Frangquist, Weber

Perlman, Graly, van Guilder, Wilke, Doneux, Johnson, Middleton, Nelson, Kim, Shelton, Troost, McKinney

Weber, Seth, Vaughn, Doneaux

Seth, Weber, Doneux, Vaughn

May Pole

Weber, wedding

Wilke, Doneux, Scharding, Johnson, Shelton, Frangquis, Carruth, Weinburger, Nelson

Scharding, Weinburger, Shelton, Carruth, ?, Johnson, Frangquist, Reckner, Nelson, Wilke, ?, ?

Nelson, Frangquist, Shelton, Weber

Weinburger, Press, Carruth, Nelson, Frangquist

van Guilder, Graly, Reckner, Wilke

Weber, Vaughn, McKinney, Troost, ?

Carruth, Nelson, Frangquist, Shelton, Weber, Vaughn

Scharding, Weinburger, Press, Carruth, Nelson

Scharding, Weinburger, Shelton, Carruth, Johnson, Frangquist, Reckner, Nelson, Wilke

Wilke, Frangquist, Carruth, Doneux, Weinburger, Shelton, Scharding, Nelson

Shelton, Wilke, Nelson, ?, Winburger, Carruth, Scharding, Frangquist, Press, Kim, Reckner

64.6 The Printings of the Drynemton Press

f.1 Reprints of The Druid Chronicles (Reformed)

Facsimile of 1970 Printing, Two Seperate 1993 Printings.

The Early Chronicles

The Book of Law

The Customs of the Druids

The Latter Chronicles


f.2 Later Day Chronicles:

The Dead Lake Scrolls edited 1993 by Michael Scharding

The Book of Introduction

The Book of Years

The Book on John Burridge

The Book of Opposition

The Book of Post-(s)Crypts: Part One

The Book of Paul: Part One

The Book of Haiku

The Book of Post-(s)Crypts: Part Two

The Book of Vigils

The Book of Tomes

The Book of the Great Dream

The Book of Fire

The Dead Bay Scrolls or The Apocryphal of Miracles edited 1993 by Michael Scharding

Das Edda Todvolkfortgeshritten (The Edda of the People's Death March on the Beach)

The Book of Boring Times

The Book of Mr. Boring (AKA Earache Alien Mess)

The Book of Games

The Book of the 30th Anniversary

Addendum to the Ordination of the Second Order

The Book of the Laundry Think Tank

The Book of Samhain

f.3 The Green Book of Meditations

Vol 2., Collected 1993 by Michael Scharding, 46pg

English Poetry

Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening


Welsh and Irish Poetry

The Waterfall

Winter and Warfare

The Mountain Snow

Sadness in Spring

Rain Outside

The Spoils of Annwn

Bright Trees

Protection of the Honey Isle

Cad Goddeu


Old May Song

New May Song

Mayer's Verse


Thirteen Fold Mysteries

Amergin's Song

The Song of Amergin I


Amergin's Song

The Voyage of Bran

The Waters of Life

Scottish Gaelic Poetry

The Duty of the Heights

The Heron

The Well

I Got the Fell of you with my Feet

My Village Tonight

The Great Artist

Love's Colors

Dathach a'Ghraidh (Love's Colours)

A January Day

The Hard Bend

Sadak the Wanderer

The Wisdom of the Greatful Dead

Dark Star


The Dream of the Butterfly

Mountains of the Moon

Volume 3 Collect 1993 by Michael Scharding, 42pg

"The Iron Flute" Zen Koans

34 Hsueh-feng Sees His Buddha-nature

10 Yueh-shan Holds it

14 Pai-yn's Black and White

40 The Dry Creek

44 Nan-ch'iian Rejects Both A Monk and Layman

98 Yueh-shan's Lake

94 Living Alone

Thoughts of Confucius

Analects IV, 5

Analects XV, 5

Selection from "A Zen Harvest"

The Tao of Pooh

The Stone Cutter

Old Age

Life in the Fast Lane

The Cork

The Way of Pooh

The Te of Piglet

Making the Best of It

Sherlock Holmes, in '-The Naval Treaty'


