I am writing on behalf of myself and my husband who live in Sterling Green. We are inquiring on the plans for the land behind our home. ?It has come to our attention that there are plans for an apartment community.?I am writing to oppose the development of an apartment community as it is not sympathetic to the homes that will be facing the apartment complexes. Amongst many concerns, the safety and comfort of our children who play in our back yards. ?There is also an abundance of wildlife observed in the area that would be disturbed. ?Also, how will this affect our current property value? ?Has there already been approval for a zoning change or variance on the property?We have not received any formal notification?of any construction plans. Please provide us minutes of any zoning meetings where this was proposed.Also, I have been advised that any home owner within 500 ft should have been notified of the plans and we have not been.?My contact information is:?Brandy Paynther?330-703-9770?or my husband Sebastian Robinson-Paynther at?330-808-6922?We look forward to hearing from the you!?? We value our home, and the safety and security of our children.?Thank you,Brandy Paynther ?Mrs. Coffman, After further deliberation I have a few more concerns. We have an issue about the height of the buildings. We have a two story home and these apartment buildings will tower over our house and block the natural lighting in our home. Which as you know affects the desirability of a home when trying to sell. Also, the noise from construction for who knows how long! We have young children whose bedrooms face the back of our home of which you will be building right behind us and disturbing our sleep and our peace. Another concern would be when digging is started could there possibly be flooding down to our property after that land is disturbed? And if so, who will be covering the costs of any damages to our homes? One of our biggest concerns is the safety of our children and the children in this neighborhood. They all walk to Brimfield elementary and cross over Kelso Avenue and based on the plans that will be the entrance and exit of the 242 apartments, which means a high traffic area that could potentially put the many children in danger in this neighborhood.If this project is approved and I pray that it is not, will a privacy fence be installed so all of the homeowners on Parsons don’t have to look at a parking lot full of cars and trash bins and garages instead of the beautiful field that we currently look at where deer often roam and other wildlife? Again, I appreciate your time and I hope you all take these very valid concerns into consideration when approving or not approving this horrible project. Thank you, Brandy Paynther Ma’am,I’m a current resident of the Pembroke development, 4239 Pembroke Dr. I’m writing to voice my concern regarding this proposition of the apartment development. There is no need for this development to happen. You know as well as I, that this will be an extreme eye-sore to our development. As well as, we will more than likely lose extreme property value. It is one thing if this were to be townhomes or condos, but as for apartments, this would not be good. Please consider denying this request because as a current and permanent resident of Brimfield, this would cause us to lose significant money on the value or our home. Very Respectfully,Adam Yoho. To whom it may concern,Our HOA just posted the information about the proposed apartment complex to be built in our back yards. Obviously not one person in out neighborhood is okay with it. That in itself should be enough to decline permits. Weve all worked hard to get out of the city and away from huge apartment units. We all know that nothing good comes from these. Our property values will drop, crime will go up. Im sure if it were your back yard, you wouldn't want this either. If you're truly a reasonable person, you will do whats right and only allow single family construction in here. Dont be the typical politician and do a backroom deal to push this through. Do whats right.?We stick together in this neighborhood we are relentless. We won't just walk away from this. We're not okay with you taking money out of our pockets and bringing crime to our neighborhood. We won't just walk away from this.RegardsJamie McCauley?Chapman farm resident. Brimfield?Good Evening,We just today found out from a neighbor of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a large apartment complex (over 250 units!) to be constructed in the area that falls behind our home at 4249 Whitestone Rd as well as behind additional homes on both Whitestone Rd and Parsons Drive.? Basically this would be installing potentially 250+ families in space that is slightly smaller than Sterling Green where we have 72 families.? Although this construction would significantly impact my family and others in the two developments adjacent to this proposed construction, we have had no other notification regarding something this significant.? Why were we not consulted or notified?I want to voice both my husband and my strong objections to this project.? In looking at the documents on the Zoning Board website this evening, we have a number of concerns:Since we purchased our home five years ago, home values in our neighborhood have dramatically increased.? Our home has increased over $50k in value during this time.? There is the very real possibility that the addition of this apartment complex will significantly impact home values and opportunities for resale, particularly for those like us whose yards will back up to this proposed complex.? Is there a plan for compensating the impacted home owners in the event of a decrease in value due to the proximity of this complex and any resulting issues?? Will the county/township re-evaluate our property tax valuations when our home valuations decrease and will the township/schools be able to compensate for the reduced tax revenues that result from the decreased revenue for approximately 150 homes as well as the resale value for other comparable homes within Brimfield Township?The structures being proposed would conceivably tower over the homes that are currently adjacent to the property with only a 5 foot buffer!? We would object to this as both an eyesore as well as an invasion of our privacy.? What are the provisions for protecting our properties and roads during any possible construction?I would assume that there would be lighting associated with