PDF Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

[Pages:26]Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

Quarter 1st Quarter Date taught

C3/Common Core Standard Language Arts Print Awareness

Book orientation: right side up, front, back, left, right, top, bottom Book parts: front cover, back, title page, title, author

Phonemic Awareness Identify rhyming words

Produce rhyming words

Student Behavior


The student holds book correctly and is able to follow print and pictures from front to back, left to right, and top to bottom The student is able to correctly identify the front cover, back of the book, the title page, and author of the book.

RF.K.1a RI.K.5; RI.K.6

The student is able to distinguish when pairs of words rhyme or do RF.K.2a not rhyme when listening to words being spoken. Ex: Student identifies that bear and hair rhyme. The student can generate another rhyming word when presented RF.K.2a with three rhyming words. Can generate real or nonsense words. Ex: When given the words blue and clue, the student says shoe.

Distinguishes beginning sounds in words

Recognizes same sounds in words

Graphophonemic Awareness Uppercase letter recognition 11 Lowercase letter recognition 11 Matches uppercase letters 8 Letter sounds 8

The student is able to correctly recognize and name the beginning RF.K.2d of words.

Ex: student identifies "b" as the beginning sound in bow, boy, and bear The student can identify if pairs of words begin with the same sound RF.K.2 or sorts pictures with the same beginning sound. Ex: student can identify that cat and bar do not start with the same beginning sound and that pot and pencil do start with the same beginning sound.

The student is able to correctly identify 11 out of 26 uppercase letters. The student is able to correctly identify 11 out of 26 lowercase letters. The student is able to match 8 uppercase letters. The student is able to link 8 letters sounds to their most frequently corresponding letters. Ex: The short "a" sound in apple.



RF.K.1d RF.K.3a

CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013

1st Quarter Date taught

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

Language Arts Continued Fluency/Automaticity

"Reads" familiar text from pictures

Vocabulary/Oral Language Uses self help language

Participates in group discussions (follows agreed upon rules for discussions (turn-taking, etc.) continues a conversation through multiple exchanges)-CC

Reads pictures

Share information and ideas, speaks in clear complete sentences that become increasingly complex -CC

Listening /Comprehension Hear and repeat sounds in sequence

Listen with interest to stories

The student is able to "read" a book based on the pictures. Student's RF.K.4 "reading" sounds like storybook text structure.

The student is able to communicate needs and desires.


Ex: "I need to go the bathroom."

The student participates in group discussions in large and small SL.K.1

group settings.

Ex: Makes predictions about a story or shares a personal

experience that is connected to the discussion.

The student is able to "read" pictures and tell or explain what is RF.K.4

going on in the picture.

The student is able to speak clearly and in complete sentences and SL.K.1

is able to share information and ideas in a variety of settings such as

group discussions, conversations between children, and in

conversations with the teacher and other adults

The student is able to listen to and reproduce a series of sounds in a RF.K.2


Ex: Student claps, snaps, and verbally responds to a series of

claps, snaps, and verbal sounds.

The student actively listens when the teacher reads.


Eye contact, physical cues such as sitting facing the teacher and RI.K.10

book, verbal responses to the story, and being able to respond or

retell are indicators that the student is listening with interest.

Recite short poems, rhymes, songs

The student is able to recite poem, rhymes, and songs that are taught RF.K

in class or are a part of daily routines such as songs connected with Foundation

calendar and group time.

Skill; SL.K6

Ex: Days of the week song, nursery rhyme, or finger play.

CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013

1st Quarter Date taught

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

Language Arts Continued Listening/Comprehension Continued Follows 1&2 step directions

The student is able to listen to and follow 1 and 2 step directions. RF.K

Ex: Student is told to pick up the blue crayon and draw a circle. Foundation

The student performs the task.

Skill, SL.K.1a, SL.K.1b

Makes predictions

Tell what is happening in picture

With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text (informational and narrative texts) and to confirm understanding of a text read aloud, information presented orally, or through other media and to seek help/get information -CC

The student is able to make predictions when listening to the teacher SL.K.2; SL.K.6

introduce and read a story.

When given a picture, the student is able to tell what is happening in SL.K.6; RI.K.7

the picture with detail. Student goes beyond labeling items in the


The student is able to ask and answer questions, confirm their


understanding of a text, and seek help.

EX: Student ask a question about an event in a story or answers

a question about a detail in the story.

Writing Print using left to right progression moving from the top to the bottom of the page (Uses writing like behavior)

The student produces letters or letter like formations, writes from left-to-right, and writes from the top of the page to the bottom.


Traces letters

Uses random letters to convey message/story

Participates in frequent writing opportunities including modeled writing, shared writing, journal writing, and interactive writing and shared research/writing projects -CC

The student is able to trace letters when given copied letters to trace W.K


Foundation Skill

The student writes using random letters. Letters may or may not represent conventional letters or letter sounds. Student writing of random letters is used to create stories, labels, and ways to

W.K Foundation Skill

communicate meaning.

Student is observed participating in a variety of writing


opportunities in large group, small group, and individual settings

such as center time.

CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013

1st Quarter Date taught

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

Language Arts Continued

Writng Continued

With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions The student is able to respond to questions and suggestions about W.K.5

and suggestions from peers and add details to strengthen writing as needed -CC

their writing. The student is also able to add to their writing based on questions and suggestions from others.

Ex: After the teacher asks a student about what else happened

when the butterfly visited the zoo, the student is able to add to

their story.