The Emperor's Horses


I Have Threee Treasures

Live, But Live Well

Confucius Between the Armies

The Myopians

Confucious and the Horse


Things as They Might Be

The Samurai's Late Supper




The Eeyore Effect

Poem by Scharding

Wisdom of the Native Americans

Blue Jay's Journey to the Otherworld

The Vigil

Feminist Christian Thoughts

John Shea "Mystery:An unauthorized biography of God"

The King Shall Come

Monika Hellwig "Understanding Catholicism"

Elizabeth Johnson "Women, Earth and Creator Spirit"

Lillith Stories

Original Lilith Myth

Updated Lilith Myth

The First People

f.4 A Book of Songs and Poetry

Volumes 1 Collected Aug 1993 by Michael Scharding


Samhain Procession Hymn

The Tribles Song

Moon Chant

The Caring Song

Keltrian Chant

Hymn to the Russian Earth

Circle Chant

"We All Come From the Goddess" Chant

This is my Song and This is my call

Lady Hailey of Castletown

The King of Man

Song of the Earth Mother

Eagle Chant

Dawning Chant

Morning Prayer

Circle Song

Oimelc Song for Brigist

Oimelc Silly Song of Brigit


The Thirteen Fold Mystery

Chant to the Earthmother

The Old Bard

The Four

The Desert

Night Things

Night Things Revisited

The Book of Haiku

The Dead Ghost

Three Things No One Knows

Three Things I won't Tell

A Winter's Poem for Heather

The Sweat Lodge

A Vision

Return to the Lodge

The Camel

The Prairie Fire

Sonnet 1: The Would-be Bard

The Search

The White Jewel

Sine Ceolbhinn

To Jean Sweetmusic

A Poem to my Harp

Volume 2, Collected Dec 1993 by Michael Scharding


Dark Clouds

Sir Isaac Newton

The Comet

The Cruelest Joke

The Friend of the RDNA

The Search

When I Grown Up

A Hand Print

Dancing Winds


The Rock


The End of Mother Nature


Mother Superior


From Ben Nevis

The Hill of Three Oaks: Midwinter 1964


Wood Carving

Someone Said My Name

f.5 The Book of Ancient Sources Collected 1993 by Michael Scharding, 70pg

Ammianus Marcellinus XV9,4 & 8

Ausonius Commem. Professorum IV 7-10

Ammianus Marcellinus constantius et Gallus XV 9-16

Arrian 1:5

Pausanias Description of Greece xxi: 1-4

Athenaeus Deipnos. IV 150-4,160. VI 233-4,246, 249

Dio Cassius Roman History LXII 6&7 on Boudicca

Caeser De Bello Gallico VI 13,14,16,18,21

Dio Chrysostum orations XLIX

Cicero De Divination into I, XLI 15, 36, 90

Clement of Alexandria Stromata I:xv70,1; I:xv71,3

Life of St.Columba Book 2 CH 11,12,32,33,34

Diodorus Siculus BOOK 5 CH 21:4-22,24,26-31

Herodotus Book 2 CH 94 on location of celtic temple

Hippolytus Philosophomena I:xxv

Diogene Laertius Vitae Intro 1 & 5

Lampridus Alexus Severus LIX,5

Livy Book 8:ix.7-x.14; Book 23:xxiv.9-xxv.1; Book 38:xlvii.5-11 & xxxiii-xxxv;

Lucan Pharsalia I lines 450-8; Civil War 430-450.

Valerius Maximus II:6, 10

Paulus Orosius Book 5

Nennius Historia Britonium 40

Life of St. Patrick

Pliny Nat.Hist. XVI:249-51; XXIV:103-4; XXIX:52; XXX:13

Pomponius Mela De Situ Orbis III:2, 18, 19

Strabo Geographica IV:iv:197.4,198.5; III:3:3-7,12

Tacitus Annals XIV:30; Histories III:43-4; IV:54

Vopiscus Numerennus XIV; Aurelianus XLIII:4-5

f.6 Reprinting of The Order of Worship (Reformed)

f.7 The Carleton Apocrypha

Two Copies, Edited by Richard M. Shelton in 1993

The Epistle of David the Chronicler

The Book of Faith

The Discourse of Thomas the Fool

The Wisdom of Thomas the Fool

Letter to my Brothers

The Words of Green

The Epistle of Norman

The Epistle of Richard

The Midsummer Epistle

Outline of the Foundation of Fundamentals

Between the Lines

The Druid Calendar

What is Reformed Druidism

f.8 The Book of Ultimate Answers

1994 by Michael Scharding

f.9 The Book of the African Jedi Knight Collected, 1993, by Michael Scharding, 30pg