these apartments installed at levels that could also impact the privacy of our home and that of our neighbors.? Who wants to have a spotlight from a towering apartment building shining in their backyard or into their home at night?The complex will potentially impact the Sterling Green and Chapman Farms communities with trash escaping from dumpsters (and the resulting pests such as rats, raccoons and such attracted by dumpsters), pets wandering about (if permitted in the over 250 units) and potential spark increases in crime within our neighborhoods and at the complex.? What plans are in place to provide for additional privacy and security for the impacted homes?? Will the developers be providing privacy fencing as well as visual and sound barriers for impacted homeowners?With the significant number of rental units being proposed, what is being done to address the increased noise, traffic, and potential increased demand on public services caused by the significant increase in residents (ie, police, fire, ems) and the costs associated with that?? This area is already a high traffic area during the mornings and afternoons, particularly at school arrival/dismissal and as residents and others come/go to work (7-8 am and 4-6 pm).? Will there be funds set aside to repave the roads in and around our development as a result of heavier use?? How will the additional traffic be able to safely manage left turns onto Rt 43 in the absence of traffic signals at exit/entrance points?? Will the developers pay for that?? Will the township enact a noise ordinance and enforce it?What is being proposed to ensure that the sewer systems and drainage are adequate for the significant increase in usage and managed in such a way that there is no damage to existing home properties within the two developments?? Will we be compensated if we are deemed a flood risk as a result of this development and insurance companies require flood insurance riders or if we experience water or sewer issues as a result of the construction?The area proposed for development is home to many native creatures and I understand that there are underground streams flowing through the property.? Has an environmental and wetland study been completed to determine the impact to water tables and the environment as well as drainage that may impact and cause damage to adjacent properties?? Where will the wildlife be relocated and what will be the potential impact?? What arrangements are being made for increased green space and community use space?The proposed development is adjacent to the elementary school and baseball/soccer fields.? During the spring to fall sports seasons there is already considerable traffic and vehicles that park on Town Center Drive.? What will be done to ensure the safety of participants and visitors on that roadway?? What will be done to ensure the safety of students walking to/from school from the two developments given the increase in traffic?? The Field school system is already crowded.? With the potential addition of a significant number of families, will the system be able to accommodate a large influx of new students?? What provisions have been made to contribute to the possible cost for expanding the district?In conclusion, without satisfactory resolution for the above mentioned items, we are united with our neighbors in strongly opposing this development.? Best,Paul and Johanna Pionke4249 Whitestone Rd.Kent, OH 44240301-395-2500Hello, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Do we know what's going on with the development of this area behind the elementary school and current apartment area? The no name road that leads to a cul-de-sac/field by 76? A few neighbors noticed it was being staked out and we were hoping to get a better idea of what will possibly be built there. I'm hoping whatever it is will be neighborhood friendly as that is right directly in our backyards in Sterling Green.Thank you for your help,-Kelly Brindle1483?Parson DriveFound info on this, and I'm livid. This is absolutely ridiculous that Brimfield would think it's remotely ok to stick 3 story units so close to a residential neighborhood. The storm basin will be right behind my yard, and we just started putting major $ into finishing our basement. I feel so completely uneasy about this. That water has to go somewhere and our creek and swamp area already floods out after each major rain. I moved to Brimfield for the sole reason for the small town/country feel. We were told walking trails or offices would eventually go in when we built our house. 3 story packed wall to wall units are a far cry from office buildings. Our privacy, the integrity of our storm water management, and our no noise ordinance in this township is going to be a HUGE?issue. I really hope that this will get reviewed and that you will take the time to consider the residents of Sterling Green, water issues, and traffic patterns before shoving hundreds of new units in that small area. I thought Town Center was supposed to stay a certain way, but I guess money talks. Very sad to say this will ruin our plans to stay in Brimfield in our "forever home."From: Tiffany <tlmonegan@>Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 7:14:42 AMTo: Michael Hlad <mhlad@>Subject: Fwd: Lemmon Development Project ??To whom it may concern, My family lives on Whitestone Road in the Sterling Green neighborhood. We purchased our house in 2015. We specifically chose this neighborhood because it was very close knit and family friendly. My husband and I have a special needs daughter and we love the close proximity to Brimfield Elementary. The empty street running behind our house is a perfect place for our daughter to play and walk to school safely.? I am writing this email to inform you of our concerns in regards to the proposed apartment building project on the property directly behind our house. Here is a list of just a few of our concerns:1. Increased traffic on the roadway running behind our property poses a safety concern for not only our daughter, but countless other small children that use the road to play and travel to and from school. 2. Decreased property value3. Utility overload4. Drainage concerns. Almost all of the houses in Sterling Green already have issues with water drainage and run off. 5. Noise concerns. Our daughter’s special needs make her sensitive to even slightly excessive noises6. Privacy concerns. The proposed 3 story building will tower over our 2 story house. People on the 3rd floor will literally be able to look down in to our fenced in yard as well as our bathroom windows. 