September 22, 2014 - 7:00 P.M.

R. Jay Foster Hall of Justice, Womack Building

Columbus, NC


1. Call to Order – Chair Owens.

2. Invocation – Pastor Peter McDonald.

3. Pledge of Allegiance – Tryon Mountain Troopers Pathfinder Club will lead the pledge.

4. National Anthem – Lauren Ketwitz and Reagan Waddell, students at Polk County High School, will sing the Star-Spangled Banner in honor of it turning 200 years old this month.

5. Approval of Minutes – Approval of the March 3, 2008, special meeting minutes, and the September 8, 2014, regular meeting minutes. Motion to approve. Pages 1-13 .

6. Approval of Agenda – Agenda items may be added and/or deleted at this time. Motion to approve.

7. Citizen Comments

8. August 2014 Refund Request – Melissa Bowlin, Tax Administrator, will present the request. Motion to approve. Page 14.

9. Budget Amendment – Sandra Hughes, Finance Director, will present the amendment. BA #3, The Meeting Place, Addition, $2,997 – To increase revenues and expenditures for a donation from the Meeting Place Donation Fund for the purchase of a desktop and notebook computer. Motion to approve. Page 15.

10. NC Hunting Season - Toby Jenkins, NC Wildlife Officer will be present to discuss the new State of North Carolina rules on deer hunting season. Chair Owens asked that this item be placed on the agenda.

11. A Resolution Calling For The Release of Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi By The Government Of Mexico - Vice-Chair Gage will present the resolution. Motion to approve. Page 16.

12. DSS Building Update – Commissioner Holbert requested this item be added to the agenda.

13. Schedule Two Public Hearings, FY 2015 Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) Application to the NC Department of Transportation and the FY 2016 Section 5311 Community Transportation Program Grant Application to the US Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration – Dianne Timberlake, Transportation Director will be present for questions. Motion to approve. Pgs 17-19.

14. Schedule a Public Hearing to Amend and Re-enact the Watershed Protection Ordinance of Polk County and the Map of the Green River (Lake Adger) Segment Reclassified by the Environmental Management Commission - Cathy Ruth, Planner will be present for questions. Motion to approve. Pages 20-52.

15. Economic Development Status Update – Robert Williamson, Interim Economic Development Director will present update.

16. Volunteer Boards for Review – None.

17. Commissioner Comments

18. Closed Session – Motion to go into closed session for the purpose of personnel, G.S. 143-318.11(a) (6).

19. Return to Open Session – Motion to return to open session.

20. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn.

Indicates information is included in the agenda packet.[pic]










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