Construct journal entries using illustrations and beginning The child responds to stories, experiences, prompts, or self-chosen W.K

writing skills

topics through drawing, scribbles, letter formations, letters, and/or Foundation

conventional words in the form of journaling.


Uses a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to The student is able to express their opinion about a book, explain W.K.3

compose opinion (student states topic/title of book and events, give information about a topic, and narrate a single

their opinion), informative/explanatory texts (name

event/several events through, drawing, writing, and dictation.

what they are writing about), and narrate a single event Ex: Student writes about what happened when they visited their

or several loosely linked events -CC

grandparents over the weekend.

Print his/her first and last name

The child is able to write his/her first and last name.

W.K Foundation Skill

CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

1st Quarter

Mathematical Concepts and Skills

Date taught


Sort, classify, order objects, identify & compare objects

Identify and copy patterns

Number Sense One-to-one correspondence

Counts sets of objects 1-5 Matches sets to numerals 1-5

The student is able to sort a variety of materials by their attributes K.MD.B.3

such as size, color, and shape. Student is able to compare and

identify objects based on their attributes such as size color, and


The student is able to identify patterns such as A-B-A-B patterns and copy them. Ex: The teacher provides patterns of apple-orange-apple-

Math Foundation Skill

orange and the student is able to recognize the pattern and copy

the apple-orange-apple-orange pattern.

The student is able to use one-to-one correspondence when counting. Ex: points to and counts each item in a set of three shells and is able to count three shells. The student is able to count sets of objects from 1-5. The student is able to match sets to numerals from 1-5. Ex: Matches a set of three red apples to the numeral 3.


.4a .4a

Numeral Recognition Identifies numerals 0-5

Numeral Writing Traces numerals

The student is able to look at the numerals 0-5 and correctly identify .4a,

the numeral.


The student is able to trace numerals.


Ex: When given a sheet of numerals, the student is able to trace

the numerals.

CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013

1st Quarter Date taught

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

Mathematical Concepts and Skills Continued

Rote Counting

Numbers 1-25

The student is able to count from 25.


Count by tens to 30 -CC

The child is able to count by tens to 30.


Geometry & Spatial Sense 5 basic shapes Uses position words

Measurement Days of the week

Compare and order objects (big, bigger, biggest) Data Analysis

Create Concrete Graphs

Describe similarities and differences between objects

The student is able to identify and name the shapes circle, triangle, square, rectangle, and oval. The student uses words such above, below, up, down, in, out, over, and under with accuracy.

K.G.2a K.G.1a

The student correctly names the days of the week.

The student is able to look at a set of objects and put them in order from big, bigger, biggest or small, smaller, smallest.

K.MD Foundation Skill K.MD.2a

The student creates concrete graphs such as bar graphs that cover a variety of topics such as favorite color, food, pet, or how we get to school (walking, car, bus). The student is able to verbally describe similarities and differences between objects.

K.MD Foundation Skill


CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

Quarter 2nd Quarter Date taught

PASS Objective Language Arts Print Awareness One-to-one correspondence

Tracks print: return sweep

Tracks print: left-to-right Understands printed materials provides information

Phonemic Awareness Identify and count syllables

Blending syllables Distinguishes onset/rime in 1 syllable words

Student Behavior

The student is able to finger point to text and point to each word as RF.K.1

it is read matching the spoken word to the printed word.

The student is able to track print by following the print to the next RF.K.1

line of the page as it is read.

Student is able to track print across the page from left to right.


The student is able to understand that printed materials provide



Ex: Understanding that a book tells a story, a calendar gives the

date and a shopping list tells us what we need to buy at the


The student is able to identify and count syllables in a word when RF.K.2b


Ex: When the word apple is spoken, the student hears /a/ /pple/

and says or demonstrates that there is 2 syllables in the word


When given the syllables for a word, the student can blend the


syllables to create the word.

Ex: When given /ba/ and /by/ the student can put them together

and say the word baby.

The student is able to distinguish the first consonant of the word RF.K.2c

(onset) from the rest of the word (rime).

Ex: When given the word bat, the student can say the onset /b/

and the rime /at/ for the word bat.

CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Rubric

2nd Quarter

Language Arts Continued

Date taught

Phonemic Awareness Continued

Blending phonemes

Recognizes ending sounds in spoken words

Graphophonemic Awareness Uppercase letter recognition 14

Lowercase letter recognition 14

Matches lower case letters 14 Letter sounds 14

When presented with isolated letter sounds, the child can say the letter sounds quickly to make words. Ex: /p /e/ /t/=pet, /s/ /i/ /t/= sit The student is able to identify the ending sound in a word when it is spoken. Ex: When given the word cat, the student is able to tell that the ending sound is /t/.

RF.K.2 RF.K.2

The student is able to correctly identify 14 out of 26 uppercase



The student is able to correctly identify 14 out of 26 lowercase



The student is able to match 14 lowercase letters.


The student is able to link 14 letters sounds to their most frequently RF.K.2

corresponding letters.

Ex: The short "a" sound in apple.

Fluency/Automaticity "Reads" familiar texts emergently, not necessarily verbatim from print

Vocabulary/Oral Language Repeats 6-8 word sentences

The student is able to "read" a book by using picture clues and text. SL.K.4 The reading is not conventional or verbatim. However, the student may read some of the words on the page and combine it with their "reading" from the pictures.

When given a sentence that is 6-8 words in length, the student will be able to repeat the sentence. Ex: The student is able to repeat the sentence: The dog jumped over the tall fence.

L.K.1, SL.K.6, RF.K.2

CC = Common CORE

Oklahoma City Public Schools Kindergarten Report Card Rubric


June 2013


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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