7. Habitat disruption. The proposed piece of properly is home to many deer, coyote, rabbits, and falcons. Developing the property would destroy their habitat. 8. Damage to roadways. Our neighborhood finally got new roads this past summer. They were in pretty bad shape before that. Heavy duty construction vehicles will damage our brand new roads. 9. Strain on Field School District. Field school district is already stretched to its max. Adding additional kids to the system will induce further strain. We appreciate you taking the time to hear our concerns. We plead for you to take them under advisement before allowing this development project to begin. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. Thank you,The DiGirolamo Family 4243 Whitestone Rd From: Roger Hicks <rdh2655@>Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 10:01:45 PMTo: Michael Hlad <mhlad@>Subject: Apartments near elementary school. ?I can’t believe that putting those apartments that close to children attending school is even being considered. At a time where child abduction is rampant this is irresponsible. You will not know the types of people living in those apartments. Please don’t let this happen. Please don't put dollars before families. Sent from my iPhoneKathy & John DeRita - 1507 Parsons DriveWe object to putting apartment complex by a school with small kids and housing developments.Our community is getting ruined by all these apartments. Housing prices will start dropping. You might get someone not all there in the head and pick up one of these kid that go to the school. Tallmadge, Hudson, and Rootsown would never let this happen.Same thing with the Sheetz. Right next to the school. Bad move.Please do what is right for the community. Don't let rich people ruin our community.Thank you,Kathy and John DeRitaFrom: joe schaefer <bowler09.js@>Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2020 7:44:53 AMTo: Michael Hlad <mhlad@>Subject: Sheetz and family building complex ?Me and my family live on Hanover dr in Brimfield and we love this community as it feels like a small tight knit family town, we moved here to get out of the bigger city mainly for that and the safe schools for our kids. If they continue building in Brimfield and making it a huge town we are seriously considering moving to another state. Thanks for hearing the town’s opinion, we like our small town with minimal traffic and keeping our kids safe.From: Tessa Roosa <tessalynnroosa@>Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 2:59:17 PMTo: Michael Hlad <mhlad@>Subject: Concerns ?Hello there. I have concerns about the apartment buildings behind the school. Honestly to me, that’s the second worst idea I’ve ever heard the township try to do. The first is the sheetz in front of the school. Not only is this apartment building an eye sore for the school but it’s highly unsafe for the children to be walking home... I personally think people that work for our city should have to reside in the township so they understand how they are over crowding the township. It’s awful. Terrible decisions. Why don’t you guys think of all the children this could affect? Let alone all the houses that paid decent money to not have apartment buildings in their backyards.Lisa and Roger Grimm4227 Pembroke Drive, Sterling Green DevelopmentDecember 12, 2020?To the Zoning Board Members, Mike Hlad and Laura Coffman,We are writing this letter regarding the 7, 12-unit per acre apartment complexes and villas that are being proposed just south of I-76 and which is being submitted to get conditional permit approval for the 12-unit/acre buildings.We are very opposed to these large buildings being built at this location for many reasons.? We understand the zoning allows for either residential or commercial development to be placed on this property.? And even though residential is being proposed, this is to the extreme.? Some of the concerns that we have with the 240+ units are listed below:·???????? Brimfield Elementary at this time is maxed out for students.? Building those apartments would bring in additional students that the school can not handle.? Currently there is the Cranberry Creek development that is being extended with houses being built at this time, which is bringing in new families and additional students.?? Then there is the development being built off Meloy Road that will connect to the west side of Sugar Maple Hills, which I imagine, will also bring in additional families and children to the overpopulated Brimfield Elementary.? ?I believe there are new apartments and villas being built by Pleasant Lakes, which would probably be more students.?? Now I am sure this means that the school line will be moved further north, requiring more Brimfield Twp. residents/children to be bussed to Suffield Elementary, which would require more busses and fuel.? Will this require more money of the just recently passed Levy to accommodate this or an additional levy?·???????? Was the existing 8” sanitary sewer that enters our neighborhood designed to handle the additional flow of 240 plus units??? I know the residents of Sterling Green would not be happy to find sewer backup in their basements because of the additional sanitary flow.·???????? Can the existing water mains handle the flow for that many units without affecting the water pressure in the surrounding developments or even for the school?·???????? Does Brimfield Fire Department have the equipment and resources to handle these tall structures?? Also, this would be an additional strain to our Fire and EMS.? And say if one of these are caught on fire, will the residents need to wait until help comes from Kent or Tallmadge??? Will this require more levies to bring in extra forces or service vehicles?