
Reading (45 points)

A Read the article.

|Giving Voice to the Characters |

|[pic] The sidewalks* of the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles are very famous. There are more than 2,600 stars on them with the |

|names of actors, musicians and directors. Surprisingly, 12 of the stars are for animated characters from movies and television. |

|[pic] What makes an animated character so popular that it receives a star? A successful animated character has a personality and an |

|appearance that people will remember. But probably the most important part of the character is the voice. Many people can identify a |

|character just by hearing his or her special voice, like Donald Duck or Bart Simpson. |

|[pic] Voice actors are the people who create these voices. First they learn about the character’s personality and appearance. Then they|

|give the character a special voice. |

|On the television show, The Simpsons, Nancy Cartwright created the voices of over |

|50 characters. She thought of the voice of Bart Simpson, her most famous character, when she learned that he was a very smart boy who |

|was always in trouble at school. |

|A great voice actor in the past, Mel Blanc, was called “The Man of a Thousand Voices”. He created the voices of 400 different |

|characters, but the audience never knew his name, only the voices he used. |

|[pic] Today, famous actors often play the voices of animated characters in movies. That way, people of all ages come to watch |

|children’s movies. The first famous actor |

|to become a voice actor was Robin Williams. He was the voice of the genie in the 1992 movie Aladdin. In the Shrek movies, all of the |

|main voices are famous actors. |

|[pic] Animated characters come alive from the minute they open their mouths. Their special voices help the audience enjoy the |

|performance. |

*sidewalks מדרכות / أرصفة

B Answer the questions about the article.

1 Complete the sentence. (5 points)

According to paragraph 1, people come to the Hollywood Walk of Fame

to see .

2 What is the main idea of paragraph 2? (6 points)

a. A successful animated character always has a personality.

b. Donald Duck and Bart Simpson are very famous characters.

c. The voice is probably the most important part of an animated character.

d. Some animated characters are so popular they receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

3 According to paragraph 3, Nancy Cartwright and Mel Blanc … . (6 points)

a. created voices on the television show The Simpsons

b. created voices for many characters

c. worked together

d. were always in trouble at school

4 Name TWO things Nancy Cartwright learned about Bart Simpson (2 x 3 = 6 points)

before she created his voice. (paragraph 3)



5 How are Mel Blanc and Robin Williams similar? How are they (2 x 4 = 8 points)

different? (paragraphs 3 and 4)

1. Similar:

2. Different:

6 According to paragraph 4, why are famous actors used as voice (6 points)

actors in animated movies today?

7 What do you know about voice actors? (paragraphs 3, 4 and 5) (2 x 4 = 8 points)

Circle the TWO correct answers.

a. They are sometimes famous actors.

b. They create the character’s appearance.

c. The audience always knows their names.

d. They make the characters come alive.

e. Robin Williams was the first voice actor.

Vocabulary (20 points)

A Circle the correct answer in each sentence below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. I didn’t consider / expect / prevent Tom to come to my birthday party. It was great to see him.

2. I need to speak loudly / perfectly / regularly to my grandfather because he doesn’t hear well.

3. In my difficulty / benefit / opinion, pizza is the best dinner.

4. Do you get close to / crack up / feel like going to the beach tomorrow?

5. I am lucky / hilarious / awful that you are my friend.

6. The man at the shoe store realized / measured / pretended my feet.

7. It’s cold out. Come inside or you will catch a cold / grow up / get started.

8. We need to get off the train at the next blanket / station / program.

9. Karen’s new apartment / interview / railway is more comfortable than her old one.

10. We are looking for one more person to search / join / suggest our game today. Are you free this afternoon?

B Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two (10 x 1 = 10 points)

extra words.

plenty of surprising healthy relax worry the whole

carefully curtains confident especially get rid of exam

1. Tomorrow we have a math .............................. .

2. Please open the .............................. to let the sun in.

3. Molly’s parents started to .............................. when she didn’t come home on time.

4. Noam drove .............................. because of the heavy rain.

5. We have .............................. time to talk before the next class begins.

6. I listen to music when I want to .............................. .

7. It isn’t .............................. that Roy won the art competition. He paints beautifully.

8. The most exciting part of the picnic was when .............................. group played football together.

9. You need to eat .............................. foods like fruit and nuts on this diet.

10. Max is ............................... . He feels ready to perform on stage next week.

Grammar (20 points)

A Complete the sentences or questions with the correct form (5 x 1 = 5 points)

the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present


1. The flowers ...................................... (smell) nice.

2. Doron ...................................... (wait) for the taxi to arrive now.

3. My brother and his friend ...................................... (play) tennis right now.

4. My family ...................................... (move) to Paris soon.

5. .............................. you .............................. (prefer) to drink tea or coffee?

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

Use the Future Simple, positive, negative or question form.

love win call be come

1. I can’t talk now. I ...................................... you back later.

2. I am very sorry. Next time I ...................................... late.

3. You ...................................... this movie. It has great special effects.

4. Our team ...................................... the next game. I am very confident.

5. There won’t be any buses or trains tonight. How .............................. you

.............................. home?

C Choose the correct answer. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. Brad is … Andy. They are both 1.80 meters tall.

a. taller than b. as tall as c. the tallest

2. Tel Aviv is a big city. It is … Eilat.

a. larger than b. as large as c. the largest

3. Natalie dances well. She is … dancer in the group.

a. better than b. as good as c. the best

4. I really like our new sofa, because it’s ... the old one.

a. more comfortable than b. as comfortable as c. the most comfortable

5. This cake is good, but it isn’t … the cakes Grandma makes.

a. tasty b. as tasty as c. the tastiest

D Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the (5 x 1 = 5 points)

adjectives below.

beautiful happy loud comfortable quiet

1. The baby cried .............................. when she woke up.

2. Vickie and her sister both sang .............................. at the school concert.

Everyone enjoyed their performance.

3. The students speak .............................. in the library.

4. We ordered ice cream and ate it ............................... together.

5. We sat .............................. on the sofa and watched TV.

Writing (15 points)

Write your opinion about a movie that you saw. Write at least 60 words. Use

the questions below to help you.

• What is the name of the movie?

• What was it about?

• What is your opinion about the movie?













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