Part One



DATE ISSUED: 11/18/2019

The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction is requesting bids for:




OPENING DATE: 12/02/2019

OPENING TIME: 3:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time


4545 Fisher Road, Suite D

Columbus, OH 43228

Attn: Robbie Robinson, Jr.

OACC-Contracts Administration

This ITB consists of six (6) Parts and five (5) Attachments. Please verify that you have a complete copy.

Part One: Executive Summary


The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) is seeking competitive sealed Bids (hereinafter referred to as “Bid”) from qualified vendors (hereinafter referred to as “Bidders”) for Canine Procurement, Training & Consultative Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Project. If an acceptable Bid is made in response to this Invitation To Bid (hereinafter referred to as “ITB”), the Institution may enter into a contract (hereinafter referred to as “Contract”), to have the selected Bidder perform the Project.

Once awarded, the initial term of the Contract will begin on December 7, 2019, or when the ODRC’s duly authorized representatives sign the Contract and all other prerequisites identified in the ITB or Contract, and will expire the last day of the biennium ending June 30, 2021.

This ITB provides details on what is required to submit a Bid, how ODRC will evaluate the Bids and what will be required of the Bidder who executes a Contract (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”).

Calendar of Events.

The schedule for the ITB is given below to assist the Bidder in responding to this ITB. The following is the ITB Schedule:

|ITB Issued: |11/18/2019 |

|Inquiry Period Begins: |11/18/2019 |

|Inquiry Period Ends: |11/29/2019 |

|Bid Due Date: |12/02/2019 |

|Tentative Contract Award: |12/07/2019 |

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Structure of ITB.

The ITB consist of the following Parts and Attachments:

|Part One: |Executive Summary |

|Part Two: |General Instructions |

|Part Three: |Scope of Project & Requirements |

|Part Four: |Requirements for Bids |

|Part Five: |Evaluation of Bids |

|Part Six: |General Terms and Conditions |

|Attachment One: |Price Summary Worksheet |

|Attachment Two: |Bidder Profile Summary |

|Attachment Three: |Conflict of Interest |

|Attachment Four: |Contract Performance |

|Attachment Five: |Mandatory Documents for Contract |

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Project Representative.

The Project Representative shall represent the Institution in matters relating to this ITB and the Bidding process. The Project Representative may be contacted as follows:

|Name: |Robbie Robinson, Jr |

|Title: |Contracts Manager |

|Address: |ODRC OSC-Finance OACC |

| |4545 Fisher Road, Suite D |

| |Columbus, OH 43228 |

|Phone: |614.752.0261 |

|Email: | |

| | |

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| |Part Two: General Instructions |

Bid Submission Requirements.

Each Bidder must submit four complete, sealed, and signed copies of its Bid to the Project Representative, at the address listed in Part One with the outside of each envelope clearly marked Canine Procurement, Training & Consultative Services


Bids must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. eastern standard time on the Bid Due Date. The Project Representative shall reject any Bids or unauthorized Bid amendments submitted after the Bid Due Date. Each Bidder must carefully review the requirements of this ITB and the contents of its Bid. Once the Bid Due Date has passed, Bids cannot be altered, except as allowed by this ITB.

All Bids and other submitted material shall be the property of the Institution and shall not be returned. The Bidder should not include proprietary information in a Bid because the Institution maintains the right to use any materials or ideas submitted without compensation to the Bidder. Additionally, all Bids will be open to the public after Contract award.

The Institution will retain a copy of all Bids received as part of the Contract file for the term of the Contract and any subsequent renewals. After the State-scheduled retention period, the Institution may return, destroy, or otherwise dispose of the Bids and copies.

Bid Instructions.

The ODRC wants clear and concise Bids, but Bidders should take care to completely answer questions and meet the ITB’s requirements. Bids must demonstrate an understanding of the requirements and show experience providing like services as well as the ability to meet the service requirements.

The requirements for the Bid's contents and formatting are contained in Part Four of this ITB. Any Bidder shall submit only one Bid.

The State will not be liable for any costs incurred by any Bidder in responding to this ITB, even if the State does not award a Contract through this process. The State may decide not to award a Contract for the Project. It may also cancel this ITB and contract for the Project through some other process or by issuing another ITB.

Waiver of Defects.