·???????? This will also require more of a police force with all these additional residents.? This would also be a strain to our police force.? Will this require more levies to bring in more officers?? ·???????? Can Town Square Drive handle the traffic these apartments would supply??? ODOT would not allow a signal at the intersection of Town Square and SR 43.? So, this means there will be more traffic making left turns into Town Square and more vehicles making left turns across 3 lanes to go south.? Also, wasn’t there a plan at one time by the Twp. to close Town Square Drive because of the proximity to interchange and not meeting ODOT’s access requirements?? Wouldn’t this defeat that idea the Twp. has/has??? ·???????? And for those who do not want to drive out Town Square Dr. will use Town Center Drive, directing more traffic down that road to Kelso Dr.? This will result in more noise pollution for the residents of Sterling Green, possibly privacy issues with the additional traffic and safety concerns with children.? I would be concerned with safety issues during the summer as Town Center Drive is basically a parking lot with cars for ball games.?? Also, many young students walk from the backyards and cross that road to walk for school, or even in the summer going to the playground.?? ·???????? These units are being proposed on land that is currently higher than the Sterling Green development.? Placing 3 story tall buildings on higher land will result in the loss of all privacy that the homes on Parsons and Whitestone currently have.? ·???????? With how close and tall these building will be, there will be light pollution onto the Sterling Green residents.? ·???????? Placing these large buildings at this location will, I imagine, result in lower property values.? Wouldn’t this be less money to the township, if homes that are currently valued at $250,000+/- ?drop well below $200,000 due to some monstrosity of a building 100 feet from their property and in one case 35 feet?·???????? Per Section 400.10.B subsection 53. B.: Parking shall not be located in the required front yard area and shall be located to the side and/or rear of the building(s). ?Based on the layout that was submitted, parking surrounds all 4 sides of the buildings.? Does this meet code?·???????? Per Section 400.10.B subsection 53. F.: The architectural design of multi-family units should be developed with consideration given to the relationship of adjacent development in terms of building height, mass, texture, line, pattern and character.?? These buildings take in NO consideration of the adjacent development regarding mass.?? The residents of Sterling Green hope that the BZA take into consideration the mass of the buildings compared to the surrounding developments when reviewing the Conditional permit application and site layout.?? Unfortunately, 40 foot tall buildings will seem large but do meet code, however the mass of the buildings are excessive in means of surrounding developments.·???????? One of these buildings will be placed 35 feet from a backyard.?? I am sure NO ONE on the BZA would want a 40-foot tall, 30 unit apartment building of that size 35 feet from their own backyard, especially when that building would be built on land higher than the homeowners property.? ·???????? Some of these units appear to be placed on land that will be 24 feet higher than the homes.?? So, if we are looking out our upstairs bedrooms, we will need to look up higher just to see the first floor of some of these buildings.? ?·???????? Per Section 400.10.B subsection 53. E: Usable open space of twenty (20) percent of the lot area, exclusive of buildings, parking areas and drives shall be provided for the residents. ?Where is the 20% usable open space located?? It seems any open space left, will more than likely be needed for Stormwater management since they are turning a cornfield into an asphalt parking lot, and this does not seem usable.?In conclusion, as residents of Brimfield Twp. for the last 12 years, we plead with the BZA to NOT approve the conditional permit for these large 12-unit per acre buildings.?As a side note, there are talks of the renewing the Land Use for the Township and if I may say, with all this housing and commercial development that I am seeing it is losing that rural township appeal, and it’s kind of sad.? It reminds me of what was once Green Twp. in southern Summit County, by the way, it is now the City of Green.? Not sure how the residents of Brimfield Township would feel about living in a city.? We know we wouldn’t.?Sincerely,Lisa and Roger GrimmFrom: LeeAnn Greitzer <leeanngreitzer@>Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 7:57 PMTo: Michael HladCc: Lauren CoffmanSubject: Objection to apartment proposal?Hello,?My name is LeeAnn Greitzer, I am a Brimfield Township homeowner and resident of 8 years?with 3 children in the Field?school district.?I would like to state that I?strongly oppose the proposal to build multilevel?apartment buildings on the property (field)?behind Whitestone Rd and Parsons Dr, near the Elementary School. Thank you! Go Falcons!?Sincerely,?LeeAnn Greitzer??To Whom It May Concern,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?As a homeowner on Parson Drive in Sterling Green, I am extremely concerned with this potential?three story multi-family complex that is planning on being constructed. My house sits next to the creek that runs through our neighborhood. During heavy rains, the creek cannot handle the rainwater runoff and often floods out into our side yard. From what I gather from the blueprints, the storm?water management?basin will sit right behind our backyard. With that said, without the farmland and numerous trees absorbing the rainwater, it will soon be directed towards our property potentially causing catastrophic?flooding due to a risen and overwhelmed water table.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?We bought our parcel at a higher premium from Ryan Homes in 2008, as it was considered a wooded area. We were told that the area directly behind?us would remain untouched as it is protected swampland. We have put a lot of money and effort into our home, as well as starting major renovations?this year such as finishing?our basement. We want this to be our forever home, but we are now worried about our basement flooding and the lack of privacy from the tall 3 story units. Would you want this behind your backyard? Would you want a large water basin behind your yard that already gets flooding from the creek? Would you want apartment units looking directly into your home and yard where your kids play? I don't think this is the right type of building to put into this spot. Additionally, our property values are going to suffer.? ? ? ? ? ? ? The traffic alone will be a mess right next to the elementary school. With 244 units adding potentially 500+ cars going in and out of the two-lane Town Center Drive...Traffic will be insane. Add in that lovely school traffic on Kelso when it backs up in the morning and afternoon. How will that be handled? Has this been thought out properly? Will