Bantu Philosophy

Star Wars

The Empire Strikes Back

The Return of the Jedi

f.10 Drynemton Miscellany

30th Anniversary Single Sheet Reprint of "What is Reformed Druidism" with notes

and a listing of Drynemeton publications

Advertisements soliciting material for A Book of Songs and Poetry

Proof copies of covers for publications

The Dead Lake Scrolls

The Black Book of Liturgy

The Order of Worship (Reformed)

The Druid Chronicles (Reformed)

The Druid Chronicles (Reformed)

A Book of Songs and Poetry Volume 1

Book Review of ARDA by Daniel Hansen.

Box 6

64.7 Oral Histories

Abott, Stephen. Oral Interview 94, by Michael Scharding.

Adams, Sam. Oral Interview 3/29/94, by Michael Scharding.

Bradley, Michael. Oral Interview 3/30/94, by Michael Scharding.

Carruth, Joan. Oral Interview 3/28/94, by Michael Scharding.

Corrigan, Ian. Oral Interview 1/7/94, by Michael Scharding.

Hixon, Charles. Oral Interview 3/30/94, by Michael Scharding.

Hopman, Ellen Evert, Oral Interview 10/29/97, "Vox Pop," on "New York Public Radio," by Susan Arbetter.

"Interview with Dr. Mage," Radio Skit, 5/11/93, by Michael Scharding.

Larson, Robert. Oral Interview 4/2/94, by Michael Scharding.

Press, Larry. Oral Interview 3/31/94, by Michael Scharding.

Nelson, Norm. Oral Interview 4/7/94, by Michael Scharding.

Salee, Cindy. Oral Interview 4/1/94, by Michael Scharding.

Savitsky, Steve. Oral Interview 3/28/1994, by Michael Scharding.

Sherbak, Chris. Oral Interview 3/30/1994, by Michael Scharding.

Shelton, Richard. Oral Interview 3/31/1994, by Michael Scharding

Taylor, Tony. Oral Interview 2/23/1994, by Michael Scharding.

Tezera. Oral Interview 1994, by Michael Scharding.

Weber, Merri. Oral Interview 5/2/2003, by Michael Scharding.

Other Oral Histories at the Carleton Archives

The Following are not kept with the Druid Collection of the Carleton Archives, but are in some way relevant to the Carleton Druids. There are also a number of other interviews which may be pertitinent. For instance, Rev Maitland and Professor Bardwell Smith were both interview a number of times on various subjects and Druid material may have come up in some of those interviews.

Cascorbi, Alice. Oral Interview 10/29/1993, by Eric Hilleman

Franquist, David and Deborah. Oral Interview 10/31/1993, by Eric Hilleman

Sade, Irony. Oral Interview 5/11/1999, by Eric Hilleman

Scharding, Michael. Oral Interview 8/30/1996, by Eric Hilleman

Shelton, Richard. Oral Interview 5/8/1993, by Eric Hilleman

Box 7


3.5 and 5.25 disks, both IBM and Mac over various files collected by Michael Scharding relating to Druids, including some things in both the Reformed Druid Collections proper and the Michael Scharding Collections including much electronic correspondence, some of which appears in paper form.