The State has the right to waive any defects in any Bid or in the submission process followed by a Bidder. But the State will only do so if it believes that it is in the State's interests and will not cause any material unfairness to other Bidders.

Amendments to Bids.

Amendments or withdrawals of Bids are allowed until 3:00 p.m. eastern standard time on the Bid Due Date. No amendments or withdrawals will be permitted after the due date, except as expressly authorized by this ITB.

Part Three: Scope of Project & Requirements


The objective of this ITB is to solicit Bids for Canine Procurement, Training and Consultative Services for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. The successful Bid will form the basis of a contract for such services.


The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction ODRC, as established under House Bill 494, with responsibilities defined in Ohio Revised Code 5120, oversees the supervision of approximately 49,000 offenders in Ohio at 25 state prisons, with an additional 3 prisons operating as private prisons, contracted to our agency. The mission of ODRC is to reduce recidivism among those we touch. Among our defining values are: One Team One Purpose, Civility Towards All, and Hope is Job One. To assist efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of offenders and staff, ODRC has integrated canines for drug detection and human tracking purposes into operations.

Contractor Scope of Work & Requirements

The successful Offeror will bear all responsibility for the procurement and training of 3 German Short-Haired Pointers, and training of the handlers. The Offeror will provide consultative services as needed.

Canine Requirements

The Offeror Bid will be formed to meet the following requirements for canines:

1. Age. Canines shall be between 1 to 2 years old.

2. Health. Canines must be healthy. Offeror must certify that canines have passed all physical and veterinary checks.

3. Social Skills. Canines must demonstrate social skills suitable to work with ODRC handlers.

4. Drive and Functional Skills. Canines will exhibit drive and functional ability to perform in the prison institutional setting.

5. Selection. Offeror will provide multiple German Short-Haired Pointers for selection and will allow ODRC to choose the canines it wishes to purchase.

6. Pedigree. Offeror will provide Pedigree for each canine purchased.

Training Requirements.

Upon ODRC selection of the canines for purchase, the Offeror will train the canines as described below:


Quantity of 1 German Short-Haired Pointer will be trained for Dual Purpose Narcotics Detection/Tracking

Quantity of 2 German Short-Haired Pointers will be trained for Single Purpose Narcotics Detection


Offeror will include the following warranty/guarantees as part of the Successful Proposal:

1. Document certifying that ODRC may exchange canines that do not perform in training.

2. Document certifying conditions for replacement of canines that do not meet functional requirements for performance once released to ODRC.

Offeror Profile – Company History and Experience

The Offeror will demonstrate their ability to meet the requirements of the ODRC Canine Purchase, Training & Consulting Award by including documentation in the bid of the company history and experience in Canine Purchasing, Training and Consultative Services including:

1. Minimum of 5 years of progressive experience working with prisons to train canines and handlers.

2. Experience in training German Short-Haired pointers.

3. References from at least 3 Prisons for whom the Offeror has trained canines and handlers.

4. Examples of Canines the Offeror has Trained by Breed, including years for each breed.

5. Length of Canine Training Program Proposed to ODRC for award.


Offeror with provide copy of all licenses/certifications in place and valid for the operation of a business which buys and trains canines, and will demonstrate compliance with all Federal, State & Local statutes, including those enacted by:

1, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),

Including the Animal Welfare Act

2. State of Ohio Department of Agriculture

3. Humane Society

4. Other applicable laws that pertain to buying canines overseas and in American; and handling and training

of canines in the United States.

Proposed Costs:

The Offeror will detail the Cost of providing Canine Purchase, Training & Consulting services in the following manner:

Cost Summary

Description Cost

1. Narcotics Detection (Single Purpose) Canine

Purchase of German Short-Haired Pointer $XXXXX.XX

Training of German Short-Haired Pointer for Narcotics Detection $XXXXX.XX

Training Materials/Equipment for Narcotics Detection Only Canine $XXXXX.XX

Total Cost for Narcotics Detection (Single-Purpose) Canine $XXXXX.XX

2. Narcotics Detection/Tracking (Dual Purpose) Canine

Purchase of German Short-Haired Pointer $XXXXX.XX

Training of German Short-Haired Pointer for Narcotics Detection/Tracking $XXXXX.XX

Training Materials/Equipment for Narcotics Detection/Tracing Canine $XXXXX.XX

Total Cost for Narcotics Detection/Tracking (Dual-Purpose) Canine $XXXXX.XX

3. Consultative Services

Consultative Services as Requested by ODRC $XXX.XX/Hr.

