
Oklahoma Commission For Human ServicesThursday, November 1, 2012Services for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesHuman Services Commission Policy Resolutions and DirectivesIndividuals with developmental disabilities are spokespersons for freedom itself – they ask for the freedom to live, the freedom to belong, the freedom to contribute, the freedom to have a chance.? And, of all the values that unite and inspire us to seek a better world, no value holds a higher place than the value of freedom. – Eunice Kennedy ShriverResolution Regarding the State Operated Resource CentersWhereas disability is a natural part of the human experience that does not diminish the rights of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities; ? Whereas everyone has the right to be as independent as possible, to exert control and choice over one’s own life, and to participate in and contribute to a community through full inclusion in the economic, political, social, cultural, and educational mainstream of American society; Whereas the goals of the State of Oklahoma and the Human Services Commission (Commission) properly include providing individuals with developmental disabilities the information, skills, opportunities and support to:Make informed choices and decisions about their lives;Live in homes and communities where individuals can exercise their full rights and responsibilities as citizens;Pursue meaningful and productive lives;Contribute to their family, community, State and Nation;Have interdependent friendships and relationships with others;Live free from abuse, neglect, financial and sexual exploitation, and other violations of legal rights; andAchieve maximum health and full integration and inclusion in society; in an individualized manner consistent with unique strengths, resources, and priorities; and Whereas this Commission has the legal responsibility to support programs and initiatives which complement these seven goals by providing the best services and the highest standards of care available in the least restrictive manner; Whereas decades of experience indicate that the best services and outcomes are now delivered in community settings which already serve the vast majority of Oklahomans receiving services related to developmental disabilities. Over 5,000 individuals are successfully served in community settings, including 721 individuals with a diagnosis of profound mental retardation and 714 individuals with a diagnosis of severe mental retardation. Many of them have serious medical conditions as well; Whereas the Commission finds that Oklahoma has a community based waiver program and a system of contract service providers that are well-versed in the challenges of de-institutionalization and serve the full range of intellectual and physical disabilities, including individuals who need extensive nursing, therapy, or behavioral support services.NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED by the Commission to direct the Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) to develop and implement plans to transition all residents at the Southern Oklahoma Resource Center (SORC) and the Northern Oklahoma Resource Center at Enid (NORCE) into community based homes and to close the SORC facility no later than April 30, 2014; and to close the NORCE facility no later than August 31, 2015.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Commission to direct the Department of Human Services (DHS) and DDSD to develop a plan for the employees of the resource centers that provides incentives for necessary staff to remain until their services are no longer needed and ensures that professional staff necessary to grow the community program are allowed to transfer to the community services program. Resolution Regarding Relocation of Resource Center Residents to Community HomesWhereas this Commission is vested with the authority to administer the assets of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services and to administer the programs and services available to citizens of this state through the Oklahoma Department of Human Services;Whereas this Commission in ceasing operation of the state operated resource centers is legally obligated to offer and provide a safe and effective residential alternative for the residents;NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED by the Commission to direct DDSD to use its well-established transition process to ensure the health and safety of the residents that includes the following elements:The parents, guardians, and families of each resident from NORCE and SORC will be given an opportunity to participate in the development of a community home for their loved ones including selecting their community service providers. The transition into community based homes will not require any additional financial burden to individuals or families. Parents, guardians, and family members will be provided assistance and support throughout this process. No one will be moved until full supports are in place.Each resident is to be provided a case manager whose responsibility is to work with the Personal Support Team to design an individualized plan to assure the person’s needs are addressed and to monitor the implementation of the plan. Transition funding to establish and furnish community homes is to be provided to every resident to help promote a comfortable living environment with access to all the benefits community living provides.? Each resident is to have an Office of Client Advocacy (OCA) advocate assigned to act as a separate voice to help meet the resident’s needs in a manner consistent with the seven goals above.? For residents who do not have family members or guardians, DDSD will locate and recruit volunteer guardians and advocates to fill those needs.? DDSD is to assure quality community-based services through ongoing reviews and regular monitoring of services by Quality Assurance staff, case manager and OCA advocate visits, independent monitoring by volunteers from Oklahoma Advocates Involved in Monitoring, and provider agency program coordinators. The Advocate General as the chief administrative officer of the Office of Client Advocacy who reports to the DHS Director, will review every individual’s plan for community placement and will certify that all services and supports are in place prior to the person actually moving to a community home.? Resolution Regarding a Comprehensive Plan for Supporting FamiliesWhereas the Commission finds that the families of Oklahomans with intellectual and developmental disabilities are the greatest support to family members across the lifespan;Whereas there are thousands of families caring for loved ones with disabilities at home who are in need of and waiting for community-based services and deserving of our best efforts to find progressive and innovative ways of providing support; NOW THEREFORE IT IS RESOLVED that the Commission commits to fully utilizing proven best practices that will allow new opportunities for growth and independence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities close to their homes and families. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Commission to direct DDSD to allocate service resources based on the identified needs of the individual being served and to request and advocate for competitive reimbursement rates for services to permit community private providers to hire and retain quality direct support staff.IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Commission to respectfully request the Governor to convene a blue ribbon panel of parents, professionals, and state agency representatives to develop a comprehensive plan for supporting individuals with developmental disabilities and their parents and families and for addressing Oklahoma’s growing waiting list for home and community based services. ................

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