Disk 1: Disk of Indexes and the Guides to these Indexes

a. Main Indexes of International Druid Archives on Disk

My1t93dx.doc = May 1st, 1993 Index to IDA

Ju7t93dx.doc = July 7th, 1993 Index to IDA

Se1t93dx.doc = September 1st, 1993 Index to IDA

Ja1t94dx.doc = Jan 1st, 1994 Index to IDA

Fb1t94dx.doc = Feb 1st, 1994 Index to IDA

Ap2d94dx.doc = April 2nd, 1994 Index to IDA

My1594dx.doc = May 15th, 1994 Index to IDA

IscIndex.doc = Contents of Isaac's deposit while visiting Archives

b. Other Document-Indexes-Lists

CROSSREF1.doc = Cross-Reference Index to IDA June 7, 1994

Combbibl.doc = Bibliography to General History of Reformed Druidism

ADlist94.doc = List of Arch-druids of Carleton

3dLST393.doc = List of Third Order Druids as of March, 1993.

3dLST793.doc = List of Third Order Druids as of July, 1993

drLST793.doc = List of known Druids as of July, 1993.

Diskindx.doc = List of Druid Archive Disks.

c. Guides to Indexes

IDAintro1.doc = Introductory Handbook to the IDA

INTdxBKS.doc = Introductory guide to the Index of Books.

REVdxbk1.doc = Guide to the Review Index of Books

1B. Backup, 5.25

1D. Working Disk

Disk 11: Various Essays and Documents

a. Short Quicky Essays

bardas.doc = I don't know why it here, either

Cloak.doc = DO all druids wear cloaks?

Colors.doc = opening sheet for Druid collection on Open Reserve

customs.doc = some notes from 1993

drudintro.doc = A onepage handout for Druids (change names at bottom)

finddrui.doc = How to find druids, 1993

freqritu.doc = When we do rituals, 1993

grovdesc.doc = description of the grove sites at Carleton

holysite.doc = why sites are holy 1993

Officers.doc = description of titles of officers in RDNA

resource.doc = things that Carleton Druids can use

whathapp.doc = what happens at Druid Rituals 1992

b. Misc Documents

adlet93.doc = Archdruid letter to all 3rd orders in 1993

adlet94.doc = Archdruid letter to all 3rd orders in 1994

Compprop = Proposal for the General History of REformed Druidism

cru.doc = Letter of description to Council for Religious Understanding

fmcconst.doc = Friends of the Earth-Mother at Carleton College Constitution

foemcons.doc = Friends of the Earth-Mother at Carleton College constitution.

Quest1.doc = Page One of the 1993 Questionairre

Quest2.doc = page two of the 1993 Questionairre

c. Long Documents and Tools

Poetry.doc = collections of my poetry (dull)

drudiary.doc = 5 years of close details of Druid activity at Carleton

Celtic.doc = a project of mine on Druidism in Fall 90, a bit weak.

Notes93.doc = recorded notes from phone conversations.

Disk 21 Druid Publications in IBM format.

Afrojedi.doc = Book of the African Jedi-Knight

Answer.doc= Book of Ultimate Answers

Deadbay.doc = The Dead Bay Scrolls

DrudHist.doc = General History of Reformed Druidism 1963-1994

grnbk2.doc = Green Book of Meditations, Volume 2: Celtic Writings

grnbk3.doc = Green Book of Meditations, Volume 3: Asian, Native American and Feminist Writings.

ordrwor.doc = Order of Worship; Summer & Winter versions, incantations and the Second Order Consecration service.

Singcomp.doc = A single spaced version of General History of Reformed Druidism 1963-1994. Less printing.

sngpty2.doc = Book of Songs and Poetry, Volume Two

21A 5.25 Backup (Two labled 21A)

21C 5.25 Working Disk (Two labled 21C)

21D (Two labled 21D)

31. Disk 31 Disk of Databases


This is the collection of info on 860+ books related to the study of Druidism. Don't print out on a whim as they are 23 pgs each.Used Excell 4.0a for the IBM

mnbkau94.xls = arranged alphabetically by author. VERY USEFULL

mnbknu94.xls = arranged by Dewey Call # or Library of Congress #. Usefull.

mnbkpl94.xls = arranged by site (carleton, Druid archives, Olaf, TC). not overly usefull.

mnbksu94.xls = arranged by subject heading and then numerical order. VERY USEFULL

mnbkti94.xls = arranged in alphabetical order of title. Not really usefull

mnbktm94.xls =arranged in descending order of how recent they are. Not really useful.

b. Review Index of Books. What I think about some of these book's worth.

bookrevu.xls = what I think about many of the books. USEFULL

c. Documents pertaining to Index of Books & Review Index of Books

This uses Microsoft Word for Windows 2.0

indexlet.doc = how to use the index of books

revukey.doc = how to use the Review index of books.