Training includes pre-training of canine, ODRC handler training, and cost of lodging for ODRC handlers at Offeror premises during the Training Period.

Training Materials & Equipment consists of all training aides and materials, included but not limited to, the 1st month supply of dog food, and materials required for canines prior to release to ODRC, and any miscellaneous costs not identified above.

Part Four: Requirements for Bids

Bid Format.

Each Bid must include sufficient information to allow the evaluation committee to verify all aspects of the ITB in order to ensure all the Bidder’s claims of meeting the ITB’s requirements. Each Bid must respond to every request for information in this ITB whether the request requires a simple “yes” or “no” or a detailed explanation. These instructions describe the required format for a responsive Bid. All required specifications must be met for the Bid to be considered responsive.

The Bidder may include any additional information it believes is relevant. All pages, except pre-printed technical inserts, must be sequentially numbered.

The Bid shall be organized in the following order and contain the following information. Failure of the Bidder to provide any of the following items may result in rejection of the Bid:

1. Cover Letter;

2. Price Summary Worksheet;

3. Bidder Profile Summary;

4. Statement of Compliance;

5. Conflict of Interest Statement;

6. Contract Performance; and

7. Compliance with Required Contract Documentation.

1. Cover Letter.

The Bidder must include a standard business letter signed by an individual authorized to legally bind the Bidder. The Bidder must be engaged in the business of providing Canine Procurement, Training & Consultative Services. The letter must include the following:

a. General company profile including a description of the Bidder’s legal structure (e.g. corporation, partnership, etc.) and number of employees;

b. The address of the Bidder’s home office; and

c. The name, telephone number, fax number and electronic-mail address of a contact person who has authority to answer questions regarding the Bid and receive notices following Contract award.

2. Price Summary Worksheet.

Bidder must indicate pricing using the form(s) provided as Attachment One. Bidders may not reformat this form. Reformatting may result in the rejection of the bid.

*ODRC will not be liable for any costs the Bidder does not identify in its Bid. *

3. Bidder Profile Summary.

Using the form in Attachment Two, the Bidder must show at least 5 years of experience providing Canine Procurement, Training & Consultative Services in prison environments. The form in Attachment Two may be replicated if additional space is needed.

4. Statement of Compliance.

The Bidder must include a paragraph stating that they are able to contractually comply with all the following requirements:

a. The Contractor’s Scope of Work is listed in Part Three of this ITB;

b. The Terms and Conditions listed in Part Six of this ITB; and

c. The machines, equipment and other goods needed are to be listed in the response.

If there are any requirements in the Contractor’s Scope of Work or Terms and Conditions with which the Bidder is unable to contractually comply, the Bidder must provide a detailed statement as to why that term cannot be met. Complete the statement on Attachment Three.

5. Conflict of Interest Statement.

Each Bid must include a statement indicating whether the Bidder, or any people that may work on the Project through the Bidder, have a possible conflict of interest, direct or indirect, which is incompatible with the fulfillment of the Project. The ODRC has the right to reject a Bid in which a conflict is disclosed or cancel the Contract if any interest is later discovered that could give the appearance of a conflict. Complete statement on Attachment Three.

6. Contract Performance.

The Bidder must complete Attachment Four.

7. Compliance with Required Contract Documentation.

8. The required documentation should ONLY be completed if Bidder is awarded a contract. The documentation is required per the Terms and Conditions of the Contract. The Bidder must submit the documentation prior to completing the Contract.

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Part Five: Evaluation of Bids and Contract Award

Evaluation of Bids Generally.

The evaluation process may consist of up to four phases:

1. Initial Review for Defects;

2. Bid Evaluation;

3. Bidder’s Performance History with Other Jurisdictions; and

4. Interviews, Presentations, and/or Demonstrations.

It is within the purview of the evaluation committee to decide whether phases three or four are necessary. The committee has the right to eliminate or add phases if the committee believes doing so will improve the evaluation process.

