

Oklahoma State Department of Education

Residential Facility Direct Certification

March 11, 2015


Oklahoma State Department of Education

2500 North Lincoln Boulevard

Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4599

Table of Contents

1 – Introduction 3

1.1 - Purpose 3

1.2 - How to use this document 3

2 – Uploading the Residential Facility Direct Certification file 4

2.1 Student Demographics Template 4

2.2 Single Sign On (SSO) 4

2.3 General Navigation 4

2.4 File Upload 4

2.5 Data Verification 6

1 – Introduction

The Child Nutrition division of the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is required to match 95% of all children receiving SNAP with the direct certification process. The residential facilities have not had a way of providing their information in the past. This process will allow us to match students who reside in the facilities and may be on SNAP.

1.1 - Purpose

The purpose of this manual is to provide a step-by-step resource for accessing and submitting the Residential Facility Direct Certification report to the Oklahoma State Department of Education.

1.2 - How to use this document

This document is intended to be a step-by-step guide for submitting Residential Facility Direct Certification information. To perform the process successfully, follow the steps outlined in this document. For assistance with a specific section, identify the exact area in the Table of Contents and navigate to that section with a click of the mouse to follow the instructional steps. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact the State Department of Education Service Desk at 405.521.3301 for assistance.

2 – Uploading the Residential Facility Direct Certification file

Access to the Residential Facility Direct Certification Report is provided to users through the Single Sign On (SSO) system.

2.1 Student Demographics Template

To begin, complete the Student Demographics template provided by the Child Nutrition office, including the site data tab, and save the completed template on your computer.

2.2 Single Sign On (SSO)

Navigate to the Single Sign On Web site (), log in and choose “Residential Facilities Upload” from the list of Systems. The list of systems will vary person-to-person depending on what other applications they have access to.


Figure 1 - Single Sign On System login page


Figure 2 - Single Sign On System list

2.3 General Navigation

In the Residential Facilities Upload application, you will see a drop down menu for County/District selection. District users will see their district already displayed in the box, but SDE Administrators will need to select a district. The system screen also contains several buttons: Browse, Upload File, Check Data, Get Matches and Reset.

2.4 File Upload

Uploading files from your machine is a two-step process.

Step 1: Click the Browse button.


Figure 3 – Browse button

Step 2: Navigate to the location of your saved Student Demographics template and click the file.


Figure 4 – Locate file

Step 3: Click Open


Figure 5 – Select file

Step 4: Click the Upload File button.


Figure 6 – Upload file button

2.5 Data Verification

Once a file has been uploaded, the system is designed to analyze the data for errors. To begin the data analysis process, click the “Check Data” button


Figure 7 – Check Data button

When the system has checked the uploaded data, a message will be displayed for your review:

1. If the message states “all your data is good to submit”, click the “Submit Data” Button.


Figure 8 – Submit Data button

2. If the message states that you have invalid data, click the “View Bad Data” button to review your upload.


Figure 9 – View bad data button


Figure 10 – Errors displayed

After you have reviewed the errors in the previously uploaded data, go back to your saved Student Demographics file, make the necessary corrections and save the changes.

On the Residential Facility Direct Certification Application screen, click the “Reset” button.


Figure 11 – Reset button

This will take you back to the starting point where you can repeat the steps to upload your corrected file and check the data. Continue to make corrections and upload the file until you receive the message “All your data is good to submit!” Once you receive the “good to submit” message, click the “Submit Data” button.


Figure 12 – Submit data button


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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