31A 5.25 Backup

31 C 5.25 Work Copy

31 D Work Copy

Druid Artciles by Michael Scharding for 4/23/93 Publications

Druid Documents 2/15/95

Blank IBM (2)


1 Publications

Druid Chronicles (Reformed) 9th Edition

Order of Worship

Book of Poetry vol 1

Third Order Certificate (male and female version)

Dead Lake Scrolls

1A Backup

1B Backup

1C Working Copy

1D Working Copy

Other Resources

Big RDNA Reference Books

Scharding, Michael, et al., eds., A Reformed Druid Anthology, Drynemetum Press, Northfield, MN, 1996. (495pg)

Preliminary Materials

Part Zero: Introductory Information

Part One: The Druid Chronicles (Reformed)

Part Two: The Books of the Apocrypha

Part Three: Liturgy of the Druids

Part Four: Tradtions, Customs and Other Irrelevant Trivia

Part Five: The Great Druish Books

Part Six: Three Green Books

Part Seven: The Druid Miscellany

Part Eight: A General History of Reformed Druidism in America

Part Nine: The Books of the Latter Day Reformed Druids

Part Ten: Oral Histories

Scharding, Michael, et al., eds., A Reformed Druid Anthology 2: Main Volume, Drynemetum Press, Northfield, MN 2004 (893pg)

Preliminary Materials

Part Zero: Introductory Information

Part One: The Druid Chronicles (Reformed)

Part Two: The Books of the Apocrypha

Part Three: Liturgy of the Druids

Part Four: Tradtions, Customs and Other Irrelevant Trivia

Part Five: The Great Druish Books

Part Six: Green Books (Extracted)

Part Seven: The Druid Miscellany

Part Eight: A General History of Reformed Druidism in America

Part Nine: The Books of the Latter Day Reformed Druids

Part Ten: Oral Histories

Scharding, Michael, et al., eds., A Reformed Druid Anthology 2: Green Books, Drynemetum Press, Northfield, MN 2004, (846pgs)

Preliminary Materials

Green Book 1: The Original Carleton Collections 1966 & 1971

Green Book 2: Celtic, Native Americans, African, Hindu & Greek Writings 1993

Green Book 3: Oriental and Monotheist Wisdom , 1993

Green Book 4: The Ill-AD and Odd Essay, 1997

Green Book 5: Chicken Soup for the Druid’s Soul, 2002

Green Book 6: The Books of Songs and Poetry, 2003

Green Book 7: Seasonal Selections, 2003

Green Book 8: Order of the Mithril Star, 2003

Green Book 9: Plants, Animals, Food & Drink, 2003

Green Book 10: Research Resources on Druidism, 2003

Green Book 11: Druidic Games, 2004

Scharding, Michael, et al., eds., A Reformed Druid Anthology 2: Magazine Volume, Drynemetum Press, Northfield, MN 2004 (750pgs + 2 CD + 1 DVD)

Preliminary Materials

Druid Chronicler 1977-1979

Pentalpha Journal 1979-1980

Druid Chronicler 1980-1981

Druid Missal-Any 1982-1991

Standing Stone 1994

Druid Missal-Any 2000-2004

Gatorr: The Rabbit Warrior DVD

Archives CD

Publication CD

Michael Scharding Papers (Ser. 105)


Box 1

105.1 Papers Relating to the International Druid Archives (IDA) at Carleton

f.1 Indices to the Archives

Handwritten papers in preperation for the indices.