1. Initial Review.

The Project Representative will review all Bids for their format and completeness. The Project Representative may reject any incomplete or incorrectly formatted Bid, though they may also elect to waive any immaterial defects or allow a Bidder to submit a correction or clarification.

a. Rejection of Bids.

Institution may reject any Bid for one or more of the following reasons:

1. Any requirements in Part Four (Requirements for Bids) are not met;

2. An affirmative answer to any question as set forth in Attachment Four (Contract Performance);

3. Does not address all the requirements in Part Three, (Scope of Work);

4. The Institution believes the Bid is excessive in price or otherwise not in its interest; and

5. The Bid does not address any other material requirements of the ITB.

The Institution shall reject any Bid that does not meet any of the following mandatory requirements:

1. Bid submitted after the Bid Due Date; and

2. Bidder did not attend the mandatory Site Visit, if applicable.

Additionally, the Institution may cancel this ITB, reject all the Bids, and seek services through a new ITB or other means.

b. Clarifications & Corrections.

During the evaluation process, the Project Representative or the Evaluation Committee may request clarifications from any Bidder under consideration. Also, the Bidder may be given the opportunity to correct defects in its Bid if the Project Representative believes doing so does not result in an unfair advantage for the Bidder and it is in the ODRC’s best interests.

c. Background Investigations.

All of the Contractor’s employees that will be working at the Institution must pass a background investigation prior to entering the Institution. The ODRC will conduct a criminal background check that includes, but is not limited to, L.E.A.D.S., local law enforcement checks and checks through the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This will be done prior to Contractor’s employees coming on site and at no expense to the Contractor.

The Contractor will perform, be financially responsible for, and provide a copy to the Project Representative of the following background checks:

1. Employer reference checks;

2. Personal reference checks;

3. Operators license checks;

4. Military service checks; and

5. Drug tests.

d. Financial Ability.

If the Evaluation Committee is concerned that a Bidder may not be a viable going concern or have sufficient financial backing to perform the Contract, they may insist that a Bidder submit financial statements (i.e. financial statements audited by independent, certified public accountant) for the past three years. This is not an essential element of the initial evaluation phase but may be requested at any time. If the Evaluation Committee finds that the Bidder’s financial ability is not acceptable, they may reject the Bid despite its other merits.

e. Bid Evaluation.

Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder as determined by ODRC. To protect the integrity of the competitive bid process, bids will be closed for public preview once the evaluation and award process begins.

2. Bidder’s History of Contract Performance.

The Evaluation Committee shall conduct evaluations of each Bidder by contacting current and/or past customers of the Bidders taken from the list responsive to Attachment Two. This will aid in the determination of whether the Bidder is responsible. The Evaluation Committee shall obtain information relevant to the requirements of this ITB that is deemed critical not only to a successful Project, but also to the working relationship between the Institution and the Contractor.

To maintain quality assurance in this phase of the evaluation process, all information sought by the Evaluation Committee shall be obtained in a manner such that no Bidder is provided an unfair competitive advantage. The Evaluation Committee has the right to determine the number of contacts made by the Evaluation Committee to ensure whether or not the Bidder can fulfill the requirements of this ITB.

3. Interviews, Demonstrations, and Presentations.

The Evaluation Committee may require Bidders to interview, make a presentation about the Bid and/or demonstrate their equipment, machines, products or services. Such presentations, demonstrations and interviews provide a Bidder with an opportunity to clarify its Bid and to ensure a mutual understanding of the ITB content. This phase shall be scheduled at the convenience and discretion of the Evaluation Committee. This phase is not an opportunity for any Bidder to engage in any negotiations over the form of the Bid or requirements of this ITB.

The Evaluation Committee shall document all major evaluation decisions in writing and make these a part of the Contract file along with the evaluation results for each Bid.

Contract Award.

It is the intent of ODRC, as a result of this ITB, to make an award to one Contractor, the contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible Bidder whose Bid has the highest point total.

1. Contract Negotiations.

It is entirely within the discretion of the Evaluation Committee, with the advice of ODRC Legal Counsel, to permit negotiations. The Committee is free to limit negotiations to the Bidder of the highest-ranked Bid, to limit negotiations to a particular aspect of a Bid, and to eliminate negotiations entirely. A Bidder must not submit a Bid assuming there will be an opportunity to negotiate any aspect of the Bid. If the Committee chooses to negotiate, the selected Bidder must negotiate in good faith. If negotiations are unsuccessful with the Bidder of the highest-ranked Bid, the Committee may then choose to negotiate with the remaining Bidders in order of rank by highest total points received if the Bidder is considered responsive and responsible.

