PDF District Test Coordinator 101 - Oklahoma

District Test Coordinator 101

Sonya Fitzgerald, Executive Director of State Assessments Office of Assessments

Oklahoma State Department of Education Sonya.Fitzgerald@sde. (405) 521-3341


? Testing Terminology ? Oklahoma School Testing Program Overview ? Testing Contractors ? District Test Coordinator Responsibilities ? Training Requirements/Opportunities ? Assessment Website ? SDE Approval ? Testing Exemptions and Exceptions ? OSTP Accommodations ? Committees ? Questions ? Assessment Office Contact Information

Testing Terminology

OSTP = Oklahoma School Testing Program which is mandated by state law, 70 O.S. ? 1210.505 and governed by OAC 210:10-13 (Oklahoma Administrative Code: Title 210, Chapter 10, Subchapter 13) OAS = Oklahoma Academic Standards which direct teacher instruction and which are measured by the OSTP OCCT = Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests refers to the Criterion Referenced tests intended for End-of-Instruction (EOI) as well as the Grades 3-8 assessments for the majority of Oklahoma students.

Testing Terminology

OAAP = Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program refers to the assessments used to measure achievement of alternate academic standards of the state curriculum for children with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Testing Window = a period of time in which the students must take a state assessment. The window is preset by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). Optional Retest Window = the "optional" retest window is specifically for students who are taking the End-of-Instruction online assessment for a second time.

Oklahoma School Testing Program

? Criterion reference tests ? Assess the Oklahoma Academic Standards ? Fulfills Federal and Oklahoma's state testing

requirements ? Provides scores used for the A-F Report Card


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