this and the new Sheetz pose major traffic issues/accidents and put the elementary?school kids in danger? We don't have bussing, and now it won't even be safe for them to walk to and from school anymore without playing Frogger.? ? ? ? ? ? ?Both my wife and I voted for the new fire department levy, and we have always supported the police, schools, road projects, and fire/safety forces. Brimfield has been developing way faster than we imagined. The new Maplecrest development across from Walmart, new neighborhoods, and now these giant apartment complexes. How is Brimfield safety forces, not to mention the schools supposed to handle this strain? Brimfield Elementary is already at capacity and has stopped open enrollment. If these apartments are built, the schools aren't going to be able to handle the additional students.? ? ? ? ? ? We chose to move to Brimfield 12 years ago because we liked the small town feel. Much of Brimfield has moved away from that and is now getting overbuilt, way too fast. Please consider the homeowners in Sterling?Green and Chapman Farms prior to building this three story complex. Please consider the load on the schools, traffic around the school, as well as our township's safety forces. We love our community we have here, and hope you will choose what's best for the township.Sincerely,Matt Brindle1483 Parson DriveFrom: Andrea Stevens <asmylist22@>Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 9:37:13 PMTo: Michael Hlad <mhlad@>Subject: Zoning@ ?I am against the building of new apartments behind the Brimfield elementary school. The school district is already crowded and at maximum capacity.? Building of apartments in that area will lower the value of the property.? Please do not add any more housing in the Brimfield area.? Building a gas station in front of the school would be so unsafe for the children and for the staff at the school. Please consider putting the gas station somewhere else.? We don’t need more in our area.? It is a terrible idea. A StevensBrimfield resident since 1989Former employee of Field local schools for 12 yearsTo whom it may concern, I am a resident of Brimfield Township and I would like to express my concerns for the proposal of building the apartment complex on Whitestone and Parsons. I believe this is too close to the elementary school and would present a problem for traffic flow. We recently moved to Brimfield from Akron seeking a small town life and it worries me to see things being built up and the areas that are more rural may be compromised. I hope that you deny the request to build these apartments in that area. Thank you. Sincerely,Lauren Johnson Blackberry Circle Ravenna 44266Sent from my iPhoneDecember 13, 2020To: MS. Lauren Coffman Zoning secretaryPlease submit this email to Michael Hlad and the Brimfield zoning committee for the 12-16-2020 zoning meeting on my behalf. It has been brought to my attention that the Lemmon Development company plans on building over 200 apartment buildings in Brimfield Township behind the Sterling Green family allotment. I am a Brimfield resident and I have family that live in this wonderful First Time home owners allotment. These wonderful families put their heart and soul and all the money they could muster to build/buy their homes in Sterling Green Brimfield Township. They have invested in their school system with their tax dollars and helped pass a school levy that failed many times. My opposition is based on these potential/probable negative effects:1. The loss of neighborhood and community character in the Sterling Green allotment.2. A decrease in the market value of my families home. As well as ALL Sterling Green residents.3. Increase traffic congestion adding to an already dangerous situation coming into and out of Sterling Green allotment. A new road behind Brimfield Elementary must be made to accommodate all the new residents of this over 200 plus apartment buildings. The students of Sterling Green are ALL walkers, bike riders, or car riders. They walk/bike a path that crosses this dead-end road? to get to school everyday. This would present a hazardous situation for these children coming and going.4. The destruction of green space and mature trees as well as driving animals out of the area onto State Route 43 and 76 causing accidents.5. This type of apartment complex does not fit into the single family neighborhood.6. The uncertainly of assurances that if this were to? pass the Sterling Green allotment families will be aloud to add input.Sincerely,Susan Monegan1355 Countryside Dr.Mogadore, Ohio 44260s_monegan@Hello,I just wanted to write a quick note stating that I do not agree with the apartment proposal near the school. We moved into this community as it was a small rural type community and wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. We love that there are smaller schools which can offer our kids more individualized attention.? I love driving my daughter to school and seeing open fields, animals, and distance between houses. We have been pleasantly surprised by the activities in the community even with a pandemic the community has been able to co.e together in safe ways (drive thru lights, firetruck toy drop, ect). We have been here a short time but feel like this is home! We want to stay in this area!I am afraid if we start to build apartment buildings such as the one proposed that all of the above will disappear.? No longer will schools be smaller, no longer will the community be able to support activities for all. And no longer will this feel like the charming rural community we fell in love with and moved to.Please do not approve these apartments or any others!Sincerely,?Rebecca Jurcak-Yako?To the Zoning Board Members, Mike Hlad and Laura Coffman,I am a concerned citizen who owns a home on Whitestone Rd.? I am writing to oppose the apartment complex that is trying to be built behind Brimfield Elementary.? There are concerns with this and their application should be denied.?As stated on the Brimfield’s Community Facebook Page by a trustee, Brimfield police and fire cannot handle apartments of this size.? This would be putting the tenants as well as the rest of the community in danger.? ?The homes on Whitestone will have a road with 500 cars using it in their backyards.? I have never seen a neighborhood have a road directly in someone’s backyard.? Students do not have bussing in this neighborhood and walk to school.? This will put them all in danger from the increase of