2. Contract.

The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive, most responsible bidder meeting all bid specifications and requirements. The Contract shall be awarded to the responsive and responsible Bidder with the highest point total as set forth in the provision for Bid Evaluation in Part Five. It is the intent of ODRC, as a result of this ITB to make an award to one Contractor. However, multiple awards may result from this ITB. ODRC reserves the right to award in the best interest of the State.

If this ITB results in a Contract award, the Contract will include this ITB, written amendments to this ITB, the Contractor's Bid, and written, authorized amendments to the Contractor's Bid. The Contract may also include any materials or documents attached and incorporated in these documents. Attachments One through Five are attached and incorporated into this ITB. The general terms and conditions for the Contract are contained in Part Six of this ITB.

If there are conflicting provisions between the documents that make up the Contract, the order of precedence for the documents is as follows:

1. This ITB, as amended;

2. The documents and materials attached and incorporated into this ITB;

3. The Contractor's Bid, as amended; and

4. The documents and materials attached and incorporated into the Contractor's Bid.

Notwithstanding the order listed above, amendments issued after the Contract is executed may expressly change the provisions of the Contract. If they do so expressly, then the most recent amendment will take precedence.

3. Notice of Award.

In awarding the Contract, ODRC will issue an award letter to the selected Contractor. The Contract will not be binding on ODRC until the ODRC’s duly authorized representatives sign the Contract and all other prerequisites identified in the Contract have occurred. The selected Bidder will receive an executed copy of the Contract.

The Institution shall send the notice of the decision to award the Contract or non-award for this Project to each Bidder.

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Part Six: General Terms and Conditions

Contract Terms and Conditions

The standard contract terms and conditions relating to this ITB and the subsequent contract award are represented below Any references in the ITB, or attached descriptive literature, that intend to alter the terms and conditions and specifications set forth will not be part of the Contract and will be disregarded by the Agency.

The preferred Bidder will be required to sign a Contract which contains the following representations, warrants, affirmations, agreements, or certifications on the part of the Contractor:

a. Pursuant to O.R.C. Section 125.111 regarding equal employment opportunity, the Contractor, any subcontractor, and any person acting on behalf of Contractor or a subcontractor, shall not discriminate, by reason of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability against any citizen of this state in the employment of any person qualified and available to perform the work under the Agreement. Affirmative Action Program Verification Form and approved Affirmative Action Plans is on file with the Equal Opportunity Department.

b. Contractor, in the execution of duties and obligations under the Agreement, will comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, and ordinances.

c. All applicable parties listed in Division (I) or (J) of O.R.C. Section 3517.13 are in full compliance with Divisions (I) and (J) of O.R.C. Section 3517.13 as it relates to campaign contributions.

d. Contractor is not subject to an “unresolved” finding for recovery under O.R.C. Section 9.24.

e. Contractor is not debarred from consideration for contract awards by the Director of the Department of Administrative Services, pursuant to either O.R.C. Section 153.02 or O.R.C. Section 125.25.

f. Contractor has not provided any material assistance, as that term is defined in O.R.C. Section 2909.33(C), to any organization identified by and included on the Agency provided Ohio Department of Public Safety’s United States Department of State Terrorist Exclusion List and that it has truthfully answered “no” to every question on the “Declaration Regarding Material Assistance/Non-assistance to a Terrorist Organization” form.

g. The Contractor, or any people that may work on the contract through the Contractor, do not have a possible conflict of interest, direct or indirect, which is incompatible with the fulfillment of the Purchase Agreement.

h. The Contractor shall furnish proof of coverage by providing a copy of their Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation certificate to the Agency.

i. While on State property, the Contractor and/or all employees will not purchase, transfer onto State property, use or possess illegal drugs or alcohol or abuse prescription drugs in any way.

j. Contractor is currently in compliance and will continue to adhere to the requirements of Ohio Ethics law as provided by Section 102.04 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Supplemental Contract Terms and Conditions

1. General Representations and Warranties

Manufacturer’s warranty should be at least one year from date of acceptance as defined herein. The Contractor further warrants that the recommendations, guidance, and performance of the Contractor under this bid award will:

A. Be in accordance with the sound professional standards and the requirements of this Contract and without any material defect.