Indices to the Archives

May 18 93

May 93

July 93

Sept 93

Dec 93

Jan 94

Oimelc 94

April 2nd 94

May 15th, 1994

June 15th 94

Jan 2005

f.2 Index of Books

Help in using the Index of Books 6/94

The Guide to the Review Index of Books

Index of Books By Author

By Subject then number

Comments on Books

f.3 Archives Related Correspondence 1993-

7/4/93 Scharding to Circle, order items

7/4/93 Scharding to Keltria Visit Keltria to make copies

7/4/93 Scharding to Green Egg, advertisement and subscription

8/2/93 Celtic Myth and Fantasy Billing Slip

9/10/93 Scharding to Dalriada

9/93 Scharding to L'ecole Druidique des Gaules

10/7/93 McSkimming to Scharding subscribtion, information about Dalriada

11/9/93 Scharding to Dalriada

11/11/93 Scharding to Keltria, request for copies

11/15/93 Scharding to Ian, Druidheacht

11/15/93 Scharding to Murray

11/15/93 Scharding to Circle, Circle Guide to Pagan Groups

11/17/93 Taylor to Scharding

11/22/93 Murray to Scharding

12/7/93 Dalriada to Scharding, back issues of Dalriada

12/8/93 Scharding to Bonewits

12/8/93 Scharding to Taylor


12/13/93 Scharding to Taylor

12/17/93 Scharding to Phillip

12/17/93 Scharding to Dalriada

12/21/93 Taylor to Scharding

1/3/94 Celtic Myth and Fantasy Billing Slip

1/19/94 Carr-Gomm to Scharding, publications available

1/28/94 Cathyl-Bickford, to Scharding, unable to send material, Grove disolving

1/30/94 Celtic Myth and Fantasy Billing Slip

2/94 Scharding to Keltrian

2/94 Scharding to Senior Druid

2/94 Scharding to Green Egg, Subscription?

2/1/94 Scharding to Llewellyn Publications, Tadhg McCrossan

2/1/94 Scharding to Johnston

Imbolc 94 Hopman to Scharding, Copies of Items Published to date

2/1/94 Scharding to Corrigan

2/1/94 Scharding to Council

2/3/94 Scharding to Bankin Press, catalogue

2/3/94 Scharding to Matthews

2/10/94 Scharding to Hopman

2/21/94 Fledgling to Scharding, Grove Newsletters

3/3/94 Carr-Gomm to Scharding

3/23/94 Celtic Myth and Fantasy Billing Slip

3/29/94 Brown to Scharding

4/25/94 Shallcrass to Scharding, Druids Voice

5/15/94 Scharding to Green Man Grove, newsletter

5/27/94 Murrary to Scharding

6/15/94 Scharding to L'ecole Druidique des Gaulois

6/15/94 Scharding to Taylor, Keltria

6/15/94 Scharding to many groups, IDA

6/15/94 Scharding to Green Man Grove, materials stolen

6/15/94 Scharding to Murray Aisling

6/15/94 Scharding to Llywellyn Press

6/15/94 Scharding to Druid's Voice

6/15/94 Scharding to Le Druidisme

6/15/94 Scharding to Dalriada

6/15/94 Scharding to various

7/28/94 Chapman to Scharding, Stolen materials

8/9/94 Dyson to Archivist

8/25/94 Scharding to Dyson

8/25/94 Scharding to Green Man Grove

8/25/94 Scharding to various, General History of American Druidism

12/2/94 Richard to Scharding

12/6/94 Scharding to Forrester

12/11/94 Hopman to Scharding, billing?