traffic.? It is not safe.?Brimfield Elementary is already at maximum capacity and can not handle this large of a complex.? There are already new neighborhoods going in and the schools cannot handle a surge in students.? Brimfield had to close open enrollment.? ?Lemon Development started the Sterling Green Neighborhood and could not complete the project and sold it to Ryan Homes.? Why would we let this developer come back into our community after already failing once??Off of the website: Section 311.01. Purpose The purpose of the Integrated Commercial Zoning District is to accommodate multi-purpose retail, business office and high-density residential development with regulations designed to minimize disruption to adequate levels of traffic flow along those major roads serving the permitted activities. This district is intended to serve the commercial needs of the community and/or region and provide for business and professional office facilities, hotels, convention and conference centers as well as high density residential developments. ?This proposal should be turned down on the facts above.? This will not minimize disruption to an adequate level of traffic flow.? This will make traffic unbearable adding the possibility of 500 cars to an area with traffic flow problems already.?Off of the Zoning Board of Appeals’ WebsiteConditional Land Use?2. Will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives, or with any specific objective of the Brimfield Township Comprehensive/Land Use Plan of current adoption and the Brimfield Township Zoning Resolution.This apartment complex is not harmonious to the existing neighborhood and will tower over the homes.? It is higher land than the neighborhood around them and will offer no privacy to the current residents.? It does not follow the current land use plan.? No high-density dwellings shall be built south of I-76 or away from SR 43.? ?3. Be designed, constructed, operated, and maintained so as to be harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not change the essential character of the same area; Anyone can see this is not harmonious to the neighborhood. ?4. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or permitted uses; It will be a hazard as stated above. ?5. Will not be detrimental to property in the immediate vicinity or to the community as a whole; This will lower everyone in Sterling Green and Chapman Farm’s property values.? This will effect the community property values as well.? People will not want to move to a community that has apartments immediately adjacent to their children’s elementary schools.? ?6. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer (where applicable), and schools; or that the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use shall be able to provide adequately any such services; The township has come out and made us all aware that the town can not adequately service this apartment complex.?7. Will not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community; We can not pass any more levies in this community.? We would need to pass school, fire, and police levies to accommodate 250 new apartments.?8. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons and/or property by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, or odors; This will be detrimental to the school, fire station, and neighborhood of Sterling Green.??9. Will have vehicular approaches to the property which shall be so designed as not to create an interference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares; This is a huge interference.? There will be a road in family home’s backyards.? The traffic is dangerous for the school and will be dangerous to the walkers.?10. Will not result in the destruction, loss, or damage of a natural, scenic, environmental or historic feature of major significance or concern to the community and to the ecosystem; Many animals use this land as home.? It will be a scenic loss as well. ?11. Will be in compliance with the Portage County Subdivision Regulations, the County Health District requirements and the County Building Code and all other applicable federal, state and local regulations. ??The Board needs to be able to prove that this complex meets all of these requirements below.?B. Specific Requirements for Conditional Uses The following are the specific conditional use criteria and requirements for the uses conditionally permitted in this Resolution as provided for in Chapter 3. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit the Board of Zoning Appeals from prescribing supplementary conditions and safeguards in addition to these requirements. In addition to the general requirements as specified in Section 400.10.A, every conditional use shall meet the following specific requirements as specified in Chapter 3 for that particular use and district:?1.?????? All structures and activity areas shall be located at least one hundred (100) feet from all property lines.2.?????? 2 Loudspeakers that cause a hazard or annoyance shall not be permitted. 3.?????? 3. Recreational facilities shall be provided as deemed necessary. 4.?????? 4. There shall be no more than one (1) sign oriented to each abutting street identifying the activity. 5.?????? 5. All points of entrance or exit should be located no closer than two hundred (200) feet from the intersection of two arterial streets; no closer than one hundred (100) feet from the intersection of an arterial street and a local or collector street or two local or collector streets. 6.?????? 6. No lighting shall constitute a nuisance and shall in no way impair safe movement of traffic on any street or highway, and no lighting shall shine directly on adjacent properties. 7.?????? 7. Structures and activities should have primary access to a collector or arterial street. 8.?????? 8. Such developments should have primary access to arterial streets or be located at intersections of arterial and/or collector streets. 9.?????? 9. Such developments should be located adjacent to nonresidential uses such as churches, parks, industrial, or commercial uses. 10.?? 10. Site locations should be preferred that offer natural or manmade barriers that would lessen the effect of intrusion into adjacent areas. 11.?? 11. Such structures should be located adjacent to parks and other nonresidential uses such as schools and shopping facilities where use could be made of shared parking facilities. 12.?? 