B. No Deliverable will infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party.

C. That the Deliverables hereunder are merchantable and fit for the particular purpose described in this ITB. Additionally, with respect to the Contractor’s activities under this bid award, the Contractor warrants that:

D. The Contractor has the right to enter into this bid award.

E. The Contractor has not entered into any other bid awards or employment relationships that restrict the Contractor’s ability to perform under this bid award.

F. The Contractor will observe and abide by all applicable laws and regulations, including those of the State regarding conduct on any premises under the State’s control.

G. The Contractor has good and marketable title to any equipment delivered under this bid award and which title passes to the ODRC.

H. The Contractor has the right and ability to grant any applicable license granted in Deliverable in which title does not pass to the ODRC.

If any work of the Contractor or any Deliverable fails to comply with these warranties, and the Contractor is so notified in writing, the Contractor will correct such failure with all due speed or will refund the amount of the compensation paid for the Deliverable. The Contractor will also indemnify the State for any direct damages and claims by third parties based on breach of these warranties.

2. Contractor Declarations

The Contractor declares that it is engaged as an independent business and has complied with all federal, state and local laws regarding business permits and licenses of any kind necessary to its business. The Contractor also acknowledges that it is responsible for maintaining any and all professional licensing required fulfilling the bid award. The Contractor shall further provide professional services performed in accordance with community and relevant professional standards. The Contractor acknowledges that it does not have any authority to sign contracts, notes and/or obligations or to make purchases and/or dispose of property for or on behalf of the State.

The Contractor may provide assistants, employees, and persons required to perform the works who are employees of the Contractor. The Contractor understands and agrees that the Contractor is responsible for providing any required benefits and withholding for the Contractor and the Contractor’s employees, including all taxes, workers’ compensation, disability, unemployment compensation, any specialized insurance, and any other coverage for liability arising from or occurring during the performance of this bid award. The State shall not be liable for any tax liabilities incurred by the Contractor under this bid award. The Contractor assumes full responsibility for any and all applicable city, state, and/or federal taxes as a result of work and/or payments made under this bid award.

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Attachment One: Price Summary Worksheet

|Bidders Legal Name: |Address: |

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|Phone Number: |Fax Number: |

| | |

|Contact Person: |Contact email address: |

| | |

|Vendor Federal Tax ID Number: |Date: |

| | |

Cost Summary

Description Cost

1. Narcotics Detection (Single Purpose) Canine

Purchase of German Short-Haired Pointer $XXXXX.XX

Training of German Short-Haired Pointer for Narcotics Detection $XXXXX.XX

Training Materials/Equipment for Narcotics Detection Only Canine $XXXXX.XX

Total Cost for Narcotics Detection (Single-Purpose) Canine $XXXXX.XX

2. Narcotics Detection/Tracking (Dual Purpose) Canine

Purchase of German Short-Haired Pointer $XXXXX.XX

Training of German Short-Haired Pointer for Narcotics Detection/Tracking $XXXXX.XX

Training Materials/Equipment for Narcotics Detection/Tracing Canine $XXXXX.XX

Total Cost for Narcotics Detection/Tracking (Dual-Purpose) Canine $XXXXX.XX

3. Consultative Services

Consultative Services as Requested by ODRC $XXX.XX/Hr.

Training includes pre-training of canine, ODRC handler training, and cost of lodging for ODRC handlers at Offeror premises during training period.

Training Materials & Equipment consists of all training aides and materials, included but not limited to, the 1st month supply of dog food, and materials required for canines prior to release to ODRC, and any miscellaneous costs not identified above.

Attachment Two: Bidder Profile Summary

|Business Name: |Contact Person: |

|Business Address: |Phone Number: |

|Project Name: |Beginning Date of Contract: |Ending Date of Contract: |

| |Month/Year |Month/Year |

|Description of related services provided: |

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|Business Name: |Contact Person: |

| | |

|Business Address: |Phone Number: |

|Project Name: |Beginning Date of Contract: |Ending Date of Contract: |

| |Month/Year |Month/Year |

|Description of related services provided: |

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|Business Name: |Contact Person: |

| | |

|Business Address: |Phone Number: |

|Project Name: |Beginning Date of Contract: |Ending Date of Contract: |

| |Month/Year |Month/Year |

|Description of related services provided: |

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Attachment Three: Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest Statement.

