
Reading (45 points)

A Read the article.

|Using Another Name |

|[pic] Do you know who Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is? Many people would be surprised to know that this is the real name of Lady |

|Gaga, the pop star. She uses a different name, called a pseudonym, in her career. |

|[pic] Performers often choose to change their names and identities with a pseudonym. They want names that are easy to remember. Some |

|pop and hip hop singers choose really unusual names. Singer Lady Gaga has fans that love her not just because of her music, but for her|

|strange clothes and exciting performances. Her name represents the kind of performer that she is. |

|[pic] There are also actors who want more attractive names, while others use a pseudonym to hide their identity. Martin Sheen, a |

|popular movie and television actor, was born Ramón Estevez. When he started acting in the 1960s, he felt that he had problems getting |

|acting jobs because of his Latino name. So he invented the pseudonym, Martin Sheen. With his new name, he became a star. |

|[pic] Authors also use pseudonyms, called pen names, when they want to hide their identity from the public. J. K. Rowling became very |

|famous when she wrote the popular Harry Potter books for young people. Then in 2013, she began to write detective books for adults. To |

|keep her identity a secret, she created a pen name, Robert Galbraith. Rowling wanted her new books to be successful without using her |

|famous name. |

|[pic] There are many reasons that famous people use pseudonyms. Would you? |

B Answer the questions about the article.

1 According to paragraph 1, Stefani Germanotta is … . (5 points)

a. a name that people are familiar with

b. a character in the Harry Potter books

c. the name of a famous writer

d. the real name of a famous pop star

2 Circle the TWO correct answers. (2 x 3 = 6 points)

In paragraph 2, we learn that Lady Gaga … .

a. wears crazy clothes

b. is the name her parents gave her

c. chose a name that matches her identity as a performer

d. doesn’t like to perform

e. is a pseudonym

3 Ramón Estevez felt he had problems getting acting jobs at first (6 points)

because … . (paragraph 3)

a. he was a bad actor

b. he was using his real name

c. he became an actor in the 1960s

d. he hid his identity

4 a. Circle the correct answer, Yes or No. (paragraph 3) (2 x 3 = 6 points)

Ramón Estevez got more work after he began to use

a pseudonym. YES / NO

b. Copy the words or the sentence from the article that helped you answer.

5 What are TWO changes J. K. Rowling made in her life (2 x 4 = 8 points)

in 2013? (paragraph 4)



6 Why did Rowling want to hide her true identity? (paragraph 4) (6 points)

a. She secretly began to write more books for young people.

b. She didn’t want to be famous anymore.

c. She wanted people to like her new books without a famous

name on them.

d. She always dreamed of using a pen name.

7 In line 19, it says, “There are many reasons that famous people (2 x 4 = 8 points)

use pseudonyms.” Name TWO reasons. Find the answers in

other paragraphs.



Vocabulary (20 points)

A Circle the correct answer in each sentence below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. Don’t be angry at me. I didn’t forget the train tickets on purpose /

in danger / strangely.

2. The detective behaved / wondered / suspected that the new worker

stole the money.

3. The dog’s guy / owner / leader is teaching his dog to catch a ball.

4. My sister is too honest / shy / guilty to sing in front of an audience.

5. They didn’t attack / wake up / stay away early enough to catch the

morning train.

6. The criminal escaped / behaved / caused from the police station.

7. Gili and Ran thought that the history assignment / stuff / conversation was

very easy.

8. I love orange juice. In charge / In fact / In danger, it is my favorite drink.

9. Nir was born / robbed / wondered in America and moved with his family to Israel when he was three years old.

10. She lost her connection / cupboard / purse with all her money in it.

B Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two (5 x 2 = 10 points)

extra words.

message except became ordinary

used to messy suitcase

1. In the city, the stores are open every day .............................. for Saturdays.

2. Dan didn’t answer his phone, so I left a ............................... .

3. Rick and Alan .............................. good friends after they both joined the same team.

4. Kate .............................. swim every afternoon, but now she doesn’t have the time.

5. My mother complained that my room was .............................. , so I will surprise her and clean it today.

Grammar (20 points)

A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

Use the Past Progressive, positive or negative.

climb walk sing listen wash

1. I found a lost dog while I ............................................. to the station.

2. My brother ............................................. the tree when he fell and hurt his leg.

3. I ............................................. the car when my phone rang.

4. Mika was looking at her cellphone while she ............................................. to me.

It made me angry.

5. The children on the bus ............................................. very loudly on the way back to school after the trip.

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs (3 x 2 = 6 points)

in brackets. Use the Past Progressive or Past Simple.

1. The policemen ............................................. (drive) through the city center when

they ............................................. (receive) an emergency call.

2. The students ............................................. (copy) the homework from the board

when the bell ............................................. (rang).

3. I ............................................. (look for) my keys for hours last night. This morning

I ............................................. (find) them under my bed.

C Choose the correct answer. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. While the teacher was talking, I … , so I didn’t know what the homework was.

a. didn’t listen b. was listening c. wasn’t listening

2. I … you back because I was visiting my grandparents.

a. didn’t call b. wasn’t calling c. weren’t calling

3. I missed you at lunch yesterday. What … at 12:00?

a. did you do b. were you doing c. didn’t you do

4. Sally … her friend Ann a birthday present. Ann liked it very much.

a. bought b. was buying c. didn’t buy

5. … a message on the phone when your teacher saw you?

a. Did you send b. Were you sending c. Are you sending

D Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs (4 x 1 = 4 points)

in brackets. Use the Past Progressive or Past Simple.

The Detective

Ben is a detective at a large store. Last Tuesday there was a big sale

at the store. Ben was very busy that day because many people

1. ............................................ (shop) there. At 3:00 in the afternoon, he

2. ............................................ (walk) around the second floor when he

saw something strange. He saw a woman put a sweater in a big bag and start to leave without paying. Ben 3. ............................................ (stop) her and asked to see what was in her bag. He 4. ............................................ (find) two new sweaters in the bag, so he called the police.

Writing (15 points)

Write a paragraph about a trip you took with your friends or your family.

Write at least 70 words. Use the questions and the words below to help you.

• Where did you go?

• Who did you go with?

• What did you do?

• How did you feel about the trip?

First • Next • In the end












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