The Ohio State University Human Resources 2018-2023 ...

The Ohio State University Human Resources 2018-2023 Strategic Plan

Finalized: May 16, 2018

Delivering HR Excellence. Inspiring People. Leading Change.

HR.OSU.EDU 1590 N. High Street, Suite 300 | Columbus, OH 43201 | 614-292-1050

Table of Contents

A message from the Senior Vice President, Talent, Culture & Human Resources ................................................................. 3 Human Resources Overview .................................................... 4 External Strategic Scan ........................................................... 5 Strategic Focus Areas ............................................................ 7 HR Excellence ...................................................................... 8 Talent Management ............................................................... 9 Total Rewards ...................................................................... 10 Foundational Themes ............................................................ 11 HR Alignment with Institutional Strategic Imperatives .................... 12

2 The Ohio State University Human Resources Strategic Plan

A message from the Senior Vice President, Talent, Culture & Human Resources

The Human Resources strategic plan 2018-2023 reflects input from internal stakeholders and the collaborative effort of the HR executive leadership team, HR Council, senior HR professionals and a diverse group of HR managers, supervisors and subject matter experts. It also represents a collective desire to enhance the Ohio State experience for the approximately 40,000 faculty, staff and student employees across 6 campuses, 42 colleges/VP units and Wexner Medical Center as well as prospective employees.

Human Resources at Ohio State (2018-2023) will focus on three strategic focus areas:

HR Excellence Talent Management Total Rewards

In addition to the strategic focus areas, we will continue to strengthen several foundational themes of the HR organization, which include Change Management, Communication, Compliance/Management of Risk, Culture and Diversity & Inclusion. These areas of focus along with the foundational themes align directly with Ohio State's Strategic Plan Time and Change and are very important to achieving the academic, medical and professional needs of future generations.

Human Resources serves a unique and pivotal role in ensuring stewardship of our people and creating the best workplace environment possible for the individuals at the core of what makes Ohio State one of the most respected institutions in the country, and in the world. It is a responsibility and indeed a privilege that we take seriously as HR professionals in contributing to the success of this great institution.

Strategic partnership with every college and unit leader is key to achieving the goals we have set for advancing our operations and towards strengthening our reputation as a workplace where every faculty, staff and student employee contributes their best work.

I share a strong commitment with the entire HR team to set a deliberate pace for prioritizing and delivering the initiatives of this plan. We will invest our resources to achieve the goals outlined. As new opportunities arise, we will consider those in alignment with the strategic focus areas and make decisions accordingly.

For more information about the breadth of professional HR services offered to Ohio State employees from recruiting, mitigating employment concerns, to offering affordable, quality benefits and fostering an ongoing culture of learning, I invite you to explore the Human Resources website.


Susan Basso

Senior Vice President Talent, Culture & Human Resources

3 The Ohio State University Human Resources Strategic Plan

Human Resources aligns with the university mission, vision and values and the university's strategic plan Time and Change. Mission: We provide proactive HR services and strategic solutions that create an environment inspiring pride, diversity and accountability, while also enabling faculty and staff to focus on the core mission of The Ohio State University. Vision: We deliver the strategic talent and culture framework that drives employee inspiration, student success and global solutions.

4 The Ohio State University Human Resources Strategic Plan

External Strategic Scan

National and regional trends influence the climate of Human Resources in higher education and encompass a wide range of stakeholder interests. In addition, state and federal laws create a complex legal and political framework in which employers operate. This combination of rapidly changing factors directly affect HR and the need to actively monitor and respond appropriately to be compliant as well as to effectively design for the future.

Workforce Landscape in Higher Education Workplace trends in higher education long had predictable approaches to its faculty and staff workforce: Faculty were largely tenure-track, stayed at one institution their entire career and for the most part were devoted to research, teaching and service. Staff also tended to be long-time employees, and focused on traditional areas specific to student, business or alumni affairs.

Today faculty and staff are increasingly mobile across institutions and countries. Technology has altered the nature of on-campus work with increased automation and an increase in staffing around technology and infrastructure. As well, the unionization of various employee groups is a national trend. These shifts will continue to influence the overall campus experience, including innovation, research, teaching and learning.

Fostering an inclusive environment, one that embraces diversity, is also an important national trend. According to the US Department of Labor, US employers will need 30 million new college-educated workers by 2020. New entrants to the workforce are smaller in number than baby boomers and many lack skills employers need. By 2020, 70-75% of the workforce will be millennials.

Facilitating conversation and ideations on the topic of diversity to move from learning and understanding to implementation of key strategies is the next step in advancing progress. People of color make up nearly 33% of the workforce today. By 2045, there will be no racial majority in the U.S. workplace.

Talent management, including attracting, recruiting, onboarding and retaining top talent to contribute their best work, is an ongoing HR challenge for employers globally as all compete to secure expertise and experience. A key component of retention is developing faculty and staff to elevate our organization and drive greater engagement. Additionally, there is an important HR role in leading change to successfully implement and adapt to new policies technology and new ways of working as the workplace continues to evolve.

Government Regulations and Compliance Both federal and state government regulation, as well as other compliance requirements will continue to impact higher education. Over the past decade, Congress, the U.S. Department of Education and the State of Ohio have implemented mandates, reporting requirements and regulations with which higher education and medical institutions must comply. This is in addition to expectations from the Department of Labor, to which all employers must legally adhere.

5 The Ohio State University Human Resources Strategic Plan


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