, Bidder confirms Bidder and any people who may work on the Project through the Bidder do not have a conflict of interest, direct or indirect, which is incompatible with the fulfillment of the Project. Bidder further agrees that the ODRC has the right to reject a Bid in which a conflict is disclosed or cancel the Contract if any interest is later discovered that could give the appearance of a conflict.

By: Title:

Print Name:

Organization Name: Date:

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Attachment Four: Contract Performance

The Bidder must provide the following information for this section for the past seven years. Please indicate yes or no in each column.

|Yes/No |Description |

| | |

| |The Bidder has had a contract terminated for default or cause. If so, the Bidder must submit full details, including the other party's |

| |name, address, and telephone number. |

| | |

| |The Bidder has been assessed any penalties in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000), including liquidated damages, under any of its |

| |existing or past contracts with any organization (including any governmental entity). If so, the Bidder must provide complete details, |

| |including the name of the other organization, the reason for the penalty, and the penalty amount for each incident. |

| | |

| |The Bidder was the subject of any governmental action limiting the right of the Bidder to do business with that entity or any other |

| |governmental entity. |

| | |

| |Trading in the stock of the company has been suspended. If so, the Bidder must submit full details including the date(s) and |

| |explanation(s). |

| | |

| |The Bidder, any officer of the Bidder, or any owner of a twenty percent interest or greater in the Bidder has filed for bankruptcy, |

| |reorganization, a debt arrangement, moratorium, or any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, or any dissolution or |

| |liquidation proceeding. |

| | |

| |The Bidder, any officer of the Bidder, or any owner with a twenty percent interest or greater in the Bidder has been convicted of a |

| |felony or is currently under indictment on any felony charge. |

If the answer to any item is affirmative, the Bidder must provide complete background details about the matter. While an affirmative answer to any of these items will not automatically disqualify a Bidder from consideration, at the sole discretion of the Evaluation Committee, such an answer and a review of the background details may result in a rejection of the Bid. The Evaluation Committee will make this decision based on its determination of the seriousness of the matter, the matter’s possible impact on the Bidder’s performance on the Project, and the best interests of the ODRC.

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Attachment Five: Mandatory Contract Documents

A. The Department of Administrative Services

Equal Opportunity Division

Affirmative Action Plan

Instructions for electronic submittal of forms to the Department of Administrative Services, Equal Opportunity Division ~ MBE/EDGE application, Unified application, EDGE Complaint form, Affirmative Action Program Verification form, Certificate of Compliance application and the Input Form 29 – Work Hour Report:

Forms can be accessed through the Equal Opportunity Division’s webpage:


Forms can be submitted directly on the Ohio Business Gateway webpage:

Steps to access, complete and submit EOD forms:

1. Visit Ohio Business Gateway (accessible via 1st link on this page)

2. Log in using username and password (OH|ID)

3. Ensure "Equal Opportunity Division" is among available service areas

4. Ensure "Affirmative Action Program Verification" is among available transactions

5. Select "Affirmative Action Program Verification" and complete the form

6. Click "Accept" button on the Summary page to see a confirmation page

7. Submit supporting documentation as required to das-eod.bccu@das.

Note: Forms will not be received by the Division unless data is "accepted" to complete the application which generates a business user's confirmation receipt. The form will be received in the Division the following business day.

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B. The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Coverage

Apply for Workers’ Compensation coverage online at , or compete an application found on the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation website.

C. Ohio Homeland Security

Declaration of Material Assistance/Non-Assistance

to a Terrorist Organization

Forms can be submitted directly on the Ohio Business Gateway webpage:

D. Ohio Shared Services - Vendor Forms

Ohio Shared Services Forms to be completed by the Vendor:

1. IRS Form W-9

2. Potential Vendor Letter Form (OBM-7502)

3. Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit of EFT Payments (OBM-1234)

Vendors must go to the OSS website to download forms.

Completed forms should be sent to the below address:

Ohio Shared Services

4310 E. Fifth Ave.

Columbus, OH 43219

Fax: 614.485.1039

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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