Week 6: Term 6 Hello Woodpeckers fabulous Ickabog work on show last week thank you I thought it was a great story –This week is a Kintbury’s Got Talent week. We are looking at which artists actors writers singers musicians. I would like to know what interests you and what talents you haveEach day you can pick 1 English activity 1 Maths activity 1 other activityWe suggest that these tasks could be completed throughout the day, in 20/30 minute bursts with breaks in between.Some activities will need online access, please remember that this does not need to be a laptop/PC…this can be accessed using different platforms such as laptop, computer, Ipad, android tablet, kindle fire, mobile phones, etc. If you have any problems accessing the activities below, please contact your class teacher via the class email address. ENGLISHMATHSOTHER CURRICULUM AREASMondayWe are looking at Kennings today. It is a type of poetry. It is a two word phrase to describe somethingEg Dog – face lickerBaby – noise makerComputer – data giverLook at the ppt in the resources to see how to create a kenning Now look at this advert that was created some 30 years ago using kennings the Kennings worksheet 1White Rose Maths Week 6 Summer Term 6Week 6 Lesson 1Creating APPs and Computer games all starts with codingCoding is an IT skill – try this program from Scratch fun creatingTuesdayUsing the knowledge of Kennings, lets create your very own shield that describes you and your talents. By all means get a grown up to help you get started.In the resources find the shields document In the bottom work sheet, you could do a family shield with pictures.Please send in your shields so that we can display them in the classroom for next year.White Rose Maths Lesson 2DT and Art In the 1960s there was a famous group called the Beatles.One of the most famous album covers that The Beatles made was Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The cover shows over 80 people who were important to the band. It cost almost ?3000 to create; that would equal almost ?50,000 today!Have a look at the cover and see how many faces you can name? Using magazines, a computer or by drawing them yourself can you create your own version of the album cover which includes pictures of people who are important to you.Wednesday We are looking at Artists today- Where is the Tate Gallery?Follow the link to the Make tab – select Paint Like TurnerRead the information about him.Answer the questions :-Where and when was Turner born?What were his occupations?How old was he when he became a student at the Royal academy of Arts?What sort of paintings did he become known for?What did he always carry with him and why?In the resources are templates for a gallery or a frame for a self portrait.Have a go at creating one of these.There are so many other things to have fun with on this site- let us know what else you have tried?White Rose Maths Lesson 3Look at the pdf titled Year3/4 artCan you create some pictures using these art skills? Science follow the link to create a cloud collage for – How to create cloud collagesWatch the video to learn how clouds stay upLook on the resources for cloud collages instructionsThursdayLet’s look at music today –What is your favourite musical?What is the story?Can you write a short explanation about the musical? For example It could be The Lion King or MatildaWhite Rose Maths Lesson 4 Let’s have a go at trying some of these ideas.Listen to Peter and the Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev. Identify the animals/ characters portrayed by the music and the instruments used to help portray them. The animals/characters to identify are: Peter, duck, cat, Grandpa, wolf, birds, hunters The instruments used to help identify them are: Oboe, bassoon, french horn, timpani, strings, flutes If you would like to find out more, look at how Walt Disney turned this into a piece of film: is your favourite TV program?Who stars in it? Have they been in anything else?What can you find about them?Can you do a biography of them?In the pack skills Check 6How long did it take you?Did your score improve from last week?If we had a Kintbury’s Got Talent competition at school - what would you perform?Could you family perform something?Watch Family’s rendition of One More Day on YouTube you create your own family song or TikTok dance or poem and send it in?Daily Activities: PE( Joe Wicks /( Oti Mabuse dance ) walk/ trampoline etc – have fun with this)ReadingTimesTable Rockstars ................

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