12. All permitted installations/facilities shall be kept in a neat and orderly condition so as to prevent injury to any single property, any individual, and the township in general. 13.?? 13. The area of use shall be completely enclosed by a fence, a minimum of six (6) feet to a maximum height of eight (8) feet in areas where permitted, and appropriately landscaped to be harmonious with surrounding properties. 14.?? 14. Signs shall be in keeping with the character of the adjacent environment. 15.?? 15. New buildings and structures or alterations to existing buildings and structures should relate the contemporaneous design standards of existing properties surrounding the new structure. Building height, width, mass, and proportion affect the degree of compatibility and harmony between the old and the new. 16.?? 16. Landscaping, parking, utility or service areas, driveways, walkways, and similar improvements should be compatible to each other and to the subject building or structure as well as to adjacent contributing properties, open spaces, green spaces, and the overall environment. Brimfield Township Chapter 4 86 17.?? 17. Such uses should be located on an arterial street, adjacent to non-residential uses such as commerce, industry, or recreation, or adjacent to sparsely settled residential uses. 18.?? 18. Truck parking areas, maneuvering lanes, and access ways to public thoroughfares shall be designed to cause no interference with the safe and convenient movement of automobile and pedestrian traffic on and adjacent to the site. The site shall not be used for storage of trucks and trailers.20 Such uses shall not be conducted closer than two hundred (200) feet from any residential district, no closer than one-hundred (100) feet from any structure used for human occupancy in any other district. 21???? 21. All structures and activity areas shall be located at least thirty (30) feet from all property lines. 22???? 22. All contract activity and storage of equipment and materials shall be within a fully enclosed building.???The community does not want apartments in this area.? I do not see how the board can approve this apartment complex knowing it does not meet the criteria or follow the land use plan. ?Regards, ?Sarah Pryor?Chris and Tami Ruscitti4261 Whitestone RdSterling Green Development Lot #32Parcel #?04-031-20-00-032-000Land Use 510- Single Family Dwelling??To all zoning board members?My wife an I have been homeowners in the Sterling Green Development since Sept of 2008We were one of the first 5 or 6 homes to be built in the current Sterling Green Development?We selected our lot because of the location and the size and privacy of lot #32We have one of the largest lots in the development at 0.487 Acres?These proposed ?(2) – 42 Unit, (5) 30-Unit 3 Story 12-unit per acre buildings do not belong right next to the Sterling Green single family homes.We are talking about 246 rental units, 12-units per acre, 342 parking places.?In our area of single family homes with all lots at least .25 acre these 30 foot tall buildings are totally out of place in the proposed location.?With my wife and I having the north east corner lot there would be 3 apartments building directly against our back yard property lines on both sides.?The apartment building on our west side will be 35 feet from our property line and the apt building would tower over our backyard.?The natural rise of the land from my back property line to the highway is significant.?Please Review Section 506.01 -D.?Section 506.00 Environmental Protection Requirements Section 506.01 Purpose The purpose of these requirements is to ensure that the development of any parcel of land and/or use of building and/or structure within the township is compatible with the environment and to protect the quality of the environment in any location where the characteristics of the environment are of significant public value and are vulnerable to damage. The environmental protection requirements are designed to protect the public and property owners in the following manner: A. From blighting influences, which could cause adverse impacts to the quality of sensitive environmental areas. B. From unsafe buildings or unstable land, which would be caused by uncontrolled development. C. From significant damage or destruction of prominent hillsides and/or valleys caused by improper development thereof. D. From significant damage to the economic value and efficiency of operation of existing properties and/or new developments. ??With the proposed conditional use request my wife and I feel that this new multi-unit apartment complex with 246 units of renters (not single family homeowners)would greatly decrease the value and appeal of the entire Sterling Green Development.?Please take careful consideration of what approving the request from Lemon and Lemon to construct such massive 7 building 3 story high multi-unit apartment buildings so closeto a beautiful residential neighborhood would have on our environment and property values of the current Sterling Green Homeowners.?To get a better feel of exactly the area that the Drawing shows I have attached a satellite view of the proposed property as it is now.?Thank YouChris and Tami Ruscitti330-749-9831The natural layout of the land from my west side of my back yard does have a significant rise (slope) all the way up to the interchange by the tree line of I-76 and St RT 43At the tree line the elevation is much higher than the elevation that my home is built on. I am not exactly sure what the slope of the land is in the proposed building site.?I am referencing 506.06 Section B in regards to the slope of the land.?Section 506.06 Environmental Protection Standards??B. Steep Slopes: Eighteen (18) percent to twenty-five (25) percent: At least seventy (70) percent of such areas shall remain as permanent open space. No more than 30% of such areas shall be developed and/or regraded or stripped of vegetation. ?C. More than twenty-five (25) percent slope: ?At least eighty-five (85) percent of such areas shall remain as permanent open space. No more than fifteen (15) percent of such areas shall be developed and/or regraded or stripped of vegetation. Erosion control plans shall be approved by Portage Soil & Water Conservation District Office and must then be followed if affecting those slopes.?Chris and Tami Ruscitti4261 Whitestone RdSterling Green Lot #32Good afternoon,I am writing in regards to the apartment buildings that Brimfield is planning on allowing to be built behind Sterling Greens development. Please