Carley Paxton

Name: Carley Paxton Lesson Plan ______________________________

Date: November 15, 2013 Cooperating Teacher’s Signature

(Before Lesson is Presented to Class/Students)

|A: Class: Reading/Language and Arts |C: Topic/Title: Synonyms |

|B: Grade Level/Age: 4th grade |D: Time Frame: 90 minutes |

|A: Students learning objective/s: |Materials: Smartboard (for video) |

|General: The students will demonstrate how to properly use similar word known as |Notebook paper |

|synonyms. |Synonym Cards |

|Modified: The student will demonstrate how to properly use similar words known as |Newspaper |

|synonyms through visual aids, good reinforcements, and staying on task. |White paper |

|B: Common Core State Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.4.5c Demonstrate understanding of|Dictionary/Thesaurus |

|words by relating them to their opposites (antonyms) and to words with similar but not |“Identify the Synonym” Worksheet |

|identical meanings (synonyms). |Self-Evaluation Handout |

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| |Sources: (include web sites) |

| |Susan Keith, Hartville High School |

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| |Self-Evaluation Example in Packet from EDU 303114 |

| |Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a Synonym? Cleary, Brian P. |

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| |Check: ______ Initial |

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| |___(__ Developmental |

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| |_____ Culminating |


|A: Opening: (gain student attention, review as appropriate, establish prior knowledge, state learning outcome/s, arouse interest) |

|Set expectations of behavior, an overview plan of the lesson, and explain what will happen if expectations are not met. |

|In your own words, describe what a synonym is? Raise hands do not let anyone shout out the answers. |

|What are some examples of a synonym? *Write examples on the board. |

|Watch Youtube clip of “Synonym Song” –Give students a choice to stand up and interact with the video. [Standard 2.5] |

|B: Explanations: (sequentially present content with examples, state discussion questions, give evidence of providing practice) |

|I Do- 1. Read the story, Pitch and Throw, Grasp and Know: What is a Synonym? |

|2. Have the students write down synonyms they hear while I read the story. Provide student visual copy of words to read along and does not have to write down |

|synonyms. |

|3. Share the different synonyms the students find in the story. [Standard 2. 3] |

|We Do- 1. Pass out synonym cards to each group. The students will read the sentence on each card, filing in the blank with the word written below it. Then from the |

|three words listed at the right, have them choose the best synonym for the word below the blank. (The answers are on the back of each card.) Working as a group maybe |

|hard for the student to do so reinforce positive behavior and give the student a job of the writer, or talker. Everyone in the group will have a job. |

|2. Students will write down the best choice from the card on a sheet of notebook paper. |

|3. Discuss each cards answer and why it is similar to the word under the blank. [Standard 2.2] |

|You Do- 1. Students will be partnered up with a classmate. *Choose a partner that will work well with the student and provide an easy transition. Give student small |

|jobs to complete such as cut out and glue the article, find the original word in the dictionary. |

|2. Each group will find a newspaper article from the given newspapers. |

|3. The students will cut out the article. |

|4. Then they will find a dictionary or thesaurus. |

|5. Each group will translate the title of the article and two sentences from the article using synonyms. |

|6. Students will cut and glue their article on a sheet of white paper. |

|7. Each group will present their article and translation to see if it is still the same meaning of the word. [Standard 2.6] |

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|C: Evaluation: (evaluation by teacher of student learning, self-evaluation by student) turn in one copy of each. |

|By teacher- Students will be identify the correct synonym in the “Identify the Synonym” worksheet [Standard 2.1] The student will be given a different worksheet with |

|half the number of questions and basic synonym words to recognize. |

|Student self evaluation- Students will fill out a self-evaluation how they felt about today’s lesson. |

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|D: Closing: (review, connect, transition) Prepare student for a transition and reinforce positive behavior. No shouting and yelling out answers. Everyone gets|

|a chance to talk. |

|Review to make sure all the students have a good grasp on synonyms. [Standard 2.4] |

|What was your favorite part of today’s lesson? |

|What is the difference between a synonym and antonym? |

|What are some ways we can use synonyms? |

|Why are synonyms important? |

|E: Modifications: (time, behavior, and/or special needs) |

|Presenting the students with my expectations and the procedures of what is going to happen if they cannot manage their behavior will be important to express before we|

|begin each activity. This class has a hard time with being talkative so always redirecting will be essential. |

|Use whole group, small group, partners and individual practice of synonyms |

|Keeping the student on task and focused |

|Providing visual aids during reading the book to concentrate better. |

|Setting expectations and giving the student a job within a group or partner work |

|Preparing the student for a transition. |

|Observation will be the main source of assessment throughout the lesson. |

|F: This is a fourth grade classroom during Language Arts time with twenty students in the class. This is during the morning class time so the class as a whole is |

|still very chill. The student presented is a severe form of autism. He is fully included in the classroom with a full-time aide. The goal for this year is to get him |

|more independent from the aide and work in a group setting. He doesn’t particularly like to work in a group but the cooperating teacher tries her best to get him to |

|work with others for social relationships and to learn to respect others opinions. He needs to job to stay focused and on task with clear expectations before a lesson|

|begins. This boy is 10 years old. |

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