12/11/94 Scharding to Taylor By-laws

12/11/94 Scharding to Bonewits, By-laws

12/16/94 Scharding to Richard

1/7/95 Scharding to Harris, information for Archives

1/10/95 Scharding to Primitive Celtic Church

1/13/95 Scharding to Sherbak

1/17/95 Scharding to tavamorian

1/18/95 Tavamorian to Scharding

1/23/95 Scharding to Council of British Druids

1/23/95 Scharding to Hopman

1/26/95 Scharding to Ford Baile, catalogue

1/27/95 Hopman to Scharding, new audio tape

2/1/95 Wolfe to Archives, information from the archives

2/5/95 Scharding to Ford Baile, order

2/6/95 Scharding to ADF

2/5/95 Scharding to Llanerch Publishers, catalogue

2/19/95 Scharding to Wolfe

2/23/95 Scharding to Spirit of Nokomis Fellowship

2/26/95 Scharding to Taylor, by-laws

2/26/95 Taylor to Scharding, by-laws

3/10/95 Ellison to Scharding, Druid's progress

3/22/95 Richards to Scharding, Eistefodd information

3/95 Hopman to Scharding, Resources by Hopman

3/20/95 Hopman to Scharding

10/11/95 Wright to Scharding

1/10/97 Scharding to Gentles

10/22/00 Scharding to Hilleman Druid Archives Homepage

10/25/00 Scharding to Weinburger, Missal-any back issues

1/1/01 Scharding to many

Neill to Scharding

Burkett to Archives

4/18/01 Neal to Archives

f.4 International Druid Archives Miscellany

Books Already in Libe, Fall '87

Cross-Reference Index, 10/14/94

Introductory Handbook to the International Druid Archives, 6/94

Inventory of Druid Materials Held by the Frangquists

Isaac (Bonewits) Contributions on his 1994 visit

List of occult bulletin boads

105.2 Assorted Non Druid and Non IDA papers

f.1 Scharding Comps and Related

Notes from conversations

Druid Bibliography

Comps Proposals




"A General History of Reformed Druidism in America"

Appendix A: Diction of Terms and Abbreviations

Appendix E: Review of Materials from the Reference Section of the Library

Appendix F: Possible Future Research Ideas

Appendix D: Copies of Previous Research

Copies of Liturgy

Handwritten Notes on Grove succesion

List of Groves and Arch Druids

Full Index of the Archives, 4/2/94

Hand written notes on various groops, people...

f.2 Assorted Papers Collected by Scharding

September 1961 Editorial in Antiquity

November 1978 Editorial in Antiquity

"The Celtic Ethnography of Posidonius," J.J. Tierney

"The Gorsedd of the Bards of Britain," Iorwerth C. Peate

Selections from James Bonwicks' "Irish Druids and Old Religions"

"Occult Movements in America," Robert S. Ellwood

"Rock Temples of the British Antiquaries," J. Palmer

"William Stukeley: new facts and an old forgery," Stuart Piggott

"Rome and the Druids: A Note," Hugh Last.

f.3 Druid related diaries.

Two copies of a Druid related Diary Notes, 10/3/91-5/93

The Revised Five Year Druid Diary of Michael Scharding

f.4 Scharding Short Writings

Archdruids of the Past 30 Years

The Book of Footnotes with additions by Scharding

The Cloak Issue

Faeries and Spiritual Creatures

Form Letter

Frequency of Rituals

A Guide to Public Ritual Sites

Information Sheet

Let All Be Warned, (For putting on Books)

The Liturgy of the Druids, Introduction

Memories of a Third Order Druid

Shelton's Notes on the Reformed Druid Symbol with additions by Scharding

Officers of the Druids

Other Strange Customs and Qoutes

Other Organizations Associated with Druids

Olaf Connection

Open Reserve Section Description

Past Druids and Their Addresses


Resources of the Carleton Druids

Ways to Find Druids

What Happens at a Druid Ritual

What "Holy Places" Mean

f.5 General Correspondence 1993-

11/2/93 Brus to Scharding, Minnesota Zen Meditation Center

1/11/94 Scharding, ARDA

1/11/94 Carpenter to Various, Pagan Academic Network

2/7/94 Scharding to ULC, questions, orders

2/18/94 Ordaz to Scharding, Pagan Spirit Gathering

10/23/94 Scharding, Generic Letter

1/14/95 Scharding to Shelton, Prisoner

12/9/95 Scharding to many

9/19/96 Scharding to Heiman, ARDA

10/24/96 Heiman to Scharding, package

10/27/97 Scharding to Archives, JET Magazine

3/15/98 Bennet to Scharding

Fox to Scharding, ADF Membership

f.6 General Electronic Correspondence 1991-

f.7 Scharding Miscellany

Art Project Contest, sent to those interested

1/16/94 Results letter for Emmet Scharding Memorial Contest

Art Work for Contest

4/7/93 Senior Awards Nomination Sheet with note by Mec about Spoofing one

Names to accompany pictures for Algol for various groups

Advertisement for Gaelic Language Interest

Celtic Group, lists of people for Gaelic/Celtic Language interest

Website Advertisements

Interview with Dr. Mage Script


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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