Day 1: What is FAITH

Our Responsibilities toward God

Lesson 1: Having Faith in God

Day One: What is faith?

1. Key Verse: Fill in the blanks and then memorize it!

Hebrews 11:6 (nasb) “And without ________ it is _______________to ________ Him, for he who _______ to God must __________ that He ___ and that He is a _______________ of those who (i.e., diligently) __________ Him.”

2. How is “faith” defined in Hebrews 11:1? “Now faith is…”

3. Write out a dictionary definition of faith.

4. In the following Old Testament verses, what synonyms are used for the phrase, “having faith”?

Genesis 15:6—

Psalm 22:4—

Isaiah 53:1—

Jeremiah 17:17—

5. If faith is a noun, then what are the two most common verbs that also mean “having faith in”?


Day Two: How do you get faith?

1. Read the following verses and then write out the part of the verse that tells us where faith comes from:

Romans 10:17—

Romans 12:3—

Ephesians 2:8—

Luke 17:5—

Day Three: How do you and others know that you have faith in God?

1. Match the Scripture reference with the corresponding “evidence of faith” by putting the appropriate letter in the blank (these are just a few of the many evidences of faith at work in your life). Are these “evidences” seen in your life?

Exodus 14:31 ___ a. I have endurance and patience

Habakkuk 2:4 ___ b. I am fearing God and believing Him

2 Corinthians 4:13 ___ c. I am asking and not doubting

2 Thessalonians 1:3 ___ d. I am living by faith

James 1:3 ___ e. I am speaking about God

James 1:6 ___ f. I am loving others and growing in faith

Day Four: What good is having faith in God?

1. Each of the following Scripture references tells us the benefit of having faith in God. Write out the key words or paraphrase the thought (you do not need to write out the entire verse).

By having faith in God we have…

Psalm 84:12—

Proverbs 3:5–6—

Matthew 21:21–22—

Romans 15:13—

Ephesians 3:12—

1 Peter 1:8—

1 John 5:4—

Day Five: What are some visuals of faith?

1. To what does Scripture compare faith?

Matthew 17:20, “faith as a ”

Ephesians 6:16, “the of faith”

1 Thessalonians 5:8, “the of faith”

2. How, or why, are these good pictures of faith to you?

3. Extra Challenge Assignment: Hebrews 11 is considered the “Faith Hall of Fame.” Skim through the chapter and list the names of the Bible characters who are cited as examples of faith. List as few, or as many, as you have time.

4. Name a person you know who has been an example to you of “having faith in God.” _________________________

Would you share how or why?

“There are a thousand ways of pleasing God, but not one without faith.” —Anonymous

Carolyn Berry Fall 2004


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