reconsider this. I have always assumed that a housing development would end up there, but never 3 story apartment buildings. This will bring our house values to plummet. I have been in Brimfield for 16+ years. We moved here for the quiet wonderful spirit of the community. The township has a responsibility to help maintain some dignity of our community. We have already allowed shopping centers to come into our community. Now, they want to add a Sheetz in front of our elementary school (I have already sent an email on how I feel about that).I do not feel that bringing a large apartment complex to this land will do anything good to impact our town. Bringing in 240 families will cause traffic problems to our streets in our development, issues to our already small fire/police department, and our school system will be overloaded. Brimfield elementary cannot hold the students in Brimfield, they have moved the line and have sent kids to Suffield.?Please reconsider this. Many people will be selling their homes should this happen, they feel as if they are being pushed out of our quiet community. We will be one of the family's that will move in the future should this happen. It is a shame because Brimfield has been a wonderful place to raise our family. Bringing is this complex will create crime to our development I am sure.?Thank you for reading,Michelle Lopane1537 Parson DrChapman Farms DevelopmentMr. Hlad,I writing this email in reference to the potential apartment complex build, and the meeting this week. I’m a resident of Sterling Green in Brimfield, Ohio. I have several concerns regarding this construction. - This will obviously lower our property and home values. It changes our landscape and scenery of our development, and puts an eyesore of a three-story apartment complex. - Our emergency services are not large enough to support this many new residents. This will then place current resident at risk if a emergency service is required. - Many times when apartments like this are built, this brings this brings more crime. I’m sure most of the new residents are good people, but there are always a few bad apples. - I invite you to look at the traffic that already happens during pickup/drop off at Brimfield Elementary. It’s not safe as it is, let alone all the new residents commuting. Put you and the board members in our position, and how do you think you’d react if this was built in your backyard. Not happy about it, right? Please action this appropriately. This is not a good thing for our little community. Respectfully,Adam YohoGood afternoon,I'm writing to share my concerns regarding the multi-story apartment buildings that I understand may be built in the Whitestone/Parsons area field.My husband and I moved to Brimfield last spring to escape the chaos of North Canton. We lived right by Belden Village Mall. The small-town feel of Brimfield has been such a lovely change of pace, and we hope that the area maintains that feel for many years to come.I fear that the addition of such apartment buildings in our area will create not?only traffic congestion but a strain on our townships resources (fire, police, school buildings, etc.), and will begin to erode the peaceful feel of the area.?Thank you for your time,Crystal SabikHello my name is Megan Greene and I am a resident of Sterling Green. I was made aware of what is going on in the cornfield that backs up to 76 and Sterling Green by a neighbor seeing people working in the fields. I am fully aware no one is asking for a variance so you don’t have to notify anyone. I also understand everything else in this area is zoned for 2 story buildings. So maybe at one point someone did approve a variance for a 3 story building?? Just asking not accusing. I know something will go in the empty fields one day. It would be nice to only have 1-2 story homes go in. The buildings will tower our homes. We already have flooding issues here. If our flooding gets worse who is responsible for fixing that??? Adding almost 300 units is a bit much for our little area to accommodate so quickly. The extra traffic and kids to the school system. The road back there is where all the walkers cross after school to come home. Our police and fire and already stretched to thin. I’m also curious on how our current sewer system will accommodate almost 300 more toilets??? Will you be asking for easements to use Sterling Green property? If this does get approved I would hope you contact the home owners that this will effect most. It would be nice if you put in privacy fences, privacy mounds and didn’t put lighting facing right in their windows. Also the road would need speed bumps. It will become a raceway with small children playing back there and walking home. I just personally think it’s poor planning and not what Brimfield needs. You are growing to quickly. This is a single family residential area. Not the place to throw 3 story buildings. Thank you for your time and I hope you reconsider building here. I just hope you reach out to the homeowners and ask what they need. Lots of great families are already moving out because of this. Thanks Megan Greene To whom it may concern:In response to the proposed project to build a 240 plus apartment building within the Sterling Green and Chapman Farms neighborhood by Lemmon and Lemmon below are some of our primary concerns.-?????????Property values may decrease and be a less appealing location for future home buyers.-?????????Privacy concerns by adding 240 apartments behind or in front of homes.-? ? ? ? ?Additional infrastructure of the complex located behind the neighborhood. ?????? o?? Traffico?? Safety o?? lighting o?? dumpsters o?? Noise o?? Pollution and trasho?? parking o?? 3 story buildingso?? Sewer and plumbingo?? Kelso/Town Center drive not equipped -????????? Inconvenience of construction for an extended period of time.-????????? Turnover in tenants -????????? Potential increase in crime, sex offenders living near elementary school which many children walk home.-????????? Inadequate community resources.? Fire/EMS/Police already in need of funds, recent levies proposed.? School district recently passed levies after years of failing.-????????? Visual impact from natural light, views, and disruption to wildlife.??Please strongly consider the above when making any decision to move forward with this project.Thanks,Chris and Donna Hicks330.353.3338??4177 Whitestone RdKent OH 44240 ................

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